
By ColeenPalma

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Gino Elizalde is a guy whom every girl is dreaming of. He's hot, handsome, gentleman, smart, famous, talented... More

Listen-part 1 'Introducing Little Miss Stressed Out Writer'
Listen-part3 'I Found A Reason To Stay'
Listen-part4 'Abort Mission!'

Listen-part2 'Mission Impossible'

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By ColeenPalma

I eagerly re-opened the tab I closed a while ago and wrote my best friend’s love story. Her story fits perfectly for the feature area of Breathtaking Magazine, so here’s how it goes:

On the phone…

GINO: good morning baby. I love you

GIRLFRIEND #15: baby, let’s break up.

GINO: baby that morning joke is no fun at all. Haha. Love you babe.

GIRLFRIEND#15: no, I’m serious. I want a break up.

GINO: but why?!

GIRLFRIEND#15: coz you I noticed that you gained weight and it doesn’t look good on you.

GINO: did you even love me?

GIRLFRIEND#15: of course I did. Back then, when your abs was still well-toned.

GINO: so you loved me because of my abs and not because your heart beats for me?

GIRLFRIEND#15: I’m so sorry baby

GINO: I’m not your baby... anymore!

Believe it or not, this is the 15th time I got dumped. It feels horrible, to be honest. I don’t know why, but I think the girls I had in the past only liked me because I’m ‘almost perfect’ (as they say). And my life can’t continue like this. I believe I have to make a move.

I packed my things, left a letter for my parents, saying I won’t be home for a year and that she doesn’t have to worry because I’m in a good hands, and that If she insists to worry, I left my bank account number on her study table.

To cut the long story short, I am now enrolled in an all-girls school with a special program for deaf people (male and female). I’m not deaf but I want to try being imperfect. By doing this, I would know the people that are sincere to me.

This is the advantage of being rich. You can make impossible things possible.

So today’s the first day of class and I can’t believe I’m really doing this. I grabbed my backpack and jumped onto my car without even taking a bite of the sandwich on my dining table ‘coz I’m running late for school.

I entered the campus smiling because 90% of the students are girls (and the 10% goes to the male deaf students, the guards, and the professors). Ladies here are really pretty, I want to say hi to them so bad but I just can’t. I’m playing deaf remember?

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