Inner 9ja gal. #projectnigeria

By bibirek

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Hi everyone, welcome to my page. this isnt your average, everyday wattpad story. It's not vampire or werewolf... More

Inner 9ja gal.
ofure's beginning
Okay maybe
momma's back!.
consequences 2
moving on?.......
fighting temptations
Beautiful imperfections.
Two steps back.
Unbreak my heart.
The Distance Between Us
lies and deceit
I love you.
love songs
together again
yeti wahala.
Dance with me
Don't leave me
I'm sorry
meeting family
casting casting!
are we fighting?
Go to sleep
first of all: Introduction!
some closure
fire on fire
Déjà vu
Aren't you magical?
How did i pray?
Let's talk.
MAMA'S Back.... Again!


2.3K 285 13
By bibirek

It's a long walk to where I can find a cab from ifeanyis house, but I like it. The evening was cool and I needed a walk to clear naughty thoughts from my head. I bit my lip as I remembered how he grabbed me, his hands secure around my thighs. I remember how his lips felt, so soft, melting like warm butter into mine. His body; hard but smooth against my bare flesh, I wanted him, I couldn't deny that. The best part was that he wanted me too, perhaps even more. If there was anything the grueling hours in economics class taught me, it was that, I could live without getting my wants. But this want was dangerous and if I got it, then I'm afraid I might never let it go.

I boarded the first cab I saw at the junction, didn't even bother to haggle with the man. I just had to sit down soon before my legs turned to jelly.

On the ride home, I pondered on everything. Ifeanyi made me feel good, too good and I loved it but I also hated it at the same time. I felt so safe and secure with him. Boys had always been a means to an end for me, money, sex, lesson notes, scores etc. I never really cared about any man before.

I used to tell myself that I wasn't traumatized, that the incident with Michael didn't leave me with scars but I guess it did. Though it didn't make me shy, timid or afraid of men; it did make me cold and calculating like a snake. It made me ruthless in my dealings with men, it made me cautious, it also made me have trust issues.

So letting my guard down so soon for ifeanyi was alarming to me. Even now when I was on my way home, all I wanted to do was turn the cab around; go back and just lie with him, maybe kiss him, tease him, or just do karaoke with him; he had a great voice. But he wasn't mine, sooner or later the façade would fade and I'd be left alone, watching as he got married to the love of his life.

I wasn't a saint, I had been with men who were taken before and I was able to separate what my body wanted from what my heart desired. But now I could feel the two merging, this wasn't good for me. Marriage, love and all of that bruhaha weren't things I believed in. Success, wealth, and prosperity, those were the languages I spoke, the things I craved. But sitting in that dusty old taxi, those things seemed small and meaningless, and that didn't sit well with me.

It was just my sister and i, we had no one else, epa God bless his heart wasn't going to be around for very long and even if he was, fat load of good that did for us.

So we had to break the norm, we had to succeed. If my sister didn't then I had to, it was all I wanted. I had to show them all that I could become something, that my mother wasn't a witch and we weren't cursed.

Omo had told me to go for him, enjoy him while it lasted, I suppose I and my sister were alike in that we were good at controlling our emotions. She might have felt it was easy but she didn't know ifeanyi like I did, she didn't want him like I did. So I made a resolve: I couldn't let ifeanyi distract me from my goal, I had to cut him off! Luckily we hadn't still exchange number so it would be easier, I'd try not to go over to his house and if he came over to mine I'd be so rude and cold and eventually he'll get the message and move on!.

The cab stopped at my gate and after paying him, I picked up my purse, and leaving all thoughts of ifeanyi behind, I stepped out of the cab.

...The weekend had gone by quickly. And i was so busy that ifeanyi didnt cross my mind, or should i say; every time he crossed my mind i occupied it with something else.

On Saturday, I helped epa go to the market because he wanted to travel to Abuja, to see Rita my step sister who was pregnant. So I went to buy yams, garri, crayfish, smoked fish.... the usual, then I packed his clothes and everything he needed, Daniel was supposed to do it, but I just needed the distraction.

The next day, after epa and Daniel left for the park, i quickly dived into my assignments and worked on that till evening, when i did a little social media, then I laid down my outfit for the next day, had my bath and slept.

It started with tiny drops, then came the trickles and when I tried to get up a quick surge. It was the MONTHLY MONSTER!. My period, she had come with all her viciousness. Just as I was about to stand up, I felt a sharp pain. Here we go again!. I had always had cramps for as long as I can remember, sometimes they were serious, and other times they were mild. My mother used to place a warm cloth on my abdomen and give me hot soup to drink, when she died omo took over from her.

I managed to drag myself out of bed and head to the bathroom to clean myself up. When I came back, I checked the time, it was just 2:30am. I still had a few hours of some well deserved sleep to catch up on, avoiding thoughts of ifeanyi was exhausting. He didn't even bother checking up on me, that angered me, but I pushed the thought down and forced myself back to sleep.

The next morning, I couldn't get out of bed, it was like my ovaries were on fire. The pain was too intense, with every move came a surge. My night dress and beddings were soiled, it took the grace of God for me to get up and clean up. After bathing, I dumped the soiled clothes in the corner and made a mental note to wash them when I was feeling better.

I dropped on the bed like a log, picked up my phone and called Egor, I told her to mark my attendance for me, I also asked her to bring me some food after school as there was no way I could get up and cook in my condition. Then I slept off...

I awoke to a knock on the gate. Looking at the time, I saw it was just 12:00. I couldn't believe Egor was here already, thank God because I was so hungry and light headed. I struggled, crouching as I walked to the gate and opened it.

Instead of smallish, ebony Egor; there was tall, dark ifeanyi. My heart danced in my chest, he looked and smelled so good. He wore a dark suit that looked like it was tailored only for him. That smile and those chocolate lips, even in my pain I wanted to reach out and kiss him.

His smile quickly faded to a concerned frown. He tried to grab me but I moved away.

"Ofure what's wrong with you".

"nothing! what to you want?".

" haba! Ofure".

"Haba ofure what, ifeanyi please, please, abeg I don't have strength for your plenty talk talk. What do you want?". I was shocked at my behavior. Sure this was the plan, but I didn't think I was able to pull it off. I guess it was the mood swings. I sat down on the soak away close to the gate, just because I couldn't bear to stand anymore.

" I'm sorry if I upset you ofure, I thought we parted on good terms".

"Me too, until you didn't reach out to me for two days". No! no!! no!!! ofure this wasn't part of the plan, where was my inner 9ja girl when I needed her.

"ofure, it's not like that at all. I travelled on Saturday morning, an impromptu trip to lagos. I only arrived Benin now, chike came to pick me at the airport, I dropped him at home, took the car and came straight here, to you. Ofure, i have missed you so much".

" I'm not yours to miss".

"Yes I know that, but I can't help it".

" you know what, I don't even care sef".

"Then why did you ask".

" because.... Because.. ".

Because what ofure". And I started to cry, the thing sef tire me. How many moods must I go through?.

" because I thought you left me, after saying that you liked me. You just left.....".

"But ofure I've just told you that It wasn't...... Wait! I think i know what is wrong with you now". He came and sat down on the soak away with me.

" the mood swings and the pain. It's that time of the month isn't it". I was so shy, I wasn't the type to blab about my feminine issues to a man. Well to be fair no one had ever come that close. So I just nodded in shame.

"I'm sorry, I can see how much pain you are in".

" its okay". Another sharp pain hit me and I almost fell down, I clutched my stomach and winced a bit.

"Sorry baby, let's go inside". Ifeanyi said with concern in his voice. I pulled my self up but I couldn't move. Ifeanyi bent down and threw me over his shoulder. I was scared I would fall but he held on strong, he moved as though I weighed nothing.

When we got in, he placed me gently on my bed and kissed my forehead softly.

" have you had something to eat".

"No, I ask......".

" my God! Ofure since morning".

"I can't cook na!, I can barely even stand".

"Okay what will you like to eat".

"Meat pie, rice and chicken, chocolate, garri and groundnut and oh! I'd kill for hot chicken pepper soup right now". He burst out laughing.

" alright let's go and get then".

"I can't, my stomach".

" well I can't leave you here".

"You have to, there is no other..." Before I could Finnish my sentence, ifeanyi had swung me over his shoulder again. "What are you doing".

" there is no way in hell I'm leaving you here". And he carried me that way to the car, I could feel the prying eyes of my street people boring holes into my skin.

After placing me gently in the passenger seat, he took extra care in fastening my seat belt, then he closed the door and went around to take his own seat.

"Such a gentleman". I said; just as he started the ignition.

"shouldn't I be".

"I'm not an egg you know, I won't break".

" I can't help it". The rest of the drive was quiet as I lay back in my seat admiring him. He had a frown on his forehead and his teeth were clenched, I could tell something was bothering him but I didn't want to pry.

Thirty minutes later, we arrived at kada plaza.

"Can you come in with me".

" I don't think so".

"Okay, I'd leave the Ac on and put the glasses up, since they are tinted no one would disturb you".

" or so no one who knows you and yetunde would see me".

"Haba! That's not fair". He had a hurt look on his face and my heart melted, I didn't like to see him hurt at all but I couldn't help saying what's on my mind.

" do you know you say haba a lot".

"I'm used to it".

" really, why".

"It was the only Yoruba word yetunde used frequently when we were living together abroad, so I guess I just picked it up".

" I guess you did". I don't know why yetundes name made me so mad, so jealous. I wasn't an envious person but she brought out that side of me.

"I'm coming". He said and then stepped out of the car to go buy the things...

...He returned some minutes later and I guess I must have dozed off because I didn't hear him come in, it was the rustling of the nylon bags that woke me.

"You can sleep like chicken enh!".

" enh! Thank you, did you buy them".

"See face like did you buy them, look at them there, don't kill yourself o". I wiggled my self to the back seat and began to rummage through the goody bags. There was everything, from pies of meat and chicken to rice and cookies, chocolate, candies. Ifeanyi did go all out. I opened a plate of fried rice and dug in, feasting hungrily not minding that ifeanyi was there, I guess my inner naija girl was too hungry to form.

He drove to a market close to my house, and parked the car again.

" what are we doing here".

"I thought you said you wanted hot pepper soup".

" enhe!".

"Enhe so let's buy the chicken na". I was in shock, I was actually satisfied with the rice, I didn't know he would go this far.

"I'm okay with these, ifeanyi".

" well we are already here, might as well buy it. Besides I don't want you waking me up at night with your cravings".

"At night?".

" yea, you've got me for the whole one week".

"One week ke".

" oh! Its not like that for you".


" okay so you've got me for...."

"Four days".

" four days it is then".

"You do know I don't live alone right?"

"Yea I was thinking hotel."

"No... No one is at home, no one will be at home for a long while, so we can stay"

"Okay then" He turned on the ac and left for the market.

It didn't take long for him to get back and soon we were on our way home. When we got home, ifeanyi carried me over his shoulder into the house, before coming back for the things we bought. I was on the parlour couch watching television when he came in.

"Where is your knife".

" knife for what".

"I want to kill this chicken".

" you know you could have just bought a frozen one abi".

"I don't like frozen chicken, it doesn't retain spice".

" then, you for ask dem to kill am for you for market na".

"I prefer to do the killing myself".

" oshe!..... Ted bundy, hmmm! OK o!. Knife is in the kitchen, but sha know that I will not come and help you".

"I didn't expect you to". He walked to the fridge and put in most of the things we bought then disappeared into the kitchen. I laid back on the couch and pretty soon I fell asleep.

I was awoken by a sweaty, worn out looking ifeanyi.

"God!, you dey smell like chicken shit".

" classic ofure, waking up from sleep with savagery. Not every time rude and mean, sometimes kindness and compassion".

"Na so!".

"I have finished cooking o!, I made rice to go with the pepper soup".

" every time rice! rice!, make person eye no swell tomorrow o!".

"shebe that's the thank you, you will tell me". I pulled him into a warm hug.

"Oya thank you, oya go and baff biko! Before you kill me.

While ifeanyi was showering, I used omohs bathroom to shower as well, when I went to my room to dress up, he wasn't around and thank God. After dressing up I went to the parlour and found him setting the dinner table.

"Issa Victorian style of eating. Don't bring food let us sitdown here and eat, you hear. Be forming British".

"You don't know I'm trying to teach you class".

" class kill you there". We both burst out laughing. "Wait o! Is that my pyjamas you are wearing". I said as I noticed he was wearing my purple pyjama trouser. It was usually big on me but on ifeanyi if was a little too tight and I saw everything, I mean everything!.

" my clothes were all stained with chicken blood, so I had to change them and I was too lazy to go to the car and get my travel bag, besides yours smell better".

"Okay o!". I took a seat at the table he had set and made myself a plate. The rice was soft, just the way I liked it. The soup was hot and spicy and the chicken was seasoned to perfection. He sure did know how to cook.

" wow, this is really good. I think say na only indomie you sabi".

"Not to toot my own horn, but I am a mean cook".

" you're fascinating".

"Thank you".

"Who taught you".

" my Mom, God rest her soul, she had her issues but she was a great cook".

"I thought it was yeti".

" no I even taught her sef, all of my mom's secret recipes, i passed down to her". Lucky bitch! I thought, it wasn't about the recipes, I didn't really care for cooking that much, I was good at it though. It's just, this was another thing she and ifeanyi shared. We made small talk as we finished the rest of our food.

After eating, ifeanyi cleaned up and did the dishes. While I went to lie in my room. I used the time to reprimand Egor for not coming, so if ifeanyi didn't come now, i would have starved. Then I replied some messages on social media and also called epa to ask about his journey.
Soon ifeanyi came in and just dropped down on the bed. I could see he was exhausted.

"Pele, I know you're tired".

" its okay, anything for you". That tickled my heart a bit. He buried his head in my chest; in between my breasts and sniffed. It was awkward but it felt nice, and instinctively my hand went to his hair and I started to run my fingers through his thick soft hair. He Nuzzled my chest a bit.

"Careful, they are tender".

"I'm sorry, you smell so good". His hot breath caressed my chest, it felt really good. Following his lead, i sniffed his hair.

" you smell good too".

"Its your cream and perfume I used o!".

" I know, but your body makes it smell better".

"Who is the chessy one now".

" I am". I said as I kissed his head, it felt like the natural thing to do. He removed his head from my chest to look up at me. And I wanted to cry, I wanted us to just stay that way, bodies and souls entwined.

"You're so beautiful".

" and you're so handsome". The moment was priceless. Our hearts raw and untamed reaching out to each other. We stared at each other for a while before he closed his eyes and soon he started snoring gently.

I continued to run my fingers through his hair while he slept soundly. There was a warm feeling in my chest, this wasn't want. This felt more dependent, more beckoning, it was.... It was need! I didn't just want him. I needed him and in that moment, I tried to imagine what life would be like without him but I couldn't, the image just wouldn't implant. I had fallen for this man, and even though I knew I was going to hit the ground with great force and get hurt, i couldn't stop myself from falling.

"I love you ofure". Ifeanyi said, jerking me from my thoughts.

" ifeanyi". No answer.

"Ifeanyi". Still no answer. To be sure he was sleep talking, I shook him slowly.

" hmmm! What happened". He said drowsily.

"Nothing, just lie well. You're snoring". He turned and face the other side of the bed, going back to sleep immediately.

Sleep evaded me that night, as I tossed and turned, thinking and analyzing what he had said. I can assure to you that in my whole life, I have never been as terrified as I was after hearing ifeanyi say those words..

Whew!. This chapter was extra long abi?. Ifeanyi and ofure needed some bonding time.

N/b: this chapter isn't edited so pardon the errors.
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Love you all xoxo.

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