Can you make me happy (creepy...

By ladylullaby666

94.4K 1.8K 2K

Your an emotionless 16 yr old girl. Your different from others, your looks and your personality are VERY diff... More

Chapter 1
Your description
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Jacksons description
We meet again??
Singing in the shower
Singing academy??
First day, a new uniform, and new bullies

Chapter 5

6.8K 140 45
By ladylullaby666

Your pov
'DAUGHTER WAKE UP' i heard a voice scream in my head. I immediately shot up and scanned the room, I looked to my left and saw Jackson sleeping. I sighed and said," yes dad what's wrong" 'someone is coming after you, I can sense it they have a demon sent to them.' he said I hummed and said ," so what are you going to do??"  ' I sent a demon maid to protect you, she should be there in 5..4..3..2..1' as he said the last number a girl that looked about my age she had half-maid half-nurse costume on (girl above) and a crowbar in her left hand. "At your service my lady" she said bowing. "Please no formalities." I said. 'Well goodbye my daughter I have to go' he said."goodbye father" I said. I turned to the maid and said ," hello what's your name" "i don't have one" she said "I'll give you one " I put my index finger to my chin and tapped it in a thinking way. "How about...April" I said. "April I like it"she said." That was actually my sisters name before she....before she hung herself" I said " oh...I'm sorry for your loss" she said. "Don't feel sorry it wasn't your fault" I said. She nodded and turned to Jackson, who was apparently still sleeping. "Who's that.. is that your boyfriend??" She asked smirking, "what no he is not my boyfriend he is my killer partner" I said, "uhu" she said still smirking. "His name is Jackson"  I said, she nodded and turned to me. "So Princess, what are your powers I'm curios" she said." Wait princess??" I asked ." Oh yes your Princess Mauve (Zalgos last name) (idk his last name) , your the next in line for throne, but that is your choice" she said , I nodded and said," well I have shape shifting, telekinesis and apparently ice, idk if I'll get more in the future because I barely got my ice powers." I said as I walked to Jackson, "JACKSON WAKE THE FUK UP" I screamed in his ear. "OH MOTHER OF GODD, FUCCCKKK" he screamed as he fell to the floor. I didn't laugh but April sure did, "w-why ar-aren't y-you laughing -snort- " she said in between laughs. "Oh I don't have any emotions, since my sister hung herself." I said, she immediately got serious and looked down. "But the only emotion I have is MADNESS BECAUSE OF THIS DWEEB RIGHT HERE" I said pointing at Jackson. "Hey sorry I didn't know you had a friend who apparently hung herself, probably because of you" he said mumbling the last part. " WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" I screamed at him. "I SAID SHE PROBABLY HUNG HERSELF BECAUSE OF YOU" i immediately slapped him and said," how dare you" I said and turned into a cat and jumped out the window hearing Jackson's apologies behind me. I ran into the woods and transformed into my "human" self . I climbed a tree and sat on the tallest branch, I started feeling warm liquid going down my face. I touched my cheeks and pulled away my hand looking at my finger. I saw water, "what is this substance coming out of my eyes??" I asked myself, "its called crying" a male voice said beside me. I looked to my right and saw a boy about my age, with black shoulder length hair, white hoodie, Blanca pants, and black shoes. A knife sticking out of his hoodie pocket, I hummed and said," well I've never cried before except one time " he looked shocked, "are you not scared of me??" he asked," am I supposed to be??" I asked." Well....yeah" he said . I sighed and jumped down landing perfectly on two feet. He jumped down next to me and said," how are you not dead that was 8 feet in the air" I shrugged and started walking. He soon started running after me, "hey um is that norma?" He said pointing behind my feet. I looked behind me and saw purple flowers from where I was walking," OH CMON HOW MANY MORE POWERS WILL I GET" I screamed, he flinched and looked at me," how come you said more powers??" He asked. I sighed and made a snowflake on top of my palm , I levitated him a bit high and he screamed like a girl. And finally I turned into different animals and different mythical creatures, after that he looked surprised, and amazed. "Woah that's so cool, I have to tell slendy. Also I'm guessing I'm not going to kill you any more" he said, "wait kill??" I asked ," well yeah, this is the slender forest if anyone enters they die. " he said I nodded and asked," who's slendy??" "Oh he's my 'boss'" he said. I nodded and said," well I'm gonna get going my friend is probably worried" " yeah I better get to the mansion to slender men's probably getting suspicious" he said running of. I started walking back to the house, as I opened the door I thought 'why not kill my parents and hide the bodies, they've caused me al lot of pain' " yep I'll do that" I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a knife, I went up to my parents room. (They are deep sleepers that's why they didn't wake up when you guys screamed) I opened their door and saw them asleep, I went up to my dad and covered his mouth. He opened his eyes and tried to uncover it but I was stronger, " hello daddy" I slit his throat open, "bye daddy" I said as his eyes became dull. 'Wow that was no fun,better save some more mommy' I thought. I went up to my 'mom' and , she didn't move because she's more of a deep sleeper. I cut her arm and that woke her, she looked at her dead husband and looked back at me her eyes widened when she looked at my blood covered knife. I grinned and said," now mommy this was fate, you knew this day would come when you started abusing me." I said as I gouged her left eye out and she screamed, I covered her mouth not wanting the neighbors to hear. "Now, now mommy we wouldn't the police coming and ruining the fun, now would we??" I asked innocently, I gouged her other eye out and she started screaming muffled by my hand. I started getting lazy and just slit her throat open,blood spilling everywher3. I heard clapping behind me and saw Jackson and april there clapping. "Wow that was a nice show" April said. "Well thank you, I'll be going to sleep now" I said ignoring Jackson, I "accidentally" pushed his shoulder and went into my room screaming," APRIL YOU CAN SLEEP WITH ME TONIGHT, JACKSON YOU CAN SLEEP ON THE COUCH OR FLOOR" april walked in and I saw Jackson with a sad face walking downstairs. April sighed," cmon he said he's sorry" she said." No he affected me that what he said was personal I should of never told him" I said going into the bathroom and stripping of my clothes, I turned on the shower and walked in.

~~~~~~~~~~~timeskip because I can~~~~~~~~~~

After I got out of the shower I changed into a tank top and grey sweat pants. I saw April cleaning my room,"cmon April don't clean my room, that's my job" I said ," nonsense I'm a maid that's my job" she said," well at least do it tomorrow right now I'm sleepy" I said yawning and climbing into bed, " I put some clothes in the bathroom for you to change in" I said. She nodded and went into the bathroom, 5 minutes later her coming out in a black hoodie and black shorts. She climbed into bed and we both soon drifted of to sleep.


Oh my goid sorry it's so short, well I'm gonna go baiii

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