flower boy; yoonmin (discont...


998 92 39

❝Are you sure you don't want to buy fertilizer?❞ In which Yoongi purchases plants in order to catch a glimps... More


170 20 12


Yoongi doesn't normally run the register for various reasons. The main one being that he dislikes interacting with rude, cranky and just outright obnoxious customers in the morning. He believes that it's probably because most of them haven't had their daily dose of caffeine yet and he can't blame them since he acts the same way.

'Why work there at all then?' people would ask him. The obvious answer was because he was good at it and well, being the barista, he normally has minimal contact with people aside from the other boy who preps drinks with him, Hoseok.

The kid's alright in Yoongi's opinion. A little loud and overly cheery at most times but, he doesn't mind since it balances out the feeling of fatigue that people seem to bring in.

And as long as things stay like that Yoongi doesn't feel too grouchy at work.

So it's to his absolute horror when his manager tells him that he'll have to take the position as cashier for the day. His first question is 'why?' and the answer is simply 'because the normal guy called in sick abruptly.'

'This won't be too bad.' He tells himself before the doors open, trying to force his pessimistic thoughts into a corner as he grips onto the edge of the granite counter. And for a second he thinks he'll be alright.

It doesn't last for long as the bell on the door chimes, and the first person to walk in has an irritable look on his face. As expected, the customer is bad-tempered and it irks Yoongi to no end but, what can he really do about it besides force a smile and nod?

The only thing that keeps his mood remotely leveled is the fact that the window is at a perfect angle, allowing him to spot the familiar tuff of pink hair from across the street as he stands behind the counter.

Seeing him makes dealing with people more tolerable, and Yoongi begins to wonder if what he feels is more than just a little infatuation for the boy.

He knows there's more to it than just a little crush and he's sure that his emotions will bloom into something a lot bigger if he doesn't stop.

But does he want to stop?

No, if anything he wants the exact opposite.

There's a flutter in his chest, something that also nags in his mind, telling him to get to know the other better.

And he will.

As soon as he figures out how to without having to buy a plant every time he wants to see Jimin because Seokjin might start chucking them out the window if he doesn't cease.

After a gruelling day of taking down orders, an endless sea of customers, and asking and re-asking for names, Yoongi is more than relieved as night seems to finally fall. Although it technically isn't closing time yet, it doesn't stop the two of them from cleaning the place up.

Since he hadn't prepared any of the drinks during his shift, he leaves Hoseok with the task of putting away all the equipment while he goes to wipe down the tables. Yoongi is tired, physically, and mentally as well and he (not so) secretly finds himself wonder how Jimin can handle all those people yet, still manage to keep that dazzling smile on his face.

There's nothing more Yoongi wants to do at that moment than to go home to his bed. The idea motivates him to work faster and he once he's done, he decides to hop back behind the counter to help Hoseok.

Yoongi only just begins to shelve some things when he hears the little bell chime again. A small grunt of annoyance leaves his mouth and he's just about to mutter out a 'we're closed, come back tomorrow' when he hears the familiar voice speak.

"Are you still open?' Jimin asks softly, and Yoongi turns around to see the other unwrap the scarf from around his neck, revealing his plush pink lips. He finds himself in a weird trance, unable to answer. So Hoseok instead speaks up.

"Actually we're just about to-"

"Yeah, we're still open." Yoongi not-so-subtly cuts the other off by 'gently' kicking his shin, earning a string of quiet cuss-words from the other barista.

He watches as Jimin glances from left to right, surveying the empty cafe, "Are you sure? If not I can just come ba-"

"No, it's alright, what would you like?" Yoongi questions, wiping his hands on the towel he's holding before walking up to the register.

Jimin puts his index finger up to his lip in thought for a second, eyes scanning the chalkboard above before responding, "Medium cup of hot chocolate," He tilts his head to the side, adding on quietly, "With extra marshmallows?"

And Yoongi wants to ask how someone can make his heart want to explode from just a simple order but, decides to keep the question to himself, "That all?" Is the only thing he can respond with and he almost melts when Jimin responds with a cute 'mhm' before handing over the money.

Jimin thanks him before walking over to one of the nearby tables, one hand placed on his thigh while the other rests against the table as he scrolls on his phone.

Yoongi doesn't even know how long he's staring for before Hoseok comes over, slapping an arm over his shoulder before handing him the hot beverage.

"That the one you've been eyeing from across the street all day?" He whispers to him and Yoongi can feel the tips of his ears heat up at the comment.


Hoseok chuckles at his response, "Whatever you say," He hums, pulling away from the older, "I'll finish cleaning up back here though so how about you deliver that drink over to flower boy?"

The statement itself is enough to get Yoongi flustered and he would be dead before he let Hoseok of all people know. But he has to thank the other barista for being his 'wingman' in a type of way so, he does exactly what he's told.

As soon as he approaches the table, Jimin puts his phone down, grinning at the hot beverage put in front of him, "Smells great." He comments, letting his tiny fingers wrap around the cup.

And once again Yoongi finds himself watching the other intently as he takes a sip from the mug. A throaty purr seems to leave his lips as he drinks the liquid and Yoongi can't miss the pleased smile that spreads across his face.

He's so lost in the complexity of his soft expression that he doesn't notice when Jimin looks up at him, "Do you want to take a seat? I'm sure you've been standing all day." And he gives Yoongi those eyes filled with thoughtfulness.

"I mean if you don't mind." He mutters, pulling a chair over to sit across from the pink-haired boy.

"Sorry for coming so late," Jimin gives Yoongi an apologetic look, "I had more customers than expected but, I wanted to keep my word about grabbing a drink sooner than later."

"Ah, I see, it's alright." Yoongi answers awkwardly, mentally wishing he had asked Seokjin for more advice on these kinds of things.

Jimin doesn't seem too bothered though, seeing that he can easily create a conversation between himself and anyone, "So how're your plants doing?" He hums curiously, taking another sip of his drink.

A nervous laugh leaves Yoongi's throat and he averts his gaze from the other.

"Not too well then, I assume?" Jimin laughs, shaking his head, eyes disappearing in the process.

"Yeah, you can say that," Yoongi chuckles lowly, "Maybe you should give me your number so I can call you over for advice." He jokes, turning back around to examine the others reaction. Was it too much? What if he took him serious-



Jimin picks his phone up, unlocking it before handing it to Yoongi, "I don't mind helping you with your plants, let's exchange numbers."

And Yoongi swears that he almost chokes on his own spit at the others words. Yet, somehow he manages to compose himself enough, fumbling around to hand Jimin his phone before he has a heart attack.

The exchange happens quietly but, Yoongi can barely contain his excitement as he hands him back his device. His eyes scan over the new contact and he can't help but blurt out, "Jiminie?" As he spots the name the other had set for himself.

"Nickname, it's what my friends call me." He explains, looking down at the time on his screen, "Well it's getting late and I don't want to hold you guys up any longer, your friend back there looks like he's about to fall asleep." The boy giggles as he looks over at a drowsy Hoseok.

There's a part of him that wants to object to Jimin's statement, tell him to stay and talk to him for hours on end, but he decides that it's best not to, "Yeah, it was nice to see you." He says quietly, watching as the other gets up, wrapping the scarf back around his neck before grabbing his drink.

"I'll message you soon, hopefully, we can save at least one of your plants," Jimin smiles, giving a little wave, "See yah Yoongi." And with that he walks out of the door, leaving the two baristas behind.

A content expression rests on his face and he can't help but grin widely at the new contact in his phone.

"Dude, did you really just get his number by asking for help with gardening?"

"Shut it Hoseok."

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