Caught Moon (COMPLETED)

By SoloarLunar

7.6K 324 27

"Just because you're not my mate, doesn't stop the fact that I want you and will have you." ----- Gemma C... More

hi. again.
It's Time
The Fight
A Friend
A Man on His Knees
The Luna
Our Run
The Heat
++Besides Myself++
Mine is Yours
Caught Moon

ClarityHowl Pack

338 10 0
By SoloarLunar

Winter was reluctantly ebbing away. By now, there was a visible bump on my stomach. Trees had buds on them and green grass poked up through the few clumps of snow that remained. Everything was becoming stressful. Our borders have been getting pushed on by rogues and the new pack, ClarityHowl. Wolves in the pack were acting up because of it, demanding we go to war with them. Someone started a petition and three hundred forty wolves out of the five hundred something signed it.

You'd think that Cole could just dump the petition because he's the Alpha of this pack, but since it's the majority, we can't ignore the matter. They could act on their own and there wouldn't be enough wolves to stop the rebellious ones, and it's not like he could execute over three hundred wolves.

"Maybe we should just go to war," Molly muttered, shaking her head.

"That would mean we'd be giving in to the lower ranked wolves!" Tommy argued, shaking his head.

"Well what else can we do? Demand they don't do it and try to fight them? They're bloodthirsty, they would willingly kill any wolf that gets in the way of their war, even a pack-mate." With that statement, an ominous silence filled Cole's office. I sighed and munched bitterly on the piece of bread. I hated meetings.

"Alpha?" Tommy asked softly. We all glanced Cole's way. Dark circles hung under his eyes and his hair was all over the place.

"I'll meet with Alpha Dier and demand he stops this right now," he said simply and stood up. He reached his hand out to me, and I took it. I could feel Molly and Tommy's eyes burning into our backs as we just walked away. I was tired, Cole was tired, and the pack was threatening to spill over the edge of the kettle. We could barely lead.

"Are we going right now?" I murmured, pulling on my sleeves.

"Yes, I want to get this over with and get everyone under control," he growled gruffly. He dragged us to the car, and threw the car aggressively into drive. I had a bad feeling in my stomach about this, but I didn't say anything. We had to confront Alpha Dier, even if I didn't want to.

The ride was uneventful, it was weird crossing over the border and immediately smelling the scent of an entirely different pack. Before ClarityHowl pack, we didn't share borders with anyone, just rogue land. The closest pack had been IceFur, and they were still an hour away.

I was shocked that we didn't even get stopped by border guards, it was quiet. Strangely quiet. I could smell Cole's uneasiness as we drove deeper into unknown territory. My claws were out, and senses on high alert. I was expecting an attack. We were nearly to the heart of the territory when wolves finally stepped out and confronted us.

The car stopped and I watched Cole open the door as a gray wolf approached him. He sniffed at him and his lip curled back in a snarl. Another wolf snapped at the gray wolf's neck, and he backed off. Cole told them to shift so they could have a civil conversation. The lead wolf, a red one, shifted, a woman shamelessly standing naked in front of him. The gray wolf shifted next, a young teen boy with glowing yellow eyes.

One of them nodded at me and everyone's eyes snapped towards me. I bravely met their stares with a glare of my own. I opened the door and stepped out, letting one wolf sniff me until satisfied.

"Why are you here?" The teen boy hissed, glancing between us.

Cole raised an eyebrow, "do you guys not have a problem with nudity here?"

"We're wolves, we're meant to be wild," the boy tossed his head. I scurried towards Cole and pressed tightly to his side. I was trying to keep eye contact with the two humans. The woman finally spoke up, shushing the boy.

"I figure you are here to speak to the Alpha?" She murmured, staring Cole directly in the eye and sparing me an annoyed glance.

"Yes," my mate snapped, placing a protective hand on my shoulder.

The woman smiled cruelly, "we take tribute here. If you wish to see the Alpha... you have to do my bidding in order for me to allow you to see him."

The look she gave Cole made me and my wolf snarl in fury. Everyone could hear the obvious suggestion in her voice. My claws unconsciously pushed out and dug themselves into Cole's side. He flinched slightly, but didn't show his pain. He just smiled right back at her.

"Or I could snap your neck here and now, and ask anyone else if they want tribute," he said sweetly, tilting his head. The woman's face flamed with fury, and she tried to lunge at him. Cole merely reached out and grabbed her cheeks in one hand. She wrestled, but he just glared down at her, "I am an Alpha, do not test me."

He threw her away and she fell to the ground. Another wolf shifted, this time a grown man. He shook his head at the lady, and walked our way. He offered us directions, but said it'd be best if we left our car. Though we weren't up for the idea, we decided to agree. We were already going against their rules anyways.

No one said anything as we walked down the road to the pack house. The wolves surrounded us, as if a pregnant female and one other wolf could do much damage. Thankfully, the three who shifted had the grace to put clothing on now.

The pack house was ten times smaller than ours. Of course, the pack didn't have nearly as many wolves as we did. It looked like an average sized home, instead of the large mansion that sat on our territory. It wasn't like everyone lived in the pack house, but you needed room to fit most of the wolves for events, if not all.

We were escorted inside and sat down in old creaking couches that smelled of dust and rotten flesh or something. After a while, Alpha Dier, Luna Jane, and Cara joined us. Cara smiled joyfully, waving at us from behind her mother's back.

"Alpha Cole," Alpha Dier's voice dripped with disdain as he took us in. We must've looked really disheveled.

"Alpha Dier, Luna Jane, Cara," Cole murmured, dipping his head. I took into account how Cole greeted all of them and Alpha Dier blatantly ignored me. Disrespect was the only word I could use to describe the Alpha and his pack. Luna Jane sniffed like she didn't have time for this and Alpha Dier snorted. Only Cara was happy to see us.

"We're here to discuss you guys pushing on our border, and even crossing," Cole stated, his blue eyes darkening.

Dier rolled his eyes, "as if we would want to cross onto your disgusting and awful land."

"Then why have you? I didn't take you for a liar," he murmured, narrowing his eyes. I smirked, Cole definitely knew how to play his cards. The other Alpha's eyes turned bright yellow as he got fired up.

"I am no such thing!" He snapped.

"Then why not tell the truth?" I pushed.

"Shut up, girl!" Spittle flew from his mouth, "you are not apart of this conversation!"

Cole wasn't able to take all the crap being flung my way. In a blur of color, Cole was in front of Dier, his hand wrapped around his throat. The older Alpha choked as he scratched at his hand. Cole's eyes a dangerous hazel as he stared him down. Luna Jane and Cara both shrieked and backed away.

"Never disrespect my mate like that, especially twice. She is a Luna and is more apart of this conversation then you are, you bastard."

I thought Cole was in charge here, but when Dier lazily smiled at him, I knew immediately something was wrong.

"You really shouldn't have moved, boy," he choked out.

Before me or Cole could take into account what he said, I was pulled up from the couch and held tightly between two guards. I shrieked and tried to yank out of their hold. The boy from before stalked towards me, a silver knife clutched tightly in his hand. Fear clutched my heart, and I tried to move away, all my thoughts darting to my baby.

Several guards pulled Cole off of Dier, and held him down as he roared and tried to get to me.

"Now, now Cole, I wouldn't move if I were you. Or else you'll lose your mate and your heir," he purred, shaking himself out. I watched horrified as the boy teasingly drew a line in front of my stomach, "you really should've thought about if you should really bring your pregnant, helpless mate here."

Dier walked closed and smirked at me as he roughly pulled my hair. He walked away and I cried out as the boy pressed the flat of the knife to my arm. Silver was deadly to other werewolves. I couldn't do anything, shift or mind-link with the silver on me. I was a useless werewolf.

I watched as Cole dropped his head. I bit my lip, thinking that he had given up. We've been attacked, all wolves to ClarityHowl territory, Cole's voice thundered in my head. I wasn't sure how Cole had managed to get the mind-link to me with the silver. There was no reply, though I doubt I'd be able to hear any. I watched Cole's expression when he lifted his head, but he gave nothing away.

My vision was starting to go black and everything was really far away. The silver dehydrates wolves really quick. I whimpered and attempted to pull me. The boy smirked, and he dug the sharp side into my arm. I winced when I could warm blood gush from the wound. How long would it take the pack to get here? It only took us thirty minutes, so they should be here soon enough, right?

"Alpha!" A man cried as he stumbled in, "hundreds of wolves are rushing over the border."

Alpha Dier's head shot up, "how many?"

"Three hundred more than us," the man reported. I smirked, these guys were freaking screwed. Alpha Dier screamed in rage and he first turned on Cole. He slapped him and I anger flooded me.

"You called your dogs," he sneered and then turned to me, "oh, she's so going to get it."

I shrank down and tried desperately to escape my guards' grips. I curved my body to protect my stomach. I felt the silver move away and gasped as for a small moment my wolf surged forward, her motherly instincts taking over everything. Then the silver was pressed into my neck. Pain was flooding my whole anatomy.

"Take off her shirt," he demanded, and I hated the feeling of cold flushing my body as the sweater was torn off my torso.

"Dad, please don't!" Cara cried out.

"Shut up, Cara!" He roared at her over his shoulder. They bent me over, so my bare back was open for attack. Cole screamed and roared, and I could hear the sound of his fighting relentlessly against his guards.

The silver bit into my back and I shrieked, holding my stomach in fear. Blood dripped down my back and soaked into my pants. The knife cut back in, and again, and again. Each time, pain erupted worse and worse. I screamed as he cut it down from my shoulder all the way to my pants.

"Please!" I sobbed, "oh, Moon Goddess, please!"

The knife jabbed into my shoulder, and I screamed as the blade tore deep into my flesh. Blood gushed from all my wounds, my flesh burned, and my vision swam. I couldn't feel the arm of the shoulder that he stabbed. It was completely numb. I wasn't sure whether to be grateful or worried.

Shouts filled the air everywhere, but they were all drowned out by the buzzing in my ears. Everything was background noise, and nothing had a shape. I was let go and flopped onto the ground. Tears still fell from my stinging eyes and I could feel the blood sticking to me. Somebody picked me, I wasn't sure who, all I knew was that they relieved the pain.


The only thing I remember was the rage that blinded me. The minute my wolves burst into the pack house, distracting everyone, I attacked. I tore apart my guards and launched myself at Alpha Dier. I remember my claws tearing into his skin and his satisfying screams of pain. I took out Gemma's guards, and then bundled her in my arms. She was barely in this world. Her eyes were glassy as she stared off into the distance.

Blood gushed from her and I swallowed back my tears as I booked it out of there. I raced to our car, hopped in and sped home. I could feel it deep in the back of my mind, something important and strong ebbing away. She was dying. Tears fell from my cheeks as I parked the car and pulled her out.

I ran to the pack doctor and he didn't ask any questions, just ushered me into a room. He had me lay her on her stomach and shoved me into a corner as he studied the damage. He grabbed a vial of something and injected it into her words. Her body jerked and convulsed, I leapt forward but he kicked me away.

"Let me do my work, you imbecile! Just get out!"

I hated listening to lower ranked wolves, but I knew he was right. I walked out and sat down on the driveway. I didn't even care as I dropped my head and sobbed into my knees. I was so lost, so gone to the world, that I didn't smell the off scent. My head snapped up when someone laid their hand on my head. I looked up. A gorgeous lady stood before me, silver hair floating like a sun around her. Pale skin shone in the weird sun and black eyes that shone with the stars gazed down at me. Her full lips slid into a smile.

"Why are you crying, my child?" She murmured, tilting her head. I stared up at her, who was she? I didn't know, but I felt obligated to tell her my problems.

"My mate is dying," I whispered, and she sat down beside me.

"Is that so? You want her to live?" She asked, glancing at me. I nodded, what kind of question was that?

"I can help you, but you must give me something," she said softly.

I believed, "anything."

"This will sound so cliche," she muttered, rolling her eyes, "but you must promise me your firstborn daughter."

I stared at her, I needed my mate, "of course."

"So it is a deal?"

"Yes," I cried.

"I'll have to seal it."

Before I could reply, she leaned forward and her cold lips pressed against mine. It felt wrong, I had a mate, but there were cold sparks. I gripped her hair, and the kiss lasted longer than it should've. She pulled away and smiled at me. She stood up, patted my hair, and when I blinked, she was gone. I was confused and then wiped my lips, what the heck did I just do? And who was she?

I didn't care, I needed to know if Gemma was safe. I stood up and raced into the room. When I got there, the doctor was staring down at her in shock. I ran over and looked down. All her wounds were healed, only pink scars proving they were ever there. Her skin was as pale as the mysterious woman's.

"H-how did this happen?" He muttered, shaking his head.

I didn't reply, just kissed Gemma's mark. She immediately awoke and gazed up at me with wide green eyes. Confusion raced through her.

"I was dead," she muttered.

"You're back," I replied with a too-knowing smile.

She frowned at me, "what did you do?"
"Nothing!" I denied, throwing my hands up.

"I know you did something," Gemma said, "I heard you talking to somebody when I was... gone.I didn't understand, but I knew you were."

I ignored what she said and hugged her tightly. She was alive. 

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