Daddy Long Legs | narry au |

By twinkiepayne

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" What did you just call me?" " Daddy Long Legs." " Why?" " Because you have long legs and you're daddy." ~*~... More

last authors note :(


832 19 5
By twinkiepayne

Niall shows up to the morning spot and none of his friends were there yet. So he sat down in his spot and waited for his friends to come by. He casually scrolled through his Instagram, looking at all of the homecoming photos people posted. He wasn't really paying attention, just trying to pass the time.

Eventually his friends came to the spot.

" Good morning Niall!" Louis chirps. The three boys sit in their spots.

" Hey guys." Niall says putting his phone down to focus on his friends.

" Anything interesting happen yesterday?" Louis asks.

Niall shakes his head," Nope. It was a boring Sunday, dreading to come back to school today."

" I hear that. I don't want to be here today." Liam says.

" I don't think anyone wants to be here today." Zayn says.

The friends made some small talk and the school bell to start the day rang. The friend group stood up and said their goodbyes. Niall and Louis walked off to Niall's French class. Since the two were alone, Louis was gonna try to talk to him about the whole Harry situation. Louis saw what happened with Harry and is surprised Niall didn't bring it up yet.

" Hey, you good?" Louis asks. Niall gives him a weird look.

" Of course I'm good. Why wouldn't I be?" Niall lies. He was not good. He continued to think about Harry and that girl together at homecoming and it physically hurt him. He hates when he gets crushes because that's all it does to him: crush him into pieces.

" Niall, I saw him at homecoming with her." Louis says. Niall lets out a sigh as the two make it to Niall's french classroom.

" Okay, maybe I'm not good then. But I shouldn't let it bother me because we're not dating and he obviously doesn't like me. He probably only sees me as a friend." Niall says.

" It's going to be okay Niall. Things will change and you can have your happy ending." Louis says.

" I wish." Niall mumbles. As the two continued small talk, Niall noticed Harry walk down the hallway, holding hands with the girl from homecoming. Niall's mouth dropped in shock. He mentions for Louis to look. Louis's mouth also drops in shock.

The two minute bell rang and Louis looked at Niall.

" All I have to say is good luck." Louis says.

" Thanks Lou." Niall says. He quickly walks into his classroom so he didn't have to look at Harry and the girl again. He didn't want to think about it. Which was too late because he was already overthinking about it. Niall didn't like this anymore.

Harry walked in and sat in his spot. He looked at Niall and smiled at him. Niall smiles a small smile. He just couldn't stop thinking about Harry and the girl.

The bell rings and class started. Niall didn't pay much attention just because he didn't know what was going on. Which was normal.

So then class finished and Niall quickly gathered his stuff and left class. He walked upstairs to meet up with Louis. That's when Harry walked up to him. Niall smiles at him.

" Hey Ni. How was homecoming for you?" Harry asks.

" It was okay. Nothing really special happened." Niall says.

Harry smiles at him," At least you had a somewhat okay time. Maybe prom will be better."

" I hope."

Louis walks up to Niall and Harry looks at him. Then he looks at Niall.

" I'm gonna go to class. Have a good rest of your day Ni." Harry says.

" You too Harry." Niall says. Harry walks away. Louis looks at Niall weird.

" What the hell was that?" Louis asks.

Niall shrugs his shoulders, " I have no idea."

The two friends talked and then went to class. Nothing special happened to Niall so it was just a normal school day for him. Though he couldn't stop thinking about Harry, but what else is new.


Niall finally slumped onto his bed after school and practice. He just needed to lay down because school and practice exhausts him. He was gonna start his homework eventually, he just need to lay down in peace.

As he laid there, his phone vibrates. He lets out a sigh as he looks at it. Liam messaged him with a picture attached.

From lima bean 😜 to neil ho-RAN 🏃🏻‍♂️


Niall's mouth drops in shock. So when he did see them in the hallway, they were actually dating...

Niall could feel himself sadden. He knew he never had a chance with Harry. Why did he even bother trying to talk to him.

Niall thanked Liam for sending him the tea and stayed off his phone for the rest of the night. He didn't want to try and think about Harry. He didn't want to make himself more sad than he should be.

Harry wasn't even his, he shouldn't be sad. He should be happy that Harry is happy. But something was holding him back. Something was telling him that this whole situation was wrong and Harry wasn't happy.

But he couldn't believe that.

He tried his best to have a good rest of the night with Maura. It was rough, but he did have a good rest of the night. Even if Harry did pop into his mind once in a while.


Hi guys !!!! If that's even if you're still there because ya know it's been three years since I last updated !!!!!! Wow do I hate myself for that !!!!

Yeah, I'm sorry for not updating. Life happened and I just never got around to this story. Though, I realized a couple days ago that this story lowkey slaps so I want to finish it. I'm hoping I can. And I'm hoping you guys are still here.

Though, when I did start writing this I was a junior in high school and I remember basing this off of my junior year and it's been three years later.... so remembering some details is gonna be rough.

But anyway ! I'm trying my best to back ! So hello all !

Though I do apologize for the short chapter. I had no idea what to start and where to go so I had to get back in the groove of things. Anyway.

Thank you for reading ! I appreciate you all ! And I love you all !


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