Safe and Sound [h. styles]

By tenerifestyles

33.3K 817 170

❝it's eating away her at her life day by day, Estella only being able to survive on the needles pushing throu... More

➴ epitome
➴ one
➴ two
➴ three
➴ four
➴ six
➴ seven
➴ eight
➴ nine
➴ ten
➴ eleven
➴ twelve
➴ thirteen
➴ fourteen
➴ fifteen
➴ sixteen
➴ seventeen.
➴ eighteen.
➴ nineteen.
➴ twenty.
➴ epilogue.
➴ harrys eulogy.
➴ estella's letter.
authors note.

➴ five

1.4K 44 2
By tenerifestyles


I pushed back my chair, staring at my painting.

It's been a week since I've went out with Harry to the beach, and so much has been accomplished.

I began training, regaining my balance.

Harry would sit in the corner of the room, smiling at me.

Nancy has been taking me out for a bit, my parents shocked and overwhelmed at the fact that I was walking again.

"You're going shopping this week with that boy, alright?" Mum had said, passing over a wad of cash.

So this coming Friday, Harry agreed to taking me out to go buy clothes I may need.

Harry came over everyday, asking me to paint him something.

I decided on getting up early, taking a picture of the sun rising with Nancy's phone, the pink streaks of the horizon there.

It looked like candy floss.

Nancy allowed me to keep her phone until I was finished painting, and as soon as I did I gave it back to her.

"It's beautiful," she complimented.

I smiled, "Thank you."

Dr. Loomis also created an appointment for me regaining my muscles in my arms and such.

They had finally realized that I had grown weak, and I needed to rebuild my muscles in order to move around.

Nancy came back into the room claiming that someone was here to visit me.

"Her name is Morgan James, she's says you two are best friends."


"Morgan, yeah. She's a friend of mine."

Nancy nodded, leaving the room.

I looked back out the window with a great view as well, watching the cars pass one by one.

Harry would be in one of them.

The door opened, a tall girl coming in.

She had blonde hair, and icy blue eyes.

"Estella?" She choked.

"Morgan? Oh my gosh, you've changed so much!"

She shrieked, rushing over to me.

I stood up, engulfing her in a hug.

"I'm so sorry I didn't come and visit. So many things have been happening in the family. I didn't have time."

I shook my head, "It's alright. It's not your fault.

"No, it is. I should have came and informed you of everything that's been happening."

I pulled away from her, "No. Family comes first. Now is the time you can explain everything."

Her eyes scanned my face, unsure of whether I was angry or not.

I squeezed her hand, assuring her it was alright.

We sat down by the window, chatting away.

"Um. I have something to tell you." She nervously stated.

I nodded, waiting for her to continue.

"I don't know how you'll take this," she chuckled. "Mum died four weeks ago." Her eyes closed, her bottom lip between her teeth.

I felt a sharp pain, a dagger to my heart.

Nicole was an amazing lady along with being an amazing mum. She was almost a second mum to me, taking me in as soon as she had met me.

I've known Morgan since primary school, we technically grew up together.

Both our mums worked together before my mum took interest in the business industry.

I wrapped my arms around her, hugging as tightly as I could.

"I'm so sorry to hear that," I said, my voice muffled into her hair.

She shook her head.

"It's alright. I just feel bad I wasn't able to tell you or your parents to try to come to the funeral."

"I wouldn't have been able to, anyway. They have kept me locked in here," I laughed, wiping the tears away.

She smiled. "There were pictures of you on the news with a boy. They're saying how they think you may be a girlfriend," she winked.

I blushed furiously. News like this spreads quickly.

"Harry Styles, huh? What a hunk he is, right?" She laughed.

I smiled, "That Harry sure is something. He took me out to the beach yesterday."

Her eyes widened, a smile playing on her lips.

"That boy must really like being around you. They had an interview the other day and one of the boys said that Harry's been leaving to go to some place." She informed me.


"Yeah. Now we know where he's been going," she nudged me, winking.

I laughed.

Harry Styles.

The boy who has opened my eyes so quickly.

We sat in complete silence, the only sound to be heard was items being rolled throughout the hall.

I stared at the door from my seat, waiting for the curly haired guy to walk in those doors.

"Waiting?" Morgan smirked, glancing from me to the door.

I shook my head, biting my lip.

"He'll come. I better get going, I have a job interview in thirty minutes and it's a little out of Sourthport." She placed a hand on my knee as she got up, swinging her purse over her shoulder.

"Listen, Morgan." I pulled her by the hand, "I'd like to visit your mum if you don't mind."

I looked into her brown orbs, waiting for a response.

"Yeah, sure. Here," she said, taking out a piece of paper and pen.

"Here's the place and her location. I'll give you my number too, just so you can call whenever you want," she smiled.

I nodded, staring down at the paper.

Rosadale Graveyard, Section C, Row 367, Aisle 9

Damn, I thought. One day, in a couple of years if I don't make it, I'd be there.

"Please come back whenever you can, I'd love for us to catch up even more."

She squeezed my hand, returning a smile.

Upon Morgans visit, I awaited for the boy to walk in.

I took a trip to the day room, taking a seat in my regular spot.

I watched as the sun was high up in the sky, yet the clouds clouded the sun, rain drops seen.

The trees swayed along with the wind, it almost whistling.

My mind brought me to Madison.

Oh, that little girl. The one who'd make my heart melt.

I looked down at my wrist, admiring the small memory she gave me.

She'd make it big one day.

She'd tell me stories of her one day becoming a singer, giving a thanks to her family, and to me as well.

She'd go on tours everywhere, starting small in America, and big around the world.

Madison would make many albums, getting an award for every single one.

She'd go platinum in no time.

Maddy dreamed of having a tour bus, her named engraved on the outside.

The girl had big dreams, and now she was offered plenty of time to reach and strive for them.

I dreamt of being able to go to university, walk around campus with my friends, go to frat parties, try new things like get drunk until I passed out.

Yet I couldn't exactly get drunk, or get baked for a try.

It wasn't right. It'd be putting my life on the line again.

Smoking can bring me to lung cancer, and drinking can bring me to liver.

It wasn't a perfect match, especially if I won this battle.

It wouldn't look right. I fought to stay here and then I'd throw myself under the bus by doing these things.

And how would my parents react? And maybe even Dr. Loomis along with Nancy?

Harry. How would he react?

They'd all be disappointed for sure, maybe even ashamed.

A person who has gone through the worst and has cheated death shouldn't go back to living on the line.

My mind brought me back to a specific boy.

At the beach. It just felt amazing.

I was shocked at first, not knowing what to do.

I was immobilized for a couple of seconds before I found myself kissing back.

I admire the way how his soft plump lips felt on mine.

His hot, minty breathe fanned over my face,

"You're beautiful."

I smiled, bringing my hand up and tracing my lip with my finger.

We weren't a thing. At least I didn't think we were.


He hasn't brought up the topic, so I had just decided to keep that in a drawer that wouldn't be touched just yet.

I had developed feelings for this boy.

It was obvious, it wasn't hard to find out.

I kissed back. My heart would swell with the compliments he'd say.

It amazed me at how you can quickly fall for just anyone in a matter of time.

The heart hangs onto someone whenever it finds it's interest, the one who makes you happy or has had such an impact on your life.

And in less then a week, he has opened my mind.

I was in the oblivion, and now, i didn't want to be in it.

I wanted to know what was going to happen, where was life going to take me.

It's five months now, and I need to be aware of every small detail.

I need to know if it's been shortened, or if it's been increased.

I need to know how long this string will hold me until it snaps, bringing me down.

What will I do in the meantime? Sit around, hopelessly think of a boy as time freely passes by?

I couldn't, I can't. It didn't seem as fair.

I wanted to go on some sort of ride, go swim, dance in the rain, all sorts of things.

Perform with someone, go out and party with a group of friends, do all those things that teens would normally


And oh boy, I need a phone or a laptop.

I need to have some sort of communication with friends.

My parents think that the radiation of the technology would be bad for me.

Also, they couldn't afford anything and before I came here, I had a mini rampage causing me to have thrown everything off my desk, bed, and much more.

As a result, I ended up breaking my laptop in the middle of a tornado.

The phone bill wasn't payed off as the months passed. My medical bills becoming higher and higher as the assistance I needed became expensive.

One day I'll ask, they'll understand.

I had been laying down all day, reading a book.

The painting of mine had been sitting on it's canvas all day as well, waiting to be seen by others.

My parents nor Harry had dropped by today.

Maybe they were busy?

Maybe they think you're a burden?

I shook off the thought, knowing well enough that they wouldn't think that.

Nancy had offered to take me out, but I decided to stay in hoping Harry would arrive.

But as the hours passed by, and I was still reading page one of the novel, my excitement level fell.

There had been no sign of Harry: not a single call.

I chuckled, not a single call?

I don't even have a phone!

He could've called the hospital though.

I shook my head, he's a busy man.

Just like mum was beginning to say, do I really know what kind of person he is?

Of course I do! I laughed.

Harry's a sweet boy, one that keeps his word.

An angel, really.

So perfect, so beautiful. Physically and emotionally.

He had such charisma, like a magnet, attracting me day by day.

I found myself running my index finger over my lip, moving from side to side. I smiled as I was reminded of the kiss we shared.

I couldn't stop thinking about it. It had been so abrupt, so soon.

He had been abrupt.

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