Smile With Me (JongKey-Fanfic...

By K_Pop_Fantasy

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Key is a teenage boy, struggling with bullies in school and abusive parents when he gets home. For the longes... More

The New Boy
Blood, Bruises & Cuts
A Night To Remember
Bright Moments
Clingy Love
Realize & Admit
Christmas Activities
Ice Skating
The Hospital
Something Went Wrong
He's Gone
The Return
Another Day
What now?
We Were Worried
šŸ’Œ Author Update šŸ’Œ

An Old Spark

243 19 4
By K_Pop_Fantasy

This is the new chapter of Smile With Me (Jongkey)!

Quick author note:
I just wanted to thank you all so deeply for your kind support during the last chapter, it made me so incredibly happy. I hope you will enjoy this chapter, dedicated purely to each one of you reading.

Have fun reading, pumpkins!
Get it because it's spooky month? 🎃👻


The next morning soon came rolling in as the memory lost boy still was found asleep in bed. Key had been awake for who knows how long, thinking about everything while staring up at the ceiling. He had been having a hard time sleeping ever since Jonghyun came home from the hospital, not really sure as to why.

Perhaps it had been caused by stress or the fact that Jonghyun was slowly turning into a stranger at this point, making the experience of sharing a bed quite uncomfortable? That or maybe it was from the simple act of worry and constant overthinking?

Sighing to himself, Key covered his face with his cold hands as he reminded himself of everything Jonghyun's mother had told him at the hospital yesterday. She had been in so much pain just like he had. They had spilled all of their concerns and vulnerabilities yet the boy had not opened up at all despite the plan Taemin and he had made, in hope to get Jonghyun to remember.

Turning his head to the side, his eyes met a peaceful looking Jonghyun as he quietly stared at his features. Jonghyun had such a charming apperance but even to someone as shallow as Key, it was nothing compared to the personality he once radiated, the personality he missed...

And now, he was resting, looking as carefree as ever. Key wondered if he ever had troubling thoughts or felt guilty for not remembering any of them because to him, it felt as Jonghyun was getting off easy compared to the ones around him who hadn't suffered physically damage yet somehow was still hurting.

It didn't help that New Year eve was in two days either. How was he going to have Jonghyun in a social gathering with everyone else when he so easily hurt and pressed people's bottons? Key had promised the memory lost boy's mother that he would take care of it all, that everything would be fine but how? He barely had any time to fix anything and Taemin and his plan most certainly couldn't work in such a short amount of time... but then again, what other choise did they have?

He had to give it one last try since realistically speaking, he had nothing to lose.

Taking a deep breath, he gathered himself the courage as he decided to wake up the other who mumbled out a groan in response, followed by; "Just five more minutes", which had Key roll his eyes amused. Fair enough, he could accept that.


After the two had gotten up and dressed, they came out to a note on the counter which informed them that both Onew and Taemin had gone out for an 'adventure'. Key then raised a brow as Jonghyun came up next to him to read the note.

"Adventure with..." He began to count, "8 exclamation marks?" The memory lost boy pointed out which is what had had the other amused. The two must have had a great morning or perhaps just a great idea in mind because the note seemed very enthusiastic. "I wonder where they went..." Jonghyun mumbled as Key looked back at him.

"How about we go on our own adventure?" He suggested as the latter looked quite doubtful. "I will give breakfast at this really lovely place if we do." He hurried to add which was enough to make Jonghyun give in.

~~~~Music Café~~~~

As they had arrived at their destination, they stopped outside as Jonghyun furrowed his brows. "Mohsik kafi?" He attempted to read as Key moved his eyes from the boy to a big sign above them.

Key smiled quietly for a second, suddenly reminded of the many hours he had spent on trying to learn Jonghyun English. It was endearing... He missed being with the other for hours after school to do school work, just the two of them and no one else.

"What does that mean?" The memory lost boy asked, snapping the other out of his own bobble. 

"Huh?" Key asked, only to have Jonghyun point at the sign. "Ah... It's English and means a place where you can eat and hear music at the same time." He replied with a thin smile on his lip while nodding.

"Ow... I see." Jonghyun said, not looking as excited about their destination as the old Jonghyun would have. "Won't listening to music while eating be... I don't know... a little distracting?" The he asked, as Key's eyes widened by the words.

Did Jonghyun just say that? Did 'the' Kim Jonghyun who loves playing guitar, listening to music and watching music shows... just say that? Gosh, he really had hit his head real bad if music didn't excite him anymore.

Key found himself staring at the other as Jonghyun started to look rather confused from the lack of response. Key didn't know what it was, but it had suddenly clicked inside of him as he grabbed the other by the arm before dragging him into the cafe. Jonghyun didn't seem to care enough to protest, so he just followed as the other lead them to a table close by the small stage inside the cafe.

Getting seated without a word, Key reached out to grab two menu cards before handing one to the other. Jonghyun slowly accepted it as he looked over at Key who was busy scanning the list of food. He didn't understand what the younger was up to but he could tell it had meant something to him, almost as had he said something wrong earlier.

He wondered, was this perhaps Key's favorite place? Was that why he had seemed upset?

Not too long after, they had both ordered as they now were sipping quietly at their beverages while waiting for their meals. The tension was thick. Key was pretty sure you could cut a knife through the air between them. Though being surrounded by so many people, Key felt like all he could hear was his own nervous breathing and heart beating. Of course that wasn't the case, it was probably more Key's fear for silence speaking... Silence had never been a good sign where he came from as it usually meant you were in trouble.

Desperately looking around to find something to talk about, Jonghyun noticed as his eyes started following Key's in an attempt to see what he might had been looking at. Feeling the present of the other's eyes, Key looked at the elder as their eyes met not even a second later.

No one said anything, made any special facial expressions and no one as much as looked away. Key would have thought that it would have been uncomfortable, that someone would break the ice or at least that the other would have looked away by now... but nothing happened.

The silence continued, but it was slowly going from uncomfortable to something indescribable.

Key couldn't tell how long it had lasted, all he knew was just that he felt his cheeks heat up as he was the first one to break the eye contact. Realizing that, Jonghyun looked away too as he coughed as if it would help him collect himself.

"Here's your food," A waitress appeared, saving the two, as she placed all their food in front of them, "Please eat well." Key bowed his head in return as he let out a 'thank you', Jonghyun copying the other's actions before the waitress walked away again.

The two started to eat, no one really saying anything. Jonghyun seemed to enjoy the food a lot as most of his food were gone before Key could even blink... However, he had always loved food as much as Onew. Well, almost. No one could beat Onew's love for food.

After some time a girl approached the little cafe scene, a beautiful golden brown guitar hanging under her arm, as she found her way up to a chair on the middle of the scene before adjusting the microphone stand in front of her. Key had stopped in the midst of his eating, probably staring more than looking. A performer? Finally! Looking over at Jonghyun, Key found the other continuing his eating without as much as glancing up.

Typical... Key signed to himself.

Looking back, the girl had gotten herself seated as she bowed her head softly towards everyone, before introducing herself. "Hi everyone, it's nice to meet you. My name is Taeyeon and I would like to play a couple of songs for you. The first song is called Angel, which is about two secretly missing each other, wanting to show their heart but keeps it hidden... I hope you like it."

As she began to play, Key watched with much interest. Everyone had lowered their voices too as to show a little respect. The intro was beautiful, but it was nothing compared to the girl's singing voice when she started to sing. It was first after her first couple of sentences, that she gained everyone's full attention. What had preciously been small talking, had become complete silence.

Do you know? Do you know?
I'm still the same
Even if I look different after time passes
I'll still love you
You don't know my heart
I try to hold it in
But sometimes, I think of the little things
And I can't fall asleep

Jonghyun had stopped eating as well as he looked up from his plate and towards the little stage. His eyes had glued themselves to the scene as he titled his head softly to the side while listening.

So what?
What happened to my baby?
When I opened my eyes, you were always there
Now I can only see you if I close them

In the entire time he had been without his memories, Key had never seen him this consumped by something. Jonghyun wasn't smiling but you could tell in his eyes that the performance had triggered something. Something there made his eyes shine with what Key only could recall as something he hadn't thought he would ever see again.

The girl with the guitar played a couple of songs, even getting everyone to sing along as more people from outside the cold winter weather came inside the warmth to listen.

Key had been quite taken aback by Jonghyun's admiration, especially when Key had gone to the bathroom and he got back to see the girl sitting at their table. Apparently Jonghyun had lots of questions about her skills, the songs and where she got her guitar from. She had been very sweet and a little shy, but seemed to be very happy with the compliments and the interest taken in her work.


After enjoying the delicious brunch, they finally made their way out as they strolled down the shopping street nearby. The whole place was covered in a thin layer of snow which made the city looks outstanding despite how most stores were closed since it was a holiday.

As they were walking, Key looked over at the older who appeared to be in his own world. It had been quite the experience to see him show interest for something for once, which had made the other rather curious as he parted his lips to speak. "So... she was quite the artist, didn't you think?"

"I guess she was." He replied in his shortly manners, making Key suppress a sigh before continuing to push the subject.

"Did you like the music?" He questioned, not about to give up after seeing the other so invested in something there usually made him so happy before in time. It was almost as if he had seen a small piece of the old Jonghyun.

Thinking over the question as they were walking, Jonghyun nodded as he glanced over at the latter. "I really did... It felt almost magical, somehow." He responded, not looking too confident in the way he was expressing himself. "Like it made me feel whole inside in such an odd way."

Key furrowed his brows as he thought his words over to make better sense of them. "You mean... you felt hollow inside before?" He asked, making the other think again.

"I don't know." He responded honestly, his gaze moving to his feet in the snow as they were walking. "It just felt like something there had been missing, you know?"

Oh, Key knew exactly how that felt like. That's how he felt about this entire experience. It was like he felt empty without Jonghyun's memory but seeing him enjoy something so intensively again? It was like he had seen that missing piece of him even if just for a second.

"I wish I could play like that." It sounded from the memory lost boy as Keys eyes went wide. That's it! Before he even knew it, Jonghyun had been grabbed by the arm once again as he was dragged down the street.

~~~~Onew's apartment~~~~

Jonghyun had been seated in the living room as he awaited the younger who had told him that he had a surprise for him. He wondered what it was and why it had been so important that they had ended up power walking home. Not that he complained, he seemed to be more fit than the other who had panted by the time they got inside.

"Here it is." The mentioned younger announced after taking off his shoes as he placed the so called surprise, which was covered in a blanket in front of the couch.

Jonghyun's curiosity appeared to get the best of him as he leaned slightly to one side, trying to peak underneath the blanket. "What... is it?" He questioned, not sounding like one who were willing to wait much longer.

Key suppressed an amused smile as he watched the other attempt to see what he had hidden - why was that typical Jonghyun? And not the new one but the old Jonghyun they all knew and missed. "It's actually your Christmas present which I never got the chance to actually give you." He told, causing Jonghyun's expression to turn into one of slight surprise.

Key took the present, carrying it over to the couch where the other was seated. "You remember how you spoke about feeling whole earlier?" He questioned, making the older nod. "That you were missing something?" He added as he got a small 'yeah' in reply. "There's a reason for that." He smiled as he handed over the present which was heavier than the other expected.

As the memory lost boy brought it into his lap, he looked up at the other who gave him a look of acceptance. Putting his hand on the blanket, he slowly pulled it off as a beautiful guitar came to view, a red ribbon tied securely around it which made it look even more special. His slightly widened orbs turned to Key as he stared at him for a short moment. There was a lot he didn't know but the prize of a guitar sure wasn't one of them.

"You... really bought me this?" He questioned as Key nodded in response. "So... I can play on these?" He asked hesitating, which probably was a stupid question but then again, how should he know.

"Yeah and you're very talented at it too." The younger replied after a small chuckle. "I only heard you play on the school's instruments and figured you deserved your own since you were so good." He told, making Jonghyun turn his gaze to the shiny new guitar in his lap.

He didn't remember being able to play but perhaps he could? Maybe he loved it once and that's why he had felt so... alive earlier when he had heard that girl play at the café.

"Do you... perhaps want to try?" Key exclaimed after a moment of silence. Jonghyun honestly felt a little hesitant about it for some reason but also couldn't see how that could be, which made him give in eventually.

Getting seated properly, Jonghyun took off the bow as he adjusted the guitar until Key said it sounded well. When that was done, Jonghyun started to randomly touch a few strings, the sounds not fitting together at first. However as he continued to repeat and try out the different cords, he slowly got the grib of what sounded good together and didn't.

And that's how he ended up playing an unknown melody as Key observed with excitement. He wasn't showcasing it but he was fairly happy to see the other enjoy his present, let alone look so happy while doing so. It made him feel like he should have given the other his present a bit sooner but then again, maybe it wouldn't have happened the same way without their café trip earlier that day.


Some time passed like that, Jonghyun getting caught up in playing as his fingers seemed to pick up new tones as he kept playing. He was feeling the instrument, looking more and more like himself as he kept going. The two had quietly been talking, drinking something warm while sharing thoughts on the melodies as well as songs. Though Jonghyun didn't have his memory, it hadn't stopped Key from sharing some of his favorite songs as well as a few of Jonghyun's old ones, just to test the water on if he could recall any of them. It didn't look like he recognized any of the songs Key mentioned but he seemed to take joy in them just as much despite the fact.

In this current moment, everything almost felt perfect. It was almost as if nothing had changed as nothing had been lost. Key didn't want this moment to ever end, especially if this was the closest he would ever get to the Jonghyun that he missed so badly...

"What's wrong, do I have something on my face?" The voice of the latter questioned, making Key get out of his head while blinking as would it help him to collect himself.

"No, I- I apologize." He looked away shortly. "I easily get lost in my own thoughts, he lied, Actually, it was more of a Jonghyun trait than it was one of his - not that the older would remember.

The other just gave a gentle but rare smile, making Key stare onces again. Maybe if he stared long enough, he could print it to the inside of his brain and thereby never forget it.

"How was it the song from the café went? Something about knowing... You know... Do? Arh, that's not it..." The guitarist mumbled to himself, looking deep in thoughts while trying to mimic the tune as best as possible. After awhile he attempted again, this time starting off correctly. "Do you know? Do you know?" He started quietly, not too confident in what he was saying. "I'm still the same. Even if I look different after time passes, I'll still love you." He spoke more than he sang.

Something inside of Key got triggered by those words... Something which made him wish that the lyrics was true somehow. Jonghyun did look different, he felt different. However in the time they had been sitting there, it almost had felt like he was the same, deep down. Key wished he cared for him the same way as before, when he had to complain about how affectionate the other was towards him... Guess he took that for granted until it was gone and now, now he didn't even know if he would ever get to feel that again.

Key eventually got pulled out of his thoughts as he heard the other begin to sing properly. He watched in amazement, not even knowing that the person he had shared a bed with, a desk in school and a job with... could actually sing. It sounded beautiful, like something there could heal scars from inside out.

Goosebumps made its way over his fair porcelain skin as he listened to every high and dip in the other's breathtaking voice. How was Jonghyun only a mere school student with talents like these? He wondered, not aware of how much he had been smiling.

However as he continued, a weird feeling crept up on Key as he went from listening to the other to studying him... Now that he thought about it, didn't his voice sound... almost familiar? 

It couldn't be Jonghyun's voice he thought of though, he had never heard him sing... or had he? He thought to himself, slowly growing more sure on the voice being something he had heard before... but where?

Key focused his attention on the boy's singing, closing his eyes to concentrate on his voice for what he expected to take some time. However, the second he did, the black taking over his eyes, it all came back to him.

He got seated, his hands touching the wood underneath his palms as he supported himself so he wouldn't lose the balance in the process. It was pitch dark, he couldn't see a thing. He didn't know if he was alone or not, until someone else's voice was heard.

They were singing in such an angelic voice, a voice which felt so soothing and healing. They were singing a song about friendship? Love perhaps even? It was the most beautiful song he had ever heard but before he could beg for more, a gentle "sorry" was emitted inside the little space.

Soon he was cut off by a pair of lips pressing ever so gently against his own, soft like flower petals and warm like your favorite beverage.

"Oh my gosh..." Key eventually exclaimed aloud, slowly getting back to his senses.

The terrible Halloween party they and Taemin had went to. The 7 Minutes In Heaven game. The song he had gotten serenaded inside the closet. The kiss in the dark. It had all been Jonghyun?

Dun... Dun... Dunn! *Dramatic The Office zoom.* Bet you all didn't see that coming 😏

By the way, as someone who has learned a deal of Korean over my dissappearance and how romantized Hangul isn't everyone's cup of tea as well. Do you still wish for me to continue the small dictionary part and random use of Korean words in the story? Because I will only continue it if it brings anyone happiness 🤭

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