Lovely Melody: A Anime Story

By Icegirl325

347 4 0

Kyandi Minami, a 14-year-old girl, who loves to sing and write her own songs but has one little problem...she... More

Lovely Melody: A Anime Story


117 2 0
By Icegirl325

A girl with short black hair, violet eyes, and tan skinned was in bed. She started to cough and sneezing. She looked out the window to see the sun shining brightly against the bright blue sky. She smiled as she saw a cloud that looked liked a bunny holding a carrot.

Then she heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" she said in a raspy voice. Then two people came into the room. There was a woman who appeared to be in her early twenties. She had long honey blonde hair that is adorned by daisies in her hair, violet eyes, and light skinned. Next to the woman was a man who seemed a little older than the woman by a year or two. He had black hair that was tied in a small ponytail, emerald green eyes, and dark skinned.

"Hey momma! Hey pappa!" the girl said happily then she coughed. The girl's mother sat down on a stool beside her while the girl's father stood beside them putting a hand on his wife's shoulders. "Kyandi sweetie we have a little suprise for you" her mother told her. Kyandi's father then showed what he had behind his back.

It was a silver journal with pink hearts around it and it had a purple-colored pen. Kyandi's eyes went wide "But-" but she was cut off by her father who said "We wanted to give you this because we know how much you love music".

Her mother nodded in agreement "Also remember your guitar that you named Amie...well he is good as new" she added. Kyandi's eyes were full of tears this has been the happiest day of her life and she hadn't smiled  like this  for a long time now.

"Well...get some rest and we'll bring Amie in a little while" her mother said in a kind and calm tone. Then her parents kissed her forhead and headed out the door.

Kyandi smiled and looked at her new journal. She stroked it gently making sure this is all real and especially when her parents bring her guitar Amie to her tommorrow. She wasn't sure if she could sing again after she got that Vocal cord paralysis. But has been getting much better since then after she had surgery.

Now Kyandi could sing again after a few weeks is what the doctor said.

She felt her eyes start to close and the last thing she saw was her song journal before she fell to sleep. 

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