The Spaniard's Bride

By JessSanders1213

312K 10.8K 234

Third Book in the Bride Series Roseanne never believed in fairy tales. They just didn't seem quite as realist... More



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By JessSanders1213

She laid in his arms afterwards, a feeling she had never experienced. His warm skin against hers let her feel protected and loved. His arms were tucked protectively around her bare skin.

It had been so long since she had been loved by anyone. Or at least, that was how she felt. Roseanne wished she had known about Jason's love for her. Had she known just how much Jason cared for her, she would not have suffered so long with Alvaro.

She might have not even married him.

"Jason?" She asked, running her thumb across his lips.

Jason kissed the pad of her thumb, "What is it, darling?"

"Can we stay like this forever? In my bed, just me and you, with the stars shinning above us?"

Jason smiled down at her, "Anything for you, my darling."

Roseanne let herself settle back into his embrace and slowly fall asleep.

She dreamt of another life— one where she lived in a small cottage, next to the glistening river with Jason and two, frisky little children. One, the oldest, had flaming red curls and a temper just as her own. The other was a golden haired child with the bluest eyes on the face of the earth.

Never in her life had Roseanne get more content.

Everything was perfect.

She realized that everything she had now, besides her children, was worthless. She didn't need them, simply happiness. The jewels and the crown only made her more miserable as the days went by. What she needed was love.

And the only type of love she wanted was Jason's.


Jason woke with a start as the door slammed open and a dozen guards swarmed into the room.

His heart stopped.

His arm tightened around Roseanne's once sleeping form and watched as the King waltzed in.

By then, Roseanne had sat up, a look of shock plastered on her beautiful face. Her hand clutched the blankets the her chest.

His heart was pounding in his chest, partly out of anger and partly out of fear.

Roseanne stood, pulling the blankets with her and fell to her knees, "Please, your majesty, you must understand—"

The King came over to the side of the bed and held Roseanne's face in his hand, "Take him. I want him gone by the morning."

Three guards gripped his arm and hoisted him out of bed, forcing him on to his knees, "Sir Falmouth, you are under arrest for the intentional harm of her Majesty Queen Rose. You will be held within the castle until the day of your execution."

Roseanne scrambled away from Alvaro, "You bastard! You scheming, insolent, ruthless bastard! You have your whores and your servant girls but you can't let me have one lover? I wish you to hell!"

Her hand connected with his face, in a split second.

The sound reverberated around the room, earning a moment of silent from all who inhabited the room.

Jason's heart sank as he watched Roseanne bring her hand back to her chest. Her body was shaking uncontrollably. She said not a word but met eyes with Jason. Tears where welled up in both her eyes and his own, for he knew that this would be the end for both of them.

"Take him out!" Alvaro hissed, his eyes narrowing at his wife.

Jason's world stopped as the guards brought him to his feet and started to drag him away. He desperately dug his feet into the door, trying anything to stop them from taking him away.

The King's hand flashed into the air to halt his men's moves, "Let him stay. He needs to see this."

The guards, all but two, left him in the room with the King and Roseanne. Roseanne's eyes were filled with fear.

Alvaro grabbed Roseanne by her hair, dragging her over to the bed. She kicked at him and screamed, thrashing in his arms.

He finally let her go right at the edge of the bed and kicked at her, "I will not have a whore for a wife. I have other women to be my whores. But you—I will not have you rolling around with another man."

"Please." Roseanne pleaded, her voice trembling. She gripped Alvaro's wrist in a plea.

Jason knew that, no matter how much she begged, Roseanne would be receiving what Alvaro planned to give her.


Jason had been thrown in a jail cell and left in the corner, trembling and broken.

The images...

The screams...

The cries...

The worst part was that Jason did not even feel for her. Instead, he felt guilty for putting her in the position. Had he not bother with her, she would have been safe. He sat still, watching in horror, as her husband tortured her. When he was done, he left her on the floor, trembling and sobbing. As they were carried out, Roseanne still sobbing, she had whispered her love for him.

Jason could not give his love back.

The cell had grown colder and colder as the night grew. They had not bothered to give him anything to cover himself with, besides a small, ratty blanket. Jason was alone— excluding the rats who had taken it up as their duty to bite holes in his arms and legs.

He knew his death would come in within a few mere hours. He would be tortured first and then publicly executed. Hanged and then to the executioners block.

"Jason!" A small voice whispered.

Jason looked out into the darkness at a small figure, covered with a white cloak. A candle was clutched in two small hands, brightening the face of Florencia as she neared.

"Are you okay?" She whispered, reaching through the cell to hand him a set of clothing.

"Bless you." He weeped as he put hen on hastily. "I am alright. Is the Queen?"

Florencia looked down at her hands, "She will be executed for treason and adultery within the morning. They had a trial, called early in the morning. I-I spoke on your behalf."

Jason shook his head, "You shouldn't have. You should not ruin your life your mine."

Florencia shrugged, "The King favors me. I asked him to pardon you from execution. He was not happy about it, as you did... commit a serious crime, but I made it a point to mention your high position with King Edward of England and suddenly, King Alvaro saw he light. You must be gone within a few hours, he says, to save your life."

Florencia shoved a sack through the bars, "It's for you. Food, clothing, blanket and a little money I had saved up."

Jason watched as she set the bag down for him, her eyes never leaving the bag, "Saved for what?"

Florencia rung her hands, "I was going to leave myself but you needed it more than I."

Jason stared at the bag at his feet. If he was given a second chance, maybe God was trying to tell him something, "Come with me."

Florencia laughed, "Oh that's good. I could never!"

Jason grabbed her hands though the bar and pulled her close, "Come with me. I'm serious. We can go to England and live under the protection of the King."

Florencia looked at him under a thick set of lashes, "England?"

Jason nodded, "Yes. I cannot leave without taking you. I will not."

Florencia looked behind her and pulled her hands away quickly. A guard came in, jangling the keys and whistling a cheery tone, to unlock the door for Jason. "You's be a lucky man, ya English knight. Tha King bein' all weak with ya. Be free ya minglin' manwhore."

Florencia scoffed, "Why thank you! Took you long enough."

The guard mimicked her voice as he walked up the stairs, leaving them alone again.

"Let's go before he changes his mind." Florencia said as she pulled his arm. Jason glanced back at the cell adjourning his to see a woman staring back at him.

"Who's that?" He whispered.

Florencia shook her head, "We should not bother..."

Jason walked over to her, crouching down to see her clearly. She had piercing green eyes, and dark hair, but besides that, all Jason could see was grime.

"I shall warn you, child, while I can. Alvaro is not so slippery with his prisoners as he appears to be. I advise you leave while you can." The woman said, her voice hoarse as if she had never spoken.

"Who are you?" He asked, squinting to get a better look.

"It is not a matter to concern yourself with, child. I just advise you to leave."

Jason started to stand again when the woman reached out and grasped his arm, "I ask you one question— my son, Stefan, is he well?"

Jason's eyes widened as he stared back at the woman, the same woman who once was a Queen.

"I-I do not know. You are Queen Emilia." Florencia whispered.

"Mia, dear." The woman smiled.

"What happened to you?" Jason asked, his brow creasing.

"Nothing more than becoming old. Alvaro loved me but once I showed signs of age, I became a part of the dungeons. Catholics cannot divorce, as you know, so he simple put me away." The woman whispered, "I was taken away from my son."

Florencia looked over and Jason. In that moment, they both knew what had to be done.

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