An Eye For Love

By ScarlettRose965

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An Eye For Love
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 4

450 7 3
By ScarlettRose965

~5 days Later~

Jack's POV

I was walking through the woods heading back to (Angela)'s house. I guess you can say the past five days have been the best days of my life. My life felt like the perfect fairy tale. Kinda like beauty and the beast, how a human girl fell in love with a monster. 

Once I reach her house I climb up the balcony and into her room, but she wasn't there. I walk over to the bed and see a note she had left. 'Jack, I had to step out real quick but I'll be back soon. Love, (Angela) P.S. Don't let my parents see you.' I put the note down and decide to hide in her closet until she got home. I took off my mask and suddenly I smelled....blood? I put my mask back on and follow the sent.

I take a deep breath through my nose and confirm my thoughts. There was blood, and lots of it. The closer I got to her bedroom door the stronger the smell became. I open the door and was just hit with a whole wave of the smell. I walk into the hall and the smell became stronger and stronger. I stared see to small blood spatters on the wall as I got closer to the stairs. I walk down the stairs and into the living and was shocked at what I saw. Blood was every where and sitting on the floor was a man and woman, both torn to pieces. Their bodies were dismembered and their torsos were ripped to shreds. They were barley recognizable. I knew instantly they were (Angela)'s parents. She's going to be heartbroken when she comes home.

Suddenly I felt this sharp pain in my body and I was against the wall. I look up and see the cause of this gruesome scene. "Zalgo!" I said aggressively. He looked down at me and I could tell he was not happy. "First Hoodie, then Ben, and" he said with his demonic voice. "I didn't make you immortal Jack just so you could fall in love with a mortal!" "Then why did you let me keep my heart?!" "I should have ripped it out the day I found you! When you were just a pathetic little demon starving to death!" "What are gonna do? Turn me into a human? Oh, that's right. You can't!" He growled. "No matter, I've done what I came to do. You know, you should really wipe that blood off your mask." And then he was gone. 'Blood on my mask?' I take my fingers and put them on my mask. I pull them away and see that Zalgo was right. There was blood on my mask. He must have put it there when he hit me. Suddenly all I hear is "JACK WHY?!"

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