
By nicedood101

30.3K 685 82

Faith is done with men, for good, forever. Then her car breaks down and a series of some unexpectedly fortuna... More

Piece of Work
Friday Night Special
Coffee and Spiders
4 to 6
Worlds Best Diner
Holy Intervention
Football and Family
Cold Bleachers
4 Beers Later
Talk of the Town
Russel Loves Gossip
Never? Forever.
Caller ID
The Big Screen
Get a Room
Better Sandwiches
Faith or Football
No Regrets
Road Closed
Mi Casa, Su Casa
I'm Competitive
Lucky Charm
Little Black Dress
Home Sweet Home
Quarter Final
Timing is Everything
Blake? George.
Last Cigarette
Sound Effects
Every 30 Seconds
I Love to Bicker
Breath 1...2...3
Here We Go
Hell Of A Week
Good Luck
Groomsmen from Hell
Stealth Departure
Mr and Mrs McGraw
Thanks Tug
Rose and Ryan
The End
New Story
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536 17 0
By nicedood101

Faiths POV
Tim and I finished skiing and I really enjoyed it. I don't think we will go skiing again tomorrow though because I think Tim spent more time getting up off the ground than actually skiing. At least he looked good doing it.
"Hey baby, we have the restaurant on the mountain booked for tomorrow, I was thinking tonight we can drive down to the town and get dinner there?" Tim says. We just got back to the chalet and are hanging out in the bedroom. He's laying on his stomach and I'm sitting on top of him rubbing his back since he fell so many times.
"Yeah honey, I think that'd be nice. I saw a karaoke bar when e drove through." I tell him. God I love karaoke. It's always so much and if there's a whole lot of people then you meet some really nice people and have a lot of fun. I finish rubbing his back and we start to get ready. I hear Tim start the shower. We were doing very physical things all day so I need a shower as well, I could wait but it's getting late and we don't want to head out to late do we? I undress and join him.
"Hello there." He says using that voice that makes me melt. We spent more time in the shower than we probably would've on our own but I'm fine with that.
"We should do that more often." Tim says as we get dressed. He's such a dork. We get into his truck and drive down the mountain. The way the town lights sparkle in the distance is mesmerising. It's hard to believe that after being unhappy and decent ayes with Dan I could be here on my way to do karaoke with the love of my life. We get into telluride and find a tavern type thing that serves as the towns karaoke hotspot. Tim and I go up to order drinks and some food.
"What can I get you, pretty lady." The bartender says as I approach. Within a second of him finishing his sentence Tim wraps his arm around my waist and says "we'll have 2 beers and 2 burgers thanks." God he's adorable. We find a table and watch as people do some karaoke.
"So what have you decided for the wedding?" Tim asks.
"Definitely October. I think it would be special. Then we can get married in our church maybe and then go you your aunts house for the reception." I say.
"Why don't we just have the ceremony under the tree?" Tim says taking a sip of his beer. I actually really like the idea. I'm so excited to get married to Tim. I love him so much and being able to share the rest of my life with him makes me giddy.
"That's a great idea baby." I tell him as we finish our burgers. By the time Tim and I go up to do our round of karaoke there are plenty of people in the tavern. We sing a country duet, we wouldn't make much cash but lord we sure had fun. We talk to all the people around us and have a really great night. Tim is so great like that, he just makes everyone so comfortable and everyone wants to be friends with him. I'm so lucky.

Christmas Eve
We have had such as busy 2 weeks leading up to Christmas, especially these last few days. I thought it would be nice to invite Faiths family to have Christmas with us, I just have never hosted a Christmas so I didn't realise how much work it would be. Faith's parents and her 2 brothers along with their wives and children drove in 2 days ago and my sisters are both here now as well. Since we have plenty of room here we have both my sisters and their families here along with faiths parents. Since I still own my old house Faiths brothers and their families are staying there. My mom has been playing tour guide the last few days with Miss Gracie so that Faith and I can get the house decorated and food prepared. It's crazy, I had to glaze a ham then skewer on pineapples and cherries like I thought you bought them like that. Faith hasn't been feeling well either which has made it extra hard to get everything done. I think it's just the stress of having everyone here on top of trying to start wedding planning, but if anyone can handle it it's Faith.
"Baby, pass me the can opener." Faith asks as we prepare more food. This is probably the worst part. We had a lot of fun getting all the presents for our nieces and nephews I was like a kid in a toy shop, kind of literally. Faiths doing the beets when I see her sprint of to the bathroom. I follow her to see her over the toilet bowl.
"Baby are you okay?" I say bending down to hold her hair back. She just lets out a groan. I lift her up and take her to the couch and get her a glass of water. "What's up?" I ask sitting down next to her.
"I don't know. I've just been feeling pretty sick these past few days. I'm sure it will pass." She says to me.
"What do you think it could be?" I ask her. I'm not an idiot. We've been having unprotected sex for a while, a lot of it. I just assumed she was taking birth control. I mean I would love to have a baby with Faith, right now even, I'm just not sure if she would share my excitement. I think she gets what I'm hinting at.
"We're just going to have to go to the doctors first thing Monday." She says. Is it wrong that I'm excited? I mean a little Faith that I could just hold and see blossom into a beautiful woman like her mom. That sounds amazing.
"Yeah we will." I reassure her. I tell her to stay on the couch so that i can finish in the kitchen. She tries to say that she's okay but I'm not having a bar of it. Besides there wasn't even much to do. I finish by 2pm. Our guests should be home soon and everything is perfect and ready for tomorrow. I sit on the couch with Faith and just hold her close to me.
"Do you think it could be?" I ask her softly.
"I don't know Tim. Maybe." She sounds terrified.
"Would it really be such a bad thing?" She's quiet for a moment and I'm horrified that I've said all the wrong things.
"No. But we've had almost no time just for the two of us. And we're not even married yet." She says sitting up and looking at me.
"Well maybe we're going to have to get married sooner." I tell her. Honestly I don't want to have to wait till October but I make it sound like a joke.
"Tim, I'm not going to be fat on my wedding day. If there's anyone in here, we are gonna wait until they're here to get married." She explains. It was worth a try.
"Okay, that's fine." I say unconvincingly. "We still set on Ryan and Rose?" I ask her. She looks shocked.
"You remembered? I think I said that like once, months ago." I laugh at her. She obviously doesn't know how much every word she says captivates me. We spend the afternoon planning for a baby that we don't officially have yet. Sandy and Tracy burst through the door.
"Uncle Tim! Aunt Faith!" My nieces yell jumping onto the couch with us. "Geemaw and Miss Gracie took us catfishing and then Daniel fell in!" Sarah says. Daniel is Faiths brothers son. My mom and Miss Gracie enter with Tend and Edna.
"Are y'all coming over for Christmas Eve dinner?" My mom asks. It's not so much a request since everyone already said we would.
"Yeah mom, we will all be over at like 5:30?" I say. She agrees and her and Miss Gracie leave. Faith and my sisters head outside with kids leaving me and my brother in laws inside. Faiths parents went for a walk. They're so cute, and love exploring.
"So Tim? We all getting ready for an October wedding?" Sandys  husband asks.
"Yeah looks like it."
"You don't sound thrilled." He replies.
"No it's just that I don't understand why we have to have such a long engagement." I explain my frustration. They both just laugh at me.
"Oh Tim. What your going to learn is that a wedding matters 1000 times more to her than to you. Not because she loves you more or anything but because from the time that she was like 6 she's been dreaming about this day." Sandys husband explains.
"And each time you just nod your head or make her dream day as perfect as what she's imagined it to be you bank up brownie points for the honeymoon." Tracy's husband explains. It makes sense. We talk some more before we need to head over to my moms.
"We want to ride with Aunty Faith!" My nieces say as we head out to the cars.
"Girls there isn't enough room in Uncle Tims truck for y'all." Sandy says. 
"It's okay Sandy, Tim can drive your car and you and Chris drive the truck." Faith volunteers.
As we drive I can't help but look in the mirror at the kids smiling and to my side at Faith who's smiling at them. God, this is the part the excites me. Getting to look forward to this.
"What's got you all smitten?" She asks me, obviously referring to the large grin on my face.
"You. Our family. Our future." I say as we pull up to a red light. She leans across and gives me a kiss.
"EWWWW!" The girls tell from the back seats. "Tim and Faith, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage and then a baby in a carriage." They sing at us. I didn't think I could smile any harder but they've proved me wrong.

Sorry it's been so long! Hope you are all still enjoying this story. Thanks for all the love.

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