BTS || Insane Love (RE-WRITE)

By flylittlebunny

53.9K 907 493

Y/n gg to move to a new place because y/m/n gonna marry a guy which soon gonna be ur stepfather .. He have a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
I n t r o
U p d a t e ! *
02 | B l o o d
02 | S w e a t
N o t i c e *
V o t e *
02 | T e a r s
N o t i c e*
03 | R e a l i t y
04 | A l i v e
05 | C a p t u r e d
06 | S a v e M e
07 | J i n
09 | J u n g k o o k
10 | N a m j o o n
11 | T a e h y u n g
12 | J i m i n
13 | H o s e o k + 结
G o o d B y e ㅠㅠ
Ask Me Questions
re- write

08 | Y o o n g i

967 29 2
By flylittlebunny

This is yoongi ending , The continue story from jin ending .

Yoongi Pov

I clench my fists as I stood outside of Jin hyung mansion. He kept her all this freaking time.

I trusted him .. I gave her to him thought that He would finally let y/n out of the house .. ever since he trying to become a doctor.

I knew he still love y/n not as a sister but as a lover. I cant stand it , I have to get her back to me.

As the car drove out of the mansion , I slowly follow their car ..

Until .. we finally reach the airport .. where does he planning to bring her away?.. I get off the car and slowly follow them behind..

I look at y/n face expressions.. she look afraid and sad. But why?

Y/n Pov

I cant.. I cant believe ..
I shouldnt have trust him.. Jin oppa..
I need to get away from him , I doesnt want to leave here with him..

Y/n ?.. come on lets go

Wait.. where are you bringing me to..?

You will like the country .. Just follow me okay? As he try to grab my wrist.

But I step away.. as I finally thought of something to escape.

Jin .. Oppa , erm.. I will follow you but May I use the restroom ?

Sure of course you can .. as he hold my hands bringing me to where the restroom are.

I can go by myself .. Jin or are you gonna follow me inside too..? As I glare at him curiously.

Hahahaha of course not.. I just hope you aint running away from me trying to escape as he laughed but suddenly turn to a dark expression.

I wont.. okay? So can u stand a bit further away from the restroom?..

Alright. Alright okay? As he walk away .

Yoongi Pov

Finally y/n is gonna be alone.. this is my chance to take her away from jin hyung before he can even take her somewhere far from here..

I quickly hide in corner trying to figure out something to distract jin hyung and so y/n can get out the restroom .

And I finally came across a good idea.

Y/n Pov

My hands kept trembling.. Non stop .. I am afraid and scared. I doesnt want to live with jin forever..

I wash my face trying to keep myself calm and fresh.. suddenly a lady came in and start to walk towards me..
Who is she..?

Miss.. are you y/n..?

Yeah..? Erm may I know who are you? How did you kno-

There is a man outside , his name is yoongi .. You sure have a nice boyfriend. Hes actually waiting outside of the restroom . He told me to tell you this.

Yoongi.. ? He told you?..

Its been months , Ive heard his name.. I miss him so much .. Everytime I thought Jin will let me out to see yoongi at least .. He just wont let me

Miss .. I think its better for you to leave now..

Thank you so much for the info .. as I quickly rush out of the restroom..

Jin Pov

I was patiently waiting for y/n to come out. I really hope she wont escape from me.. I finally got her and we finally can get together.. I jus-

Suddenly my thoughts cut off as a lady bump into me with a cup of coffee.. it actually spill onto my expensive coat.

I am so sorry .. I didnt mean too ..
I will pay u back !! Please dont hurt me..

I feeling annoyed with the feeling as the coffee gonna stain my coat for the rest of the day .. I look at my watch , its about to get in the departure.. But y/n didnt come out of the restroom..

Leave , Just go ! You no need to pay me anything as I took out my coat and fold it into half ..

Really ..? You sure I doesnt need to pay you? It seem pretty expensive sir..

Yeah .. I am sure , just leave before I get irritated.

Yoongi Pov

It seem like my plan work .. The lady whom spill onto hyung coat .. Just right on time as Y/n came out of the toilet and start looking around..

I run towards her. My heart beat non-stop .. its been so long.. finally I can get to see her ..

Y/n Pov

I look around feeling nervous but I cant seem to see yoongi.. suddenly
A hand interwine with mine.. I look up and its yoongi..

He quickly pull me and we ran away together from Jin .. away from everyone..

As we finally out of the the airport..
He took me into his car..

He then give me a tight hug.. a warm tight hug that I used to love back in the past..

I cry in his arms. He make me feels calm .. he let go of the hug and look at me with those eyes.

Dont worry , We'll be okay.. alright so stop trembling , I will protect you from him. Dont cry anymore as he wipe the tears on my face giving me the same old gummy smile.

I am.. sorry yoongi.. I thought I really wont see you again..

Its okay .. I am here .. I am right beside you now arent I?

Thank you .. for saving me ..

2 weeks after ,

Yoongi actually became the successful producer . He have his own small studio and he make music and train some underground rapstars.

He became famous.. and My fear is back . What if , Jin come back for me again..?

At his studio ,

Y/n..? Are you still asleep ? As he start to pat my head.

I woke up .. and start to stretch myself.

I brought us some food , I am so sorry that we gonna overnight again?

Its okay.. I wont mind spending more time with you as I smile widely..

Thank you I am glad my future wife didnt mind as he kiss my lips .

The kiss got heated as He pulled me onto his lap .. Our tongues fight against each other .. We let out our breath and he start to caress my face.

We should start to plan our wedding date. Y/n

But .. You are busy yoongi.

Y/n. I doesnt have plans next week , so lets go and pick a wedding dress for you okay?

Alright.. if you say so , you better make it oh I have a good news

And what is it about?

This weekend, I get to perform your music at the general hospital.

Really ?! I am really glad.. you are indeed my muse as he peck my lips again.

Weekend , saturday
At general hospital

I start to prepare my guitar and start to strum the correct ones for rehearsal.

People start to fill up the seats and The Mc start to start the event , I got up on the stage and finally get to start to perform the song..

Suddenly from a far someone got my eyes.. Its jungkook.. he wearing the hospital clothes.. he look like he doesnt know who I am ..? But look amazed at the sound of the song.

After my perfomance come to the end.. I start to pack up my stuff and about to leave the place.. Suddenly someone stop infront of me blocking me...

Jungkook..? As he came a little bit closer to me and hold onto my arm

How did you know my name ? And why ?! You know the tune of the song? How? Who are you? The song is the one That me and my hyung know only!

You doesnt remember me..?

I cant believe what happen to him.. after the day Jin took me away from him..

Yeah .. You must know where yoongi hyung is , Why didnt he even bother to see me again?

I am really sorry .. yeah the song is indeed yoongi make.. He just kind of busy.. I will let him know okay?

I took a step back and let his hand off my arm. Without saying anything , he left me .

At Night ,
Yoongi house

Yoongi , I finally homee..

Y/n.. why are you late ? As he start to hold both of my shoulders.

I told you , I performing at the hospital.. and I actually met someone.

Who ?! Is it jin hyung? Or someone ? They didnt hurt you right?

Yeah .. He didnt, its jungkook .

What ?! JUNGKOOK?! He didnt do anything to you right?! As he start to look at me head to toe looking so worry.

Yeah he didnt .. I think he got into accident.. Yoongi , I think you should go visit him .. He remember you

Why should I?.. He hurt you y/n , why are you acting so worry and kind for him?! HE KIDNAP YOU ?! You forgot already?!

I know.. Yoongi but he wants to see you . AND now he didnt remember me .. Please dont remind me of the past again

Suddenly yoongi start to push everything away and unlock the door and slam it.

I quickly chase him right after him .. I was trying to stop him even on the streets but he push me away..

What is wrong with him..?

I ran and start to hug him from behind.. He smell like hes drunk..

Aish let go of me.. as he try to pull away but I hug even harder..

Please.. Dont leave me, I am sorry I wont tell u to go see him again.. I wont go there too ..

He turn around and look at me angrily and he start to kiss me so hard that he almost bite my lower lips.

You are mine okay . I doesnt want to share .. I will find him one day when I can accept.. him again .. Just please dont go see him alone..

You are making me fucking insane ? Did you know that..? I am so worry that I thought you are gone away from me again..

I promise I wont do that again as I peck him on his cheek.

I guess this is our insane Love story we have as chuckled in my ears as he start kissing my neck without caring what the world would say.

* Open ending *

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