BATGIRL Book One: New Hero of...

De indiaherring

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Barbara Gordon starts out in college in Burnside, Gotham while her father is on police patrol. She meets new... Mai multe

Prologue: Just Being Myself
Chapter 1: Batman
Chapter 2: College Day!
Chapter 3: Another Night, Another Day
Chapter 4: A Very Bad Tragedy
Chapter 6: Batman and Robin
Chapter 7: Barbara And Dick
Chapter 8: Catwoman
Chapter 9: Robin and Batgirl VS Catwoman
Chapter 10: Gotham Fairgrounds
Chapter 11: "Livewire"
Chapter 12: Happy Birthday, Barbara!
Chapter 13: Happy Unbirthday, Barbara.
Chapter 14: A Weird Encounter
Chapter 15: Gotham Library
Chapter 16: Top Secret
Chapter 17: Investigation
Chapter 18: Something's Wrong
Chapter 19: Learn To Play Your Role
Chapter 20: Taking Back What's Yours
Chapter 21: Help Me Find A Cure

Chapter 5: Justice

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De indiaherring

(Barbara got off the bus and got home all depressed and worn out from what just happened at the circus.)

Barbara: (Thoughts) "Oh, my god. I can't believe that just happened. I saw Dick and his parents at the fair having the time of their performance being happy and I was happy until they fell and...they were dead. Just like that and now, Dick needs some space away from me? But did I cause him pain? I hope I didn't. God, what a nightmare it is. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight after that happened I am once again. Talking to myself in my own head. Barbara, just watch some cartoons and call it a night." (Barbara walked into the living room and sat on the couch. She turned on the tv and cartoons appeared on the screen. Suddenly, the news suddenly came out of nowhere.)

Jack: (COM) "Hello, we have breaking news for tonight's awful tragedy at Haly's Circus." (Barbara got irritated and turns off the tv.)

Barbara: "Goodness, what's the point if you're going to show that on tv if it already happened? Bunch of late dummies if you ask me. Why not do it when it happens, not until later then do it. What am I even talking about? I'm not a reporter." (She rolled her eyes and smacked her forehead. Then, she got up and went to her bedroom. She sat on the bed and heard her phone pinged. It was a message from Francine.)

Barbara: "Frankie?" (She texted her in the messages.)

Barbara: (Texted) "Hey, Frankie."

Frankie: (Texted) "Hey, Barbara. What's going on?"

Barbara: (Texted) "Something bad happened last night. Have you watched the news?"

Frankie: (Texted) "Yeah, it's terrible news indeed."

Barbara: (Texted) "Yeah. Well, I have to go. It's getting really late. How's your legs?"

Frankie: (Texted) "I don't know. I'm trying. I'm really trying my hardest."

Barbara: (Texted) "I get it. It takes effort to pull it off. I believe that you can walk again. You just have to keep trying even harder."

Frankie: (Texted) "Thanks, Babs. Good night."

Barbara: (Texted) "Good night, Frankie. Sweet dreams."

Frankie: (Texted) "Thank you. The same goes to you. 😊" (Barbara smiled and got out of the messages and saw Dick's name. She was about to press it, but she held back. She closed her eyes and thought about it.)

Barbara: (Thoughts) "No, probably not a good time. He just lost his parents and he needs time to relax. I don't think he'll be in the mood to talk to me. It's late for one thing." (Barbara looks at the clock and saw the time. It was 11:00 pm and she looked at her phone and sighed.)

Barbara: (Thoughts) "Yeah, maybe tomorrow. All I know is that I won't be wide awake when I wake up. Great..." (Barbara went to sleep and a few hours later, Jim came in and saw Barbara in her room sleeping. He didn't want to bother her, so he went in the room and went to sleep as well. The morning sun rose up and Barbara was already awoken with bags under her eyes. She looks into the mirror.)

Barbara: (Thoughts) "Ugh, I look like I was drinking so much wine and then had an intense hangover afterwards. Wow, hello zombie Barbara."

(Barbara ties her hair into a bun and grabbed her clothes. She puts them on and almost bumped into the doorway. She grabbed the handle and pulled on it. She called out Jim and looked around the house.)

Barbara: "Dad? Hello?" (She even looked in his room to see if he was there, but he wasn't and she shrugged her shoulders.)

Barbara: "Huh. He's probably at work early this time. In that case, I'll have myself a nice cup of coffee. Lord knows I need it. Really bad." (The coffee was fixed up and she drinks it. Then she looked at the time she was drinking and her eyes were wide as she spits the coffee out.)

Barbara: (Thoughts) "8:00 am?! Oh, no! I'm late for school!" (She poured the coffee out and locked the door with her keys quickly. She saw the bus as it was leaving. She tried chasing after it.)

Barbara: "Wait! Hey, stop the bus! Hold on a second! Wait! Hey!" (She stopped as the bus was going away over the hill.)

Barbara: "Oh, come on!" (She looked at the street and saw a public bus.)

Barbara: "Oh, hey! Wait! Stop!" (The bus stopped and Barbara got in.)

Bus driver: "Hey, young lady! Are you crazy?! I got civilians who were late to their destinations too, you know?"

Barbara: "Sorry, but I can't be late for school! Actually, I'm already late. Please take me to school. Please?" (The civilians agreed with Barbara.)

Woman: "Yeah."

Man #1: "Yeah, take her to school."

Woman #3: "Education is really important to this kid."

Man #2: "That's right."

Woman #4: "Mm-hm." (The bus driver rolled his eyes and groaned.)

Bus driver: "Ugh, fine! I'll take you to school!" (The civilians cheered as the bus took off. Minutes later, the public bus arrived at school.)

Barbara: "Thank you."

Bus driver: "Yeah, yeah. Just get me one of those donuts at the cafeteria. I heard they're better than the cafe's kind."

Barbara: "Don't worry, I got you covered." (She winked at the bus driver.)

Bus driver: "Thanks, kid. If you need me to pick you up again. Feel free to call me. The name's Charlie or if you're fancy Charles." (He gave her his card.)

Barbara: "Barbara Gordon, Commissioner's daughter. Thanks, Charlie."

Charlie: "Good luck." (Barbara waved at the civilians and they waved back as she got off the bus.)

Barbara: (Thoughts) "That went better than I expected." (Suddenly, she heard a taxi stopped and Dick came out looking upset.)

Barbara: (Thoughts) "Whoa, looks like I'm not the only one who's late." (Barbara saw Dick and went to him.)

Barbara: "Dick, it seems like we're both late."

Dick: "Yeah." (He walked passed her and was walking ahead.)

Barbara: (Thoughts) "Now, wait a second. Dick's not really upset with me, right? Because I think he's really broken inside. This? I can't let it slide!" (Barbara tightened her fists and walked towards Dick. She grabbed his shoulder tight as Dick was stopped.)

Dick: "What the hell! Barbara, let go!"

Barbara: "No, you need to tell me what's wrong."

Dick: "Just let me get to class. I'm fine!"

Barbara: "No, you're not. Turn around and tell me!"

Dick: "I don't have to explain to you! You already saw what happened!"

Barbara: "But you need to tell me what's going on! Usually, when stuff like that happens, people forget the next day, but something is pulling you back! I can tell!"

Dick: "Well, to me, you're not a damn mind reader! Now, let go!"

Barbara: "No, you're not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on! Are you upset?"

Dick: "Yes!"

Barbara: "Who? Is it me?"

Dick: "I don't know! I..."

Barbara: "I don't know is not the answer that I'm looking for. It's a yes or no question! Yes or no?"

Dick: "Yes, no! I...damn it! I don't know!" (He was holding on to his head like he's losing it.)

Barbara: "Is your parents? Is it your friends?"

Dick: "No, it's not them!"

Barbara: "Come on, Dick. You have to tell me now! Just say it!"

Dick: "I'm upset at myself!" (He kicked a car's tire and dropped down to his knees with his head down. Barbara brought him towards the stone seats and sat down next to him.)

Barbara: "Why, Dick? Why are you upset because of yourself?"

Dick: (Voice Breaks) "It's because I should've done something to save them except I just watched it happened like a damn fool!"

Barbara: "Dick, you couldn't have know that this would happen. I mean, it happened so fast."

Dick: (Voice Breaks) "I know. I know. I just wish that they weren't gone. I told them about you."

Barbara: "You did?"

Dick: "Of course, I did and they wanted you to come visit them someday. I told them how beautiful you were and when they saw you, their faces lit up with pride. Now, they're gone."

Barbara: "Oh, Dick. I...I'm so sorry. Truly, deeply sorry." (Dick started to sobs with his hands on his cheeks and Barbara leaned against his head, rubbing his back with sentiment.)

Barbara: "It's okay, Dick. I know it's hard to let go. I know."

Barbara: (Thoughts) "Poor Dick. What would you do if your parents were gone? Would you cry as well? I sure would." (Dick sniffs and suddenly rose up and looked at Barbara.)

Barbara: "Are you okay?"

Dick: "I think so, but you're right. It is hard to let the pain go."

Barbara: "Yeah, it is, but I was glad when I saw you."

Dick: "Yeah, so did I. Sorry if I yelled at you. That was uncalled for and I'm sorry."

Barbara: "It's okay. You just need to release that anger. I get it." (Dick looks down at the ground and Barbara wiped his tear away and she kissed his cheek. Dick then stared at her and she gently smiled.)

Barbara: "You are forgiven." (Dick smiled and nudged her shoulder.)

Dick: "Thanks, Barbara."

Barbara: "You're welcome." (Suddenly, a black car pulled up and a butler came out.)

Butler: "Mr. Grayson?" (Dick got off the stone and sniffed. He cleared his throat as he approached the butler.)

Dick: "Yes, that's me."

Butler: "I'm Alfred Pennyworth. I was wondering where you were. I noticed that your family isn't around anymore and you are considered an orphan."

Dick: " can't be." (He looked down and was sad again.)

Alfred: "But you won't be an orphan any longer." (He rose his head up and tilted it.)

Dick: "How?"

Alfred: "I will handle things. Don't worry. Follow me and all the answers will be clear." (Barbara ran up to Dick and Dick held her hands.)

Barbara: "Do you have to leave again?"

Dick: "Don't worry. I'll return tomorrow. Depending on what time."

Barbara: "Well, be careful."

Dick: "Thanks. I'll text you to let you know how I'm doing and thanks for cheering me up. I needed that."

Barbara: "Anytime." (Dick hugged her and Barbara smiled warmly when he did that.)

Alfred: "Come along, Mr. Grayson. We don't want to keep the man waiting."

Dick: "He's right. I have to go." (Barbara lets go and straightened herself up.)

Barbara: "Yeah, I'll tell Ms. Charlotte that you were sick and I hope she'll accept."

Dick: "I'm sure she will. Goodbye, Barbara." (She smiled and nodded.)

Barbara: "Goodbye." (He lets her hands go and got in the car with Alfred. He looked out the tinted window and saw Barbara. He waved and Barbara waved back while she smiled. Dick felt something in his pocket and took it out. It was his father's pocket watch, but when he opens it, it was his mother and father's picture together. He smiled gently as he remembered that his father gave him the pocket watch when he was just a little kid. He shook his head and puts it back in his pocket. Dick saw Alfred in the rear view mirror.)

Dick: "So, where are we going, exactly?"

Alfred: "Mr. Grayson, we are going towards Wayne Manor."

Dick: "Wait, wait. You don't mean the Wayne Manor, right? With the billionaire Bruce Wayne?"

Alfred: "You are absolutely correct, Mr. Grayson. Mr. Wayne has indeed saw the news last night. He felt terrible."

Dick: "I bet. Most people think that he's nothing, but a non-caring person if you ask me."

Alfred: "A non-caring person, huh?"

Dick: "Yes, and they say that he's been in hiding ever since people started calling him dangerous and dirty."

Alfred: "Yes, things have been bad for Master Wayne, apparently. People don't seem to trust him, but if you were to see him in person, you'll see how changed he is. He's a good man, no doubt."

Dick: "Hm. I'll have to see that for myself then."

Alfred: "You will, Mr. Grayson. You'll see." (Back to Barbara, who ran to class and Ms. Charlotte saw her again.)

Barbara: "Ms. Charlotte. I'm so so sorry I was late again!"

Ms. Charlotte: "Yes, you were indeed late again and Mr. Grayson isn't here either? This is the first time he's ever been late."

Barbara: "Yes, he got sick. Bad stomach virus."

Ms. Charlotte: "That is terrible, but I know you're making that up because I did saw the news last night."

Barbara: "Oh, you did, huh? How convenient." (Barbara felt really stupid for making that up.)

Barbara: (Thoughts) "Well, of course she saw the news, you moron! What were you thinking? She may be rude sometimes, but she is really smart."

Barbara: "Okay, you got me."

Ms. Charlotte: "Clearly."

Barbara: "Look, the truth is, he's traumatized about what happened last night. I mean it happened so fast."

Ms. Charlotte: "You mean to tell me that you were actually there?"

Barbara: "Yes, I was. Saw it with my own two eyes. It was horrible to watch them fall." (Barbara was dead serious and Charlotte got indeed a little scared when she said that so deep.)

Ms. Charlotte: "Right. You better take a seat, so you can watch this educational video and take some notes down." (Barbara sat down and the students around her looked like that had chills and goosebumps going up their spines and arms. Meanwhile at Wayne Manor, Bruce was waiting at the door and Alfred came in with Dick.)

Bruce: "Ah, Alfred. I'm so glad you came back safely. Is this Grayson?"

Alfred: "Indeed, it is."

Bruce: "Grayson, I'm glad to see you unharmed." (Dick shakes his hand firmly.)

Dick: "Thanks. This is a very nice Manor."

Bruce: "Thank you. My parents built this myself. Mainly, my father built it."

Dick: "Cool. What happened to your ear?" (Bruce felt his missing part of his ear and softly chuckled.)

Bruce: "Ah, a story for another time. Follow me." (Dick followed behind Bruce.)

Bruce: "So, Dick Grayson. Do you have any training through martial arts?"

Dick: "Well, I know trapeze, but that's about it."

Bruce: "That's good. Because you're going to need these skills in order to take down your enemy."

Dick: "I don't follow."

Bruce: "There was a man that killed your parents goes by the name of Zucco. Anthony Zucco, but his guys calls him "Tony". He's one despicable man, Dick. He needs to be locked up and I need your help."

Dick: "You need my help, but I'm only a college student."

Bruce: "Tell me, how old are you, Grayson?" (Dick looked around and shrugged.)

Dick: "I'm sixteen?"

Bruce: "Hm. You're the perfect age and height. I think you will pleased to see this." (He pulls out a book and the shelf moved outwards.)

Dick: "Whoa. That's not what you see everyday in a library."

Alfred: "Oh, that's not even the crazy part yet. Wait till you see what's down below."

Dick: "Below?" (Bruce typed in the passcode on the keypad and the computer said something.)

Computer: "Passcode entered successful. Retinal scan required." (Bruce leaned in and the scanner scanned his eye.)

Computer: "Retinal scan successful. Welcome, Mr. Wayne." (An elevator opened up and Dick's eyebrows shot up.)

Dick: "What?"

Bruce: "Let's go inside." (They all went inside the elevator and Bruce puts his hand on the hand scanner. It turned green and they went downwards.)

Dick: "You didn't have to push a single button? That's really cool and really helpful."

Alfred: "Indeed. Wish all elevators can do that." (Once the elevator went underground, Dick's eyes were wide and surprised.)

Dick: "Incredible."

Bruce: "Dick Grayson, welcome to the Batcave."

Dick: "No way. So, you're Batman?"

Alfred: "That's correct."

Dick: "I'm so speechless right now. I don'"

Bruce: "My parents were killed. The same as your family."

Dick: "Wow."

Bruce: "Don't worry. I was an orphan, too until Alfred took good care of me and Lucius loyal friend gave me everything I needed to be Batman. The gear, the Batmobile, everything."

Dick: "Geez, that's really awesome. So, where is Mr. Fox, now?"

Bruce: "He's gone."

Dick: "Oh. I didn't know. I'm sorry."

Bruce: "It's fine. He's in a better place, but now his daughter is taking over. Speaking of, there she is. Hey, Tiffany!" (He waved and Tiffany was working on upgrades and saw them.)

Tiffany: "Bruce! Alfred! You're just in time!"

Alfred: "Hello, Tiffany. What's that you have created?"

Tiffany: "It's for Batman. I made a special grapple hook that can be activated by the flick of your wrist. Goodbye, handheld grapples, hello advanced grapples!" (Bruce smiled and nodded.)

Bruce: "That's really amazing, Tiffany. I appreciate it. Really neat."

Tiffany: "Thanks. And who is this, young guy?"

Bruce: "Dick Grayson, I want you to meet my new assistant, Tiffany Fox."

Dick: "It's nice to meet you, Tiffany."

Tiffany: "To you as well." (They both shook hands and Alfred cleared his throat.)

Alfred: "Since you all are settled in, I grab some refreshments."

Bruce: "Thank you, Alfred." (Alfred smiled and went upstairs to get drinks.)

Bruce: "Now, are you ready for your training exercises in combat?"

Dick: "You mean like sparring?"

Bruce: "Exactly. Don't worry. I'll go easy."

Dick: "Alright."

Bruce: "Come at me." (He stood in a straight position and Dick nodded. He started running at him and tries to do punches, but Bruce just steady dodging them. Dick was shocked.)

Dick: "What?" (He tried kicking him, but Bruce was fast at dodging him. Dick did a roundhouse in slow motion, but Bruce grabbed his leg at quick speed.)

Dick: "Whoa." (Bruce smirked and sweep kicked him down on the ground. Tiffany snickered at Dick.)

Dick: "Hey, you said you were going to go easy on me." (Bruce softly laughed and grabbed his hand to pick him up.)

Bruce: "I did go easy on you, you just need to be quick enough and learn more from me. So, let's get started with your training." (Bruce and Dick were training outside in the backyard of Wayne Manor. They had bamboo sticks walking in a circle.)

Bruce: "You had me impressed when you passed the athletic course that Alfred and I made. Now, let's see if you can beat me in this one."

Dick: "You can count on it." (They started fighting and Dick hits him a couple times in the stomach and the face. Bruce had a nosebleed and softly chuckled.)

Bruce: "Will you look at that. Heh. You gave me a nosebleed."

Dick: "Oh, geez. I'm so sorry." (Bruce saw his leg and swiped it with his bamboo stick. Dick did a backflip and got in a awesome stance.)

Bruce: "You should never let your guard down! Always be prepared for anything that comes to you! You mustn't be distracted!" (He charged at Dick, but he blocked it with his stick and kicked him in the upper arm. Bruce grunted and he kicked so far that he slid all the way towards to where the back door was. Bruce's head was propped up by the steps and Dick ran towards him with his bamboo stick to his neck and he panted hard.)

Dick: (Panting) "Yield." (Bruce smiled and softly chuckled. Dick laughed too as he lifted him up.)

Bruce: "Good job. You passed all the training sessions. I think you deserve a reward for your hard work." (He grunted in the places that Dick attacked.)

Dick: "Oh, no. Are you okay? Did I hit you too hard?"

Bruce: "Ah, I'll get over it." (They both walked back into the Batcave. Bruce grabbed some colorful clothing that was folded and holds it in front of Dick.)

Dick: "You think I'm ready?"

Bruce: "In my heart, I believe that you can do anything to make sure this city is safe and sound from criminals." (Dick was about to grab them, but Bruce holds a finger up to hold him off.)

Bruce: "You must remember this. We don't kill our enemies only beat them. You must have honor in your heart and soul that you will not break the code. These criminals need to face justice and nothing more. No revenge will take part in the missions we receive. You must promise that you will never turn. Will you turn away? Be honest." (Dick shook his head in confidence.)

Dick: "No." (Bruce nodded and gently smiled.)

Bruce: "Good because if you do... there's no turning back from it."

Dick: "I understand."

Bruce: "Now, are you ready to fight by my side...Robin?" (Dick grabbed the clothing and examined the mask.)

Dick: "I'm ready for anything."

Bruce: "That's good because we're going after Zucco tonight."

Dick: "Alright."

Tiffany: "Hey, Dick. I have something for you."

Dick: "What is it?" (He walked towards her desk.)

Tiffany: "You'll need this." (She gave him a silver little stick.)

Dick: "Uh, okay, but I might need something a little bigger."

Tiffany: "There should be a button. Press it." (Dick saw a button and presses it. A long staff appeared in his hand.)

Dick: "Wow!"

Tiffany: "It's a collapsible bo staff. It can extend when you press the button. Also, this is really cool. You actually separate it and it'll turn into tonfas for you to use. Put them back together and it goes right back to your bo staff. Oh, if you need to put back to its original form, just take both your hands at the ends and collaspe it to shrink it back."

Dick: "Nice."

Tiffany: "One more thing, you're going to need an earpiece." (She gave him a nice earpiece.)

Dick: "Sweet." (He smiled at Tiffany and she smiled back. Then Bruce tapped his shoulder.)

Bruce: "Make sure you be ready by 9:00 pm."

Dick: "Got it." (Dick smiled as Bruce got to his Batcomputer and he was thinking about Barbara. Barbara got home and stretched her arms.)

Barbara: (Yawns) "What a day." (She went in the room and started to take a quick shower. Then afterwards, she ate the last pizza that was cheese and threw the box away. She sat on the couch and started to watch TV. There were cartoons on and she smiled. She thought about Dick and started to text him.)

Barbara: (Texted) "Hey, Dick. Are you there?"

Dick: (Texted) "Yeah, I'm here. What are you doing?"

Barbara: (Texted) "Watching cartoons. What about you?"

Dick: (Texted) "Same here."

Barbara: (Texted) "Cool. Are you feeling any better?"

Dick: (Texted) "Yes, I am. All thanks to you. 😊"

Barbara: (Texted) "It was nothing. I thought that you felt like you needed some help, that's all."

Dick: (Texted) "Well, it worked. So, thank you."

Barbara: (Texted) "You're welcome. I missed you today."

Dick: (Texted) "So, did I."

Barbara: (Texted) "Will I see you tomorrow?"

Dick: (Texted) "You know I'll be there. So, did it work about telling Ms. Charlotte that I was sick?"

Barbara: (Texted) "Well...apparently not."

Dick: (Texted) "Oh, she didn't believe it?"

Barbara: (Texted) "You could say that. 😅"

Dick: (Texted) "She didn't believe it."

Barbara: (Texted) "No, she didn't. 😣😧"

Dick: (Texted) "Aww, did you get in trouble?"

Barbara: (Texted) "Not exactly. I was actually off the hook. What I said to Ms. Charlotte probably got her shook."

Dick: (Texted) "Really, what did you tell her?"

Barbara: (Texted) "I told her that..."

Dick: (Texted) "Hey, Babs. I got to go."

Barbara: (Texted) "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow."

Dick: (Texted) "Yeah, see you tomorrow. 😁" (Barbara smiled and puts her phone away while watching cartoons. Dick was dressing in his Robin suit and he puts his mask on. He took a deep breath and looked in the mirror.)

Dick: "Well, Dick. Here goes your very first night as Robin working with the Batman fighting crime. This is going to be insane, but it has to be done." (He went to the Batcave and Tiffany looked at him.)

Tiffany: "Hey, hey! Look at you! You look cool!"

Dick: "Thanks. I feel cool."

Bruce: "Are you ready?"

Dick: "Yes. I'm ready to go."

Bruce: "Okay, then. Let's go find Zucco." (Bruce puts on his cowl and they both got in the Batmobile.)

Tiffany: "Good luck, you two! Alfred and I will be on COMs if you need us!" (The Batmobile takes off into the streets of Gotham.)

(End of Chapter 5: Justice)

How did you like this chapter? It is the longest chapter in the history of chapters! What did you think of it? Vote and comment your opinions about it. Also, what was your favorite part? Thanks for your support and love in my chapters! I appreciate it so much! Thanks to you all! 😁😄👍👍👍

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