The Architect's Girl |✔

By Sasha_Lee_28

33.6K 796 288

Sasha Banks and Seth Rollins. Two names with an awful and much painful history attached to them. But will the... More

Chapter 1: "I Did Not Sleep With Her!"
Chapter 2: "Your Fault!"|✔
Chapter 3: "One Day."|✔
Chapter 4: "I Just Let You Win."
Chapter 5: "Good Sign If You Can't Decipher Your Own Emotions."
Chapter 6: "That Was Awkward."
Chapter 7: "No steps forward, a million back."
Chapter 8: "Watch Vampire Diaries with me."
Chapter 9: "Hometown Sparkles."
Chapter 11: Always Melts My Heart.
Chapter 12: "Finally."
Chapter 13: "Not The Best Timing To Do The Dirty In A Kitchen"
Chapter 14: "Why?"
Chapter 15: " Are You That Dumb?"
Chapter 16: "You Jinxed It."
Chapter 17: "Always In My mind."
Chapter 18: "I Am So Dead If She Finds Me."
Chapter 19: "A Double Date."
Chapter 20: "Love Sick Idiot."
Chapter 21: "I Blew It."
Chapter 22: "At Least I Have Comfort Food."
Chapter 23: "Stall As Long As You Can."
Chapter 24: "I Want To Have Babies With You One Day."
Chapter 25: "Seth, I Need You."
Chapter 26: "I Love You Sasha."
Chapter 27: "What Is This About."
Chapter 28: "New Life Together."
Chapter 29: "It Is Not Mine."
BONUS PART 1:"The Wedding From Hell."
BONUS PART 2: "Kidnapped"
BONUS PART 3: "A Helping Hand."
BONUS PART 4: "Revealed"
BONUS PART 5: "Forever."
Quick A/N:

Chapter 10: "Dinner From Hell."

948 24 0
By Sasha_Lee_28

Sasha's POV

"Are you sure you still want to do this? We can always bail?" I ask Seth hoping that he'll change his mind.

"No, I want to prove to your mother that I am a decent guy who can give you a good life, security, marriage, babies," Seth starts, but I roll my eyes.

"Shut up, Seth." I say, but laugh.

"What? I will prove to your mother that-"

"Yeah, I got it." I say effectively cutting him off.

I drive further in silence while tapping my steering wheel. Seth and I took the night off earlier since my match was done and he also finished his segment with Dean on reuniting with him.

"So, how does it feel not to be Authority's bitch anymore?" I ask surpressing a grin.

"Really? You too? I was never their bitch." He says with a grimace.

"If you say so." I sing and stop at a red light.

"I was just using the opportunities which were given to me." He explains and I laugh..

"Sure..." I trail off.

He shakes his head and then laughs at me.

"You can just drop me off at the hotel." He says and I shoot him a confused look.

"I mean afterwards." He say, but I sigh.

"No, I am not. You can stay at my place tonight." I say and offer him a smile.

"Are you sure? I don't want to intrude." He says.

"Your luggage is in my car and what kind of person would I be to drop you at the hotel? And admit it, secretly you want to see my apartment." I add with a wink.

"Don't flatter yourself." Seth says and I catch the smile playing on his lips.

Gosh, his lips.

Don't go there, Sasha.

When we came at my mom's house, I stop the car, but refrain from getting out.

"You ready?" Seth asks me.

"No, but let's get it over with." I say and lean against the headrest.

"It will be okay." He says and squeezes my hand.

"No, it won't. You know that after all these years, she still blames me for what happened." I choke out.

"I know, but she won't hurt you tonight, because I won't let her." He says and leans in.

At first I thought that he was going to kiss me, but then he kisses my cheek lightly.

"Now, let's go and show her that I am the perfect man for you." He says proudly and I chuckle.

When we get out of the car, I give him a look.

"You do know that we're not together...?" I hesitantly says, but he just offers me a smile.

"Your mom doesn't know it. And besides, not yet." He whispers and then rings the doorbell leaving me in a trance.

The door opens and we're met with the smiling face of my sister.

"Sasha!" She yells and attacks me with a hug.

"Sienna! I missed you so much!" I say and spin her around.

When I put her down she brightly smiles at me.

"Another person here." Seth says and she hugs him.

Unlike my mother, my sister really, really, likes Seth.

"I missed you little munchkin." Seth teases her and messes up her hair.

"You're still calling me that? I am eighteen." She pouts, but secretly we know that she likes the nickname.

"You came." My mother says with a fake smile.

"You kind of forced us..." I mumble when Seth pinches my arm.

"Of course." He says politely and hands her a daisy bouquet.

"Oh, thank you." She says and ushers us in.

Time for the dinner from hell...


We are all sitting around the table and I am trying not to suffocate due to the stressed vibe.

My mom keeps sending me subtle glares while Seth is keeping polite conversation going.

I stab my steak with a fork earning another glare from my mother.

Gosh, this is unbearable.

"Are you not enjoying the food?" Mother asks with distaste.

"More like the atmosphere surrounding it..." I mumble, but then straighten up. "No, it's wonderful."

"Good, because I spent all afternoon slaving away." She says and the silence continues.

My mom keeps glaring at me and I return the favor. Sienna shoots me a disapproving glance.

"So, where's Dad?" I ask successfully thickening the already stressful atmosphere.

Mother inhales a sharp breath and Sienna gives me a 'really' look while Seth sighs knowing that it is going to be a full blown war.

"You're really going there now?" She asks hatefully.

"I'm just curious." I state and drink my water.

"I don't know where your father is. We lost all contact after the divorce and that incident." She says in a accusing tone.

"You still blame me for what happened?" I ask disbelievingly.

"Of course not, even though you could've prevented it." Mother says and glares at me.

"Was I suppose to prevent the truck driver crashing into us in the middle of the night? Was I supposed to prevent the fact that my brother landed in a coma and still hasn't woken? Was I supposed to prevent Dad leaving you,, because you were constantly living in the past and blaming me?" I shout and stand up.

"If you and your brother haven't gone to that stupid party, none of this would've happened!" She yells back.

"Mom..." Sienna says and places a hand on her shoulder.

"Sasha, let's go." Seth says and takes my hand. I shrug him off and look her right in the eye.

"I am sick and tired of you blaming me for what happened. I already blame myself. I don't need you constantly reminding me of my biggest mistake of my life." I say and walk out.

Seth's POV (sorry for the middle of a scene POV switch, but I think that this should be seen in Seth's POV❤)

"Sasha!" Sienna yells after her, but she keeps going.

"Sorry about that Sienna. We will meet up with you tomorrow, okay?" I say and hug her.

"Sure, and I know that you guys are not together, but she needs you right now, so please look after my sister." She says and gives me a sad smile.

I nod and walk to the car and the sight I'm met with literally breaks me.

Sasha is sitting in the passenger seat, bawling her eyes out.

I get in and instantly wrap her in a hug after placing her on my lap.

"Hey, Sasha, it is going to be okay." I whisper and pull her closer to me.

"No it is not. She still blames me! After all these years. Colton is still in a coma and he's probably never going to wake up and it is all my fault." Sasha cries.

My heart is hanging in a thread here. It kills me to see her like this.

A few years ago before we got engaged, Sasha and her brother who was 20 years old at that time, went to a party.

Sasha didn't drink at all, so she drove the car. It was dark and rainy that night, so there was a drunk truck driver who crashed into them.

Their car rolled, but Colton, Sasha's brother, fell out and hit his head. That bump alone sent him into a coma.

Sasha, however, has severe injuries and a broken arm, but compared to her brother, she survived.

"Sasha, it is not your fault. You are one of the strongest people I know. You didn't cause that accident, the truck driver did." I say and rub her back in soothing circles.

She keeps crying and clutch my shirt. I kiss her head and let her cry her heart out.

"I am so sorry, Seth." She whispers after a few moments.

"Don't be sorry, like I said it is not your fault." I say and tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear.

She sits back on the passenger seat and I start driving.

The ride is filled with an indescribable silence. It is not comforting, strained or awkward.

It is just silent.

I stop at Sasha's house and we walk in the house. When we get inside, she immediately runs to her room and lock the door.

I run after her and stand in front of the door. Normally, I would've left her, but I can't. Not in this state.

"Sasha, open the door." I plead and lean against it.

"No." She curtly replies and I hear her crying.

I exhale a breath and try the door handle again.

"Sasha, please. Open up." I say trying to get through to her.

She ignores me and continue crying.

"I want to help you, please let me in."

"If you don't open the door now, I will break it." I say softly but seriously.

There is a few moments of silence and after a minute when I was just about to break the door down, she opens it.

Her hair is tied in a ponytail and her makeup is smeared and she is still in her evening dress.

"I can't do this, Seth. It is too hard." Sasha cries out and I engulf her in a hug.

I pick her up and walk to her bed still holding her.

"You can do this. I am here for you, always. Colton won't blame you for what happened. No one does. Your mom just want someone to blame for her mistake." I say while lightly squeezing her.

"I will never ever leave you." I whisper and take her head in my hands.

"Promise?" She asks in a small, fragile voice.

"I promise." I say and then lightly kiss her.

It isn't like any other kiss we had before. It is filled with so much emotion and love, I feel like bursting.

"Thanks, Seth. I don't know what I'll do without you." Sasha mutters and places her head on my chest.

"Me neither." I mumble abd then both of us fall in a deep sleep.


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