[✔️] Across The Years | Seulr...

By zhenaerys

426K 19K 25.7K

Falling in love with someone is a crazy feeling. Whether it's forbidden, complicated, or secretly then can't... More

Ch. 1 - An old photo
Ch. 2 - The box
Ch. 3 - A new job
Ch. 4 - Is she or isn't she
Ch. 5 - A spider's web
Ch. 6 - Possibilities
Ch. 7 - Groovy
Ch. 9 - Never pass up a chance to see Freddy
Ch. 10 - End of a long road
Ch. 11 - Roughing it
Ch. 12 - Upstairs/Downstairs
Ch. 13 - Not in our stars
Ch. 14 - One day down
Ch. 15 - Breaking character
Ch. 16 - Knock knock
Ch. 17 - The ride
Ch. 18 - Another outing
Ch. 19 - A little peek
Ch. 20 - The garden
Ch. 21 - The moment (Part I)
Ch. 22 - The moment (Part II)
Ch. 23 - Too little, too late
Ch. 24 - Running down the clock
Ch. 25 - The circle
Ch. 26 - Out of the frying pan, into the fire
Ch. 27 - Remember me
Ch. 28 - A new world
Ch. 29 - Stranger in a strange land
Ch. 30 - Trouble in paradise
Ch. 31 - Who's the villain
Ch. 32 - Out in the open
Ch. 33 - Catching up
Ch. 34 - Fate or chance
Last Chapter - Wraparound

Ch. 8 - Happy birthday, John

11.2K 507 653
By zhenaerys

A bit of a long one today. I do hope you enjoy it.

No One's POV

Seulgi came into the room where she could see that Zacharov was readying for another trip in time. The previous night he had said she was going to take yet another test trip.

"So where now?"

Zacharov looked up from the computer he had been working on, "I need to run more tests and sent you further back. We're sending you to a festive occasion. Something a bit fun."

"What's that?"

"Wednesday, May 12th, 1937. It's the date that King George the sixth was crowned. They will be having a big ceremony at Westminster Abbey. There will also be a huge procession with the new king and all that. It will be a very festive occasion and lots of people on the street. You can blend into the crowd easily. I have some period appropriate clothing for you in that bag on the chair right there."

While Seulgi would rather go straight back to Irene, further tests had to be run and she needed to finish preparing so she could act the part of someone from 1869. But this seemed like a fun little trip. She grabbed the bag and headed into the bathroom to change.

The outfit consisted of a rather plain looking checkered blue dress and skirt. Along with that were a simple pair of shoes and silk stockings. Lastly there was a simple hat and a long grey woolen coat and a black purse. Everything of course was in the style of the mid 1930's.

Soon Seulgi was dressed and upon looking at herself in the mirror thought she looked rather silly. A few minutes later she was ready to go.

"Okay Seulgi, in the purse you will find directions to the parade route. It shouldn't be too cold a day so why don't you just walk and see the sights. Practice blending in. I've also put a few pound notes from that period in your purse if you get hungry. Feel free to stay a bit, have some supper, and see a show. It's 1937, enjoy it.

He handed her the watch she would use to recall the wormhole, "One addition. The red button, is an emergency escape. Push it 3 times and in theory the wormhole will travel to your location. But I must stress that it is only to be used in a dire emergency. The machine isn't designed to move the wormhole very far from this spot. It will probably overload the machine and could result in its destruction. There is a chance it may not work at all. So use in only a dire emergency. Are you ready?"

Seulgi took her favorite pair of scissors and phone and dropped them into her 1930's purse, "Yes."

"Now in 1937, this building is a factory that makes buttons. But since its coronation day, it will be closed. Now lastly..." Zacharov handed her an old iron key, "I picked this building as it has a original door with an old lock. This door has never been replaced and uses the same key as the day it was built. You will always be able to get in and out of the building with the key. It leads into the alley behind the building."

Key in purse, Seulgi climbed into the basket and waited for the wormhole to open. A few moments later she could hear the hum of the machine get louder and a glimmering appeared below the basket. As before, she was lowered down and found herself in the same room. Only it was 1937.

Like in the 1970's the room was being used as a storeroom. Only this time the boxes held buttons of various shapes and sizes. Seulgi stepped out of the basket and it quickly retracted from where it came. A second later the glimmering hole in the ceiling vanished. She knew it was still there, but in microscopic size.

Seulgi smirked, "Well 1937, here we come."

The Korean rebel exited the building and made her way around the front. The street looked much like it had, only the buildings looked less run down and there were a few more that she didn't remember being there. For another moment, she marveled at the old cars and started to walk.

As she made her way down the street, Seulgi just couldn't believe she was in 1937. She could see a few people on the street, all dressed in old clothing, old cars, but they were all new. Best part was that no one, seemed to give Seulgi a second look.

Seulgi's POV

I enjoyed walking through 1930's London and seeing how different it was. I had gone some 2-3 miles towards when I gradually began to sense that something was off. First of all it seemed later in the day than I thought I would arrive. The sun was just going down when I arrived and now it is getting dark. Not to mention it didn't feel like spring. I thought this coat would be too warm, but it's actually perfect for this weather.

I also noticed the streets only had a few people and cars on them, but at first I assumed everyone was at the parade. But looking at the few people that were on the street— a housewife, a worker, a man in a suit. They all seemed to be in a hurry and looked a bit nervous.

But I was enjoying myself too much and merely disregarded those odd things. That sense of something being wrong got a bit more intense, when I noticed some other things. On my walk, I saw not less than 6 buildings which recently had burnt down. A short while later I became aware of a low hum somewhere off in the distance. It was a strange sound. Pausing to look around I suddenly realized that most of the people on the street had vanished.

The hum itself seemed to stand the hairs on the back of my neck straight up. I suddenly got a very bad feeling, "No... No... Something's wrong."

Trying to figure out what to do, I became aware that the distant hum was now ever so slightly louder. Suddenly I spotted a trashcan and a newspaper sticking out of it.

Moving quickly to the trash can I grabbed the paper, which was half covered in some muck making it nearly impossible to read. It was the still visible date that grabbed my attention.

October 9th, 1940.

At that moment, did I not only realize I was in the wrong year, something else clicked in my mind. Ruined buildings and nervous looking people. Not to mention that I noticed that I couldn't see lights in any windows. They were all covered with thick curtains. There was the low hum and the year 1940...

Suddenly three word's from a long ago history class I paid scant attention to, emerged from my memory.


A bit more of that long ago lecture, surged through my mind. The London Blitz, that period in World War 2 when German bombers for months, pounded London and other British Cities repeatedly, in an attempt to break their morale.

It was that second, much to my horror; I realized what that low hum was and why it was getting ever so slightly louder. That rather disturbing sound was the engines of several hundred German bombers, headed in my direction.

The sudden wail of what I recognized as an air raid siren, confirmed my worst fears an instant later.

"FUCK!" I cursed loudly, "Zacharov, you fucking asshole, you dumped me into the path of a German air raid!"

I looked at the recall button on my watch, but decided instead to get back to the factory. As I hurried, I could hear what sounded like explosions in the distance.
I made it half way back when I suddenly saw many blocks up the street, a building get hit by a bomb and collapse into the street. It was then that I realized, that heading back to the factory, was putting me directly in the path of the German bombers above. That low hum wasn't a low hum anymore, it was now a very loud, angry droning sound and it kept getting louder.

For a moment I sense of panic gripped me, as I knew I had get out of there fast. It looked like I may have to use the emergency recall, but I also knew that if I destroyed the machine, my chances of getting to Irene would be gone forever. I couldn't risk that. I've come all this way, I can't fail.

"Think...Think." I said as I tried to vainly remember the history class and something I could find useful. I was so confident at the time that Mr. Moore's history class wouldn't have bearing on my life what so ever.

"Mr. Moore, I stand corrected," I said suddenly feeling very stupid. "Shelter, I need to find a shelter."

The problem was that I had no idea where the nearest one was. Suddenly another fragment of Mr. Moore's history lecture, coursed thought my mind.

"During the Blitz, many Londoners took shelter in the London Underground."

I suddenly remembered passing the entrance to one a block back. With the explosions getting louder and closer, I ran for the tube station. Despite the fact that the shoes I was wearing weren't designed for running, I made it quickly and ran down the stairs. A minute later I emerged onto where the platform was. It looked much like it did in my day with obvious differences of course. Standing on the platform, I could see all the people.

Dozens of people were crowded on the platform and tracks. Most of them were lying down with blankets and things. Men, women, children, old, young, families they were all here. I remembered from the lecture that people would spend the whole night here. So it's understandable that people would have brought blankets and the like.

The crowd was mostly quiet save for a few people chattering about. They mostly seemed intent on listening to the muffled sounds of explosions above. It was the pensive looks on their faces which struck me.

"Miss, Would you like some coffee?" Said a man with a Red Cross arm band to my left.

After the experience I had just been through, the thought of coffee was a wonderful one. "Yes, Please."

A part of me wanted to make a snarky comment about how I thought the Germans were trying to kill me personally. But seeing the fearful looks on the peoples faces, I didn't have the heart.

Instead I took my coffee, found an empty spot in the corner at the end of the platform and sat down. All I could do now was wait. To pass the time, I put my headphones in, covered my ears with my hair and listened to my iPod.

It struck me, Beyoncé probably never guessed that at least one of her fans would be listening to her during a WWII air raid.

After a while, I had to use the rest room, so I made it into the bathroom which seemed deserted. But as soon as I sat on the toilet, I could hear what sounded like the sound of a child quietly crying.

I realized that the crying was coming from the stall next to mine. As I finished up and washed my hands, I realized that the child and me were the only ones in here. Why is she alone? I wondered. As pissed off and annoyed as I was, there was something in her sobs that I couldn't ignore.

"Hey... Are you alright?" I called out.

The sound of the crying stopped for a second but I could hear her start up again, "It's ok to be scared. Are you scared? Why don't you come out. It's okay."

A moment later I saw a small girl of about 6 in a grey wool coat with curly brown hair and blue eyes emerge from the stall. She looked scared and was crying," I want my mommy!"

I looked to the door and then back to her. "Isn't your mommy out there with the others, or maybe your daddy?"

She shook her head. "I don't know where my mommy is?"

Then I realized that she must be lost, "Are you lost?"

She nodded and more tears came down. "We were at the big store, and I went to look at the toys and didn't tell my mommy. When the siren sounded, people were rushing to get to the shelter, I couldn't find my mommy."

"So you got lost, but knew to come down to a tube station where it would be safe."

"Yes. I want my mommy!" She sobbed.

She looked so lost and scared; I also noticed with the sound of each explosion above, she cringed ever so slightly. Maybe it's this Irene business just softening me up, but I couldn't leave this poor little girl.

I put my hand on her shoulder, "It's going to be okay, you did the right thing in coming down here. It's much too dangerous up there. I'll let you in on a little secret. This is my first air raid and I'm a bit scared too."

She looked at me and seemed slightly comforted, "You're American?"

I nodded and extended my hand, "Seulgi Kang from Los Angeles, California at your service. And I'm half Korean too!"

A second later she shook my hand, "I'm Mary Bell. I'm 6 years old."

I smiled, "Well pleased to meet you Mary. Tell you what. I'll make you a deal. If you sit with me out there and keep me from getting scared, I'll see you get home when this is all done. I'm sure I can find a policeman to get you there when the time comes."

Her face immediately lit up, "Would you, Please?"

"You bet. Come on. I have a nice cozy corner out there. Let's sit down and wait."

I took her to my corner and we sat down. She was a bit quiet at first but gradually got to talking. Her father was in the British Navy and worked in the engine room of the Aircraft Carrier, HMS Argus. She seemed proud of her father service in the Navy. She said her mother was nice and made her cookies and she had two older sisters. She told me about her school and her friends. How she loved her favorite doll, Sara.

I told her that I was an only child and wanted to be an actress like Katherine Hepburn. I told her lots of things about my life. Leaving out such details that would be hard to explain. But we talked and seemed to hit it off.

"Are you still scared?" I asked eventually.

She nodded letting some fear creep into her expression, "I'm scared. I'm scared the Germans will invade and take away my mommy and my sisters. It gives me bad dreams," She said less than a second before we heard the sound of a bomb nearby, causing her to visibly cringe.

I realized that at this point, the threat of a German invasion of the British Isles was still a very real possibility. I could see the fear and apprehension in the others here. They were all scared.

Sitting there I thought about the war in general and how instead of something in a book, it was now something that was going on around me. Only I knew what would happen. I knew that this war would drag on for another 5 years and kill millions of people. It occurred to me that at this very moment, a young girl in Amsterdam, named Anne Frank was probably sleeping in her bed; unaware of the horror and darkness that would soon close in on her. But there were a lot of others just like her all over that were at this moment, unaware of their fates. I've always been a lover of death and all kinds of morbid things. But this was too much, even for me.

But like Mary, many were fearful of what would happen. I could feel fear and only now could grasp the full horror of the war that was now raging around me. The muffled explosions coming from above served as a constant reminder of that war. It was a lesson that I could never learn in Mr. Moore's history class. What it felt like. To see, hear and experience the choking fear and terror of it all. Right now above me, a city was being pounded. People would certainly die this night.

I couldn't help any of them, but I felt the need to comfort Mary. I just had to.

"The German's won't invade. They won't take away your family." I remember that they had planned it, but it never took place. I do remember that.

"How do you know?"

I smirked, "I know they won't. And I'll tell you another secret. The Germans are going to lose this war. I guarantee it."

She looked at me as if she wanted to believe me but couldn't, "You can't know."

At this point, I decided to risk something. She was only six and even if she did tell anyone, they would think this is just a story.

"Can I trust you Mary? To keep a big secret."

She nodded. "Cross my heart, hope to die."

"Okay then. Have you ever heard of the book. The Time Machine, by H.G. Wells?"

She appeared to think for a moment, "No."

"Well, it's a book published some years ago. I'm sure your local library will have one. It's about a professor who builds a machine that can travel through time. He can go to yesterday or tomorrow, or far into the future and he has adventures. Got that?"

Mary nodded.

"Okay, well here's my secret. In the future, a man will build a real time machine and I used it. You see, I'm not from this time. I'm from the future. I'm still from Los Angeles, but the future."

She laughed, "No... That's just a story. My uncle Jack tells me stories about fairies. That's the same."

"Wanna see some proof?"

Her eyes opened wide, "You have future things?!"

"You have to promise me you won't tell anybody. If the Nazi's get their hands on this stuff. Bad things can happen. How does it go? Oh yeah... Loose lip's sink ships," I remember seeing that on an old poster.

"I promise."

I carefully pulled out my iPhone X and showed it to her. But I was careful to hold it, so only Mary and I could see. "See this? This is a telephone. Now the phone part won't work right now, but it can do all kinds of fantastic things. Would you like to see one?"

She eyed the thing with a look of wonder as I activated it, "Yes. Very much so."

"Okay, now smile." I held it out and took a picture of us.

Then I showed her the picture of us on the phone. Mary looked utterly amazed and she visibly gasped, "You took a picture, and it's in color. How did you do that?"

"It's just a machine. Like car or plane. It has stuff in it that makes it work. It's just a bit of a fancier machine than they have now. But see this picture. It's called a selfie. And you... Are in the world of very first selfie. Some day when people are doing it, you can smile and say. Hey... I was doing this years before it was cool."

I spent a few minutes showing her, what she described is my wonder phone. I even took a small video of us and played it back. She was so amazed by the device, she seemed to completely forget the air raid that had her so frightened earlier.

The other's around us were either asleep or not paying any attention to us. The fact that we were in a far corner, helped cover up what we were doing.

"Do you like music?" I asked.

"Oh Yes, Mummy plays the phonograph for my sisters and I."

"You want to hear some? My phone can even play a music."

Mary looked even more amazed and excited, "Oh Yes Please!"

"Let me put this in your ear," I said as I helped her put an earbud to her ear. I put the other in my ear. "Okay, I'll play something you may like. You're lucky I'm a closet Fifth Harmony fan. Not that I would ever admit that, but in this case I'll make an exception. We'll avoid Beyoncé or Rihanna because you're not ready for that... quite yet."

A few moments later, I was playing 'Brave, Honest, Beautiful' by Fifth Harmony. Mary just sat there next to me, listening to the music of a group— who would be born for 50 plus or so years. At first she listened intently but gradually she began to bob her head slightly to the music. A moment later she smiled, "I like this song. You have a phonograph in your phone? How does it fit?"

I laughed as I selected yet another Fifth Harmony song, 'Better Together', "Special future stuff. Top secret so just enjoy the music. But get this, you are not only the world's first person to take a selfie but also the world's first Fifth Harmony Fan— a Harmonizer! See, I'm from the future and take it from me. The Germans will never invade England, not to mention they will lose."

Now she belived me, I could see a visible look of relief in her eyes, "Yay!"

As I sat there, there was something about today's date, that seemed familiar. It had nothing to do with the Blitz or the war. But listening to the music made me think I was missing something. It was on the edge of my mind. I went to flip through my iPhone X for another song that Mary might like then I ran across Abbey Road— when it hit me.

"Oh my God, it's today! It's today!" I said with a laugh.

"What?" said Mary.

"It's nothing. Here listen to this. It's a silly song, but I hope you enjoy it." I said as I played the song, "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds."

Today was October 9th, 1940.

Today in a hospital of Liverpool, a baby with the name of John Winston Lennon had come into this world. I imagined him at this very moment, lying in his crib, unaware of the wonderful music he would one day create.

"Happy Birthday John..." I said with a quiet smile.

We listened to more songs for a while. I did pick ones that I felt she may like. I threw in some more The Beatles songs, in honor of John Lennon's birthday.

'Octopus's Garden' by the Beatles, she thought was silly. Each one she listened to with a look of wondrous amazement. I even played 'Havana' by Camila Cabello which she especially enjoyed. Soon I did notice she seemed to be getting tired. I guessed it was well past her bedtime.

"Are you getting sleepy?"


I took off the headphones, put my coat over her and put my arms around her. She seemed to quickly fall asleep peacefully in my arms. Not having anything else to do, I closed my eyes and tried to ignore the fear I couldn't help but feel. I drifted off and slept, but rather uncomfortably.

When I woke up the next morning, my back felt like someone had walked on it repeatedly. Serves me right for sleeping in the corner of an underground station during a German Air raid. By this time, the other people in the station were also getting up and gathering their things. Soon they would go back out and survey the damage.

I woke the sleeping Mary with a smile. "Time to get up little one. Lets find a cop and get you home."

"Could you walk me home? I know where I live."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I live at 194 Stepney Way. My mummy made me know my address."

"Sure kiddo. Let's get you home. I'm sure your mommy is worried."

We emerged from the underground and started for her home. On the way, I asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up.

"I want to be a fireman," The girl said cheerfully, but then frowned. "My sister Eva says that's only for boys."

"Nonsense. In my time, women do all kinds of things that no one thought possible. They run huge companies, run an entire countries, are scientists, and doctors— you name it. You Mary, can be what ever you want. Even if someone tells you that you can't. Don't listen, you just keep trying and do it. Prove them wrong. If you remember anything I tell you, it's that. Find out what you want to do and go for it."

She listened carefully and smiled, "Yay, I can be a fireman!"

On the way home, though I spotted a few buildings that had been hit. The raid of the previous night appeared to be a heavy one number of damaged and destroyed buildings. Each time we saw one, I could see the fear in Mary's eyes, "I don't like the bombs. They scare me."

I had helped her through the night, but the thought of this little girl being afraid bothered me. I had to do something, to help her. Then an idea came to me. I reached in my purse and pulled out one of my favorite keychains.

"You see this Mary, I'm going to give this to you. It's my favorite keychain and it will keep you safe. You've seen what my phone can do, how wonderful it is. This keychain will keep you safe from bombs. You just need to have it. Now this is important. It's a bit sharp and can hurt you. So you must hold it carefully and never use it to anything that will hurt you. It's only for keeping the bombs away. You should never use it for anything else. Can I trust you with it? You will need to still go to shelters, it works best in shelters."

The girl looked at the keychain and smiled, "Yes, I will be extra careful. I will only have it during the bomb raids. Will it keep me safe?"

I knew it was a lie, but if she was hit, I doubt she'd feel a thing. At least then, she'd feel safe and not so scared, "Yes. But like everything else I told you. It's our secret. We can't let those naughty Germans know."

Mary tries to twirl the keychain on her hand. It was small and it fit in her hands nicely. She looked at it for a moment and put it in her pocket.

I held her hand and we sang some Fifth Harmony songs on the way home. By the time she got home, she was happy. Arriving at her house I knocked at her door and a brown haired woman in her late 30's answered. She had a worried look on her face, until she saw Mary.

"Mary! Where were you? I looked everywhere for you I was worried Sick," Mary's mother quickly scolded her.

Mary ran up and hugged her mama, "When I couldn't find you. I did like I was supposed to and went in the tube station to be safe. My friend Seulgi here kept me from getting scared."

The woman then gave me a grateful look, "Thank you for bringing my Mary back. I'm Charlotte Bell."

I shook her hand with a smile, "I'm Seulgi Kang. I was in the tube station and found her alone and crying. I just kept her company and brought her back home. She was very nice."

"I can't thank you enough. Please do come in."

I shook my head, "I'm sorry I can't I have people waiting for me and they are probably worried too. I'm leaving London today and they are waiting."

"Thank you ever so much for keeping Mary company and bringing her home. I hope she wasn't too much of a bother."

"No, not at all. I entertained her with some stories. I write science fiction stories, and told her a few fantastic tales." That would cover my bases if Mary opened her mouth about anything I'd told her. They would assume it was just a story I told her. But at that moment I gave Mary a subtle wink, which she returned.

"Again, thank you ever so much."

"You're welcome. Well I need to get going."

Mary gave me a sad look, "You're leaving Seulgi?"

I kneeled down and looked her in the eyes, "I have go back where I came from. Just remember what I told you. Everything is going to be fine." Then I whispered to her. "Remember to keep our secret and stay safe."

She smiled and gave me a hug, "I promise. Thank you Seulgi."

I gave Mrs. Bell a smile and said my goodbye. I then walked to the factory and surveyed the damage in the city. Sadly I knew the ordeal was just beginning. But they'd make it.


Well, Seulgi had a bit of an adventure and helped a little girl get over her fears. She will be getting to Irene very soon, just bear with me.

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