Where I Stood

By Lexzandriya

357K 7.3K 517

Klaus hadn't gotten Hayley pregnant, but Helena Potter. Now the Mikaelsons struggle to take care of the myste... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 16

15.1K 343 14
By Lexzandriya

The nine-hour plane ride passed quickly. The Mikaelsons only grew more interested in her heritage as Helena continued to answer their questions, at first they had been sceptical about her stories but in time they realized she'd that she hadn't been exaggerating, but actually downplaying her stories, as they had realized that details of her own heroism had been far and few between.

As they landed at the London airport, Helena couldn't help but feel her heart rate increase, feelings of fear rising in her mind, fear that the Weasleys wouldn't accept the father of her child. Helena knew she still had feelings for Klaus, as much as she tried to squash them she couldn't deny the reality. The glances that she had often caught Klaus throwing at her, was only confirming what she knew; Klaus was also in love with her. She had never felt that way before, not even when she had been with- no she would not bring him up, it was with great difficulty that she had gotten over him, it had been painful.

Klaus knew that Helena knew that he was still in love with her, and he also knew that how much ever she tried to convince herself otherwise, she would not be able to deny the truth, the truth that she loved him. Something had been stopping her though, perhaps it was the pain of heartbreak or the fact that she considered him a monster, he had not felt this way since Aurora, he had been in love with her and hear him, but she had called him a monster. How much ever he might try to fool himself that she did not feel for him, he knew he was only lying to himself. Aurora had been the first woman he had loved and the first woman to break his heart. Tata, she had only been a doll that had been tugged by him on one side, and Elijah on another. Elijah had truly been in love with her, but he had only wanted to beat Elijah in this one thing, one thing, to prove that he was worthy to be a Mikaelsons, Klaus had been sick of being beaten by all of his brothers, Finn had always been the most obedient, Elijah had always been the most skilled when it came to hunting, Kol had always been the best at magic and Henrik had been the most mischievous. As a human, he had always felt left behind, always different, like he was nothing compared to his siblings, to his father, to his mother. The only one that had ever defended him, really defended him against his father, was Rebekah. She had once held a sword to Mikael, to stop him. Rebekah had always been his favourite, not like she had any competition.

By the time that they had passed through London Immigration, Helena was exhausted. Getting into a luxury cab, she told the driver to take them to Grimmauld Place. The drive took about forty-five minutes, which was enough time for her to take a nap. Alighting outside her house, Helena heard her 'family' gasp as they saw 11 and 13 split, to revile 12.

Entering the house, she was greeted by the familiar voice of Mad-Eye Moody, "I didn't kill you, Albus." She stated calmly, as the Mikaelsons started to freak out.


"How -"

"Bloody Hell!"

"It's alright, that was just some protection, placed during the war – I mean cuz my godfather was technically a fugitive so they just put some protective charms in the house." Helena almost slipped and told them that she had fought in the second war.

"What did you actually want to say? Cuz you almost said war." Asked Davina.

Helena looked at the Mikaelsons like she was trying to figure out the right words to say, "Remember I said that a man tried to kill me eight times? Well, a couple of those times might have been because the magical community was at war. I don't really want to relive the horrors of it, so forgive me if I do not want to tell you about it." She saw the looks on their faces, the expressions were demanding, as in they wanted her to tell them about it then and there. "Not now, please." She said, a begging look on her face. "I can't relive it, not now."

"Alright." Conceded Elijah.

Suddenly a loud crash was heard throughout the house. It looked like someone had knocked over the troll's leg... again and the loud voice of Lady Black reverberated throughout the house, "FILTHY HALFBOODS, MUDBLOODS AND BLOOD TRAITORS, TAINTING THE MOST ANCIENT HOUSE OF BLACK. I WILL NOT ALLOW IT-"

"SHUT UP YOU OLD HAG!" Screamed the familiar voice of Ginny Weasley. "Really Luna, when did you become Tonks?

"Ginny, there are too many dust fairies in the air, makes it hard to see. It's hardly my fault."

"Umm... Luna, what are dust fairies exactly?" asked Helena, barely holding back laughter.

"A dust fairy is a fairy that makes dust fly. That's why it's so hard to see here."

At that point, Ginny and Helena, burst out with laughter. Helena had missed this. Luna's quirky comments and Ginny and her laughing at them. These were the small moments that made England home. Luna just rolled her eyes and said, "I'll prove it."

Ginny and Helena could only nod as they were trying too hard to stop laughing.

"We are still here Little Witch." Klaus reminded Helena, "do tell us who your friends are."

"Right, the redhead that's Ginny and the blonde is Luna. They are my best friends. From school. And ladies, The guy in the suit is Elijah. The black-haired guy is Marcel. The blonde woman is Rebekah, the brunette is Davina and last but not least the blonde man is Klaus."

"The wizarding world is gonna have a heart attack. Saintly Helena Potter, with a hybrids child, how scandalous."

"Shut it, Ginny."

"Okay, well we are not only your welcome home party but your private escorts to dinner at home, today and I quote, 'Do not let Hella make any excuses if not she will not be home till Christmas next year.' So you see, we are under orders to take you home kicking and screaming if we have too. Oh and we have to be there by six, so we are leaving in fifteen minutes."

Helena sighed, but she knew that was to be expected, given the fact that the Weasleys were hopping and jumping to meet Klaus, it was expected. "Alright," she agreed, Helena knew that it was pointless to argue with Ginevra Weasley.

The ride to the Burrow was long but comfortable, the feelings of fear were rising once again, she didn't know how to control it. Even when the war was going on she hadn't felt so scared. She was scared that the Weasleys were not gonna accept them when they found out that the Mikaelsons were actually vampires. And not just any vampires but the most terrifying to the vampire race, the Originals. She wondered how Hermione would have reacted to them, the shed has probably been excited at the prospect of learning history from people who'd have had experienced it first hand. Ron would have been sceptical, he would have thought that the Mikaelsons were using her for their own gain. Ron would have told her f his suspicions in private, not wanting to anger the originals.

How much ever Ginny tried to make up for Ron and Hermione, in Helena's life, it could never cover the hole in her heart. When they had passed, they had barely started to realize what everybody had seen since the two first set eyes on each other. They, like Lily and James Potter, Sirius, Remus and Tonks, had been taken from the world too early. Ron and Mione had barely started to live their life, just eighteen years old.

Ginny had been a godsend to Helena, though, in those few months after their deaths, when all she had wanted to do was look herself in her room and grieve, Ginny would be the one to get her out, to have quick answers for her smart words, to motivate her, and most importantly she never, said,'They wouldn't want you to be wasting your life away grieving.'

That was the thing that Helena was the most grateful for. Never using her families probable feelings against her.

"Look at that," Klaus told her, smiling. Pointing to a few horses running through the fields of grass.

"We are almost there." She informed them and ignored the comment that Klaus made about the horses, she didn't know what she wanted to do, she was carrying his child, but she was conflicted about whether she hated him or loved him. Both the emotions are strong, the strongest emotions there are.

As they reached the Burrow Helena came to a decision, she would give Klaus a change, after all, he deserved one, she had lost too much, if this was a chance of love, then she knew that she had to take it.

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