Desert Fairy || Gray Fullbust...

By tsundereism

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Natsu wasn't the only one who brought a new recruit to the guild! Before returning to Fairy Tail, Erza bumps... More

Fairy Tail
Pesky Fairies
The Happy Pup
Back to Magnolia!

Under a WHAT?!

665 29 12
By tsundereism

A/N: Someone said update, so.. update!!

Desert Fairy

Chapter OO7;

Under a What?!

Fairy where are you going?

I'm holding, all the light on to your way; 

(hikari zenbu atsumete)

this light will shine upon a brand new day!

(kimi no ashita terasu yo)

Not soon enough, the exhausted group reached the big red doors of the Fairy Tail guild. Lucy had left to head home and shower, promising to meet up with them later. Chane waited to see who would depart to their home next, but Natsu, Happy, Gray, Erza and Master Makarov began to lead the way to the double doors. She followed them inside without hesitation.

Now with her second visit to the foresaken guild, Chane noticed how things seemed to be a lot less lively around the place, unlike her first visit. However, when Natsu stormed through the doors with proud stories to tell of his recent missions events, everyone seemed to have the life brought back to them. Gray followed toplessly after his pink hair friend as he stuffed his hands into his pockets with that stupid scowling grin that made Chane unsure whether she could trust him or not.

Master Makarov perched himself on a table next to Cana to have a few drinks with her, probably a way to finally cope with the fact his children destroyed a mountain, and the magic council was after them even more now.

Seeing as everyone seem to begin to settle themselves, Chane turned to Erza with a hard look.

"No more delays. I want my reward now."

Chane's comment confused Erza, and the red head raised a brow at the girl. "Delay? Wasn't it your mission for the flute that brought this on?"

Sure, she was right. But the choppy haired girl couldn't help but feel exasperated at the fact that the wizard clearly didn't understand what a nuisance they had been for her! For starters, Chane figured she would be able to snatch the Lullaby from Erigors pocket without his notice. In actuality, the girl was sure if she could simply get her hands on the flute, escaping would be no problem with her angelic boots, although Erigor did deem himself a worthy racing opponent.

Before she could prove her point valid by explaining how much more effective her sneak skills were over Fairy Tail's wham-bam-thank you-ma'am reckless style, Chane felt a familiar tingling sense on the back of her head, sensing that there was an attack coming. She dodged this instinctively, shooting her pursuer a threatening look. She was not shocked once she saw who attacked her, "What the hell do you keep swinging at me for?!"

The question gnawed at her curiosity even farther as she remembered Natsu taking a swing at her a few days ago when she was about to face off with Kageyama. Chane felt her eyebrow twitch in irritation, did he hate her or something?

"You wanna go?!" Natsu shot her an evil look as he raised a fist at the girl. Chane narrowed her eyes, soon beginning to feel threatened. Okay fine, if he wanted a fight then-

Natsu seemed to change his mind as he turned his full fiery attention to Erza, who seemed to grow into a bad mood at the boys antics. "Don't think I forgot about our fight Erza!" He threw a punch at her, to which Erza immediately gutted him, knocking the wind from his lungs.

Everyone who had been watching the entertainment in the guild sweatdropped, not surprised how Erza didn't hold back.

Chane was mortified as she took a step back, 'She killed him! She totally killed him!'

"You have an hour to prepare yourself while I handle some business," Erza narrowed two yellow orbs at Natsu's crumbled body. "I'll eagerly give you the fight you look for."

Chane was slightly at unease with how easily Erza had taken down her 'comrade'. She felt her fear heighten as Erza glanced at her over her shoulder, before motioning for the girl to follow her with her hand. The girl was almost trembling in fear as she glanced down at Natsu's unconscious body, and then back to Erza's retreating form. Chane tried to catch Makarov's gaze as he took a sip of a fruity beverage, but he shifted his gaze in a such obvious manner, Chane was sure he was purposely avoiding her. The man was practically whistling innocently as he tried to ignore her telepathic pleas for help! Useless old man!

Still glued to her spot, Chane caught Gray's dark orbs, and he made a motion with his hand as if telling her to follow Erza. Chane gulped, he was just about as useless as the old man! Perhaps she was at fault for trying to rely on them in the first place. In defeat, the girl scowled as she followed Erza into the back room of the guild.

Expecting to see Erza with a kitchen knife threatening to skin her alive if she didn't stop disrespecting her, Chane was greeted with the much less scary scene of Mirajane and the mentioned red head girl in a simple discussion. The two gazed at her upon her arrival, their conversation coming to a halt.

This caused the girl to immediately feel out of place. Scowling at their silence, Chane asked roughly, "Well? What is it?" She wondered if Erza and Mirajane were both planning to attack her.

Mirajane smiled her usual innocent smile, and Chane began to relax once she realized Erza hadn't brought her to the back of the guild to skin her for constantly back sassing her. So Chane relaxed her stiff shoulders as she watched Erza hand Mirajane a piece of paper, and Mirajane exchanged a wad of jewels in return. Chane's green eyes brightened as she recognized what was happening- her reward!

Money signs replacing her pupils, Chane approached the two cheerfully. Erza giggled at the girls antics; it was plainly obvious that Chane was the type of girl who didn't need much persuading when it came to money. Chane took half of the jewels from Erza's extended hand, nearly drooling in delight.

This was way more then she had imagined! Chane couldn't believe she had just received such a large reward for subduing a simple monster.. and this was only half! 'With this, I can return to Siam!' She thought as a large wave of relief washed over her. A giant smile soon formed upon her lips.

Erza did not miss the huge curve of the girls mouth. Throughout their whole trip, Erza hadn't once seen the girl smile so happily! 'Hm.. this girl sure does get happy over money,' She pondered as she watched the shorter girl grab the money.

Chane clutched the wad of cash to her chest, almost smelling the hot sand of desert that surrounded Siam due to her relief. She suddenly felt so overwhelming homesick-; she could finally return to Aspen! And Esther, and Dr. Juiz! Her heart was beginning to swell with thoughts of the people she cared the earth and moon about. Chane opened her eyes as she met Erza's gaze, before gently thanking the girl.

"Thank you so much."

The red head seemed somewhat taken back by the girls sudden kind look. Erza had always imagined Chane as a small kitten who, in reaction to being approached, instinctively lashed out with bared claws at any fingers who tried to prod her. Erza couldn't help the soft smile that tugged on her lips, before whisking around as Mirajane broke their moment with some information regarding the Magic Council, and how she feared Fairy Tail may fall into debt due to all the damage they cause. Soon the red and white headed girls were drawn into another serious conversation.

Chane didn't give a damn about the magic council, or about Fairy Tail falling into debt. All the blue haired girl cared about was the wad of money that weighed her pockets down, and how she was finally released from her burden.

She quietly dismissed herself from the small room, although she doubted the two noticed her leave considering how wrapped up they were in their conversation of Fairy Tail's plummeting future. Chane decided she needed to take a seat and take a moment to gather all of the rare happy thoughts that danced through her mind.

Running her fingers along the cool wood of the bar table, Chane took a seat on the empty stool, placing one palm on her chin as she shut her eyes, allowing herself a few seconds to drift into her memories while she waited for Erza to quickly finish her conversation.


Gray sat at one of his usual tables, barely batting an eye as Natsu charged out of the guild screaming how he needed one last training session before his match with Erza in the next hour. Gray had to admit, although there was absolutely no way the salamander could defeat Fairy Tail's Titania; the stripping wizard was curious to see how much stronger his annoying flame brain friend had gotten.

Next to him, Cana took a gulp from her canteen of alcohol. "He's never gonna learn, huh?" She spoke with surprisingly ease considering that was her third barrel and it was barely past one o'clock.

Gray nodded in agreement as he took a sip from the iced water Mirajane had greeted him with upon his arrival. "He's a man," Elfman defended- or perhaps insulted Natsu.

The shiftless ice mage scoffed, his straw caught between his teeth as he insulted, "He's an idiot."

His attention turned as a familiar color of light blue caught his peripheral view, and Gray watched as Chane sat at the empty bar patiently waiting. Cana caught his gaze, examining the girl as well. "So, who is she?" Cana took a gulp of liquor, "She a new member? A client?"

"No, she's Erza's friend." Gray realized he was hardly sure if that were even the case, considering Erza had barely gotten the girls name until on the train. He reluctantly added, "..I think."

Judging by Chane's complete dismissal of the group during their mission, and the way she left them to handle things herself.. even the way she so boldly fought with Erza. These things gave Gray a pretty decent guess that the girl wasn't all that happy to be stuck with them.

However, the former ice make pupil did take note on how the girl seemed to be warming up to the the group, but after the incident in the forest, she shrunk back into her self righteous bubble and ceased attempts to interact with them.

Gray stood from the table to approach the girl, but was quickly called back by Cana who scolded him between a gulp of alcohol, "Gray, your clothes."

"Shit!" Gray looked down to see his discarded pants and shirt in a pile under his chair. He cursed some more as he tried to hurry and redress himself, silently thanking Cana for reminding him of his habit. He would have strolled up to the girl in nothing but his underwear! As if he needed to give her another reason to dislike him.


Chane opened her eyes from her happy thoughts, silently confirming her few seconds of peace were now up. She heard noisy footsteps approaching her, and from the corner of her eye she watched as a familiar ice mage placed his hand on the smooth wooden bar table, leaning to his side as he gave her his stupid, stupid smirk that clashed terribly with his scowling face. She took a moment to examine him, his grin held no malicious, however his eyebrows furrowed together as if he were irritated. She couldn't tell whether he were here to pick a fight with her like his pink haired friend, or simply here to bug her some more.

She had to admit, his presence slightly disturbed her. Chane was preparing to bid farewell to Erza, thank her for the money, and quickly make her way to the roads so she can get the hell out of here! So she could finally go back to where she belonged. Chane didn't want to be burdened with having to say goodbye to not only Erza, but also the ice mage. She was not good with sentiments, and frankly she hardly knew him. What did he want from her?

Chane sent him a look of confusion that reflected her thoughts. What did he want from her? Perhaps he was finally going to ask her questions on what happened in the forest-... The forest. Hatsuharu. These were details she was pushing to the back of her head so she wouldn't have to remember and cope with it yet.

"Ivan is not a man of his word. The village of Siam is slowly becoming infected, and there's not much a human girl like yourself can do."

"Infected? Infected with what?"


"By yourself, as usual?" Gray leaned casually against the wooden bar counter, sending Chane a knowing look. "You know, there is a guild filled with people."

Admittedly, Chane wasn't paying much attention to the boy next to her. Her head was still swarming with thoughts that made her hands clammy, Danger. Siam. Protect. She hadn't heard a word he said, because she was too busy chanting inside of her head.

Not faltered by her cold shoulder, Gray continued, "So what did Erza want? Did she kill you or something in there?"

Infections. Experiments. Danger. Protect.

"Hello? Chane?"

The blue headed girl snapped from her thoughts, remembering that the man had approached her. Chane furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "Gray?" That was his name right? The stupid boy who interfered with her confrontation with Hatsuharu. He was the reason why Chane didn't have more vital information about what was happening in her village right now! Hatsuharu would have told her everything she wanted to know if the ice mage hadn't showed up.

So Chane narrowed her eyes in a slight glare at the man before her, "What do you want?"

Gray anime-style fell to the floor. She didn't even notice his presence! Gray thought he was cold, this girl was the definition of it. The blue haired girl felt somewhat guilty by the irritation that was clear on his face. Letting out a sigh, Chane folded her hands on top of one another on the bar's counter. "Is there something you'd like?" She asked in a much more formal tone she practiced for when she was with her clients.

Before Gray could comment on how annoyingly unnecessary the girls pleasant tone was, Erza reemerged from the back of the guild by herself. Her eyes seemed to brighten as she caught sight of Gray, "Oh, Gray." She shifted her light brown hues to Chane. "And Chane, thank you for waiting."

Gray seemed to have stiffened at the approach of Erza, although there was no Natsu around for him to get scolded at for fighting with. He relaxed, and Chane had to resist the urge to roll her eyes. Erza had this guild wrapped around her finger, with good reason too!

Chane stood from her seat, "Thank you for your help, Erza." Of course, she wasn't talking about help on the mission. Chane didn't need any of their help, in fact she was still slightly agitated with how the Fairy Tail wizards seemed to completely ruin her mission. However, the amount of money that weighed the girls pocket made her feel obligated to thank the red head for at least helping her achieve her goal faster.

Erza was more than pleased by the girls appreciation. She smiled gently, "So what will you be doing next?"

This caused the girl to notably freeze. The two Fairy Tail wizards exchanged confused glances with one another due to the girls obvious hesitation in answering. Chane had always been an incredibly secretive person, and the thought of telling the so claimed Titania of the Fairies about her troubles never occurred to her. There was absolutely no way she would get Siam tangled up with these dangerous wizards who seemed to destroy everything that crossed their path.

Additionally, the girl had no idea what she was going to do next, thus lack of a response. Sure, she'll return the flute and get her mission reward, and then what? Even with her money, there was no promising Ivan would hand her back her village without a fight. Chane shook her head, shaking the thoughts from her mind. Whatever happens, happens. She had long ago decided she would die trying to return peace to her home town.

With too many thoughts to handle at once, Chane finally stumbled over a reply to give to a waiting Erza. "I don't know." She decided against informing them of her problems.

Gray stepped in, "I was just about to see if she wanted to come get Lucy with me," He scrunched his eyebrows together in his usual scowl, proceeding to strip from his jacket. "I think Lucy might've forgotten about the big battle. I doubt she'd want to miss it,"

"Ah, that's true. Good idea, you two." Erza nodded her head in agreement. Chane raised an eyebrow, she hadn't agreed to accompanying the ice mage on his stupid trip to get the blond haired girl! No, Chane was just about to head on her way out and away from these people, and here they were making plans for her once again!

Tired of being Fairy Tail's rag doll, Chane finally put her foot down. "I'm actually going to head on my way now." She didn't sound as firm as she wanted to be, instead the girl sounded somewhat apologetic.

This caused both Erza and Gray to look at her in shock. Erza's shock soon turned to slight disappointment, "Are you sure? We've traveled for a while and you haven't had any rest. Please, just stay for today."

"I really have to go," Chane stated with more force.

"You haven't eaten, either." Gray included, and Erza nodded her head apprehensively in agreement. Other then a few sandwiches on the train, a Bubba Berry, and a bite of the bread from Mushroom Town, Chane had hardly ate. She wasn't very shocked that the two wizards before her had taken notice on this since they seemed keen on watching her every move and bugging her endlessly for it.

She began to grow frustrated, "Thank you for the jewels, Erza." She turned her gaze to Gray in acknowledgment, "Gray." She gave him a curt nod, before turning on her heel to leave the guild.

Titania of the Faries sighed as both she and Gray watched Chane begin to retreat. Gray scowled darkly at the girl, "What the hell is her deal? She treats us like we're the scum of the earth."

Erza crossed her arms against her chest, "A warriors battle is never finished. I'm sure Chane has a reason for everything she does."

This caught Gray's attention. He shifted his gaze from Chane's retreating form to Erza, "You call her a warrior? She's more of a brat."

Erza smiled softly, uncrossing her arms as she began to head back into the back room to probably talk to Mirajane. Before leaving, she said gently, "Weren't we all.. before we got some help?"

The ice mage found himself in a flash back of when he and Erza were kids. Upon Erza's first arrival to the guild, she sat aloof from the members and rarely spoke to anyone. Gray could recall this greatly irritating him, explaining that Erza shouldn't think she's better then everyone and should try to make friends. Of course, this resulted in the girl lashing out and attacking the boy, resulting in quite a few bruises.

Erza was able to recognize the soft look in Gray's face, sure that he was thinking of the past. Deciding to break the moment, Erza began to back to the guild's back room. "Gray, go get Lucy. Natsu should be back for the battle any minute."

Snapping back from his train of thought, Gray nodded his head at Erza's order, knowing better then to disobey her. His jacket discarded, his fingers now working at the hem of his shirt, Gray shot through the guilds doors, the relief of fresh air filling his lungs.

Gray froze when he saw the choppy haired blue girl perched against the wooden wall of the guild, her gaze to the sky as she seemed lost in her thoughts.


When Chane turned her back to the two wizards, she resisted the urge to clench her fingernails through her fist. The minute she stepped out of the guilds double doors, her raging fire of irritation burned and she found herself mentally exhausted.

Now that she was away from the Fairy Tail wizards, there was nothing to stop her from her dangerous thoughts. This was something that Chane was beginning to find trouble some.

Sure she took off, but now she had no idea where she was going! Chane fished into her pocket, remembering the slip of paper the old woman had given her.

...reaching for a piece of paper and pen that already sat on her counter, the old woman began to write something on the paper.

"I will be at this location by the time you capture Kageyama. Drink this potion, for it will do miracles for your injuries." She handed the vile, as well as the note to Chane.

Chane's felt her fingers touch the cool glass of the purple potion the old lady had given her. She skipped over this, still skeptic of the old woman, and fingered the white paper. She pulled it out, her green hues dancing over the written address.

'Peach Street, Magnolia Town.' Magnolia! Chane felt a sudden wave of triumph wash over her, at least today wasn't going to be completely rotten! At least she didn't have to make a trip in order to find the old hag.

Relief washing over her, the girl shoved the slip of paper back into her pocket, taking a moment to rest against the guild's wall. She shifted her gaze up to the sky, allowing her body a moments rest as she began to breath slowly.

If things continued to go this well, she would be able to make it to Siam in about three days. That is, only if she ran consecutively without stop. With her angelic boots, Chane was sure she could make it. But was she ready?

Chane opened her eyes to look back up to the sky.

Gray stumbled out from the guild, shocking the girl. Chane immediately reclined from her leaning position as if Gray catching her against the wall would lead to her immediate death.

The half naked wizard himself was a bit confused, "I thought you were heading on your way?"

"I am," Chane grunted slightly embarrassed that the boy had caught her with her guard down. She hadn't even heard the boy exiting the guild, which was saying something considering Gray's every step was as loud as a crunching leaf in the quiet forest to her.

Gray didn't buy her excuse, and raised one scowling eyebrow at her tauntingly, "I'm sure Mirajane wouldn't mind letting you stay one night for free, if money is the issue."

Money wasn't the issue! Well it was, but not in the way he was thinking it. Chane was beginning to grow annoyed by both Gray and Erza's trivial urge to look out for her. She hardly knew them, and if anything, each time they tried to help was doing the opposite effect! Chane wasn't like them, or any of the other Fairy Tail wizards in that stupid guild. She didn't need to rest. She didn't need to eat every day, or for them every hour!

She wasn't like them, Chane wasn't like anyone. The only people who could truly understand this were the people in her home town that she loved so dearly. Chane couldn't help herself when she snapped at the topless ice make wizard, "Why don't you mind your own business okay? I'm tired of your constant butting in my affairs. I wish you guys would just leave me alone."

Her words were harsh, and Chane found herself regretting them once they left her lips. Perhaps she didn't regret what she said, but she did regret letting the boy know that was how she felt. Really, he hadn't done anything wrong. He was just trying to help.

Casting her green orbs closed, Chane listened for Gray to retreat. He didn't.

She opened her eyes, sending him a hard, but confused look. Gray was smirking at her as if he knew all of her secrets, and he pitied her. His cold smile made her blood boil.

Chane expected him to lash out hurtful and bitter words, knowing very well she deserved it. However Gray was already taking the opposite direction, one which she assumed would probably be to Lucy's house. "You should stay for the fight," He called back from behind his shoulder. Gray stuffed his hands into his pockets as he retreated from the girl, "I think you might find it interesting."

The blue headed girl gulped as she watched the half naked man retreat. Perhaps it would have been better if he lashed out at her instead of having his last words be so friendly. She couldn't find the energy to be angry at someone who tried so hard to be kind to her. He asked for her to stay, but left it at that. Chane was thankful the boy was letting it go so easily, for she feared she may cave under pressure due to their annoying but still kind attempts to look after her.

'Thanks..' She thought reluctantly as she watched his retreating form. For what? She wasn't quite sure yet. But for some reason the girl felt the need to thank the man.

Her appreciative thoughts were snapped to a close as she heard a familiar whine, before Chane felt a thump on her head. This startled her as the girl didn't have enough time to dodge the attack, and immediately her hands went up to pry whatever it was on her head away from her. She was greeted with a crying blue cat, who kicked his legs around as he tried to break from her grasp, being careful not to drop his fish.

"Chane! You were just going to leave without saying goodbye to me or Natsu," He accused to her hysterically. Chane held the whining creature away from her face as far as her arm would allow, shocked by his tantrum.

"Was I supposed to say goodbye to you?" She asked bluntly, thoroughly confused. Chane didn't remember having much interaction with the cat, in fact she could hardly remember his name! What was it again? Something easy, so easy she couldn't quite grasp it yet..

The blue winged cat continued to shout, "Wah! You're too mean!"

Ah, That's right! Chane let go of the cat and he fell down slightly before catching himself mid-air with his wings. Chane pounded her fist into her palm as she remembered, "Your name is Happy!"

Happy's jaw dropped as his ears flattened in disbelief. "She didn't even remember my name!" He then made an attempt to storm away in exaggerated tears, but Chane quickly caught onto the blue cats tail.

To her, the cat was like a small child and the girl couldn't help but feel extremely guilty for hurting his feelings. After ceasing his attempt to flee, Chane pulled the cat back to her and began to rub his head gently. "Stop screaming you cat, I didn't forget your name."

Happy sniffled, calming down. "I don't believe you."

She released his tail, placing her hands onto her hips with a sigh. "Well it's hard to remember your name is Happy with you crying as if your name is Sad." She narrowed her eyes at him, "Is that what you want me to call you? Sad, instead of Happy?"

Although the threat sounded silly leaving her lips, the blue cat seemed to immediately perk up. "Aye! My name is Happy! I'm Happy!"

A rare giggle left her lips at the cat's obvious pun. Perhaps he was named that for a reason. She meekly responded, "Aye."

Happy was ecstatic, and he shot through the air with pride. Now cheered up, the cat landed back on the ground gently as he looked up to Chane, "So you're leaving? Don't ya wanna see Natsu and Erza fight? Here, I'll give you some of my fish!"

What? Chane took a step back, shocked by his invitation. No way, now even the cat was attempting to make her stay! She narrowed her eyes, prepared to say no even to such a cute whiskered face, however a girls voice caught the two's attention.

"Hey, you two lookin to make some easy cash?" Chane stared at the brunette who exited from the Fairy Tail's double doors with a bottle of rum in her hands. Cana stumbled over to Happy and Chane drunkenly, before taking a sip from her container.

Natsu shot passed Chane, Happy, and Cana with such speed, all Chane had managed to catch was the pink locks of his hair. She could tell it was the boy by his loud shouting of Erza's name, followed by a few crashes and people within the guild shouting at him.

Happy sighed, "Looks like Natsu's back."

Chane shot a determined look to Cana, "Excuse me miss, what were you saying about easy cash?"

The blue cat could recognize the look in Chane's eyes. That was the same look Lucy got when she heard there was a big reward for the mission he and Natsu had dragged her on! Happy flew up to examine the blue headed girls face closer, "Uh oh! Chane has a crazy look in her eye!"

By now, Erza and Natsu had made their appearance in the front of the guild, soon followed by a crowd. Cana grabbed Happy by his green back pack and motioned for Chane to follow the two as she dragged the trio away from the center of the fight. Cana set down a box in front of Chane with a look of triumph.

"Gambling! Place your bets on who's going to win, Titania of the Fairies, or Fairy Tail's Salamander!?"

By now, a small group began to form around them as Chane watched people shoving money in Cana's face, throwing out the name of who they believed would win. Chane was familiar with gambling from missions with Esther that resulted in them doing assassinations in Casino's and what not, but the girl herself had never gambled before. Suddenly, the money that weighed her pocket doubled in its weight.

Happy was next with a hand full of Jewels. He turned his attention to Erza and Natsu, who seemed to be having a pre-battle confrontation. Chane took the time to examine the two herself. Who would win.., Natsu or Erza? She had seen the both of them in action for only a few minutes; Erza who effortlessly slayed the demon that the blue haired girl found herself having to struggle against, and Natsu who took down the wind wizard after she had found herself trapped in one of his wind locks.

The difference between their strength was obvious. While Natsu was strong enough to beat Erigor after a struggle, Erza had managed to kill a raging 20ft demon in less then thirty seconds.

Happy seemed to come to the same conclusion as he put his bet down for Erza. Chane stumbled up to the box next, digging in her pocket hesitantly. Perhaps it wouldn't kill her to bet a few jewels for her first time, especially since she had so much money now. Chane reluctantly placed a hundred jewels in the box (around $10USD) and quickly put her bets on Erza.

The cat seemed to have caught sight of one of his friends for he began to paddle off in the direction behind the girl. She looked up to see who the cat was heading to, and let out a groan. Of course there stood Gray and the pretty blond haired girl, who seemed completely enthralled by the fight. With a sigh, Chane followed Happy's pursuit, and walked towards the ice make wizard who grinned triumphantly. "Look who decided to stay after all."

Chane felt her face burn, "It was because of the cat, okay?"

Gray nodded his head as if agreeing just to quiet the girl, "Right, right. Bribed you with fish?"

"Perhaps," Chane snapped irritably, shifting closer to Happy who watched their ordeal while happily chewing on his fish. "Aye!"

Natsu shot a blast of fire to Erza, who took only half the damage due to her Fire Empress armor. Chane had to admit, Natsu was holding his own pretty well. She hadn't expected the fight to last this long, and she began to feel herself being drawn into the fight with awe. Natsu seemed so determined to win against Erza, who seemed as if she were one step ahead of Natsu's every attack. Elfman proceeded to call Erza a 'man', while Lucy voiced how good the fight was, but she wanted neither of her friends to be hurt.

Gray seemed somewhat annoyed, "This fight sucks." He dragged lazily. Gray knew for a fact Erza was just toying with Natsu, and the ice make wizard was rather bored with his pink haired comrades lack of improvement when it came to battling Erza. Chane silently disagreed with him, quietly coming to the conclusion that a fight between two comrades was one of the most enticing things she has ever seen with her two eyes.

The way Natsu charged to Erza with his full fiery spirit. The way Erza so easily met Natsu's force with equal the determination. How could those two fight so hard without the true intent to kill one another? Chane didn't know if she would ever be able to simply fight to test her power, the girl did not know how to hold back.

It was then she realized she only knew how to fight to kill.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud gong, and a green frog woman strolling into the scene, breaking up the fight. Everyone seemed to be tense at her appearance as she claimed she was from the Magic Council.

Chane's eyes furrowed. Magic Council? If she could remember, things between the Council and Fairy Tail were not very good. This may mean trouble.

"I am here to put Erza Scarlet under arrest," The frog woman announced with narrowed eyes, "And retrieve the stolen flute Lullaby."

Pause. Hold on. Wait one minute- Chane's hand clutched immediately to the black flute that laid protected in her bag. Oh hell no. If the Council came to take the flute from her, they'll need to pry it from her dead finger tips-

"You're gonna put Erza under a what?" Natsu asked in complete disbelief. Gray immediately had to jump from his spot next to the choppy blue haired girl to wrap his arms around Natsu's lifted fists, forcefully pulling him back before he could attack the frog woman.

Erza's wrists were already in shackles, and Chane took a step back to retreat. She was stopped by a hand grasping her wrist, a man in a full on Royal Knight armor ceased her movements. The choppy haired girl narrowed her eyes to him, attack or don't attack? Green eyes darted around her surroundings, seeing as everyone's eyes, including Master Makarov's, were on her. His eyes narrowed at her darkly, as if quietly daring the girl. Chane weakly unclenched her balled up fist, fishing into her pocket to hand the man the Lullaby.

No way. She did not just do that. But what choice did the girl have with everyone's eyes on her so? Chane watched helplessly as Erza was taken away, along with the flute... Her flute. Her reward money!

After a few minutes, everyone began to quiet down from their earlier shock and the guild was in a state of depression. Chane retreated, not baring to take another step into the guild. Before she left, she watched the boy whom had been in the room with her when Mirajane had so kindly patched her up, hold up a Salamander triumphantly. "Look everyone! My daddy found Natsu!"

Chane could see pink locks in a bush behind the boy as the salamander quietly whispered, "Natsu! I've got you covered, go find out whats happening to Erza!"

The blue haired girl silently thanked Dr. Juiz for whatever experimental surgery she had done to her ears in order for the girl to have such keen hearing. After Natsu began to dart in the direction of the Magic Council headquarters, Chane grabbed onto his white scaly scarf, nearly choking the boy as she did so.

Natsu began to sweat, believing that he had already been caught trying to sneak away and save Erza. His frightened demeanor immediately washed away as he realized it was only the annoying blue haired girl who had... kicked him off the train! Not one to let grudges go, Natsu brought up his fist as he prepared to swing at the girl. "You! I want to fight you right now! Bring it on!"

Chane was beyond annoyed by the boys antics. After swiftly dodging another punch he had thrown at her, Chane irritably equipped her angelic gloves. A joke can only be funny so many times until the girl began to get serious, and with this thought Chane ultimately sent Natsu a punch to his face that sent him flying to the concrete shops behind him, crashing into it with a loud thud. Chane immediately regretted this as she remembered holding back wasn't something she was good at, and the walls of the house began to crack.

Knowing there wasn't much time until the home owners came out and examined what on earth had happened to their store, Chane ran up to the dizzy pink haired salamander. "If you want to fight we can do it later! For now, we both have the same goal right now and that's getting even with the magic council."

Natsu held onto his bruised head as he managed to stop seeing the tweeting birds around his head flying in circles. He paused, listening to the girls words. Chane narrowed her eyes, seeing as the fire breathing boy needed more convincing. "I'm saying, lets work together and save Erza." 'And the flute,' She mentally added. ..but the boy didn't need to know that quite yet.

This was a deal that caught Natsu's interest. His earlier rage for the girl turned into determination as he pushed himself up from the building, "Right. Let's go show the council what happens when they mess with Fairy Tail wizards!"

He took off in a sprint, and Chane watched him with hesitation. She was slightly thrown off by his comment, Fairy Tail wizards? Hopefully he wasn't counting her, right? Surely the pink haired boy didn't think she was joining their stupid guild.. right?

She shook the thoughts out of her head as she equipped her angelic boots to keep up with the boys speed as they sprinted to their next destination.


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