The Damned Holies (The Fallen...

By bitysmith

4.4K 228 17

Angels. Cute, little Heavenly beings, right? Wrong. The angels, all sixteen of them, have been exiled... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Five

200 10 0
By bitysmith

“Xavier, wake up. It’s probably time for me to go.” I shook him softly awake. He’d had a long night getting the things I need so I had let him sleep while I had retrieved my clothes.

“What time is it?” He groaned as he got up.

I laughed. “Sore?’

He blushed a little. “Maybe… Aren’t you?”

“No, told you I wasn’t fragile. Now get up so I can hug you goodbye.”

He sat up and put his pants back on. I saw his back and my jaw dropped. Red lines criss-crossed all the way down his spine. He was also breathing shallow. Damn it, I hadn’t been careful enough. I quickly decided not to say anything, he would probably realize it soon enough, if he hadn’t already.

“Come here,” he smiled. I gave him a quick hug and pulled away even though he tried to kiss me. Some sappy goodbye was not something I wanted to think about later, when I needed to be focused.

“Au revoir, Xavier.”

“Can’t I at least take you to the airport?”

Typical Xavier, there was no point in arguing. “Fine.”

He grabbed the last bit of my things and I grabbed my backpack. I didn’t like anyone touching it. We left in his fancy car and he held out his right hand, presumably for me to hold. I subtly leaned away and looked out the window, pretending not to notice. We got to the airport relatively quick, despite the heavy traffic. I stashed my gun under a random car in the parking lot after I wiped off all my prints. Sucks for whatever human owned the car after security finds it. Xavier chased after me.

“Wait! Aimee!”

“What do you think you’re doing?’

“I’m coming with you.”

“Absolutely not.”

“I’m sick of Chicago. Everyone just pretends they’ll be alright and forget when an attack happens. It’s like they just have forced the knowledge of the existence of angels out of their heads. They’re zombies of what I used to be. I’m tired of pretending to be one of them.”

“That doesn’t matter. You’re safer here.”

“So are you.”

I let the silence stretch as I thought for an appropriate response. “Cut the bullshit, Xavier. I’m not safe anywhere. The angels follow my every move and the human governments are placing bounties on my head. Besides, I can barely keep myself alive, much less you. You’re fragile, you’re human, and, like it or not, you’re a liability.”

“But you’re you. You always get out of the bad situations.”

“One of these days my luck will run out. It’s impossible to stay neutral and stay alive at the same time.”

“What side do you think you’ll choose?”

“What kind of question is that? The angels aren’t the ones who want to steal my blood, violate me, dissect me like a frog in a high school biology class, and then when my use runs out… They’ll dispose of me in a body bag and probably throw me into a ditch along some vacant highway”

“But the angels…” He murmured, trailing off.

“I know, they’re horrible. It will be on my terms though, not theirs. I promise you that.” I reached the entrance to the airport and quickly put in my contacts. “Give me my ticket, and leave.”


“Xavier, don’t make me drag you kicking and screaming back to your car.”

“You cannot do that.”

I gave him a hard stare. “Oh, really? So did I not crack one of your ribs earlier? Am I just imagining you trying not to struggle to breath? And you think I couldn’t restrain you?” I pointed between him and I. “Whatever happened between us was a bad idea. A very bad idea. That was me holding back to the best of my ability. Why do you think I’ve never slept with anyone else?”

“Shut up, Aimee.” He pulled the ticket out of his back pocket, but then slid it sideways in his hand to reveal that he had two.

“What the hell, Xavier!” I exclaimed. “I just don’t want you to die.”

“I promise to be careful.”

“Careful won’t cut it.”

He held open the door for me and ushered me inside. I growled as he said, “It’ll have to.”

We went to the airport and checked in our bags. I took my backpack as a carry on. We got searched and then sat down and waited. I loved flying but waiting in airports is not something I’m fond of. Waiting at all, actually; I get nervous. Especially when angels are stalking me and the humans are riding up my ass.

Xavier leaned over and whispered, “Relax, Aimee.”

I sent him a death glare.

He turned away and muttered something that sounded like “or maybe not.”

I kept glancing at the guards, locating the security cameras, and all the civilians. Oh, and the exits too. If I was found out, I would run to the nearest guard who was a few yards away, steal his gun, and try to make it to one of the huge windows that showed the landing strips without getting shot in the process. I was a lot faster than a human though, so I think I’d be good. I relaxed once I thought through my getaway plan.

After half an hour, Xavier and I got on the plane. We were one of the first to board because we had first class tickets. Xavier liked flaunting his wealth around me, but it was a lot nicer than economy so I didn’t bother to open my mouth and complain.

We took off a little while later. This was going to be a really long plane ride. To pass the time, I read some magazines and watched the sky dim and stars appear outside of my window. It was really pretty. We were served some kind of pasta which I ate without tasting. Once full and the lights extinguished, I closed my eyes and waited for sleep to come.

I listened to the hum of the engines and the quiet whispering of strangers. I felt a blanket get pulled over my lap and Xavier touched my hand lightly, unsure. His fingers twisted around mine and I let them stay, trying not to give it much thought.

We are only friends, I tried to convince myself.

But you slept with him, you wanted to, you have feelings…

That doesn’t matter. If I care about him at all, I will keep him safe. I won’t let him get even more mixed up in my life. If he gets caught in the crossfire and I can’t save him, I won’t be able to live with myself.

My conscience’s argument in my head was the last thing I remembered before I passed out.

* * *

I woke up with my head resting on Xavier’s shoulder and his cheek squashed against my skull. I gently pushed his head to the other side and stood up. I touched my numb toes and felt the burning sensation in my calves. I continued stretching in the dark plane, totally silent except for the quiet breathing.

A few minutes later, a voice was heard over the speakers. The voice was feminine and soft, just loud enough to be heard. “We’ll be arriving in Dublin in an hour and a half.” This signaled it was my opportunity to use the restroom because not many people were awake yet.

The bathroom was surprisingly smell free, which I gratefully exhaled. The whites of my eyes were red because I fell asleep with the contacts still in. I took them out, threw them in the small waste basket, and washed my face with cool water. I was determined to keep my mood in neutral so my eyes would stay brown as if the contacts were still applied.

“No stormy thoughts, Aimee.” I said to myself in the mirror. I didn’t like my hair being this dark, it made me look pale, and it didn’t match with my features. I decided I had enough looking at my foreign self and left the bathroom to return to my seat next to Xavier, who was still sleeping. I opened my little window so I could get enough light in here to see as I pulled the map out of my bag. I crossed off all the secret camps and bases I’ve destroyed… By various means. I checked ones I’ve traveled to, felt like they were not a threat, and left as quietly as I came. I circled the base in the Irish countryside over and over again.

I don’t know how I’d get there, or how I would finally leave Xavier. My safest bet was to leave without telling him; it would hurt less. For him. I glanced over at him, and tried not to notice how his eyebrows were drawn together in pain. That was what I had done to him, even when I was holding back to the best of my ability. I was not meant to be loved by humans, especially Xavier. After all I’ve done to him… When we were little, I broke his arm while we were having an arm wrestling competition. I’ve left him time and time again. Sometimes without even as much as a goodbye.

“I’m genuinely sorry that you met me, Xavier. Your life would be better without me, even if you don’t think so. You can’t love me. I’m not a person who is supposed to be loved. I was a mistake. I care about you too much to bring you into my life; you have no idea what my life is really like. It would be selfish of me to do that to you. I am trying to save you unnecessary pain and I am so sorry.” I whispered, barely loud enough for me to hear.

I went back to looking over my map. Whatever I find in Ireland will dictate what my next move is. Good thing I can make split second decisions… I suppose it comes with the lifestyle. What was the name on my ID again? I grabbed it from my bag. Oh yeah, Lily Pike.

I chuckled because money can get you anything; a new name, a new face, a new life. Although, I’m Aimee Chevalier, of Angel and French descent. I was named after my mother, of course. It’s been a long time since I’ve truly thought about her… Pushing things to the back of my mind seems to be my preferred way of coping with things. I can still remember her face clearly in my memory, and my father’s.

She was one of the most beautiful women on Earth. She had long, long dark brown hair that shimmered auburn in the sunlight, a heart-shaped and kind face, loving and gentle big brown eyes, and the shape of her body was similar to mine… All of that was destroyed, burned so badly none of us could recognize her. They had to use her dental records and just that thought made me sick.

Mom was killed when I was sixteen. Some of the people in our neighborhood found out what I was and what my mom had done. I don’t know how. We were always so careful. Even though we hadn’t done anything to them, they tried to kill us both.

The flashback seemed all too real.

I awoke to the crash of something thrown through my window. The carpet ignited in flame and black smoke billowed upward, choking me and burning my eyes. I heard yelling from outside. I know I needed to get out of the house fast. I heard more glass breaking from downstairs. Flames consumed my curtains and the pile of dirty clothes laying next to my bed. The carpet was gone by now, black and smoldering. I jumped up on my bed and threw my sheets onto the ground, sprinting quickly over them. When I tried to open my door, the doorknob sizzled on contact with my skin. I snatched my hand back too late, knowing my skin had melted, and kicked the door apart with the heel of my foot. The hallway was consumed by smoke and flame, the hot floor made me run faster.

I raced down the stairs but one splintered and caved in. My foot followed and I cried out in agony. My eyes turned neon purple from fear. I picked my foot up and limped down the stairs. Downstairs was ablaze also. I hopped over the burning rugs, I was thinking my feet were melting and on fire.

I stopped limping and full-out ran to the kitchen where the back door was located. I could barely see. The black smoke was too much for my finely attuned senses. My lungs burned, feeling like they were crisping, baking, frying inside me. My throat was raw from all of the chemicals I was inhaling and from breathing so hard, trying to suck in the oxygen I so desperately needed.

I blindly felt my way to the door, throwing it open, breaking it off its hinges, running away from my home that was burning to the ground behind me. I gulped in the cool night air and collapsed on the ground.

A woman’s piercing scream rang through the air. “Aimeeeeeeeeee!”

“No, no, no… Mom…” I tried to shriek but my voice was barely a hoarse whisper. I tried to get up but I fell back and the stars spun above me, flames danced before my eyes, and the darkness consumed me.

When I woke up from my comatose state, I could tell by the familiar smells that I was at Xavier’s house. I saw Xavier and Grandmother both hovering over me. Tears leaked out of the corners of my eyes. In the quietest, raspy, painful voice, I asked, “Mom… Did she make it?”

They didn’t answer but I saw the look in both of their eyes. Xavier held my hand and started to cry. Grandmother tried to keep a stiff composure but her eyes were bloodshot. I didn’t know what to do. I looked back and forth between them rapidly, my breath caught in my chest. Something made it impossible for me to scream, or cry, or sob, or breathe. Bandages covered my hand, ankle, and feet. I could still feel the heat of the fire under them.

She was gone. She was dead. I could have saved her.

Then I fainted once again.

The flashback ended when I shook my head. I held my head in my hands and tried not to cry. I murmured over and over again, “I could have saved her, I could have saved her.” The truth is, I still haven’t forgiven myself for that. I had ran away and never even gave her a thought. How could I forgive myself?

I put my few belongings back in my backpack and clicked my seatbelt together, rubbing the scar on my palm. It was the scar I got from the fire, from the hot doorknob melting my skin. “Xavier, wake up. We’re going to be landing soon.”

“How soon?” He mumbled.

“Not sure. Maybe half an hour.”

“Not soon enough to wake up then.”

“Your fragile little ears are probably going to pop when we descend.”

“Don’t remind me.” He sat up straighter and rubbed his face. “Why are you so wide awake?”

“I’ve been up for awhile, plus I’m a morning person.”

“I don’t remember that.”

I looked away from him. “Well, I’ve changed a lot, Xavier. I may be the same person at the core of my being, but things have definitely changed.”

He tried to talk but I shot him a “back off” look and he closed his mouth. We remained quiet while the jet landed and everyone entered the airport. We followed the signs to baggage claim. I was wary the entire time because I sensed an angel, but it was very faint. I kept my head down and let Xavier lead the way. After we got our luggage, I grabbed us a taxi and Xavier gave the driver the name of the hotel.

The driver was a talkative, heavyset fellow with orange hair. His Irish accent was comical to me and Xavier thought so too. I spoke to him in Irish for a bit, making average smalltalk. People always loved talking to foreigners in their native tongue and had respect for them when the foreigners were actually fluent and didn’t butcher words. Of course I was fluent, go figure.

As we were driving away from the airport, two figures standing in the rain caught my attention. They were unmistakable. The Thrones were hard to miss, any angels were hard to miss. Sarah’s pure white hair was a stark contrast to the drizzling gray weather. Her tropical sea-green eyes met mine instantaneously, seeming to glow even from this distance. She had an angular face, all cheekbones, with a tan complexion. She was way smaller than I was, very short and thin. Her partner stood next to her, glaring at me. Amelia’s strawberry blonde hair was  the perfect combination of pink and gold, as always. Her steel eyes matched the rain, as gray as the dirty snow that gathered on the sides of Chicago’s streets during the winter. Her face was soft, making her appear younger. She was about the same height as Sarah but had plenty of curves.

Amelia leaned forward, about to start running after us, but Sarah’s arm whipped out and held her back. Sarah’s mouth never moved. She didn’t talk much. She just shook her head and looked at Amelia. Angels had some kind of telepathic bond. Amelia scowled but looked at me and gave me a little nod, disappearing. Sarah followed her.

I exhaled the breath that I had been holding in and looked forward, trying to relax a little bit. That was definitely odd, to say the least. I don’t know what I should expect because of that.

“Aimee, something wrong?”

“No, nothing.” I quickly replied, trying to keep my voice light and cheerful. Then I continued talking in Irish to the cab driver. He was telling me about his family and asked what we were doing in Ireland. I told him we were here for business. I had to contain the laugh that threatened to bubble over.

We arrived at the hotel and I made Xavier give the driver a nice tip. We did the usual check-in routine and Xavier stopped in front of the elevator.

“I’ll race you.” I challenged. “I’ll take the stairs. You should probably give me a room key so I can open the door when I get there before you.”

“Don’t sound so sure of yourself, Aimee, our room is on the tenth floor.” He grinned but grudgingly handed over one of the room key cards.

When the elevator doors opened, I raced up the stairwell. Needless to say, I won. I was lounging over the bed when Xavier opened the door. “One bed, huh?” I asked accusingly, taking off my sweater.


“I’m already on it. Got here first. You get the floor.”

“Share?” Xavier purred, grinning a sexy smile.

“You wish.”

His facial expression got serious all of the sudden, “Aimee… Tell me what’s going on. As in, why exactly are we in Ireland?”

It was time to tell him answers, I suppose. I hadn’t planned on telling him about this because I never thought he would follow me here. I drew in a breath and sat up. “The logo you showed me is a family crest or, was a family crest. My dad saw it a long time ago. When I say a long time ago, it means a long, LONG time ago. It belonged to a royal Irish family back in the day, now it belongs to a top-secret facility in Southern Ireland.” I paused. “I’m guessing the angels are held there or information about them, at least.”

“Okay, go on.”

“The facility is about a mile underground and you are absolutely not coming. You’d die.”

“Why do you care so much about these captured angels?”

I wasn’t prepared for a question like that. I didn’t really have time to make up a good lie. “Xavier, do you ever wonder why my father was absent for my whole life?”

His facial expression softened. “Aimee, is that what this is about? I don’t mean to be rude in any way, but he probably didn’t care. He hasn’t been imprisoned. The angels are just like that.”

“No offense taken, but angels aren’t like that. They’re prideful. He would have been curious to see how his creation turned out, at least. I haven’t ever met him, and my mom never answered me when I asked why he never visited.”

“I just don’t want you to be disappointed.”

“It’s a childish dream, I know, but I want an answer. I’ll feel better once I know.”

“Do you know if you’re immortal?” He asks out of the blue, his eyes staring out into space, more accurately… The wall.

“I’ve never thought about it.”


“I don’t know. I never have time to. I don’t think so.”

“Do you know why the angels fell?”


“You have some of your father’s memories. So surely, you’d know.”

“I don’t know. That part is blocked out to me, anything to do with Heaven is.”

Xavier sat down on the bed beside me and slung his arm over me. I forced myself not to pull away like my body wanted to. “Be happy. I have to leave but I’ll be back… With presents.”

I smiled. “The deadly kind?”

He shook his head and chuckled low in his throat. “Is there any other kind for you? I didn’t think you were into sex toys.” He got up and grabbed his jacket and a room key. He opened his suitcase and slipped his ID and gold credit card into his pocket. He came back to me and leaned down for a hug. His genuine leather jacket smelled warm but felt cool against my bare arms.

“Money makes the world go ‘round.” I joked softly.

“And to think I thought it was love.” He murmured, trying to kiss me. I turned my face away so his lips hit my cheek.

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