[✔️] Across The Years | Seulr...

By zhenaerys

427K 19K 25.7K

Falling in love with someone is a crazy feeling. Whether it's forbidden, complicated, or secretly then can't... More

Ch. 1 - An old photo
Ch. 2 - The box
Ch. 3 - A new job
Ch. 4 - Is she or isn't she
Ch. 5 - A spider's web
Ch. 6 - Possibilities
Ch. 7 - Groovy
Ch. 8 - Happy birthday, John
Ch. 9 - Never pass up a chance to see Freddy
Ch. 10 - End of a long road
Ch. 12 - Upstairs/Downstairs
Ch. 13 - Not in our stars
Ch. 14 - One day down
Ch. 15 - Breaking character
Ch. 16 - Knock knock
Ch. 17 - The ride
Ch. 18 - Another outing
Ch. 19 - A little peek
Ch. 20 - The garden
Ch. 21 - The moment (Part I)
Ch. 22 - The moment (Part II)
Ch. 23 - Too little, too late
Ch. 24 - Running down the clock
Ch. 25 - The circle
Ch. 26 - Out of the frying pan, into the fire
Ch. 27 - Remember me
Ch. 28 - A new world
Ch. 29 - Stranger in a strange land
Ch. 30 - Trouble in paradise
Ch. 31 - Who's the villain
Ch. 32 - Out in the open
Ch. 33 - Catching up
Ch. 34 - Fate or chance
Last Chapter - Wraparound

Ch. 11 - Roughing it

10.4K 472 402
By zhenaerys

Seulgi's POV

"Right this way, Seulgi." Irene said as she led me through the inn.

I followed her to the far right corner, near one end of the bar where there was a door. I followed her through the door to a small hallway. To the left was a kitchen to the right was a door which she knocked on.

"Yes?" Said a stern voice from within.

"Father, it's me Irene, may I enter?"

"Yes come in."

Irene opened the door and I followed her in. The room was a small office. In the center sat a large wooden desk cluttered with papers of all sorts. Behind him was some shelves with various books. The office had other things, paintings, a sword hanging on the wall, but I didn't pay much attention to that.

Instead I focused on Irene's father, he appeared to be a man in his late 40's-early 50's, with greying hair and piercing blue-green eyes. Upon me walking in, he immediately eyed me with a strange look.

"Father, This is Seulgi Kang. A Korean-American, from Los Angeles, in California. She is traveling, seeing England and heard that Cecilia resign. She is looking for a job."

For a moment his eyes narrowed, "Come forth please." He said, "A most unusual manner of dress. If you don't mind me saying so."

I guessed that may be one of his comments, "I have been traveling so I wear clothes that can take some wear and tear. That and dressed as a man, I tend to get bothered less. The coat, hat and boots were my late father's."

"He served in your recent Civil war? I'm a military man myself, retired of course."

I could tell he was once an army officer. His bearing was stern and serious and he sat up straight. His eyes, never diverting from me.

"Yes, my father Junmyeon Kang did serve in the civil war. We had moved west to California in 1858. When the war broke, my father returned to his native Michigan and signed up for the 5th, Michigan Cavalry, Company E. Serving from 1862 to 1865 and rising to the rank of sergeant. He fought in numerous battles, including Gettysburg."

My father is Junmyeon Kang and he was born in Michigan, that much of it is true— but he relocated back in Seoul which was his ancestors country, raised a family and decided to finally settle in Los Angeles. While he obviously didn't serve in the civil war, his Great Great Grandfather did serve in that very regiment. In reality, my father is an executive at an insurance company.

He looked mildly impressed and seemed to think for a moment before nodding, "I see, you are traveling and seeing England."

"Yes. My father died about a year ago. Since then my mother sold the family business, for a good sum of money. We sold horses. I've always wanted to see some of the world. My father had a huge library in our home; I've read about all these places in the world and thought I might go see some."

"What did your mother think of your little trip?"

"Actually she was fine with it. Her family is originally from South Korea and has some distant relatives there. I promised I would visit them before I returned. Her father raised her to be very independent and thus she did as me."

He took it all in without changing his expression, "You mentioned you read in your father's library. You are literate I take?"

I couldn't help but smirk at this point, "Yes Sir, In both English and in Spanish. Though I'm more familiar with the Mexican dialect— Korean also. My father got me the best education that was available."

Irene who has been standing next to me suddenly lit up, "You speak Spanish? My mother was from Spain, but she was also originated in far east side of Asia. Since my sister has gotten married. I've had no one to speak it with."

I turned to Irene with a smile, "Estaría más que feliz de hablar a español."

I do actually speak Spanish fluently. I took it in school and also made pains to know pretty much every Spanish swear word and insult in existence.

"Muy Bien, Gracias." She answers back with a grin.

Turning back to her father, I said. "I told your daughter, I can't promise I'll stay forever, but I am a very hard worker and can stay for several months until you find a more permanent replacement. Herford is a nice town and I wouldn't mind staying a while."

"Good, good. You seem quite suited. You've come right in time. I am in need of a servant as Cecilia has just quit. She has just gotten engaged and will be moving up to Yorkshire when she marries. The duties will be split between maintaining the house which is immediately behind the inn and helping in the inn itself. When working in the house you will report to my housekeeper, Mrs. Bailey. Working here you will report to either me or my daughter. I can pay you 3 Schillings, 6 pence a week. Is that satisfactory?"

I nodded, "Fine, perfect. I do have one question."

"Go ahead."

"Are lodgings included? If not, do you know of a room I can rent somewhere nearby?"

"Well in the house itself no. Cecilia, lived just up the street with her parents, so she didn't live in the house."

Irene then interjected, "Sorry to interrupt father. But what of the old gamekeeper's cabin?"

He quickly nodded, "Perfect. My property along with the park adjacent, was once part of a larger estate, belonging to the Leeway family. At the far end of my property, about a half mile back, there is a small cabin. It used to belong to the gamekeeper that they once employed. I do not employ a gamekeeper so it has gone unused. The cabin itself is sturdily built and remains in good condition. How about I let you stay here, and we adjust your salary to 3 schillings, 3 pence a week. If that is not satisfactory, I believe Mrs. Currie has a room to..."

"No, that will be perfectly fine." I said cutting him off. I just wanted the job. I would have even slept in the stables, that's how much I wanted this. Though, I'd rather sleep closer to Irene, like in the same bed. Being in a cabin may be a good thing, it would give me some privacy. When not working, I can entertain myself by listening to music or watching movies on my kindle.

He nodded with a smile and extended his hand, "Excellent, welcome aboard. I'll have you shown to your quarters and you can then start tomorrow. You look both tired and wet and I'm sure you would like to unpack your things. Mrs. Bailey will fill you in."

He then turned to Irene, "Irene, take Miss Kang to the house and introduce her to Mrs. Bailey. Tell her that she is Cecilia's replacement and she will be starting tomorrow."

"Of course father."

Irene gestured me to follow her and I followed her down the hallway out the back door. From there, we took a small stone path to their house. Thankfully it had stopped raining at this point.

The house itself was a decent sized 3 story wooden Victorian house. While not a mansion in any respect, it was very nice and looked rather elegant. It reminded me a bit of the old plantation houses I would see in civil war movies. The front of the house had a large porch with a few wicker chairs and tables.

I said little as we walked, but I deliberately stayed behind her so I could just watch her. I wanted to see how she held her head, how she walked. I wanted to know everything about her, even the smallest detail. I even studied the dress she was wearing and her shoes.

She was indeed a creature of beauty. I also said nothing as I was afraid I would spout out more nonsense and look even more the fool. Just the sight of her, the way her brown hair falls across her graceful shoulders does things to me.

Not even Krystal had this effect on me. I never wanted to have her babies, I don't even think the thought ran across my mind.

Irene's making all kinds of thoughts run across my mind. Giving birth to her babies is just one of them. How on earth, does she make me feel so girly? I find myself feeling rotten as I don't look pretty enough for her. I'm an angry, mean pissed off Rebel girl. I'm not supposed to care if I'm pretty enough for a girl. They should feel that way about me. A good number of the rest of my thoughts involve her being naked and in some of them naked and wet.

We entered the house and were in a foyer where Irene called out for Mrs. Bailey. A moment later a woman who looked to be in her early 60's with greying hair in a bun, a black dress and a dour expression came from the back of the house. The expression got even dourer when she eyed me.

"Yes Miss Irene?" She said in a more working class British accent.

"Mrs. Bailey, This is Seulgi Kang, a Korean-American. She is taking, at least for a few months, Cecilia's duties. She will be staying in old gamekeeper's cabin. See that she is shown the way there and made as comfortable as possible. She will be starting tomorrow. "

Mrs. Bailey nodded, "Yes Miss Irene."

Irene then turned to me and gave me a smile that made my heart jump, "Well, I shall see you tomorrow. Mrs. Bailey will show you to your quarters. If you have any questions in regards to your duties, feel free to ask. If you will excuse me, I need to return to the inn."

I smiled back and indulged myself by looking into her brown eyes maybe a bit longer than one normally would. I just couldn't help myself. If she noticed me looking at her a bit longer, she made no sign that she did so. "Of course. It was very nice meeting you."

Irene then turned and left, leaving me with Mrs. Bailey. Despite her rather dour expression, she was actually quite nice.

"You looked soaked to the bone child, and cold. Before I take you to your quarters, let me get you some hot tea to warm you up a bit. I've just made some."

She lead me through the very nice house into the kitchen where we I sat at a wooden table. A moment later she put a cup of steaming hot tea in front of me. While I've never been a tea lover, after having walked in the rain for hours, it warmed me up nicely.

We chatted a bit, I told her my cover story and she told me that she and her husband had been working for the Ferrer family for over 13 years. She is the housekeeper and her husband Thomas is the cook. Her name is Catherine. They have small quarters in the back of the house. There were two other servants working for the family, A kitchen maid named Emily who worked with the cook and another servant named Robert who was both a handyman and took care of their horses.

Mrs. Baily explained that I will both be working in the kitchen and around the house. I know that normally duties were more specific, a kitchen servant wouldn't make the beds, but that's the way it would run here. Of course I would spend some hours working in the inn as well. Emily and Robert also had small rooms in the back of the house.

She explained that she expected hard work, which I promised to give. After the tea was done, she fetched some thick wool blankets from a back closet and let me out of the house.

"The gamekeeper's cabin hasn't been used in some years, but Mr. Ferrer had seen that it was kept in decent condition and cleaned on a regular basis. He's very much a military mind in some things. Keeping everything looking proper and well maintained. In fact Colin who is the bartender and keeps things going in the inn, is Mr. Ferrer's former batman from the army." Mrs. Bailey said as she led me into the woods behind the house, down a trail.

"Batman?" With my luck, the Joker will show up.

"Oh, that's another name for what you Americans call an orderly. A low ranking solder how is a personal aid, servant and a valet to an officer. Colin's served Mr. Ferrer, since his days in India."

"I see."

She led me down the path about half a mile and suddenly a rustic cabin came into view.

"Beyond the cabin, a short ways is a stream where you can get water."

The cabin itself was in a small clearing and looked well maintained. In addition to the cabin I could see what looked like 2 small sheds nearby. The first one was directly behind the house. I guessed that was storage shed. Further away at the edge of the clearing was the second one.

It took me all of 3 seconds to realize. That was no shed. Oh goodie, I get to use an outhouse, just what I've always dreamed of. Sarcasm alert people. The things I do for love. I'm not going to think of that now. I think I'll just hold it for another 150 years.

"I think there is some firewood stacked on the side of the cabin. I'll have Robert bring some more out to you. If you need anything else, Mr. Ferrer operates a dry goods store in town. You should be able to buy anything else you need."

The cabin had a small porch on the front with a rocking chair to the right of the doorway. Pushing aside my disdain for cabins and all things rural, I smiled and followed her inside.

To my right along the wall, was a fireplace. It even had one of those little arms that you could swing over the fire to cook things on. In front of the fireplace were two old but sturdy looking chairs. On the opposite wall was a bookshelf with some old books and other things on it.

Next to that was a small chest of drawers. To my left was a dry sink and come cabinets above it. Also next to the dry sink on the right wall, was a small wood burning pot-bellied stove. On the left side of the far wall was a door. There were two windows. One on the front to the right of the doorway and one on the left wall, behind the pot-bellied stove. It looked relatively clean, but smelled a bit musty.

"I believe you will find some candles and matches in that chest of drawers next to the book-case. That door there leads to the bedroom. You will find a bed and a small dresser. You look around while I put these thick blankets on the bed. I think there are some linens in there."

"Little house on the fucking prairie," I muttered under my breath as I looked around. There were a few other odds and ends in the room. On a shelf above the fire place was a clock which would need to be wound. Above that, mounted on the wall, was what appeared to be an old muzzle loading rifle. I also spotted 2 lanterns on the bottom shelf of the book case.

Mrs. Bailey came back into the room, "I took the liberty of making up your bed for you. I expect you to be in the kitchen tomorrow morning at 6 am sharp. Unless you have any other questions, I'll leave you to your unpacking."

I shook my head, "No Mrs. Bailey thank you."

A few seconds later I was alone. Only then did I realized how cold and wet I still was. My whole body ached, with my legs hurting especially... not to mention, it was a bit chilly in the cabin itself. Surprisingly I managed get a fire going with some fire wood from out back and some matches I found in a drawer.

I drew the crude curtains over the windows and stripped out of my wet clothes. Like the frontierswoman I have no choice in being, I laid my wet clothes by the fire to dry. I was too tired to unpack, so I just put my bags down and went into the bedroom. Looking around, I half expected to turn to see that I had wandered into a museum exhibit.

As crude as the bed was, it looked very inviting. It was midafternoon, but I was exhausted. I quickly changed into my sleeping clothes and set my phone alarm for 5:15 the next morning. I'll screw with the clock on the mantle, later. So I crawled under the thick woolen blankets and fell asleep nearly the second I put my head on the feathery pillow.


Estaría más que feliz de hablar a español = I would be more than happy to speak to you in Spanish.

Muy Bien, Gracias = Very good, thank you.

A gamekeeper is a person employed by a landowner. He would have the job of making sure there were enough game for shooting, fish for fishing, etc. He also was responsible for keeping poachers off the property. He would also procure game for the family as well.

The 5th Michigan Cavalry was a real civil war unit and saw many battles. One of its members was responsible for the death of Confederate General J.E.B. Stuart in battle.

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