trinity seven levi x male rea...

By Eagercheetah2001

8.2K 77 45

you arrive at the school with your elemental powers you have the power of all elements powers and she will... More

part 1 meeting the ninja girl
part 2 Why i came here
part 3 training day

Part 4 the final fight

1.4K 16 3
By Eagercheetah2001

in your dorm room you were  in your bed sleeping when you felt a presence with you in your bed when you open your eyes and look to the left you see levi in your bed

(f/n): what the heck

levi: (wakes up) huh oh good morning (f/n)

(f/n): don't good morning me why are you here 

levi: sleeping

(f/n): i mean why in my dorm room and in my bed dude

levi: oh what (looks around and blushes) i'm sorry i must have fallen asleep in your bed

(f/n): but how

levi: (blushes hard and runs out of the room) ahhhhh

(f/n): ok that happened and I'm not going to question it because i don't think I'll have my answer anytime soon (gets out of bed and get dressed) time to change and get ready for my payback 

then you leave the room and realize you slept in late 

(f/n): crap I'm late for class (you run to class)

when you reach your classroom you see zack isn't in his seat and that class started

(f/n): ok time to man up and do this

you walk into class but Lilith stops you

Lilith: a little late aren't you

(f/n): sorry i slept in late my bad

Lilith: at least you showed up zack hasn't yet

(f/n): (he probablt ran because he was afraid to lose to me)

Lilith: take your seat

(f/n): yes ma'am (you take your seat)

arata: so what time should i show up

(f/n): show up for what

arata: you know the fight your in

(f/n): what how did

arata: levi told me and i have to see you fight dude

(f/n): ok why did she tell you

arata: i may have got curious what you were doing yesterday and per pressured her into telling mt

(f/n): so you watched us

arata: for a bit yeah but levi told me  about the fight and i have to see you beat up that guy zack

then zack opens the door with his uniform a mess

Lilith: zack you are late and do you have a reason

zack: well i didn't want to come but then i realized i wouldn't get a chance to look at you so i decided to come after all

Lilith: that is the most useless excuse ever at least Mr. (l/n) told the truth

zack: (glares at you) did he

Lilith: yes and go take your seat

zack: ok hot stuff

he walks to his seat and class resumes and during class zack was throwing paper balls at you and arata

arata: (turns to face zack) dude stop it

zack: no i don't feel like it

(f/n): when do you feel like doing anything dude

zack: when i feel like it

(f/n): ok then

then as zack was crumpling up another piece of paper and threw it at you air blew it back at him and nail him in the head

zack: you punk

(f/n): it takes one know one right arata

arata: yeah

in the corner of the classroom

levi was staring at you dreamily while drawing hearts

timeskip in the courtyard

you showed up to see a massive crowed around you

(f/n): arata did you tell people

arata: maybe and it just slipped out

(f/n): is that a yes or a no never mind i don't have time

levi: (f/n) are you ready

(f/n): yeah i trained with a cool teacher (wink at her and she blushes) 

then zack shows up

zack: hello (f/n) 

(f/n): hi zack

zack: i hope levi is ready to get in my bed

(f/n): shes not going with you anywhere

zack: yeah right that cutie is coming with me

(f/n): over my dead body

zack: that can be arranged

then zack charged at you and punched you to the ground and he stood over you and you got up and swung but he dodged it and kicked you to the ground and he put his foot on you but then you shocked him with your lightning and kicked him away and you got up quickly and punched him in the face a few times before he disappeared and he was behind you

zack: over here

then you threw a fire ball at him but he dodged it and people cleared out he charged at you and punched you in the stomach then in the face and roundhouse kicked you in the back and you spit up blood and wiped it away then you threw a bolt of lightning and it hit zack into a tree and you ran up with a fist of fire and hit zack through the tree and he got up and grabbed your shirt and ran and he slammed you in a wall then ran and slammed you into a tree then his other hand started to vibrate fast and he put it through your chest

(f/n): ahhhhh

zack: if i stop my hand in your body you will die

levi: no stop

arata: (f/n) 

zack: then agree to go with me to my room with me and do it

(f/n): levi no don't

levi: ok then a agree

zack: good (takes his hand out of your chest) time to go babe (puts his hand on her butt)

then something in you just exploded and your eyes started to spark up and you sped up and you ran super fast and grabbed zack and dragged him on the ground to the roof and threw him at the gate

(f/n): don't you touch her again

zack: how

(f/n): i have my ways

then zack runs fats at you and punches you but you catch his fist and heat up your fist and burn his 

zack: no noooo (throws his other fist at you but you catch it an freeze it) how are you doing this

(f/n): oh i'll tell you when i feel like it (you punch him away)

then you make random vines come out of the ground and zack gets tangled in them and you make them pull him down to the ground and you use the air to fly down to him and land in front of him

zack: no you can't win i'm the hero of this story

(f/n): zack take a hint the world doesn't revolve around you dude it doesn't revolve around anyone dude

zack: no it does revolve around me i was suppose to get the ninja girl shes mine

(f/n): no she's not she hates  you and you can't have her

zack: what do you like her

(f/n): yeah i do make that i love levi she was the nicest people here to me and do me a favor and stay away from her 

zack: never as long as i am god i will never give up until i get what i desire i don't care you o have to kill i will have her

(f/n): no you won't zack she doesn't love you she will never love you just trust me on that zack

zack: then finish me then kill me with your hatered

(f/n): no i won't i'm not like you now goodbye zack i'm done here 

then you walk away from him

zack: no you need to finish me you want to finish me you have to it's what you want

(f/n): no its what you want not me

then you walk to arata and levi

arata: ok that was cool dude nice

levi: yeah it was cool (blushes)

(f/n): can you give us a moment arata

arata: ok later then (walks away from you and levi)

(f/n): so did you here what i said back there

levi: yes and i;m happy because i love you (full name) 

(f/n): i love you too levi

levi: i'm so glad

zack: hey i'm not done yet

as zack ran towards you 2 but you punched him to the ground

then you and levi shared a passonate kiss 

(f/n): so wanna go out to dinner 

levi: sure

(f/n): ok then let's go then

then you 2 hold hands and walk out of campus 

the end

sorry it took so long to make this i was busy with school and stuff and this story was requested by blacklightning3 and thank you for waiting this long 

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