soulmate 😍 (complete )

By anaz1994

40.5K 3.2K 789

its an raglak nd swasan ff... ... its an collage life,friendship ,revenge,fun, everything added... More

ragini entry
sanlak prank on ragini
laksh jealous
Raglak first hug 😍😘
feeling each other
Raglak 😍
Ragini's truth
ragini spoke out wholeheartedly....
Tit for tat
tit for tat (2)
love nd sad
Ragini in danger
You r mine
traditonal day
love mode πŸ’ž
πŸ™ˆ first liplock😘
Truth out
Time to romance
party time
evil eye on love birds πŸ™†
laksh anger 😑😑
Ragini in danger zone
kavya chapter close
peep in 😊
final shot

laksh impressed by ragini

1.4K 130 27
By anaz1994

      Soulmate 😍

           Part - 4

Hey guyz came with nxt part gonna specially dedicating for manu2026

Recap ( some girls were looking ragini angrily....kavya kavitha mad crush on sanlak....sanlak prank )

In evg :

Clg is over...students starts to move back to home... Ragini is arranging her books in her bag...sanlak were busy in their chittchatting each other swara losted in her mbl...

Peon came nd informed to ragini that her luggages were reached you can collect now... She said thank you bhayya...

Sanlak looked ragini while opening their mouth... Why did she calling him as bhayya ?

Peon turns to happy after heared that ... He smiled back let me help you ?

Its ok bhayya i will take care thanks for informing to me... He nod nd left...

Ragini said to them...guyz i am leaving bye see you tomorrow my luggages reached i wanna move to hostel today...

Hostel sanlak again gave shocking expression ?

Ragini r u really gonna stay in hostel ?

Haan why did you asking like this laksh ? Is hostel is that much bad here?

No noo i didnt mean it ? I thought your family is shifted to here ...i really dont know that you are gonna stay in hostel...

Ragini face turns to sad lil...but she light up her mood when she saw swara looking her sadly...

Its ok laksh... Now you comes to know na... Ok take care i will see u all tomorrow

Ragini wait let we help u to shift your luggages to ur hostel...

Its ok guyz...i dont have lots of luggage... I can manage dont worry she smiled nd left ....

Swara looked her way going... Sanskar sat beside her  what happend devil 😡 why are you looking so dull suddenly...

Nothing sanskar i was feeling sad that ragini is gonna stay in hostel...

Wt can we do for that ?

You idiots those kavya nd kavitha friends r also staying in same hostel may they will harm my ragini for what was happend in morning

Laksh looked swara you really thinking something will happen like that ?

I dont know ...perhaps there is an chance ..

Ok swara why dont you ask her to stay with you in your home said by laksh...

Exactly laksh was correct...

Hey you guyz dont know about raginii till thats y saying like this...she will do anything for friendship,love ,care but never ever loss her self respect ...

She dont like offers ..... Cant you guyz see how much she worked hard to reach here... We were joined here through our parents money...

But my ragini is different she reached here in merit... She never wush to be a burden to anyone that is her nature...

Sanlak smiled.....laksh said in mindvoice ( quite intresting )

Then swara sanskar asked ?

She will give respect to each nd everyone she never shows partiality to anyone...  This peon incident is great example... Cant you see the way she called him... She dont know to hate ... She knews only to love all... Thatsy i craved for her friendship...her friendship heald my all pains...

Sanlak looked swara sadly then patted her shoulder...

I am impressed ( laksh mind voice )
His mbl rangs... Ap asked laksh to come home soon... So the trio left college... Here raginii collect her luggage nd arranged everything in her room... She is having an habit to write diary...

She wrote about lak,san,swa  friendship their masthi... 

Tdy I am really very happy maa ...i got my friend back ...likewise i got two new friends too... They are really very kind feeling blissed today...

Soon she dozed off 

On the another side

Laksh walking here nd there...he dont knew y often ragini face is flashing on his mind... 

Her beautifull can able to won everyone heart ...

Her pretty eyes which was having magnetic  it can dragg anyone soon to her...

Morethan that her character quite impressive 😍😍...

Rare to find this types of girlz today... Laksh smiled....

Dont know why something is disturbing me may be swara words ....Is kavya friends hurt her or not ? He losted in his this he didnt noticed swasan group chat..

Next day :

Laksh getting ready for clg...he bid bye to ap nd came out from MM

Swasan waiting for him outside in car ...laksh said gd mrg guyz...
Swasan looked each other nd gets down from car nd walked straightly to him... Laksh looking them confusedly... What

Have a bad morning by saying this they strarts to beat him...arrey stop yrr what r u dg ?

They stopped nd glared him  oii y dont u picked group call yesterday..
What group call ? When did you called me he questioned to them ?

Check your phone man... Swara said...he checked it nd opend his mouth in oval shape sry i didnt noticed ...

Oh really where were you losted yourself  yesterday without noticing it ? Laksh remaind abt raginii.... Nd changed the topic hey nothing yrr my phone was in silent mode thats y i didnt noticed it .. He asked sry to them...nd gets inside car...trio moved to the clg...

In clg :

Sanlak sitting in garden bench which was fav spot to them ...they were talking about random topics...girls were sitting opposite to them nd staring that handsome boys without blinking...

Kavya nd kavitha reached there nd glared those girls angrily 😡😡 they scared nd leave place for them nd left from there in frustration...

Kavya looking laksh nd kavitha looking sanskar.... Sanlak noticed them nd said god why did these girls were not allowing us to go anywhere freely... I cant able to digest their look sanskar said to laksh...

But laksh who losted in somewhere ...hoii lucky i am speaking to u he shaked his shoulder haan what did you said sanskar  ... Wr were you losted again man ?

Nothing he smiled... I was talking about those girls kaviya kavitha...

Sansky why did you paying attention to them dont mind them... Ok wr is devil

She went to take ragini here... Really laksh smiled unknowingly...
Haan sanskar replied while looking laksh confusedly...

Sanskar signald laksh to something he looked back....

Laksh face turns to thousand volt bulb nd turns back smilingly...kavya blushed kavitha look at him..he is staring me nd smiling towards me......

But laksh gaze is on our pretty ragini who is coming opposite towards him with swara.... While found laksh staring ragini not kavya her smile vanished nd its turns to jealous

Ragini greeted happily  to sanlak good morning guyz

Good morning raginii... They smiled back....

Ragini Is kavitha kavya friends disturbed you in hostel laksh asked to her in caring way ?

Ragini overwhelmed his care...noo laksh nothing happend like that yet...dont worry she replied with cute smile...

Laksh too smiled broadly...

Sanskar saying something to laksh ears wisperly laksh glaring him nd beating him friendly...

What are you discussing about mutedly swara questioned?

Sanskar signald to swaragini to look back...they did nd saw kavya looking laksh without blinking...

Swara bursted out in laugh...ragini turns towards laksh nd passed teasing smile to him... Not bad laksh she is perfect match for you she commented ..

Laksh pout how mean ragini ...

Ragini too bursted out in laugh...ragsan gave hii5 first then swaragini gave each other... Laksh again give pout...

Ragini saw laksh nd changed her face to puppy face... Ok sry she held her ears ...

Hey noo ragini  no need to say sry...its ok...

Wait i will bring you something to accept my apology... Sanlak looking her confusedly...

Ragini forward one book to laksh..

What is this ragini ? Take it this is my gift for you ... She said with smiling...

Laksh smiled broadly nd received it from her it is her first gift to him... In this he didnt noticed swasan expression...

Why did you both looking him in this way guyz ragini asked to them

Swasan bursted out in laugh...ragini you gifted this book to an wrong person sanskar commented...

Why sanskar ?

Arrey he always use book to use as pillow to sleep not to study... He dont have enough patience to read books... Lol he laughed swara too joined with him...

Laksh glaring spolied my image infront of raginii he said in mind voice ....

Aww laksh i really dont know about it ...give me back that i will gift you anyother things...

Better swasan nod...

Its ok raginii i already accepted your gift this is mine now .... He winked...

Haan i am promising you i will read this book patiently till end...ragini smiled

Dont take serious decision in your life lucky sanskar hold his hand...laksh removed his hand i will do it at any cost my dear bhaii .... He said nd hold that book tightly...

Really let see both challenged...

Swaragini admired their bond... Suddenly winds passed them...their notes nd pappers shattered in wind...

Ouch my notes ragini banged her head...

Everyone starts to help ragini to collect the pappers one by one...

Wind blewing heavily...ragini dhuppatta fell on laksh face ...he is losted in her fragrance .... Ragini turns back nd said sry cutely...he shaked in all possible direction unknowingly...

Swara jumping to catch the pappers which was flying in the air...she mistakenly hits sanskar he fell down... Ouch devil dont you have eyes she faked smile nd said sry sanskar he looked her disbeliefly...

Here laksh is staring ragini while taking pappers...her jumukki moving in air ...its shaking his heart...

Her hairs were flying in wind sometimes hair strands fell on her face. ....she is tucking behind to her ears often... Laksh really losted in her...

Ragini biting her lips ....laksh felt like his mouth drooling ....he banged his head for his recent thoughts .... Nd concentrated on pappers ....but his crazy mind didnt allowing him to take eyes from raginii...

Slowly wind turns to normal...swasan forward pappers to ragini...swara gaze turns to laksh who is till sitting down nd patting empty grass land ..... Swasan sat beside him nd placed their hands on his shoulder ...bhaii what r you doing ?

Their voice helped him to come out of his imagination...wo wo...he dragged his words....

I lost my ring he said in one go to escape from that embarrasing moment......what everyone opend their mouth...

Everyone starts to search his ring everywhere...laksh took deep breath god great escape...he raised his collar for diverting their mind..he noticed ragini too searching that ring while biting her lips...he pout i am sry raginii ...

Soon his gaze turns towards sanskar he too searching that while kneel down...swara too...swasan making fun there...

Then his gaze fell on kavya she is also searching  his ring she saw kavitha who was staring them while folding her hand near to her chest kavya glared her oii search my laksh ring na

Why should i ? He is not my crush my crush is sanskar  she said proudly...oii look at their how funnyly he is searching his ring kavitha glared her dont tease my sanskar arrey jan if we found that ring we will get good image infront of our crush

Good idea both hii5 nd starts to search that  ...

arrey wow what an sincerioty .... Not bad laksh said ....

Laksh couldnt stop his laugh after saw everyone searching ring  which he didnt missed yet... He trying hard to  controlling himself...

Here ragini felt bad... You losted your ring cz of me ... Hey ragini why did you thinking like this ? Not like that

Noo if u failed to collect my pappers may you will never miss your ring her face turns to sadly...ragini its ok... I dont mind dont takes it an serious...

Laksh couldnt takes it anymore he removed his ring nd placed it infront of raginiii without anyone knowledge....

But ragini didnt noticed it...nd searching somewhere...laksh indirectly signald to ragini to search back...but all went in vain...

Is this your ring someone asked ?

Everyone turns back 

Laksh looking that person shockingly

Screen freezed on his shock face...

Guyz leave ur cmnts.... Who found his ring ?

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