Never Say No (One Direction)

By MeggieEggie

10.5K 180 67

Harry just wants to have fun and make music but with the pressure of being a celebrity he feels like he can n... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

5.5K 61 9
By MeggieEggie

Harrys POV.

“So, Harry, you understand what you have to do then?” My manager quizzed me again for the umpteenth time. Once again I looked over the desk at him, secretly wanting to say no but not being able to.

“Yeah, you’ve said it a million times. It’s not like I have any choice in the matter.” I answered back resisting the urge to roll my eyes, he looked back sternly at me. He stood up from his chair and made his way over to my side standing in front of me.

“Good lad,” he pated my shoulder, “Caroline will be here to speak to you tomorrow, but for now you need to go rehearse for the tour.” He shooed me out of the office door; pleased with his accomplishment of getting me to agree, no doubt earning him some sort of promotion or pay rise. I just shook my head as I exited the over decorated office and made my way down the SyCo building to the car waiting for me.  I just need to forget about it for now and focus on rehearsing for the tour. The driver greeted me whilst holding open the door, but due to my non pleasant mood I hardly acknowledge his existence. Why is it always me they choose? Am I really destined to be the leading man? I’m the youngest for crying out loud! I can’t handle all of this; it’s so new to me. To all of us.

We finally reached the dance studio we have been rehearsing in for the past month.  This time I let myself out, thanking the driver as I swiftly closed the door behind me and made my way inside to Studio 2 where I could already hear “What Makes You Beautiful” blasting through the speakers. I have a feeling I am going to become so sick of that song. I walked in to find the Tour manager along with the choreographer (I really don’t understand why we have one, all we do is run about the stage) yelling at Louis, Zayn, Niall and Liam.

“- understand? You need to make sure you move in sync all the whole dynamic is thrown off. I can’t deal with this! You’re not paying attention, each time you get it wrong! It’s “Thats what makes you beautiful!” -jump- “Baby you light up my world like nobody else” – crossover stage left for Niall and Louis, stage right for Liam and Zayn, then- Oh look who finally decided to turn up.”  The choreographer stopped his outburst as he sighted me making my way towards them all. The boys all turned round to smile at me; relief crossing all of their faces.

“Er yeah I had to go speak to the manager...” They guys all looked at me confused, probably wondering why they did not.

“Well no one told me! I guess at least you’re here now. Ok from the top!” I made my way to ‘centre stage’ as they played the track again, Liam’s voice coming through the surround sound speakers. It’s so strange hearing ourselves on an album, I don’t think we’ll ever get completely used to it; it’s such a surreal thing. My solo came on and I stepped forward mouthing the words that I had become so accustomed to singing, I know it won’t be long till I hate all the songs on the album. We hear them on repeat everyday and it’ll only get worst once it’s on sale. Don’t get me wrong, I am unbelievably grateful for everything that’s happened to us, and am looking forward to what the uture holds but at the moment all we are doing is tedious things.

“Okay! 10 minute break, then we start on ‘I Want’.”

We all made our way to the chairs scattered on the side of the room to grab our water bottle off them and down the contents.

“Ugh I needed that!” Niall said, grinning with satisfaction. I turned towards the Irish lad smiling slightly as I flipped my hair out of my eyes.

“So, Harry what did the manager want?” Louis asked; the others too scared to inquire.

“Another publicity stunt.” I grumbled, I’ve really had enough of this and I knew it was only the beginning.

“It can’t be that bad Haz,” he said patting my shoulder, “What do you have to do?”

“I’m supposed to be in a relationship with Caroline Flack. You know the presenter?” They all nodded so I carried on, “But we’re not going to make anything official because then fans will be annoyed during the tour, we’re simply going to make it seem like that and let people jump to conclusions. You know what the press are like, as soon as they see me anywhere near a girl, I’m dating her, and fans are sure to believe a lot of what they read.” I sighed; this isn’t actually benefiting the band as much as it is her. It’s just all going to end in tears, I can see it coming.

I do like Caroline, you’ve seen the comments I made during the X-Factor. Making jokes about how we can ‘make it happen’ in the future, but that was all harmless flirting, nothing serious or so I thought. She’s was lovely but I don’t want to date her, no offence.

“But surely that’ll make more problems than actually help anyone...” Zayn added.

“That’s what I thought but it’s mainly for Caroline sack, no one really knows her and by our fans suddenly paying attention to her it’ll make her better known. Get her a shit load of money as well. The amount of interviews it would create and stuff. I don’t mind helping out someone, but what will people think of me dating a 32 year old?! What are my parents going to think? No doubt the press will start questioning them when they realise we’re not going to talk! And Caroline will propably get a load of hate and I’ll feel really bad because it’ll be our fans doing it! I just, I just...” Louis pulled me into a hug. I know it sounds stupid and you probably think I’m overreacting about this all but you don’t understand the pressure it puts on me! I’m seventeen; I just want to make music and have fun with my new best friends, not get dragged into all this celebrity scandal crap. Sometimes I wonder how things would have been different if I just stayed with “White Eskimos” rather than auditioning for the X-Factor, but just the thought of never meeting these guys erases any woes I had.

“Don’t worry about it mate, you’ll just have to explain everything to your family and I’m sure they’ll go along with it!” Zayn comforted me. I must really seem quite wimpy right now; I’ve got to get a grip!

“Yeah I know, my Mum’s great she’ll do anything for me. I just hate lying to everyone, this isn’t me. I can’t be who I truly am just because I’m in a boy band! What happened to bands not caring what people thought? Bands like ‘Guns n Roses’ or ‘Ramones’ you know?”

“They are all rock bands, not boy bands. We make pop music, yeah some of its good but it’s mainly just to get the teenage audience, and nobody cares whether we like it or not we’ve just gotta sell it!” Zayn retorted. I wasn’t the only one who felt this way.

“Yeah I guess. It’s the small price we gotta pay for this amazing lifestyle. I really can’t complain, it’s my own fault, I just can never say no.” I reasoned with them all.

“We understand, don’t worry about it Harry. Just work on making the most of the next couple of months once this album is released and we’re doing all the promotion stuff and the tour. Its gunna be great! We’ll finally be able to give something back to the fans for all their amazing support!” Niall grinned, that boy was really excited for it all, practically started dancing every time the tour was mentioned. I grinned back at him; I really shouldn’t be dampening everyone else’s mood just because I wasn’t too happy. I appreciate all the things the fans have done for us and I really can’t wait for the tour, to finally get to thank them all. Like I said before, I can’t really complain. People would kill to be in my position right now and even if there were a few snags along the way I was going to make the most of this experience with my 4 new best friends. 


A/N: Hi guys, this is a new fanfic that I am writing on my own, so feedback will be greatly appreciated. I just want to clarify that I have nothing against Caroline Flack (loved her on TMI) or her and Harrys previous relationship. This is purely just for the story and I don’t mean to cause any hate towards her. What they do is there business.

Anyway thank you for reading please comment and vote!


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