[✔️] Across The Years | Seulr...

By zhenaerys

430K 19K 25.7K

Falling in love with someone is a crazy feeling. Whether it's forbidden, complicated, or secretly then can't... More

Ch. 1 - An old photo
Ch. 2 - The box
Ch. 3 - A new job
Ch. 4 - Is she or isn't she
Ch. 5 - A spider's web
Ch. 6 - Possibilities
Ch. 7 - Groovy
Ch. 8 - Happy birthday, John
Ch. 9 - Never pass up a chance to see Freddy
Ch. 10 - End of a long road
Ch. 11 - Roughing it
Ch. 12 - Upstairs/Downstairs
Ch. 13 - Not in our stars
Ch. 14 - One day down
Ch. 16 - Knock knock
Ch. 17 - The ride
Ch. 18 - Another outing
Ch. 19 - A little peek
Ch. 20 - The garden
Ch. 21 - The moment (Part I)
Ch. 22 - The moment (Part II)
Ch. 23 - Too little, too late
Ch. 24 - Running down the clock
Ch. 25 - The circle
Ch. 26 - Out of the frying pan, into the fire
Ch. 27 - Remember me
Ch. 28 - A new world
Ch. 29 - Stranger in a strange land
Ch. 30 - Trouble in paradise
Ch. 31 - Who's the villain
Ch. 32 - Out in the open
Ch. 33 - Catching up
Ch. 34 - Fate or chance
Last Chapter - Wraparound

Ch. 15 - Breaking character

9.4K 477 738
By zhenaerys

Seulgi's POV

I'd love to tell you that we fell immediately in love and lived happily ever after. But in the 3 weeks I've been in scenic 1869, I've pretty much gotten nowhere. All I've managed to accomplish is get a blister on my right foot and proven to myself I can play the part of dutiful servant girl continuingly and only go slightly crazy.

I'm not going to go into, all the 21st century luxuries that I have to deal without. I've cleaned every square in of that house and inn no less than 5 times in my estimation. My iPod/kindle and phone have kept me from going completely nuts.

After a long day, I collapse in bed, listen to some music, watch a movie or attempt to beat the latest level of angry birds. Note to self: Strangle Jackson when I get back, for getting me addicted to this utterly stupid game.

Actually it was Kai's taunting me that I couldn't beat the stupid game that got me so worked up, ended up I took his challenge just to spite him. He suckered me good, I'll deal with him too.

As I said, only slightly crazy.

As far as Irene go, we can hardly best be described as friendly acquaintances. I see her every day and my heart jumps every time I do. I'll admit that I steal glances of her whenever I can. She's so beautiful, I can barely restrain myself sometimes. But she's a member of the upper class and I'm just a servant. Not that she treats me poorly. In fact, she's very nice and we manage to talk. But there is this line that she won't cross. I can't even get into the dreaded "friend zone."

About a week after my arrival, I read in the diary that she had gone riding one afternoon. It was my day off and I thought that if I happen by the barn, I could ask to go riding with her. I know that the diaries haven't changed with my arrival, but I hoped that was still true. I know what you're thinking, it is a bit stalkerish and you are right of course. But I'm doing this for a good cause. On the path she is on, she will die a painful and lonely death in little over a years' time. I can't just let that happen.

I have seen Mark on a few occasions, but I've played the part of servant and held my tongue.

I found her on her horse as she was walking out of the barn.

"Hello Seulgi, what brings you out here?" She asked with her normal friendly smile.

"I was walking around, I've been working so much, I haven't had much time to enjoy the local scenery. I see you're going out for a ride, can I join you?"

For a split second, there was a hopeful look on her eyes, but then she quickly looked to the house and a nervous indecisive look came to her face. She then made a rather sad and embarrassed smile.

"I think it's best that I ride alone, no offense."

I couldn't help but frown, "None taken, see you around then."

I quickly turned to leave as I couldn't hold the look of extreme hurt off my face much longer. Yeah, I know it's just riding, but being rejected stung rather badly. I've come all this way and my heart burns for her. I know she dies lonely and in pain. Walking home, I burst into tears. Perhaps I'm expecting too much too fast, I just don't know.

I went home, had a good cry and spend the rest of my day off in bed listening to music. Very sad music I may add.

The next day I put on my game face and did my work as if nothing was wrong. Since then, I don't feel like I've made any serious inroads. The wedding is less than 2 months away and I'm starting to get a bit frustrated. I'll add that I am a bit homesick, I'd kill for a coffee from Jetbrew, cruddy food from Nozu or even a fucking shower.

Today is Sunday, May 23rd 1869, it's early evening and the inn is full. On Saturday and Sunday nights, a very limited meal is served while the food lasts. It's normally some kind of stew or soup with some bread that the cook makes. It's very popular and the place is always packed.

I'm working the tables, delivering drinks like I always do. Irene is her normal happy self, talking with the various towns people who have joined us tonight.

It's the normal crowd, with one exception. There is a group of 4 soldiers, being loud, drinking heavily and gambling in the corner. Unlike the normal soldiers who frequent this establishment, these men look a bit different. They appeared much tanner than the other ones and their uniforms look a bit more worn. They also have a look of hunger in their eyes and it's not for food. They just look kind of rough. I'm guessing that their regiment has probably just arrived back from India, Africa or some far off place.

I had served them drinks and got my ass slapped twice, but I just shrugged it off. I don't hate it any less, but I need to play my part.

I was behind the bar manning it as Colin had to go in the back and get more beer. Irene's father was in London for some business tonight. I hadn't paid attention at first, but suddenly I looked over to see Irene talking to the 4 soldiers. She tries to greet everyone at some point.

Except, talking was what they didn't want to do.

I couldn't hear what they said, but I could see a look of slight discomfort on her face. Before she could turn to leave, a soldier with dark hair and wearing a sergeant's stripes stood up and put his arm around her.

"How about a kiss for Sargeant Blake?" He said a bit louder, as he pulled her in a bit closer and tried to kiss her on the cheek.

"Please, no thank you!" She quietly protest, her voice a bit strained.

My blood had already begun to boil at this point. I've seen some drunken assholes here before, but this guy was a major league asshat.

"Well I Take what I want!" He exclaimed belligerently. Then he not only leaned into kiss her, but he also grabbed her breast and laughed.

I totally lost it at that point. No one does that to Irene. To hell with the character. I quickly ran around the bar and tore off across the room.

Fortunately he didn't see me until I was on top of him. He still had one arm around her but had released the breast. I quickly grabbed his free arm and pulled it behind his back, lifting it up as high as I could. He instantly let out a drunken groan of pain as he released Irene.

I then smashed him against the wall, "Owww... you're hurting my arm wench." He sputtered drunkenly.

I was livid at this point, "I'll twist the fucking thing off if you even think of trying that again you worthless guttersnipe. Didn't your mama ever teach you some manners? She's a lady and you will apologize for groping her right now!" I said as I forced his arm up just a bit higher behind his back, causing him to groan even louder.

Surprisingly he quickly relented, "I'm Sorry Miss, for grabbing you most improper. Please forgive me."

With that being done, I released him and glared at his three shocked companions. "You're supposed to be soldiers, not drunken fools. If you have any issue with my treatment of your sergeant, I'll be at the bar."

I half expected the group to start some shit. But I, quickly humiliating their sergeant must have taken the wind from their sails.

"Let's get out of here." He said as he rubbed his shoulder and moved for the door. His three companions were still looking rather shocked but quickly complied and followed him out the door, "Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out!" I taunted, earning me a strange look from the surprised people in the room.

I shrugged, "Hey, they needed to be taught some manners." Then I looked to Irene as my anger turned to worry. "Are you alright Miss Irene?"

She quickly looked at me and much to my surprise, didn't look all that grateful. She immediately grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the room into the back.

We past a confused looking Colin who had just come out of the back, "What's going on?"

"I need to talk with Miss Seulgi. We will return in a moment." Irene snapped.

I wasn't expecting this reaction and I suddenly had the sickening feeling that I was in deep shit. She pulled me down the back hallway and pulled me into the broom closet.

"What was that about?" She said furiously, washing away the last remnants of my feeling of triumph.

My brain suddenly froze and I stammered before I could actually say anything, "I... I...  wa... was just trying to help you. He was grabbing you."

Irene quickly poked me in the chest, "I know that and I could have handled it. My mother always wanted to make people feel welcome here and we have a way of handling people like that. Handling it in a proper manner, not like an ignorant oaf who nearly twists a man's arm off. That is not the way we do things here! Do you understand me?"

Maybe I'm just to emotionally involved, but her sharp criticism was actually rather devastating. Again I found myself wanting to cry, but I would not break down in front of her. Instead I froze my expression in a rather stoic one.

"I see someone that looks like they need help. Then I help." I was about to say something harsh like, maybe I'll just let him grope you next time, but I bit my tongue and said nothing else.

"I know you meant to help. But if I want help, I'll ask for it. You're done for tonight. Go home!" She said, sounding even harsher, before walking out the door and unceremoniously slamming it shut.

Barely able to hold back my tears, I quickly exited the closet, left the inn and ran home. I had no idea she would be so angry. I thought I was doing the right thing. I just don't know anymore.

What the hell am I doing here anyway? Irene's dead, she's been dead more than a century and a half. She's dead and buried; she just doesn't know it yet. She fooled herself into thinking that douche would make her happy. She died and what give me the right to play God. Maybe it was just supposed to be this way. I thought, as a torrent of emotions blitzed through my head.

I was in such a hurry home, that I failed to see a rock and tripped. I landed on the ground and bashed my left knee pretty good. Now I was angry, upset and in pain.

I limped the rest of the way home, with a bleeding knee. Coming inside I screamed in utter frustration.


Just as Irene fooled herself into thinking she'll be happy with Mark, maybe I've done the same thing to myself. I've fooled myself into thinking a long dead girl would make me happy. All I am, is just a fucking stalker anyway. I'm no better than that obsessed freak Jimin. I'm probably going to get fired and then the games up anyway.

After lighting a candle so I could see, I cleaned my knee as best as I could and lay down to try and think.

I must have been rather tired as I quickly fell asleep.

I awoke some time later to the sound of knocking at the door. I don't know how long, but the candle I had left burning on my nightstand had burned down at least an inch.

I'm finished, I know it. I blew it, but may I never had a chance. The gods were watching me vainly run around time, simply for their amusement I'll bet.

I heard the knock a second time, only deepening my growing sense of dread and defeat as I walked to the door and opened it.


Seulgi is getting frustrated and jumped to the rescue, but Irene didn't appreciate it all that much. Now Seulgi is questioning if she should be there at all.

Who's at the door? That answer will come next time.

'Guttersnipe' is a Victorian era insult. She was basically calling him low class.

Thanks for reading.

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