By misshiraethsworld

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"What do you mean I should be dead?" "You are cursed lass and there's nothing you can do about it." She was a... More

Curse of the Ruby
Graphic Gallery
1; Man Over Board
2; Latest Fashion
3; Promotion Ceremony
4; Captain Jack Sparrow
5; The Blacksmith
7; Ghost Stories
8; Tale of Bo'sun

6; The Black Pearl

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By misshiraethsworld

6; The Black Pearl

Felicity and James set a steady pace for their walk back to the Governor's manor. The red-head felt more than ever the watchful eyes of the masses as they stopped to admire the couple. She knew her presence next to a man who had just proposed to another would arouse suspicion. She shifted uncomfortable when a pair of Navy men all but gawked at her as they turned onto the long driveway to the front steps.

"What were you thinking?" James finally muttered, breaking the silence between them.

Felicity glanced up at him before looking down at the ground, "Elizabeth asked me to check on Will. I never expected the pirate to find me there."

"He could have killed you." James finally says through his teeth.

Felicity whirled on him, "Do you think I don't know that? I know what kind of damage a pirate can do."

"Do you?" James asked. "Because part of me thinks you like the danger."

"Wanting adventure and freedom is not the same as seeking danger, James."

"Isn't it though."

She ripped her arm from his grasp and looked up at him, "What about you then? Each time you head out to see with the Royal Navy, you claim it's for the adventure. However, when you come home all you talk about is the number of criminals you've caught in the name of the king."

"That's different."

"Is it?" She asked, before tears brimmed in her eyes. "When I see your ship sail from Port Royal you take a piece of me with you. All I ask is that you come back safely. We need you. I need you."

James didn't know how to respond as he watched the red head run ahead of him and into the safety of the Governor's house. Felicity, on the other hand, peeked back out through the window. She watched in silence as his figure disappeared among the rolling fog that enveloped the estate. She furrowed her brows at the unnatural thickness, especially after the appearance of a pirate in Port Royal.

It wasn't a coincidence that Jack Sparrow chose to come to a fortified military post, especially on the eve of a Commodore's promotion. She thought back to Jack's reaction to the pirate medallion hanging around Elizabeth's neck. He looked as if he knew where this medallion truly belonged. The woman also detected a hint of resentment and fear for the small object, but how can a pirate resent gold?

Felicity's mind continued to race with different scenarios of the pirates' reaction to the little trinket as she entered the foyer of the Governor's mansion. Servants and footmen were bustling around trying to get the mansion ready for Commodore Norrington's promotion banquet, which was to be held at the end of the week.

The thought of James' promotion ceremony put her stomach into knots, especially after her small confession. She hadn't meant to be so forward with him, but part of her knew she would regret it if she hadn't at least hinted at where her feelings lied. Her momentary thoughts of the new Commodore were cut short by Lucretia, coming to fetch her.

"Elizabeth requests your presence in her chambers."

Felicity nodded, "Thank you."

Felicity made her way up the stairs with a heavy heart as Lucretia continued to clean the hallway. She knew she wouldn't be going to bed anytime soon as she entered Elizabeth's room to bid her goodnight. She wasn't surprised to see Estrella cleaning Elizabeth's fireplace as well as striking up a rather awkward confirmation.

"There you go, Miss." She exclaims as she places a bed warmer between the sheets. "It was a difficult day for you, I'm sure."

Elizabeth looked a little displeased at her maids choice of topic, "I suspected Commodore Norrington would propose but I must admit, I wasn't entirely prepared for it."

"Well, I meant you were being threatened by that pirate. Sounds terrifying."

Felicity smiled, but used her hand to hide it, "I'm sure it was."

Elizabeth looked elated at Felicity's entrance, "Oh, yes, it was terrifying."

"But the Commodore proposed. Fancy that. Now, that's a smart match, Miss, if it's not too bold to say." Estrella continued, not noticing the annoyance coming from the two women.

"It is a smart match. He's a fine man; he's what any woman should dream of marrying." Elizabeth muttered, not taking in the crestfallen look on Felicity's face.

"Well, that Will Turner, he's a fine man, too."

Lucretia had finally made her way to attend to Felicity's needs when she overhears Estrella's comment. The woman was less than pleased as she immediately took over her duties, "That is too bold."

Estrella looked disgruntled at the older woman's interference of the latest gossip of Port Royal, "Well, begging your pardon, Miss. It was not my place."

The three watched as the maid left them all in peace. Felicity goes to close the window, but stops at the image of a black ship looming into the bay. The sight of it gives her shivers as she looks over her shoulder to see Elizabeth playing with the medallion. Lucretia paid no attention as she stoked the fire once more before leaving the room. The girls sat in silence as they began to wind down, until the sound of cannon fire reached their ears.

"Oh my lord." Felicity whispered as she saw the disfigured ship firing upon the fort.

"Father's there!" Elizabeth exclaimed as she came to join her companion's side.

"I'm sure he's fine. James won't let anything happen to him." Felicity replied, until she saw a mob of Pirates breaking the gates down. "Elizabeth, stay here!"

Felicity didn't wait to hear Elizabeth's cries in protest as she raced down to the foyer, but she was too late as the butler opened the door. She watched in horror as they shot the man dead before turning their sights upon her. She backed away with a hand covering her mouth as she tried to not let the tears through.

"Up there!"


Felicity turned her head to see that Elizabeth was beside her on the bannister. She was quick to push her ahead as they closed the door on their intruders. As Felicity turned to check on Elizabeth she found Lucretia looking after her. Her maid came forward and placed a shawl around her shoulders in a panic.

"You have to get out of here."

"Miss Swann , they've come to kidnap you." Estrella said in hysterics.


"You're the Governor's daughter."

Felicity doubted that was the reason they were here. If anything the governor's manor was the perfect place to loot and if there happened to be women around. Felicity banished the thought of what could happen and focused on what will happen. She needed to get Elizabeth to safety. In her eyes that was all that mattered and she didn't care what happened to her. No one would care if she was gone.

"They haven't seen you. Hide, and the first chance you get, run to the fort." Elizabeth instructs.

Felicity turns to her maid and friend, "Take care and give your children a kiss from me."

Lucretia looked at her in distress, but neither maid disobeyed. Elizabeth grabbed the bed warmer while Felicity took one of the fire stokers. The two stood on either side of the door, lying in wait for the two nasty smelling pirates. When it finally opened Elizabeth hit one with the bed warmer while Felicity gave the other a brand new scar on his face. The distraction allowed for their maids to escape as Felicity bolted towards the entrance. She turned to see Elizabeth hot on her heels.

"Now what?" Elizabeth asks.

Felicity grabbed her hand and weaved her through the crowd, narrowly missing being crushed underneath a falling chandelier. Felicity locks the door to the dining room as Elizabeth grabs a pair of swords hanging on the banister, only for the entire piece to fall instead. Felicity turns to help her only to hear the sound of oncoming footsteps.

"Open the window." Felicity orders.


"Do it!"

Elizabeth does as she's told and finds herself being pulled into the silver room just as the two pirates smashed into the room. Felicity pulled Elizabeth close as they stayed as silent as the grave. She could feel Elizabeth shaking with adrenaline as Felicity held her closer trying to keep her calm, however Felicity's heart was racing. She was praying that James or Teddy or anyone would come and rescue them, but that didn't seem to be the case.

"We know you're here, Poppet."

"Poppet." The other repeated.

"Come out? And we promise we won't hurt you." One of them looks over questioningly before smiling. "We will find you, Poppet. You've got something of ours, and it calls to us. The gold calls to us."

"Gold calls?"

Felicity watches in horror as Elizabeth takes the medallion out to inspect it once more, just as the large pirate finds them, "'Ello, Poppet."

"Parley!" Elizabeth shouts backing into Felicity in fear.


"Parley. I invoke the right of parley. According to the Code of the brethren, set down by the pirates Morgan and Bartholomew, you have to take me to your Captain." Elizabeth explains.

"I know the code."

Elizabeth gulps at his threatening tone, but Felicity steps forward, "If an adversary demands parley you can do them no harm until the parley is complete."

"To blazes with the code."

Felicity uses her body to shield Elizabeth from the oncoming man. She closed her eyes in fear, but no hands made contact with her body. When she opened them she found the two men arguing once more before each of them grabbing the girls. Felicity struggles to reach Elizabeth once more as they are both dragged through the streets of Port Royal. The spot Will, but Felicity is horrified to see him be knocked out by another pirate.

As they are rowed out to the black ship she looks back towards the barracks only to spot James. He was yelling for a ceasefire as his gaze locked with hers. She wanted to shout something to him. Let him know that both her and his future fiancé were alright, but no words came. Instead she struggled as she was forced onto the deck of the enemy. James long forgotten.

"I didn't know we were taking on captives."

"She's invoked the right of parley with Captain Barbossa." The skinny pirate replied.

Elizabeth stepped forward, "I am here to negotiate-"

Felicity cried out in rage as the massive man backhands her companion, "You'll pay for that."

"You will speak when spoken to."

The man raises a hand in her direction when he is stopped by a man cladded in black with a large feathered hat on top, "And ye not lay a hand on those under the protection of parley."

"Aye, sir."

"My apologies, Miss."

Felicity glares up at him, "Empty words."

Elizabeth steps forward in a diplomatic manner, "Captain Barbossa , I am here to negotiate the cessation of hostilities against Port Royal ."

"There are a lot of long words in there, Miss." Barbossa states. "We're naught but humble pirates. What is it that you want?"

"I want you to leave and never come back." Elizabeth demands.

"I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request."

Elizabeth raises an eyebrow over at Felicity for an explanation to which she states, "He means no."

Elizabeth looks less than pleased, "Very well. I'll drop it."

Felicity watches in horror as their only bargaining chip is dangled over the sea. She wants so desperately to snatch it from her hand and negotiate their surrender, but she stays still. Any sudden movements could set them off and she could not help Elizabeth if she was dead. Instead she positions her body in front of Elizabeth so if they do decide to shoot, then Elizabeth has time to get away.

"Me holds are burstin' with swag. That bit of shine matters to us? Why?"

"It's what you've been searching for. I recognized the ship. I saw it eight years ago on the crossing from England ." Elizabeth states, but her tone sounds almost desperate.

"Did ya, now?"

Felicity looked him in the eye as he glanced at her with an air of familiarity, "And did you see it Miss?"

Felicity raises her chin, "What I see is a ship waiting to be sent to the depths of the ocean."

Barbossa lets out a chuckle, but grows serious when Elizabeth sighs, "Fine. Well, I suppose if it is worthless then there's no point in me keeping it."

She drops it slightly causing the pirates to surge forward in worry only to be met with a knowing look. Barbossa looks less than pleased as he stares at the two women. Felicity stares him down with a fierce protectiveness toward Elizabeth. If he wanted to get to her then he would have to face her and if her fight with Jack was any indication, she was more than up for the challenge.

"Ah." He chuckles. "You two have a name, Missy?"

"Elizabeth Turner." Elizabeth states. "I'm a maid in the Governor's household."

"Miss Turner." Barbossa nods and looks over at Felicity. "And?"

Felicity glares at him, "Felicity."

"Last name?"

"Earn it."

Barbossa looks intrigued by the red head, but she doesn't give him any more information than that. He looks her up and down before looking over at Elizabeth once more, "And how does a maid come to own a trinket such as that. Family heirloom, perhaps?"

"I didn't steal it, if that's what you mean." Elizabeth replied.

"Very well, you hand it over and we'll put your town to our rudder and never return."

Barbossa holds out his hand in wait. Elizabeth doesn't turn to look as Felicity shakes her hand as she places the medallion in the hands of the Captain. Felicity knew that their fate was sealed as he handed it over to his monkey. Although Elizabeth may have saved Port Royal she had forgotten to negotiate their release.

"Our bargain?"

The captain doesn't answer her as his right hand begins to shout orders at the crew, "Still the guns and stow them, Signal the men, set the flags and make good to clear port."

"Wait! You have to take me to shore. According to the Code of the Order of the Brethren -"

"First, your return to shore was not part of our negotiations nor our agreement so I must do nothing. And secondly, you must be a pirate for the pirate's code to apply and you're not. And thirdly, the code is more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules." Barbossa lists off before taking a step toward them as Felicity pulls Elizabeth behind her. "Welcome aboard the Black Pearl, Miss Turner. Felicity."

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