Fear, Love and Snow

By paris_girl22

45.1K 1.4K 411

Stiles Stilinski isn't your ordinary boy. Some may call him a freak, others may call him a monster or cursed... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 6

2.3K 80 9
By paris_girl22

Scott was surprised when the Sheriff texted him later that day, saying that Stiles would go to the party. Actually, surprised was an understatement. The werewolf was completely shocked at Stiles' decision. After months of isolation, he has finally decided to come back to the world of the living. He has to wonder what his dad said to him to make him say yes. Maybe Stiles is finally starting to get over whatever it is he is dealing with?

It doesn't take long for Scott's shock to turn into excitement and happiness. He will be able to see and talk to his best friend again! He doesn't have to have another one-sided conversation in front of a locked door! The prospect of that makes him more excited and happy than it ever should, but Scott doesn't care. He hasn't seen his best friend in months and he has really missed him. Scott isn't even taking into account the possibility that it might be very awkward. He's just too wrapped up in the joy of seeing Stiles again. They'll be able to talk and laugh and make fun of all the drunk people in the crowd. Maybe Scott can even laugh at a drunk Stiles. Sure, they are all still underage and it is illegal, yet it never seems to stop teenagers from drinking. Scott knows that Stiles' dad will be at the party too, but maybe he will let it slide, just so Stiles can have a good time. Maybe he will understand the situation, as he probably drank underage as well. Or maybe not. Maybe he will ban the alcohol at the party. Either way, it'll be hilarious and Scott can picture Stiles and himself laughing at either scene.

Scott beams in delight as he reads the text over and over again. He can't wait to tell Lydia. She will be thrilled as well. She will probably also say something like 'I told you so', but that doesn't matter. The important thing is that Stiles is coming to the party. Scott doesn't want to text Lydia about it though. He's buzzing with energy, so he will just run to her house and tell her there. He puts his phone away and grabs his things and starts dashing downstairs.

"I'm just going to Lydia's house. I'll be back soon, Mom!" Scott calls out as he rushes past the kitchen, where his Mom, Melissa, is.

"Alright, Scott. Be back before dinner, which will be in 45 minutes!" Melissa tells back in response. She barely hears Scott's shouted 'okay' in response, for he is already out the front door, running down the street. Melissa chuckles to herself and shakes her head in amusement as she continues to prepare the ingredients for the meal she's planning on making for dinner. She has a pretty good idea as to why Scott is so excited, even though he hasn't said anything to her. All Melissa really needs to know to come to a conclusion is that Scott has been down and miserable ever since the nogitsune was defeated and Stiles shut the world out from him, including Scott. If he's this happy and excited, it obviously means that Stiles has decided to go to that party Lydia is throwing tomorrow night. Melissa is planning on going, especially now that she knows Stiles is too. She has missed having Stiles around, always having seen him as a second son, so it'll be great for her to see him again, and vice versa.

Scott continues to run down the street excitedly, feeling on top of the world. He probably shouldn't feel this elated, but Scott doesn't care. He has been miserable and feeling terrible ever since Allison died, so he's enjoying the feeling of being happy again for the first time in a very long time. It feels weird to genuinely smile again, but he also likes the feeling. He has barely stopped smiling since he received the text. Just the thought of seeing Stiles again makes his heart leap with joy. Scott hasn't been the same without his best friend. After the party, maybe things can start getting back on track for them.

Eventually, he arrives at Lydia's house, feeling breathless. Thankfully, Lydia's mom, Natalie, lets Scott into the house without too many questions. All that he had to say is that he needed to see Lydia about the party she is planning for tomorrow night, considering Scott's news could be the decider of whether or not the party goes ahead. Once Scott is in the house, he walks up the stairs and towards Lydia's room. He notices that the door is closed, so he decides to knock, wanting to be polite. He also doesn't want to walk in on anything he shouldn't see.

"Come in!" Lydia calls out from the other side of the door, leading to Scott reaching out for the handle, but he hesitates for a moment. He has just been so used to being locked out on the outside of a door, not being allowed to enter and help his friend. In those times, he always felt helpless. Scott knows it's silly, but he can't help but freeze, subconsciously thinking that this is just another locked door. Scott shakes his head and takes a deep breath, recollecting himself. Of course the door isn't locked. He is allowed in. This is Lydia's room anyway, not Stiles'. With that, Scott twists the handle of the door, opening it and steps inside to see Lydia sitting on her bed, flipping through a magazine. The banshee looks up as she hears Scott enter.

"Oh, hi Scott. How are you?" Lydia smiles in a friendly greeting up at the werewolf, who slowly walks closer to the bed.

"Good, yeah, I'm good thanks. And yourself?" Scott responds.

"Yeah, I'm alright. I've finished the plans for the party. I'll just have to get to the boathouse early tomorrow to set up." Lydia tells Scott with a smile.

"Speaking of the party, I have some good news." Scott grins excitedly.

"What is it?" Lydia asks curiously, placing her magazine down and leans forward slightly.

"The Sheriff rang me a little earlier. He said that Stiles and himself can make it to the party at the boat house tomorrow night." Scott informs Lydia. The banshee smirks in satisfaction and folds her arms across her chest.

"I told you so, Scott. None of my parties have ever been a disaster yet, and this is not going to be an exception. There's no way Stiles Stilinski would turn down a Lydia Martin party." Lydia comments, making Scott laugh a bit.

"I just hope that this can be the start of things getting better." Scott admits after his laughter dies down, his smile turning sad at the edges. Lydia gazes sympathetically at him, reaches out her hand and squeezes Scott's closest hand gently.

"I'm sure it will, Scott. You two are best friends. Stiles could never ignore you forever." Lydia promises the true alpha werewolf confidently with a warm smile.

"Thanks, Lydia. I really hope so." Scott smiles back at the strawberry blonde, definitely having high hopes and expectations for tomorrow night.

"Just... Try not to freak him out too much. After being alone in his room for so long, it wouldn't take much to overwhelm him." Lydia reminds me in warning.

"The whole party is really overwhelming, Lyds. You're basically saying the party is a bad idea." Scott chuckles.

"No, that's not what I'm saying. Yes, the party could be overwhelming, but that's not the type of freak out I'm talking about. What I mean is don't press sensitive subjects for him or start any arguments. I definitely wouldn't recommend bringing up Allison tomorrow night." Lydia explains better for Scott.

"Oh, right. Yeah, I won't do that, I promise." Scott responds.

"You don't have to promise anything, Scott. Just keep it in mind." Lydia laughs at Scott's response.

"Okay, I will. Do you need to be at the boat house earlier tomorrow, to help you set up?" Scott asks the banshee curiously.

"Hmm, if you could arrive at about 5pm, that'll be great. You can help with all the last minute stuff, I'll take care of everything else. The party starts at 7pm. You should let the Sheriff know that." Lydia answers after a moment of consideration.

"Alright, sounds good. Is there anything else that I should know?" Scott asks Lydia curiously. Lydia thinks about it for a moment.

"No, not really. Someone will probably end up bringing alcohol to the party, but having alcohol there is not really my intention, especially if the Sheriff will be at the party." Lydia eventually replies.

"Okay, cool. I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." Scott says, slowly starting to back away from Lydia and out of the room.

"Yep. See you tomorrow, Scott. Have a good night." Lydia replies as she picks up her magazine, preparing to flip through it again.

"Goodnight, Lydia. See you tomorrow." Scott responds with a smile before he walks out of the room completely, shutting the door behind him. He makes his way down the stairs, thanks Natalie for letting him come over and walks out of the house, closing the door behind him. Now that some of his excited energy has died down a little, he doesn't start running back home the way he ran over to Lydia's house. Instead, he walks at a leisurely pace down the streets, enjoying the view of everything at night. Everything looks so different at night. Scott looks up a few times to admire the beauty of the stars and the moon that are sprawled out across the sky. He's glad he doesn't live in a big city like New York, where this sort of sight would be a lot harder to see, all because of how many lights are always on in those big cities, like New York. New York is the city that never sleeps, after all.

As Scott walks down the street, he can't help but think of Stiles again. His face lights up in a smile and his heart beats in excitement. He really can't wait to see his best friend again. He hopes this is the start of a new chapter and that Stiles has managed to get through whatever he needed to get though. If he hasn't, Scott will have to make Stiles see that he will be there to help him get through it. Stiles has been one of the only stable things in Scott's entire life. He's not going to lose his best friend, not again. Scott won't let that happen.

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