Magic Revealed

By KindredCoffee

591K 21.9K 9K

Starting at the beginning of Season 4, Lancelot and Merlin manage to close the rift without a sacrifice. With... More

Under Your Nose
At Your Mercy
Merlin's Tale
The Prince and The Warlock
Give Me Back My Wallet
The Future of Albion
Long Live The King
Magic Is Not Evil
Merlin You Idiot
My King
Stuff To Do
Returning Home
Shut Up Gwaine
Thank You For Everything
Creating and Maintaining
King of Legend
Something Like That
A Bit Drunk
Author Message (Not a chapter)
Isn't That The Truth
Goodnight My Lord
King's Orders
Merlin Himself
Short and Sweet
Quite Alright
Gold Eyes
Authors Note (Not A Chapter)
Starting Out
No Answer
A Bit Quiet
For The Love of Camelot
Lyra Heldin
I Got Tagged
Returning To Camelot
Nor Would I


13.6K 524 143
By KindredCoffee

The dragons didn't stick with them. Arthur and Merlin occasionally saw Sethos and Demon flying over head but that was it. The others were probably still at Camelot.

"Have you even heard of this person before?" Arthur asked. Merlin shook his head, "I don't think so. It's possible."

The letter had been addressed to Arthur though it was requesting an audience with both he and Merlin. Well, Emrys to be precise. The man, Quinn, wanted to discuss magic in Camelot. And he had mentioned that he had something that Merlin might be interested in.

It was a days ride to the valley so they would have a night's rest before talking to the man. Something about the letter had made Arthur nervous though he wasn't quite sure what. Merlin didn't seem to concerned and Arthur felt that, seeing as Merlin was usually a worry wart about everything, he shouldn't be concerned about it if the warlock wasn't.

As the sun started to fall behind the horizon, they set up camp and Merlin used magic to clear the little snow in the area and created a barrier to keep out both intruders and most of the cold. Then he started on dinner. How Merlin always managed to have ingredients prepared for food was beyond Arthur, but then again that was his job wasn't it?

While Merlin cooked Arthur set up the simple tent that they had brought. It was pretty much cloth over a simple frame to keep the wind out. Arthur sat down when he was finished and waited for Merlin to finish in silence, staring at the fire.

Apparently he dozed off a bit because he awoke with a jump when Merlin snapped his fingers in front of the king's face. "Arthur, food." The warlock said and sat down next to the blond as he handed him a plate with what looked like a baked potato and some meat.

Arthur pointed to the potato, "Since when do we bring potatoes?"

Merlin snorted, "Since I decided that they were much simpler to carry around the ln supplies for soup."

Arthur rolled his eyes, "Why didn't you think about it before?"

"Because before I just took whatever the kitchen gave me." Merlin grumbled, "But I got tired of soup all the time. So I may have just gone into the kitchen and took what I thought would be easier." He handed the king a spoon, "Eat."

The two ate in comfortable silence for a while before Arthur finally spoke up, "You've been more comfortable revealing your magic to others lately."

Merlin nodded slowly, "It's just.... I'm not saying much, just that I possess it. I think I'd be less comfortable with it if I was saying to what extent I possess it. I've never really seen myself as a great warlock, which is one of the reasons why I don't usually own up do being Emrys."

Arthur shifted against the tree, "Well I guess it's an improvement. I don't think the knights knew what to think of you yesterday."

Merlin shifted uncomfortably, "I hadn't really meant for that to happen."

Arthur smacked the back of his manservant's head, "It's fine. It think they probably understand a little better why you're always doing everything with the knights of the round table."

Merlin gave Arthur a look, "Well one, they're my friends and two it's my job."

"True, though we both know the second one isn't really a factor. If you didn't like us you wouldn't have stayed in Camelot." Arthur smirked, he was positive that he was correct in this case. Merlin wouldn't have put up with him for this long if he didn't actually consider the king his friend.

"True." Merlin said and looked up at the stars, "We should get some sleep."

"I'm the king Merlin, you don't get to tell me what to do."

"Always have." Merlin muttered and flicked a hand at the fire causing to die down, "Not about to change now. Go to sleep." The king rolled his eyes but nodded and they both got up to go to the tent where Arthur had layed out the sleep rolls. Merlin summoned a light before helped Arthur out of his armor with quick practiced fingers, "Honestly, you'd think you'd be able to do this yourself by now." He told the king as he lifted the last of it over his head.

Arthur swatted the manservant before getting comfortable on his bed roll while Merlin set the remaining chainmail and armor on top of their bags. He extinguished the light before crawling into his own bed roll next to the king.


"Yes Arthur?"

"Your sure nothing can get through that barrier?"

"Almost. And I'll know if anything does."

"That's not exactly reassuring." Arthur joked. It was Merlin's turn to hit the king, so he did so as he rolled over to face him. "Just go to sleep Arthur, we'll be fine. Anyway at least we are freezing like we normally do this time of year."

"No. It's only a bit chilly." Arthur conceded, "Goodnight Merlin."

Merlin rolled his eyes as he turned back over so his back was to the king, "Goodnight you prat." He muttered fondly just loud enough for Arthur to hear it. The king really didn't realize what he had.


Merlin woke up slowly when there was a noise from an animal somewhere outside. That was the first thing he noticed.

The second was that he was unable to move though, with his groggy mind, he couldn't figure out for the life of him why.

And then the third thing was the fact that he could feel someone breathing gently against the nape of his neck. Dang it Arthur. He thought. This was not something the king would be pleased about. Or at least, that's what Merlin thought.

Merlin frowned, unlike before this wasn't just an arm slung around his waist. Arthur had full on pinned his manservant to his chest and held him with a tight grip. Merlin sighed softly as he felt the sleep king's breathing against his neck. He was going to regret this later.

So he decided to go back to sleep and hope that by morning the king had moved, or at least given him room to move.

He did indeed move.

When morning came, Arthur was actually the first to wake. The sun had seeped through the tent cloth and into his eyes. He frowned, odd. Merlin would have normally woken up too. Then his eyes flicked down ever so slightly and he realized why. Merlin was still asleep. With his face against the king's collar bone, brows furrowed as his eyes flicked around in a dream, eyelashes tickling Arthur's skin. He looked upset.

How'd they'd managed to do this was beyond him. They were laying in the middle of the tent on both bed rolls and Arthur had both arms firmly wrapped around Merlin while Merlin's hands were curled up on Arthur's chest, close to his face.

They needed to get up so Arthur gently loosened his hold on Merlin before shaking him as he slide away, now it appeared like it'd never happened. Though, if anything like last time had happened, Merlin probably already knew.

Merlin woke up with a start and knocked his head into Arthur's causing both of them to yelp in pain and turn away from each other, nursing red spots on their foreheads. "Merlin!" Arthur said through gritted teeth, about to go on but then saw the look on the warlock's face and stopped. "Merlin? What's wrong?"

He'd never seen Merlin like this before, he looked... frightened. While he was holding his head with one hand another clutched at his throat in a seeming panic. Arthur scooted over and took Merlin by both shoulders, "Hey." He tried to soothe his friend but Merlin seemed in a state of shock and wouldn't say a word. Arthur pulled the warlock against him once more, holding the stiff frame of the smaller man in his lap in an effort to calm him.

Merlin didn't respond for several minutes but finally Arthur felt him slowly relaxing against him and his hands drop to where Arthur's arm was holding him around his waist. While Merlin may have been taller, Arthur had him in size and it was easy to see as the warlock crumpled against Arthur's chest leaning his back against the king. "Merlin?" Arthur whispered into his friend's ear softly, not wanting to scare him.

"I'm alright." Merlin said quietly. Arthur didn't let go, "What happened Merlin?" The warlock swallowed, "I told you I could catch glimpses of the future?" Arthur nodded into Merlin's neck, peering around at his face.

"It was a war." Merlin said quietly, "I don't think it is any time soon. I'm not even sure why I saw it. It looks too far in the future to even be in your life time."

"What did you see?" Arthur asked quietly. Merlin shuddered and Arthur was quick to reassure him, "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

Merlin shook his head and seemed to lean farther into Arthur, if that was possible. Arthur had never, ever seen Merlin like this before and it scared him. "There were people, so many people inprisoned. Little or no food, tortured, experimented on with magic, killed for nothing. More fighting. Magical creatures and humans alike." He tucked his head into himself as if trying to curl up, "I saw myself too."

Arthur's hold on Merlin tightened, "What were you doing?" Merlin swallowed, "Being killed." He whispered. He shivered at the memory and Arthur leaned his head against Merlin's shoulder. "You're alright Merlin." He murmured softly, "You're safe here." He rocked back and forth slightly as he hugged the warlock.

Merlin nodded and they just stayed like that for a while until Merlin finally seemed to regain his composure. "Thank you Arthur." He said and the King reluctantly let him go. "I'll make us some breakfast and then we'll be off." Merlin said, smiling slightly at the king to show him that he was okay. Arthur nodded but wasn't convinced.

Merlin tended to push his own problems to the side and then got himself in trouble. They would talking about this later, after Merlin had some time to think.

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