
By TheRainbowShakaBrah

10.8K 231 94

Max deals with the trauma of letting Arcadia Bay die and Chloe does her best to help. TW: Drug Abuse/Suicide... More

The First Night
How Do You Feel?
Everyday Teens
In My Mind
I Need To Save You, But Who's Going To Save Me?
I Feel Numb In This Kingdom
And All The Walls Come Crumbling Down
A/N: Future Updates


1.3K 24 8
By TheRainbowShakaBrah

I wake up to Max still holding me, her face buried in my neck. I shiver every time she exhales, her breathing sending puffs of warm air over my skin.

"Max," I whisper, shrugging my shoulder a little, "Hey... I gotta get up and take a piss, okay? I'll be right back though, alright?".

Max grumbles absently and shifts away a bit, releasing her death grip on me.

"Okay. I'll only be gone for like... 5 minutes okay?" I say, leaning in and giving her a light kiss on the cheek.

Max hums with quiet pleasure and cuddles up against her pillow.

I smile and slip out of bed, pulling the blanket back over her.

Silently tiptoeing down the hallway, I make my way into the small bathroom and close the door behind me, careful not to make too much noise since Max's parents are most likely still asleep.

Anyways, once I'm done with my business and finish washing my hands, I take a good long look at myself in the mirror.

My hair is beyond unkempt and is in desperate need of a washing. My face is acne ridden and oily making me look a little younger... and a little more innocent for some reason.

I look like a regular teen, I think to myself with a small sigh.

My angry, pissed off aura has lost its edge, having been replaced by a more... protective and caring energy.

Huh, you've gone soft, Price.

Closing my eyes for a moment, I turn the faucet on again and splash my face with ice cold water until it's enough to make me feel alive, awake, alert and refreshed. After a moment of keeping my shaking, wet hands pressed hard over my eyes, I sigh sharply and drop my arms to my sides. I glance towards the shower and decide what the hell. I need to get clean anyway, even if I'm just going to get back into my grimy clothes afterward. After I rummage through the cabinets and find a fresh soap bar and a clean towel, I strip down and turn on the tap, stepping into the stall.

I wince when the warm water strikes my skin.

It feels... nice to relax like this. After the hell we went through for the past 5 days, Max and I deserve a break.

I sigh, Max.

Poor thing.

She's seen so much and now... she can't even talk about it. Or... talk in general.

She's going to be okay, Chloe... she always is. Just give her a bit... you said it yourself.

We all need time.

I stay completely still for over 10 minutes before I remember that I promised Max I would be back in 5.


I hop out of the shower and towel myself off, trying to be as quick as I can.

I jump when there's a light knock on the door.

"Just a sec..." I say, imagining a small, frightened Max standing on the other side of the door, just waiting for me to come out and comfort her.

The knocking continues, growing almost anxious.

"Almost done!" I say again, jumping up and down as I try to pull my skinny jeans over my wet legs.

"I'm coming, I'm coming! Just hold on, I'm right h-".

I don't even get to finish my sentence because Max throws herself at me and starts sobbing the second I have the door open.

"Hey, hey it's okay! I'm right here... sorry it took me so long. I was in the shower," I say, sinking to the floor when her knees give.

Max just shakes her head and cries, struggling to catch her breath as she mumbles incoherently.

You dumbass. She woke up alone in her house without you after everything that went down. She must have assumed that...

"I'm here, Max. You saved me... you saved me and I'm here", I say as I hold her tighter, pressing her body hard against mine.

She continues to cry.

Scared, terrified cries.

My heart clenches in my chest and I close my eyes.

"I'm sorry... i- it won't happen again... I'm sorry" I say, my voice wavering slightly.

Soon, Max's heavy sobs get her parent's attention and they come rushing up to us, eyes full of concern.

Before they can reach us I raise my hand up and silently tell them to stop, that grabbing at Max when she's like this will only make things worse.

"Please," I plea, "I can handle this".

Ryan and Vanessa both back away and nod, tearing up at the sight of their daughter in such turmoil.

I return my gaze back to Max as I press my hand hard over her chest, feeling her heart pounding abnormally fast.

"Hey... Max. It's okay, shh shh... it's okay. Just take a deep breath, okay? I'm right here, you're right here... we're all right here,".

Her heavy breathing falters for a moment, letting me know that she heard me.

"Okay... now, I want you to put my hand on my chest okay? You'll be able to feel my heartbeat. Use it to ground yourself".

Weakly, Max lifts her arm up and tenderly places it on my chest.

"Good, good job," I say, resting my forehead on hers, "Now try and sync our breathing up. When I breathe in, you breath in... okay?".

She nods and takes the first deep breath.

I follow with another.







Max sighs.

I sigh.

We all sigh.

I reach up and brush some of Max's mousey brown hair out of her eyes as she leans into my embrace.

"You're okay".

She nods.

"You're okay," I repeat.


The rest of the morning is... odd.

But, that's kinda to be expected.

Everyone is on edge, acting like they're waiting for Max to break down again.

Well... we kind of are.

None of us have seen her like this. So scared, and weak and so... fragile.

After she relaxed, Max, her parents and I all gather in the kitchen, waiting and watching as Vanessa makes everyone breakfast.

Max and I sit next to each other, our chair pulled together to our shoulders are basically touching.

"So... Max," I say, trying to start up some kind of conversation even though I know it's pretty useless, "Whaddaya say me and you go hit town? Maybe stop at one of those hipstery bookstores you told me about".

She shrugs and sighs, her body shaking slightly from constantly tapping her leg up and down.

I place my hand on her knee, stopping the motion.


Still no response.

"Okay... we'll see if you change your mind later," I say, looking up at Vanessa when she sets a plate of food down in front of both me and Max, "Thanks".

I take a big inhale of breath, shivering unintentionally when the scent sends memories of my mom's diner through my head.

Just... focus on where you are now, Chloe, I tell myself, Mom... mom will call, I know she will... she has to. She is alive. I know she is... she has to be... she has to.

I take another deep breath, jumping a little when Vanessa rests a hand on my shoulder.

"You okay, honey?".

I nod and turn my attention to my meal, starting to scarf the warm food down.

"Never better!".

She smiles warmly and looks down at her daughter with concern, sighing when Max when she pokes at the food with little to no interest.

"Please try and eat something, Max," she says softly, "You barely eat anything as it is".

Max grumbles again and takes a few bites, seemingly against her will.

Pleased with her daughter's response, Vanessa sits down across from us, Ryan reading the newspaper beside her.

We're all quiet, ignoring the obvious elephant in the room.

Don't ask about the tornado, don't ask about the tornado, don't ask about the tornado, I find myself thinking.

Ryan coughs, clearing his throat and I wait for him to say something but... he says nothing, and I relax.

I give Max a quick glance, noticing she'd given up on eating again.

I bump her shoulder and smile stupidly at her.

"Dude, you have to eat... number one 'cause you've gotta, and number two 'cause if we're gonna hit the town, I wanna get one of those bubble tea things and I'd like to share one with you. But if I can't if you don't eat something".

No clue what I'm trying to say here, but at least it gets Max to smile and roll her eyes. She picks up her utensils and begins eating, shooting me sidelong glances.

Ryan and Vaness chuckle, smiling as Max leans up against my shoulder, making my face go red.

"It's good to see you haven't changed, Chloe," he says, "And I thought Max was the shy one".

I blush even more and try to look away, but that only makes Ryan chuckle even more.

Hell, it gets Max to snicker a bit.

I scrunch up my nose and stick my tongue out at her. "Now hurry up so we can get out of here! I'm getting antsy sitting around doing nothing".

Vanessa looks up from her coffee and gives me an odd look. "But don't you want to stay here in case your mother calls?" she asks, probably remembering the fact that I said my phone was busted.

Max goes stiff and lets her fork clatter onto her plate the moment her mother says this.


"Um... Max?" I say softly, "You okay there kiddo?".

Of course, she doesn't respond, she just sits stalk-still in her chair. Her eyes are glazed and distant, like she's looking at something that's not really there.

Is she... having a flashback? I find myself thinking.


"Are you okay, sweetie," Ryan asks, setting his newspaper down, "It looks like you just saw a ghost".

"What is it this time?" Vanessa asks, walking up to her daughter and placing a hand on her shoulder, "Are you alright, Maxine?".

Max panics and jumps, her chair flying back and she hops to her feet

Everyone aside from me gives her a concerned look, not knowing what's really going on.

"Hey, you're alright, okay? I'm right here," I say, jumping up and embracing her.

She struggles to get away from me but relaxes when I grab her face and make her look at me..

"Look at me, Max,".

She takes a broken breath and finally meets my gaze.

"I... I'm not going to lie to you, okay? I don't know if Joyce is going to be okay. But if she's not..." I begin, lowering my voice so only she can hear me, "It wasn't your fault".

Max whimpers and shuts her eyes, shaking her head in denial.

"If it makes you feel any better... I... I'll call her, I'll call her and we'll both find out. Together".

I don't want to... I don't want to know, but for you, I'll do anything...anything.

Max leans heavily into me and shakes her head again when I gesture for Vanessa to hand me the phone.

Still not really sure what's going on, she obeys and places the device in my shaking hand. After a moment of silence.... I dial home.

We wait for a reply no one is sure will come.

The only sound in the room is that of Max's soft breathing and the ticking of a clock.

We wait.

The phone continues to ring.

Please... please don't do this to her... don't do this to me, I pray, my own breathing shuddering slightly.

We wait.

The phone continues to ring.


... it stops.

We all hold our breaths.

"I'm sorry, but the number you are trying to reach is unavailable at this time, Please leave a message after the tone. BEEP".

This time, it's me who whimpers, but I hold it in as best I can and continue on with what I promised.

"M- Mom?" I mutter, "I- It's Chloe. I- I just wanted to let you know that I'm okay, that I made it out of town with Max before the storm got hella crazy. I'm... I'm with the Caulfield's in Seattle...".

Take a breath, Che... take a breath.


"I- I miss you, and I hope you're okay. I really really hope you're okay, please be okay,".

I hold back another sob.

"David? If you get this... if anyone gets this... tell my mom I love her".

My shaking hand is making it difficult to keep the phone still, so after a moment, Vanessa comes up and takes the phone from me, hanging up as she does so.

"I'm so sorry, sweetie," she says.

That's when I loose it.

I drop to my knees, Max still in my arms and I cry.

I cry hard.

"No, No No, please... please please not her, not her too!" I beg, "Don't take her away, too!".

In a reverse of roles, Max holds me, softly brushing my hair back.

She struggles but manages to let out some light "Shushes".

Even though she's not saying anything, guilt is clearly written on Max's face.

"It's not your fault" I want to say...

but the words don't come.

Ryan and Vanessa both join our pitiful embrace, doing their best to calm us down.

"You guys are alright... we're all here for you. We're all here," Ryan says.

I shut my eyes and do my best to remember what's important, that Max made her choice and I promised that no matter what choice that was, it was the right one.

This is the right choice, this is the right choice, this is the right choice.

We all stay there, crying and crying and crying until...

Ring Ring Ring

The... phone?


The phone.

My heart almost thuds to a stop when the ringing reaches my ears.

I push the three Caulfield's off of me and grab the phone Vanessa set on the table and press it up against my ear.

"He- hello? Mom? Mom is that you".

The aline is silent except for a light whispy wind sound, sending another crushing blow to my heart.

I'm just about to put the phone down when a thin, fragile voice breaks through.


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