Protector: Book 1 *NEW DRAFT*

By TheDowny

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After failing the training her elite warriors' society expected her to master, Jade abandons everything she k... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 15

550 66 8
By TheDowny

It started raining the night Jade left the estate. The droplets fell heavily and Jade secured the cloak that had been given to her over her shoulders and pulled the hood up. Phantom didn't seem to mind the rain or the mud, his dense fur kept him warm. She rode through the night but kept the pace slow for Chances sake. Jade knew there was no point in making camp when she knew she wouldn't be able to find a dry place to sleep or make a fire.

The rain continued on through the next day and into the following evening. It was a true spring rain and eventually Jade stopped under some trees to try and catch a few hours of sleep. She huddled under the branches and wrapped the cloak tightly around her tucked legs. Phantom laid next to her and quickly fell asleep, exhausted.

Jade only slept a few hours and when she woke she felt more miserable than before. It was still raining and there were no signs that it was ever going to stop. "Let's just hope Viper is slowed by the same storm," she muttered.

The rain continued into the next day and eventually they made it to a small town by the river. Jade went to the bank of the river and stared out through the rain. The water was rough and flowing faster from the storm. She couldn't even see the opposite bank. The rain was falling in steady sheets, the droplets were small but permeated through everything. Even Jade's cloak was beginning to lose its water resistance and she felt chilled to the bone. There were no boats at the docks that Jade could see, which meant there was no way to cross the river until one arrived.

"Well, we'll have to wait so why don't we go get some hot food and dry ourselves in the meantime?" Jade suggested to her companions. She had caught sight of an inn halfway through town. She had no idea how far behind she was, but she knew Viper was headed back to the campsite in Caxil. When Jade had been prisoner, Viper had told her men she'd return in two or three weeks time. So long as Jade didn't waste too much time she could catch her there.

Jade pulled Chance around the back of the inn to the barn. The man on duty took a coin from Jade and she swung her saddlebags over one shoulder. She gave instructions for Chance to be fed oats and rubbed down. The mare shook the water from her mane while Jade and Phantom ducked back out into the rain and jogged to the entrance of the inn.

Jade closed the inn door firmly behind her once they entered and Phantom shook himself, sending water everywhere. Luckily there was no one nearby for Phantom to bother with his bad manners. Jade gave him a stern look and Phantom simply tilted his head as if to say, what?

The innkeeper looked up and then his eyes widened at the sight of her and the wolf standing in his establishment. She knew he assumed, as everyone else did, that she was a Protector. Jade had come to realize that no one cared that she didn't have a Protectors uniform, only that she had a wolf at her side. They saw what they wanted to see.

"Ma'am," the innkeeper greeted coming around the counter. "May I help you with anything?"

"Yes, thank you," she said with a smile. "I'd like a large plate of something hot and a slab of raw meat for my wolf, beef or lamb if you have it." The man nodded and walked away to get what she asked for. Jade pulled her cloak off and hung it to dry by the door with the other dozen cloaks.

"Well I'll be damned," a familiar voice came from a table near the fire at the other end of the room. Jade looked over, surprised to see Lander and his men sitting and eating.

Despite being wet and tired Jade broke into a grin and quickly made her way over to the men. Lander and Merek both stood to greet her and they clasped hands and patted Jade on the back. "Never thought I'd see you here," Lander said motioning for Jade to take an open chair. The men all greeted Jade with smiles. She placed her saddlebags on the ground and unbuckled her sword from her waist before taking a seat.

"I didn't either," Jade admitted. "But, it's good to see you just the same." The innkeeper brought a plate of food and she thanked him when he placed a platter with a slab of beef in front of Phantom who had laid down behind Jade's chair. Everything was steaming and warm and Jade ate quickly, already she felt the chill leaving her bones.

"You're still looking as starved as ever," Lander commented. "So what are you doing here, Jade? I expected you to be at the Capital by now."

"I was heading there," Jade said with a nod. She looked around to make sure no one would overhear and then continued. "But then I realized Viper wasn't headed for the Capital she was headed to Prince Reiner's estate." Murmurs of surprise came from the men and Lander held up his hand for silence and Jade continued. "I got to his estate only to find that the prince was away hunting. I barely made it in time. Viper and the northmen had set up an ambush in the woods, when I arrived it was absolute chaos."

Jade swallowed more of her food and told the rest of her story in detail. "The last I heard he was on his way to the Capital with a regiment of men in disguise. But, that's why I'm here. I know where Viper is going, she's still got men back in Caxil where I escaped from. I don't plan on letting her get away with what she's done."

Lander looked to Merek and his men, shocked with silence as though they hardly believed their ears. "After we'd given our report to our commander he confirmed that there had been suspicious reports about soldiers who weren't following protocol and a group of dead soldiers found in the north along the border. It confirmed the story you told us and we were sent here to investigate further but you're telling me they've scattered?"

"The northmen have fled," Jade confirmed. "Or at least I'm assuming they did. Once they assumed Viper had upheld their end of the deal and thought the prince to be dead the leader ran off. They're probably halfway to the north by now."

Lander leaned back in his chair, deep in thought as he rubbed his chin. Merek and the men looked to their Captain, enthralled by the story Jade was sharing. "I know I'm not a soldier," Jade said. "But I am speaking the truth."

"I believe you," Lander nodded quickly to Jade. "I'm not doubting you, it's just troubling. An attempt on the prince's life, that is an act of war. We need more information, we need to know who was behind this and why. The northmen are not a united people, there are dozens of tribes that are constantly at war with each other.

"We have raids in the north now and again, tribes who cross the border to steal sheep and burn farms, but our patrols have kept the peace for years. If the northmen were after Prince Reiner's life we need to know why and we need to know who organized it. We need to know if the north has finally united. If there is a threat, we must have information."

Jade nodded her agreement. "Viper will know," she said. "If we can capture her alive I believe we may be able to get information from her."

Merek looked to Jade. "You believe she'll talk?"

Jade lifted a single shoulder. "She could be forced. She had no loyalty to the northmen, her help was bought for a price." Jade glanced at the wolf. "It's possible she'll say to save her own skin."

"I have a question," Merek said to Jade. "You're here alone, what did you expect to do if you caught up with Viper and her men?"

Jade gave a sheepish grin. "I didn't really have a plan," she admitted honestly. "I just knew I needed to get to Viper. Even if it meant following her and sending letters of her whereabouts to the outposts I knew I just couldn't let her go."

Merek didn't have a response so he just lifted an eyebrow and looked to Lander. "Well Captain?"

Lander dropped his hand from his chin. "I think it's the strongest lead we have," he admitted. "Jade is right, if the northmen have fled back to their home there will be no way to track them. Viper is our best bet for gathering information, especially since we know where she is headed." He looked at Jade. "We're with you, Jade."

Finding a boat to cross the river was a difficult task. Even for a charming captain wearing royal colors the boatmen had to be convinced to take them. Jade could tell he just wanted to go home to his wife and kids instead of taking another trip across the river. They all stood in the rain while Lander and Merek argued with the captain. The horses hung their heads and the water dripped from their manes and tack. Jade folded her arms underneath her cloak and kept them close to her body.

It's wasn't particularly cold. The rain came from the south, but being wet constantly for days made Jade ache deep in her bones like an old woman. It seemed she was not the only one affected. The moment they had left the inn the men had all fallen silent and the smiles had fallen from their faces.

When they finally got passage they loaded onto the boat and secured their horses under the canvas cover on deck. Then they all went below and sat on the benches secured to the floor. The boat sloshed on the waves and they groaned from the sickening feeling in their stomachs. Luckily it would not be a long trip across.

"Damned rain," one of the men commented. The others murmured their agreements.

"How much did you have to pay?" Jade asked Lander and Merek when they took their seats on another bench across from her.

"Too much," Lander replied coolly and pulled out a rolled parchment from under his cloak. "Shall we discuss our plans in the meantime?" The boat took another churn and a few of the men groaned. Jade suspected a few of them would lose their lunch before they got to the other side.

Jade nodded and crossed over to sit next to Lander with unsteady feet. Phantom followed, feet spread apart to keep his balance on the rocking boat, his tail was tucked between his legs. He didn't like the boat anymore than the others. Talking to Lander about where they would Find Viper and her men helped keep her mind off her tossing stomach. "She'll have the advantage," Lander said with a nod.

"Maybe," Jade conceded. "But she's lost a lot of men. She's not as strong as she was before. Even if she has scouts watching the road we'll still have her outnumbered assuming she hasn't managed to hire more people in the meantime."

"Even so," Lander said, rolling the map up. "I will not unnecessarily risk the lives of my men. We must move forward with caution."

"I agree," she said. "We'll come up with something."

When they finally made it across the river the day was already darkening. Jade knew the sun wouldn't set for a couple hours still, but the overcast sky made it feel like night was quickly approaching. "Mount up," Lander ordered his men once they were all ashore." He looked to Jade. "Ready?"

She gathered her reins. "Always."

The rain lightened as true night approached. The sheets of rain stopped falling as steadily and turned into a mist that covered the land with a heavy fog. In the darkness, it was near impossible to see the road. Phantom ran ahead, his night vision and nose gave him a clear advantage. Jade pulled off her hood, glad to be free of it for a moment and shook out her wet hair. She had pulled on her gloves when they had crossed the river, so her hands at least were dry and warm even if nothing else.

"I hope this rain slowed Viper down as much as it did us," Merek said, making conversation while they rode.

"I thought the same," Jade agreed. "If she doesn't suspect she's being hunted she might not be riding as hard either. But, if she's smart and I know she is, she'll be pressing to make it back to her men. Pulling a stunt like she did, attacking a prince, she'll be paranoid and she might suspect that I'll come after her."

"Not a good combination," another man from the regiment commented.

They all agreed quietly. Jade wasn't sure if Viper had heard Jade's threat when she had ridden off with her men. But even so, Viper was a clever and resourceful woman. Jade knew she'd want to be back in the safety of her own men as quickly as possible. Jade would have done the same in her shoes.

The group rode at a steady pace through the night. There was no town or inn to take shelter and it would be valuable time wasted making camp. Everything was wet and muddy and the men seemed resolved to stay in their saddles since making camp wouldn't be much relief.

When morning broke the heavy fog still remained and the clouds over their heads churned with dark bellies and rumbling thunder in the distance. "Sounds like more rain," Jade said with a frown. Even Merek, whose appearance was usually immaculate, resembled a drowned cat.

Later that afternoon, after another storm had come and gone, Lander called for his men to stop for a break. "If nothing else we can have a hot meal." He divided duties to the men and they worked on getting a fire going and setting up a tarp so they would have a place out of rain if it started up again. The sky was still overcast and there was a fog that made it hard to see more than a few hundred feet in any direction.

"With any luck we'll make to the mountains the day after tomorrow. If it wasn't for this fog we might actually be able to see them." Lander pulled out his map and sat on a wet log with this cloak underneath him to keep his pants from getting soaked again. The men were busy getting a stew together. They huddled around the fire for warmth and split wood so that the dry insides would face the flames and feed the fire.

When the stew was finished one of the man handed a bowl to Jade and Lander. "Thank you," she smiled and sipped on it. It wasn't much in the way of flavor but it was hot and Jade cupped the bowl in her hands, letting the heat of seep through her skin.

Lander took a sip and coughed violently. "Merek," he snapped, exasperated. "I think these men are trying to poison me!" His eyes were wide with fake terror and Jade choked back a laugh so she wouldn't spew her stew.

Merek didn't seem at all perplexed by Lander's drama and without blinking he responded, "I will lead them with honor in your absence. Be sure to die quietly though if you'd please, I feel a headache coming on from all this rain."

"Merek," Lander said, resting a hand over heart like he'd been stung. "I feel so betrayed and unloved."

"I'm sure you will manage to bounce back, Sir," Merek sipped his soup. "You always do," he added.

Lander glanced at Jade from the side and winked at her mischievously. The men around the fire were watching Merek and Lander with amusement and grins. It seemed to Jade that outbursts such as this were not uncommon. Seeing Merek come out of his shell was a welcomed sight from his usual collected demeanor and Jade noticed the boost in morale among the men. Their faces held smiles as they drank their soup and conversation seemed to be more lively.

When the group packed up and hit the road once more the mood between them had changed completely. There was conversation and the occasional laughter despite all the mud and rain. Jade had wondered about Lander and Merek when they'd first met. She'd wondered how two friends could serve together when one was the leader and the other was not. But now it was clear to Jade that there was no danger of malice. Merek respected Lander as a captain and Merek helped make Lander a better leader. One without the other would not have been as strong.

The comradery lightened all of their spirits and Jade finally saw the wisdom in allowing the men a few hours to eat and laugh, they even managed to catch some sleep. The men would push harder now, willing to give their leader an extra mile. If Jade had been able to, she would have bowed to Lander's simple genius. She had underestimated him greatly, but she saw the reason why he was the captain and she knew she would remember this moment for the rest of her life.

It took them another day and a half to reach the mountains. The rain slowed their progress, but the men were well trained and disciplined. They pushed through with surprisingly good spirits. Lander had a good team of men and seemed to be well aware of the fact. She noticed how he would ride side by side and take time with each of the men individually to check in and talk with them.

One of the men couldn't read, so Lander read his letters to him and was working on teaching him to read himself. Even as they rode and pushed through the rain Lander took the time to teach him and the other men piped in to help. It was a good distraction from what was coming.

When they finally reached the mountains it was dark and another storm was brewing. It hadn't rained but the wind had blown hard and the clouds had been hanging low and ominously all day. Jade thought they'd all grow gills if it rained much more. Lander called for them to make camp and went about securing the area and setting up tents.

Merek, Jade, and Lander all huddled around the map. "We're not far now," Jade said. "Her camp is somewhere around here." She pointed to a place on the map. "They aren't far off the road either, maybe a half mile. Just enough to remain hidden but close enough that they can have easy access to and from their camp." Lander nodded. "If you need someone scout I'll volunteer myself. I'm the best qualified and Phantom is able to move unseen when he wants," she offered.

"Merek?" Lander asked. "Thoughts?"

"We need more information," he agreed. "I think we should let her go."

"Alright, Jade," he said. "You have your window. Find out what you can and report back."

Jade smiled and saluted to Lander. "Sir." He sighed, feeling mocked but Jade put her hand on Lander's elbow. "You have my respect, Captain. I'll not disappoint," she said seriously. Merek gave Jade an approving nod from behind Landers shoulder. "I'll be back as soon as I can," she promised. "Don't miss me too much while I'm away."

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