[✔️] Across The Years | Seulr...

By zhenaerys

427K 19K 25.7K

Falling in love with someone is a crazy feeling. Whether it's forbidden, complicated, or secretly then can't... More

Ch. 1 - An old photo
Ch. 2 - The box
Ch. 3 - A new job
Ch. 4 - Is she or isn't she
Ch. 5 - A spider's web
Ch. 6 - Possibilities
Ch. 7 - Groovy
Ch. 8 - Happy birthday, John
Ch. 9 - Never pass up a chance to see Freddy
Ch. 10 - End of a long road
Ch. 11 - Roughing it
Ch. 12 - Upstairs/Downstairs
Ch. 13 - Not in our stars
Ch. 14 - One day down
Ch. 15 - Breaking character
Ch. 16 - Knock knock
Ch. 17 - The ride
Ch. 19 - A little peek
Ch. 20 - The garden
Ch. 21 - The moment (Part I)
Ch. 22 - The moment (Part II)
Ch. 23 - Too little, too late
Ch. 24 - Running down the clock
Ch. 25 - The circle
Ch. 26 - Out of the frying pan, into the fire
Ch. 27 - Remember me
Ch. 28 - A new world
Ch. 29 - Stranger in a strange land
Ch. 30 - Trouble in paradise
Ch. 31 - Who's the villain
Ch. 32 - Out in the open
Ch. 33 - Catching up
Ch. 34 - Fate or chance
Last Chapter - Wraparound

Ch. 18 - Another outing

9.8K 498 524
By zhenaerys

Seulgi's POV

I was very pleased with our day out, even more pleased when Irene asked me to spend the following Monday with her. Sadly, I had to make it through another week of playing servant. It's not fun, believe me. At work at 6 am and working pretty much until late. Not to mention the work can be grueling; scrub this, clean that, empty that, chop that, serve this and so on and so on and so on. It's mind numbing, to put it simply.

During my working hours, I've been taking care to work extra hard and be as professional as I can be. Irene is taking a risk, by befriending me. I must not make her look bad by appearing to take advantage of her by goofing off. I find it hard to be with her so often and not be able to do or say anything.

It sounds strange, but in some respect I've turned off my 2018 personality and let my character take over. She's tough frontier girl and can handle hard work with no complaint, it's one of the ways I cope with the long hours and hard work.

2018 Seulgi would endlessly bitch and make everyone around her miserable from having to work 15 hours a day. I've got her boxed up pretty good, but she escapes from time to time. Like that withering glare I gave one of the gank trio when Irene and I were out. I or she, it is confusing, I would have liked to kick the shit out of all of them. But that would embarrass Irene to no end and I simply won't do that.

I'm here with her, but it's largely a lie. I lay in bed at night, thinking how I could ever explain this.

But to distract me, I watch movies, read and play games. Since I'm an official time traveler, I decided to actually watch some science fiction. I had saved a few interesting looking ones on my kindle fire for me to watch. I started with the original Terminator. I liked that movie, it was dark, gritty and intense. I watched about 20 minutes of the second one, before I realized I couldn't stand the kid playing John Connor. He was annoying as fuck and I quickly found myself rooting for the evil Terminator.

The night before my next day off, Irene said she would come by around 9 in the morning, after breakfast. We hadn't discussed any plans, but I have been looking forward to it. Okay, I've been dying for Monday to come, I admitted it, happy now?!

As per normal on my day off, I slept for a bit, got up, washed myself using the ice cold stream water, made myself a meager breakfast and dressed. Of course, I made myself some coffee. I'm starting to get good at using the coffee grinder and the crude coffee pot.

I was ready at 9 AM, wearing my best dress when I heard a knock. I opened the door to find a bubbly Irene standing there wearing a smile. For the most part, I've always found smiles to be annoying. A smile is supposed to make you happy, so what if I don't want to be happy? Don't be smiling your smile and forcing your happiness on me. But I like Irene's smile, she's allowed to smile.

"Good Morning, Seulgi. How are you this fine morning?"

I couldn't help myself and let a bit of my modern snarkyness leaked out. So I casually leaned up against the door frame, smirked and retorted playfully. "Well, I don't have to clean your chamber pot today, so all in all. It's a good day so far."

Her eyes opened wide and her mouth half fell open but no sound came out. I don't think she didn't quite know what to say. After a moment, Irene sputtered, looking somewhat embarrassed. "Ah... Ah... That's nice... I guess."

I nodded, "Yes it is, so what do we have planned for today?"

Recovering from her embarrassment, she smiled. "Well, I have to go into London this morning. I ordered a ball gown from Paris and they said it would be in today. I am going to go pick it up from the dressmaker."

My smirk widened just a bit more, "Aaaand... you need someone to drive."

Irene suddenly frowned and looked just a bit hurt, I guessed she didn't quite get my humor. "I didn't just need you do drive, I wanted to spend the day with you. A chance to get away from all the..."

Feeling bad, I put my hand on her shoulder. "I was Jesting. Having a bit of fun at your expense. I've been looking forward to today. I'm ready to go if you'd like."

Irene quickly smiled again and nodded quickly, "Yes, I have a surprise for later. I hope you like surprises."

"Normally I hate surprises. Actually I hate lots of things, but in your case I'll make a exception." I said as I left the cabin and closed the door.

She had the wagon and horses ready by the barn and soon we were off. Though I was kidding about driving, I did take the reins.

As our wagon got out of town. Irene, who had been mostly silent, asked. "So Seulgi, I know you read a lot. What kind of stories do you like to read?"

"I like reading scary stories, ghost stories. Edgar Allen Poe is one of my favorites."

She shuddered a bit, "I do not like ghost stories. I've heard of Mr. Poe, the American writer. But I've never read any of his stories. Can you tell me about one?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I think if you tell me about it, it won't be scary."

"Well, my favorite is Masque of the red death. It's a short story. In olden times there is a kingdom where a terrible sickness has fallen upon the land. Many are dying. There is this prince who cares nothing about the sufferings of his people. So he takes all the nobles and rich and they seal themselves in an abbey with enough food to last a while. They plan to let the plague run its course, leaving the commoners to die, then emerge after.

One night, they throw a grand costume ball. All is well, until the prince spots a guest wearing the costume of someone with the plague. Angered, he chases the guest through the abbey, until he reaches him and pulls off the mask. Much to his horror, he sees nothing underneath. It is essentially death itself. Soon the prince and his selfish guests all fall dead due to the plague."

Irene seemed to shiver, but at the same time enjoyed my little telling of the story. "That sounds scary. If I read such a story, it would most certainly give me nightmares. Do tell me about another story."

"Wait, I thought you said they would give you nightmares?"

"I like hearing them from you."

A lot of stories I couldn't mention as they had not been written yet, but there were a number of ghost/scary stories that I could mention. I read a bunch of gothic ghost stories in the last few months in my preparations.

I told her I liked stories of vampires and briefly described two novels I had read, 'The Vampyre' by John W Polidory in 1819 and 'Varney the vampire', written by James Rymer in 1847. Again, she seemed fascinated and scared at the same time. I got the impression that she would not read such stories alone.

Gradually, the conversation drifted to other subjects and we finally arrived in London. As I drove the wagon through downtown I spotted several women standing on a street corner, holding crudely drawn signs asking to be given the right to vote.

As our wagon went down the street towards them, I could see several other walking past who give them rather dirty looks and a few verbally taunted them.

"Look at them," said Irene in a somewhat haughty and disapproving tone. "What is the world coming to?"

1869 Seulgi would have said little or nothing. But in this case, 2018 Seulgi broke free and decided to speak up. I love Irene, but I can't just sit by and say nothing.

"Yes, I see them. A group of women standing on a street corner, asking merely to have a say in their countries affairs. A vote, a voice, wanting to be heard. They are protesting peacefully and what is happening to them. They get insulted, glared at, treated with disdain."

She looked at me curiously, "Surely you don't agree with that rabble."

"Yes I do," I said as I gave an approving nod to the women as we passed them.

They seemed appreciative of the gesture.

"Women can't vote, it's just not done. They belong in..."

Quickly cutting her off, I ranted. "In the kitchen? No, we can do anything any man can do. I can make informed decisions about who I want to see in political office, I can run a business, I can do anything I want and so can you. Men want us in the kitchen, so that they can run things. Men are fools. They think with their penises more than anything else."

"I see you feel strongly about that," Irene answered in a somewhat demure and shy tone.

Realizing I had pushed a little too hard, too fast, I changed the subject.

"According to the directions you gave me, we're nearly at the dress store."


Silence reigned during the last part of the ride to the dress store. I need to keep the modern Seulgi under wraps a bit more. We arrived at the upscale dress shop and both entered. Irene immediately went to one of the clerks to inquire about her dress. I, feeling stupid and a bit angry at myself, quietly looked at the latest 1869 fashions.

Soon Irene was in the back trying on her dress and I was alone in front of the store. I kept wondering if I blew it.

"Can I help you find something?" Said a young female sales clerk, "We have the latest styles from Paris."

"No thank you, I'm just waiting for my friend."

Sadly she persisted; each time I happened to glance at a dress, she would immediately extol its virtues.

I remained patient for a while, but I quickly grew tired of the woman as she seemed hell bent on putting me into a dress. My mind was on Irene and my worries about having said too much.

She held a green dress, that looked like something out of Gone with the Wind, up to me. "What about this one? It would look so beautiful, I'm sure you would have no problem at all finding a husband with this."

For the second time this morning, modern Seulgi broke from her cage and I immediately snapped at the woman. "NO, I don't want a dress right now. Besides, I have better things to do than find a husband. Like live my own life and make my own decisions. Husband... heh... what a revolting thought. Go away, I don't like you."

The woman stepped back and looked at me as if I had suddenly grew horns and a tail. I'll admit I found the rather shocked look on her face pleasing. Wordlessly, she went around behind me, presumably to the back of the store.

Again I found myself feeling stupid for breaking character, "Seulgi, shut the fuck up!" I hissed, while rubbing my face.

"Seulgi?" I suddenly could hear Irene say behind me.

Startled, I turned around to see her in a beautiful pinkish ball gown. "I have my new dress on, I wondered if you wanted to see it."

For a moment I was taken away by her beauty. She was wearing a floor length, dark pink ball gown with the hoop type skirt. It was covered in lace and frills and she looked amazingly stunning in it.

"You look beautiful, it certainly suits you."

Irene seemed to blush slightly, "Thank you, I'll have them box it up."

As Irene left, I suddenly realized that she may have overheard my little rant to the sales clerk. Just what I needed.

She emerged a short while later and changed back into her normal clothes, with a large box for her dress.

"Please put it on my father's account," Irene said to a different clerk.

"Yes of course, Madam."

We were soon off back to Herford and I very much stuck to my character. If Irene did overhear me, she made no indication that she did.

Upon arriving back I found out what the surprise was. Irene had Thomas make us up a picnic lunch, which we took to the park. It was just after noon when we did arrive back, so it was just in time. We went to the park and had a wonderful picnic lunch. I stayed in character and we chatted for hours, talking about all the things that a person in 1869 would talk about. Though few of them would be what I wanted to talk about. Irene seemed to avoid talking about her wedding. I knew it weighed heavily on her mind and today was an escape.

Regardless, I loved being with her and she seemed to love being with me.

We arrived back at the Ferrer home around 4 in the afternoon and I walked Irene to her doorstep.

"Well, thank you for the wonderful lunch and just spending the day with me." I said.

She smiled, the kind of smile that always makes my heart skip a beat. "No, it was my pleasure. You're a wonderful, intelligent and funny companion. I shall see you tomorrow Seulgi, thank you. Have a good night."

For a moment there, it looks like she wanted to say something else, but that quickly passed and she went inside.

I had a wonderful day, other than a few outbursts from 2018 Seulgi. But I was left with the same predicament, how do I get to Irene and how do I change things I have so few opportunities.

A few hours later, I was cooking a stew for my dinner when I heard a knock at my door. Opening it, I saw Irene's father and another well-dressed white haired gentleman.

"Seulgi, I know it's your day off, but can we speak with you?"

I nodded and moved to admit them in.

As they entered, Mr. Ferrer pointed to the other man. "Seulgi. This is Sir Miles Evanston, a friend of mine. Sir Miles, this is Seulgi Kang, the Korean-American I was talking to you about."

I curtsied in the appropriate fashion, "Hello Sir Miles, what can I do for you this evening?"

"Your employer has told me you are a grand talented actress and have some knowledge of Shakespeare."

"Yes Sir, I am an actress and have performed Shakespeare."

"May I see a sample please."

I nodded and performed few lines from "Much ado about nothing." With me doing Beatrice. It was one of the plays I had studied in the previous year.

Sir Miles quickly clapped, "You'll do fine. I'm having a formal ball this Saturday June the 5th. I've always been a big fan of the theatre and thought it might be a bit fun to have some actors perform one or two scenes from a few of my favorite plays. The woman I had hired to play the woman's parts, has gotten sick. I had mentioned it to your employer and he immediately suggested you. If you are game, I'd like to hire you. I can pay 5 shillings for your work and after, you can feel free to enjoy my hospitality. It will be a wonderful party, are you interested?"

I would love to get a chance to do some acting. I looked to Irene's father, "I'd like to, with your permission of course."

Mr. Ferrer nodded, "Of course, and I'll even give you some time to practice with the actor you'll be working with."

Curious, I looked to Sir Miles. "May I ask who I will be working with?"

Sir Miles beamed with pride, "I've procured the service of Charles Green, a well-known Shakespearian actor."

I knew that name instantly and nearly fainted when I heard it. Charles Green, who was already well known by now, would be by the 1880's, probably one of the most famous Shakespearian actors in all of Europe. He would eventually perform for Queen Victoria herself along with numerous other heads of state.

I would get to work and see with one of the best of the best, in acting circles he's considered a legend. I couldn't help but grin, "Well, you've gotten yourself an actress."

"Excellent! I'll send a carriage for you tomorrow evening at 7 PM. It will take you to my mansion, where you and Mr. Green can rehearse."

Irene's father then chimed in, "Seulgi, you'll need some appropriate attire. We'll arrange for something. Irene was quite excited for the party herself. I'm sure she'll enjoy having you come."

Now things were really looking up. Looks like Cinderella is going to the ball, "I'm looking forward to it."


We'll leave Seulgi for now and go to Irene's latest journal entry this evening.

Monday May 31st 1869.

I spent a good portion of the day with Seulgi. I find her to be more fascinating with each passing day. She is bold and a bit opinionated, but every time I see her I feel something inside me move. Spending time with her, I see there are two sides to her. One she shows most of the time and another which she keeps more hidden. I sense it. I know there is much more to her than I can see. She holds a secret, I know she does. I scarcely dare even put it to paper, for fear that I'm wrong.

Like a subtle thief, she's been stealing glances of me. It took me a while to notice but she does. Perhaps I was too busy trying not to be seen stealing glances of her. Could she be one that desires a softer touch? I know I should not be thinking of such things so close to my wedding, perhaps at all. I heard her today saying she found the thought of a husband a revolting thought. I don't think she knows I heard. That convinced me once and for all. The forbidden part of me was thrilled at the thought, before I came to my senses.

I find her consuming more and more of my thoughts, I just don't know what to do. I have found that she has been invited to perform at Sir Miles Ball this Saturday and she will be coming along with me. My heart jumped when I first heard it, then I worried what it would mean. Mark, my husband to be, told me that he had business in London and would not be able to attend. I think I find the prospect of going with her more exciting than him. I must pray for forgiveness, for feeling that way.

I know I will be happy with him, but why can't I pull my thoughts away from Seulgi.


The stories that Seulgi mention are all real. The Actor, Charles Green is a made up character.

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