Magic Revealed

By KindredCoffee

591K 21.8K 9K

Starting at the beginning of Season 4, Lancelot and Merlin manage to close the rift without a sacrifice. With... More

Under Your Nose
At Your Mercy
Merlin's Tale
The Prince and The Warlock
Give Me Back My Wallet
The Future of Albion
Long Live The King
Magic Is Not Evil
Merlin You Idiot
My King
Stuff To Do
Returning Home
Shut Up Gwaine
Thank You For Everything
King of Legend
Something Like That
A Bit Drunk
Author Message (Not a chapter)
Isn't That The Truth
Goodnight My Lord
King's Orders
Merlin Himself
Short and Sweet
Quite Alright
Gold Eyes
Authors Note (Not A Chapter)
Starting Out
No Answer
A Bit Quiet
For The Love of Camelot
Lyra Heldin
I Got Tagged
Returning To Camelot
Nor Would I

Creating and Maintaining

13.3K 533 168
By KindredCoffee

A few weeks later the dragons were officially too big for the citadel. Merlin spent a lot of his free time outside Camelot where he and the dragons found a large cace that they could take shelter in. Arthur was pretty sure that the cave hadn't been there before but didn't ask Merlin about it.

One day, Arthur was training some of the younger knights when Merlin showed up from taking care of the dragons and leaned against a nearby wall to watch. Arthur raised a hand in welcome and Merlin smiled.

The youngest knights were still inexperienced and had not developed the same quick reflexes that the other, more experienced knights possessed. Many were related to those of Noble blood, and were sent by their families to serve the Pendragons, while others were commons folk who were decent swords men. All needed work.

Arthur had one man step forward and dueled him, disarming him fairly quickly before giving him a suggestion. Then he motioned the man to pick up his sword and duel again. He couldn't seem to get it though. Arthur frowned and shook his head after about the fifth time. "Somethings not right." He muttered.

"He's left handed Arthur. You teaching him right handed." Merlin called, "The way you move your feet and hands is very different than how he would."

Arthur glanced back at Merlin, "Any suggestion then Merlin?" The king asked.

"Demostrate it slowly." Merlin rolled his eyes, "You're moving so quickly that he can't shift everything to a left handed form."

The knight nodded sheepishly. "He's correct my Lord."

Arthur nodded, "He usually is." He grumbled.

Merlin laughed, "He admits it!"

"Shut up Merlin." Arthur said, "Or I'll be handing you a sword next and seeing how well you do."

Merlin snorted. "I'll just be over here. I have a letter for you. It doesn't say who it's from."

Arthur nodded before slowly demonstrated the moves to the man and then asked him to repeat it without any engagement. He gave a tip and then had him repeat it again before nodding. "Now try using it in combat." He raised his sword before lunging.

The man was not a bad swordsman and with the little instruction that Arthur had given him was able to combat most of what Arthur threw at him. He did end up being knocked to the ground eventually, but it took far longer and he managed to use the move that Arthur had taught him.

The king helped him, "Much better. Keep working on your footing." He gestured for Merlin to come to his side and the manservant handed him a thick envelope sealed with blue wax. "This showed up on your desk earlier while I was cleaning." Merlin explained.

"Magic?" Arthur frowned, Merlin rolled his eyes, "No, a raven. If course it was magic I don't think a invisible bird dropped a letter on your desk after coming through the closed window."

"Shut up Merlin." Arthur broke the seal and opened it, pulling out a two page letter and a map. Arthur scanned the message before handing it to Merlin, "It appears someone wants to meet us. Specifically you."

The knights watched the two, confused. "Why would someone want to meet Merlin?" One asked curiously. All the young knights knew Merlin. The manservant was constantly around whether it was helping Arthur, Gaius, or one of his knight friends it wasn't uncom for him to talk to them. But none knew of his magic.

Merlin chewed his lip as he read the letter, "I see. They don't know me specifically."

"But they knew I knew you." Arthur nodded and tapped the small map where a circle had been drawn. "They want to see us in the Valley of the Fallen Kings."

Merlin groaned, "I hate going there. We always get in trouble."

"My lord, is everything alright?" Another knight asked, hearing that their king might be going somewhere where he'd nearly died before was not reassuring.

Arthur looked up to the knights, "Oh Everything's fine. It appears that some sorcerer wants to meet the two of us."

"Alone? In the valley of the fallen king's?" One knight asked in disbelief. "You're not going are you?"

"Of course we're going." Arthur said laughing, "We aren't necessarily going alone."

Merlin smiled, "Those dragons are a pain." The knights looked to each other, "What if something happens and the dragons can't help?"

Merlin looked at Arthur, "We're more than capable of taking care of ourselves."

"Against a sorcerer?"

Arthur looked at Merlin to gain approval before saying, "Merlin is a sorcerer." He said. All the knights looked stunned. "Seriously!" The youngest asked.

"Seriously." Merlin nodded solemnly. Arthur laughed at the expression on the young Knight's faces. "Anyway. We'll be fine. We always are."

"Correction. You're always fine because I push you out of the way." Merlin huffed.

"You're fine too!"

"Sometimes. Other times I get his with whatever was supposed to be hitting you."

"Merlin!" Arthur threw up his hands, "If you knew how to use a sword like a normal person then you could block with it instead."

"I'm perfectly capable of using a sword Arthur."


"And king prat is blind once more to his manservants capabilities." The warlock groaned. "You know I can totally remember how I was able to hide my magic for so long."

"Well let's see it then." The king pulled his sword of out from where he had stuck it in the dirt and Merlin took a sword from on of the knights.

To Arthur's surprise Merlin wasted no time before attacking, sword flying toward Arthur's chest which was covered by his breastplate. Arthur parried in shock and soon they were fighting full scale. They were both using blunt sparing swords, luckily, but Arthur was slowed by the armor he wore while Merlin had to be careful not to let the king hit him. It ended when the king managed to lung forward just enough to get Merlin off balance before grabbing him around the waist and holding the sword to his neck.

The knights looked on in stunned amazement as Merlin dropped the sword and Arthur let him go. "Where did you learn to fight like that Merlin?" The king asked.

Merlin rolled his eyes, "Hmm. It's almost like you think I don't literally watch some of the best knights in the kingdom practice everyday. Unlike you I pay attention."

"You learned that by watching?"

"How many people do you think have tried to take my head off?"

The two kept bickering while the knights watched. Eventually Leon, who had entered the courtyard came over. "What are they arguing about?" He asked.

"Merlin and the King just dueled and Merlin was really good. And so Arthur was trying to figure out where Merlin learned to fight with a sword."

"He watches us fight everyday." Leon said. "That should be obvious."

"Exactly!" Merlin said, "Thank you Leon."

"Come on! You can't learn all that just by watching!" Arthur complained. "Sure I can." Merlin huffed.

Leon sighed, "Look Arthur, I came to take over for you. Go argue somewhere else."

"Fine." The king sulked before dragging Merlin with him toward the castle.


"So when are we leaving?" Merlin asked. Arthur finished writing something on a paper, "In two days."

"Want anything other than cloths and food?" The manservant questioned. "No." Arthur finished and stacked the papers on his desk. "Are you eating dinner with me tonight?"

Merlin glanced at the king, "Sure. If that's alright."

"When is it not?" Arthur wondered out loud.

"I don't know, you tell me." The warlock replied startling the king as he realized he'd spoken aloud.

Arthur looked at the letter to read the one line that had caught his attention earlier that day, You and Emrys are the key to creating and maintaining Albion. Your descendants will shape history after you play your part.

Albion was in the making. Arthur was constantly working on agreements to create peace that would last. Merlin was constantly at his side assisting him. So what else did they have to do to fulfill their destiny?

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