The Vixen | Sirius Black

By KaylaDeLana

447K 11.1K 5.4K

"Petunia Evans," Lynn spat out, nostrils flaring along with her impatience for Dumbledore's calm demeanor. "Y... More

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18.2K 629 153
By KaylaDeLana

One day, I know that you will be there,
One day, I'll focus on the future,
Maybe one day, oh, baby, isn't life so,
Fucking inconsistent!

Lynn's Flat 1st August 1987

It was the morning light that startled Harry from his sleep. It was  unusual for him to see the light of day when first woke up, and the  smell of the air was noticeably clean compared to the mustiness of  his cupboard. Instead of the sun, it was often the sound of his aunt Petunia's  knuckles rapping against his cupboard door or the click of the deadbolt  being slide back if he was locked in for punishment.

Light shone through the taupe curtains, bathing the room in a soft,  warm glow. At the other side of his room, on top of the chest of  drawers, was his new snowy owl, who he had yet to name. She clicked her  beak softly, and Harry pretended that she was saying good morning to  him.

"I'm really here," he laughed gently to himself. He had finally escaped the Dursleys. His body sunk deeper into the array of plump pillows, arms and legs fully spread out to make use of the large space.

He'd feared that the whole thing would turn out to be a dream when he  woke; that there was no magical godmother and that he wasn't a wizard  himself. Still, he had doubts that he would be allowed to stay here indefinitely. Surely his uncle wouldn't just let him leave?

Harry slowly slid himself out of bed and placed his newly fixed glasses onto his face, his bare feet padding quietly over the wooden  floor as he exited his room. He wasn't sure was the time was, or if he  was allowed to just wander around, but curiosity forced him to explore the little flat.

He had never seen a home like it before. The living room, dining table and kitchen were all in the same room without walls separating  them, (Harry would later find out it was called an open plan).  Bookshelves lined one wall of the room, stopping where the kitchen started. Most of the shelves were filled with a wide variety of novels  and textbooks, but a few had plant pots and miscellaneous items such as a  coin jar and an ornate fox decorating the shelves. There was even a crystal ball resting on the top shelf, swirling patterns of black and  purple within it, as if it contained its own galaxy of stars and space.

Another shelf was stacked high with what appeared to be sketchbooks,  all leather-bound and in varying conditions. Curious, Harry picked one  up, opening it up to a random page. Inside was a very detailed drawing  of a wolf-like creature Harry had never seen before. It stood beneath  the moon, head tilted upwards in a long howl. Harry began to flick  through the sketchbooks, all of which were filled with random, rather  realistic drawings. A few even had his parents in them. Those were the  ones he stared at the longest, brushing his fingertips over their  charcoal faces.

The sound of bacon sizzling startled him from his snooping, and he  got up quickly from his position on the floor, spinning around to face  Lynn with a guilty look on his face.

"Want some bacon, Harry?" Lynn asked cheerfully, adding another few  strips to the pan. "I'll cook us up a fry. Sausages? I've got hash  browns on too. How do you like your eggs?"

"Oh, umm, I don't mind," Harry blushed, setting the sketchbook back  in the pile in the hopes that she didn't notice him looking. The last  thing he wanted to do was annoy her. What if she decided he was too problematic to keep? His Aunt Petunia had threatened him countless times  with the orphanage, which didn't sound all that pleasant. Uncle Vernon  told him they hung bad children by the ankles and made the blood rush  to their heads.

"I like them scrambled so I'll make them like that if that's okay,"  she told him, pointing her wand at the egg carton, making a few fly out  and crack themselves into a bowl. A whisk floated from a drawer and  began to beat the eggs vigorously.

"I can help, aunt Lynn," Harry offered, rolling up his sleeves. Even  from a distance, Lynn could make out faint burn marks marring his tiny  forearms. "I usually make breakfast for the Dursleys."

"That's okay Harry, I've got everything sorted. You can use the telly if you want. The remote's on that coffee table." She placed the best  smile she could onto her face to convince him. Parenting was a foreign concept to the Irish woman, since she had no children of her own and didn't exactly have an outstanding example growing up, however, she knew better than to be anything but gentle with the seven year old in her care.

She fixed them both a plate and brought them to the sofa Harry occupied, declining Harry's offer to change the channel from the morning cartoons he had excitedly switched on. She subtly watched as he rushed to finish his breakfast. "Would you like any more?"

"I'm okay. Thank you, aunt Lynn. Can I call you aunt Lynn?"

"Of course," she smiled widely. "You can call me whatever feels comfortable for you."

"I like aunt Lynn," he admitted. "You're by far the best auntie I have."


They spent the rest of the day decorating his room, deciding on a darker blue colour for his walls. She showed off her transfiguration skills, changing a bedside table into a bookshelf and a cabinet into a wardrobe.

"What was that spell you used on Uncle Vernon?" Harry asked,  carefully hanging the clothing he had gotten the day before into his new wardrobe.  "With the pumpkin."

"It was a prank spell your grandfather taught me," Lynn laughed,  reminiscing all the times she used it in duels. "It's probably one of my  favourites."

"It's mine too," Harry declared, the image of his walrus faced uncle  with a pumpkin for a head greatly amusing him. "Can you teach me it?"

"When you're older," she grinned at his excitement. "Remember you can't do magic with a wand until to go to Hogwarts."

Harry groaned at that. "But that's ages away!" He quickly shut his  mouth when he realised he'd raised his voice slightly, losing his guard from how  comfortable he'd been. He was beginning to sound like Dudley, he thought. "Sorry."

"Don't worry," she reassured him. He refused to meet her gaze. "You didn't do anything wrong."

The next few weeks Lynn observed similar behaviour from her godson. Every morning he would offer to cook the breakfast, to which she would politely refuse. If Harry became overexcited and raised his voice, or even made any excessive noise, he would immediately freeze up and apologise.

Lynn's initial priority was to take him away from his relatives, but quickly she realised that the Dursley's still held power over the young boy. Years of manipulation and emotional abuse had left Harry frightened of upsetting Lynn, and every so often he flinched, as if she would lash out at him for something as simple as asking a question about his parents.

She threw herself into the responsibility of making Harry as safe and as loved as she could. With a heavy heart, she said goodbye to her collection of whisky and rum, sending Harry's new owl Hedwig off with her first delivery to Hagrid. She tried to abstain from smoking, but after two days the withdrawals from alcohol and nicotine were too much of a pain, so she limited herself to two a day.

They went on another shopping trip through London. Harry was much more cooperative, though to Lynn's disappointment he didn't seem all that interested in fashion.

"Would you like to go watch a quidditch match with me?" Lynn asked him on the train home, their carriage empty except for the two of them.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Harry jumped in his seat with eagerness.

He'd been learning all about quidditch the past few weeks, attempting  to read 'Quidditch Through the Ages' which was apart of Lynn's vast  collection of books. When the words were too big for him (he was 7 after all) he just watched the moving pictures with fascination, still getting used to the fact that they could do so.

"I'll be bringing a couple of the Weasley boys with me too," she  added as an afterthought, mostly talking to herself. Harry had heard of  the Weasley's. Molly Weasley often sent dinner over to the apartment in a  container, carried by an ageing, rugged owl named Errol. "I have season  tickets for the Galway Ghouls- I get four per match, so I'll probably  take the twins this time. I took Ron, Charlie and Percy last month for  the Chudley Cannons."

Harry tried not to let that dampen his excitement. He wasn't very  good at making friends, especially with Dudley's gang of idiots  threatening anyone that so much as talked to him. At first, the prospect  of meeting other magical children without his cousin there to ruin  things delighted the seven-year-old, but a nagging voice at the back of  his head told him that it had nothing to do with Dudley, and other  children simply just didn't like him.

"How many quidditch teams are there?" Harry questioned her the day of  the match. She had suggested he wore his red Adidas jacket that had  been bought the week prior, since Galway's team colours were red and  white.

"Officially? I think there's fourteen in the league. There's three  Irish ones- The Ghouls, the Ballycastle Bats and the Kenmare Kestrels.  Kestrels are already out of the league and the Bats are playing the  Harpies next week."

Harry nodded, recognising none of the names. Ghouls and Bats he can remember, but what were Kestrels?

Any fears of children not liking him were quelled as soon as he  stepped out of the Burrow's fireplace, still frightened that the emerald  flames would scorch his skin, despite Lynn assuring him that it  wouldn't.

The twins appeared at their side immediately, throwing their arms  around Lynn's middle and causing her to almost stumble back into the  fireplace. Her laughter chimed through the whole house, attracting its  other members to investigate the commotion.

Then the twins were all over Harry, like hyperactive dogs sniffing  out a new visitor at the door. They asked question upon question. Could  they see his scar? What was it like living with muggles? Which quidditch team did he support? Which Hogwarts house did he prefer?

"Fred! George! Stop smothering the poor boy!" came a shrill voice,  and immediately they had stepped back from him, identical grins on their  freckled faces so bright he couldn't help but mirror them with a grin  of his own.

Molly came into view and immediately wrapped her arms around Lynn, the top of her ginger head just tickling her chin.

"Molly, this is Harry Potter. Harry, Molly Weasley," she introduced.  "That's Fred and George, though don't ask me how to tell which is which  because I haven't a baldy's notion."

"You- what?" Harry blinked, still not used to the odd phrases that his godmother used so casually.

"It means she doesn't know," one of the twins informed him. "Me and  Fred are well used to it now, aren't we Freddie, so we'll keep you  right. Though we still don't know what an eejit is."

"An eejit is what you two are." Harry peered around Lynn to find an  army of red-headed children at the base of the stairs, all peering at  him like he was some kind of alien. The boy who had spoken looked to be  older than the twins, but not by much.

"Percy thinks we took his copy of Numerology and Grammatica, but we didn't," Fred sniffed indignantly.

"Yeah, he's mental. Like we'd ever touch a book like that," George took over, scrunching his nose in disgust.

The sound of feet padding down the stair could be heard, and yet  another redhead came into view, popping his head over the bannister to  watch. He had been in his room huffing, as any seven-year-old would,  over the twins being allowed to watch the match and not him, despite the  fact he had gotten to go last month. But curiosity had forced him to  take a look at Lynn's godson, the famous Harry Potter.

"Ron, come down and say hello to Harry," Molly urged her son. Ron  furrowed his brow and leaned further over the bannister to get a better  view of Harry who was partially hidden by Lynn's robes.

Harry blushed slightly and gave a little wave. Ron made his way  quickly down the rest of the steps and stood beside the twins, offering  his hand also. "Ron Weasley. Is it true you have the scar?"

"Ronald!" Gasped Molly, affronted that he would ask such a question,  not that the seven-year-old knew any better. Harry grinned anyway and  swept his raven black hair from his forehead to show off the jagged  lightning scar, the only thing he really liked about his appearance.

"Wicked," whispered Ron, Fred and George together. Molly only rolled  her eyes at her sons, though her wary gaze stayed on the mark marring  Harry's forehead.

Harry tried to learn all of the Weasley children's names but didn't  have much time to do so, as Lynn began ushering him and the twins  towards the Floo, promising Molly that she wouldn't spoil her sons too  much.

Irish National Quidditch Stadium, Connemara.

Lynn clutched Harry and Fred's hands tightly, tricking George into  staying close to her by tasking him with the responsibility of keeping  an eye on Harry since it was his first quidditch match.  So George kept  his hand on Harry's shoulder, and explained in depth the rules of  quidditch, with occasional add ons from Fred.

They went around the stalls first, the match not starting for another  two hours. Despite it being late August, the air was rather chilly,  though thankfully no rain cloud could be spotted. Lynn quickly bought  Harry his own red and white scarf to match herself and the twins.

"Oi, Mundungus!" Lynn called to a man who was selling wasp plushies.  Harry was reminded by Fred that the Galway Ghouls were playing the  Wimbourne Wasps. You couldn't blame him for forgetting, he only learned  of the sport's existence three weeks ago.

"Alrigh' McLaughlin?" a squat, ginger man greeted Lynn with a nasally  voice. He stank of tobacco and was rather grubby looking, and to Harry  seemed rather out of place standing behind a stall of cartoon wasp  teddies.

Lynn seemed to think so too. "Where'd you get all them wasps, Dung?" A  smirk immediately spread across her face, making Mundungus shuffle on  his feet. "Only thing you could manage to steal before the match?"

"Eyy, lower your voice would yeh? Bad for business, accusin' me of  crimes like 'at," the beady-eyed man glowered at her, then drew his gaze  towards the three boys. "And who's all these? Didn't know you had kids  after the whole thing with S-"

"They're Weasley's kids," Lynn cut him off breezily. "And my nephew.  I'll have to go, Dung, can't hang around Wasp merch too much or I'll  boke."

"Boke?" Harry questioned quietly to the twins.

"Vomit," they chimed in unison.

They were allowed to pick out an item each, the twins deciding on  Galway Ghouls caps that clashed horribly with their hair and Harry  picking out a moving poster for his room, with all seven of the current  Ghouls players flying in perfect synchronisation. Then, with hotdogs in  their grasp and sweets filling their pockets, they climbed the steps  several flights upwards, and out into the stalls.

Harry looked down over the railing once they found their seats at the  front of the section, mouth agape at how high they were off the ground.  Fred and George stood on either side of him and pointed out different  things they thought would pique his interest, such as the three  humongous gold hoops at each end of the pitch, and the Galway team's  mascot- a thin, green-skinned ghoul that was wandering lazily around the  grass, dressed in red and white quidditch robes with a wizard's hat  perched on its head.

The match lasted three hours, and Harry enjoyed every single second  of it. The score ended up being 410-260 to the Galway Ghouls, much to  Lynn and the twins' delight. Between his godmother's devotion to the  team and how mesmerising the players performance was to him, Harry  became a hardcore Ghouls fan the moment Aiden Lynch ("Only 16!" Lynn had  proclaimed) grabbed the snitch after pulling out of a spectacular  spiral dive.

They arrived back at the Burrow, immediately surrounded by the  Weasley children, even little Ginny who was beginning to develop a  liking for the sport, who all cheered loudly when told the Ghouls had  won. Fred and George showed off their caps to their siblings, then all  seven children raced towards the meadow they used as a quidditch pitch,  tugging along a beaming Harry to show him how to fly.

"Bill! Charlie! Don't let the younger ones use the adult brooms!" Molly yelled after them. Both gave their mother a thumbs up.

"I've got two chickens in the oven, Lynn. I hope you can stay for  dinner," Molly led her into the kitchen, sticking on the kettle with a  flick of her wand.

"That would be lovely, Molly."

Molly handed her a mug of steaming tea, milk and sugar already in the  cup with the teabag still in it- knowing how your friend preferred  their tea was a true sign of friendship. "You look healthier, Lynn,"  Molly pointed out, not quite able to put her finger on what was  different about the Irish woman.

"Aye, I'm not hungover," Lynn grumbled, blowing gently on the hot  liquid and taking an experimental sip. "Haven't had a drink in three  weeks. Mailed all my firewhisky to Hagrid so I don't have any around  the flat."

Molly's brows shot up in surprise. "That's great," she encouraged.

"Don't want to fuck it up," Lynn shrugged, trying not to make a big deal of it. "It's James and Lily's son. I can't fuck it up."

"You won't," Molly spoke confidently. "You're great with all my  rascals. I doubt Harry will be a handful compared to one of mine. Even  Percy is giving me a headache these days. I think this is the first time  in months he's been outside with the others."

"I'm sure Percy's just finding his own thing," Lynn reassured her.  "He was asking me loads of Arithmancy questions the other day, and he's  only going into first year. He's definitely going to be a bookworm, that  one."

"I suppose," Molly sighed. "You didn't have to get him those textbooks. They're really expensive..."

"Don't be silly," Lynn waved off. "I have loads of them for classes.  Dumbledore gave me like 10 of them for Hogwarts, but if Percy's  interested he should pursue it. Even though it's the most boring subject  to exist."

"You teach the subject, Lynn."

"Not everyone gets to have the job they want. I'm after McGonagall's  as soon as Dumbledore retires and she takes his place." In all  seriousness, Lynn didn't really care for teaching Transfiguration  either, but it would be 20 times better than Arithmancy.

"Transfiguration?" Molly questioned. "I suppose being an animagus  would be enough proof to qualify. Twenty-three is very young to become  an animagus."

"Exactly, they'd have to at least consider me," Lynn agreed, omitting  the fact she was 15 when she finally achieved the transformation, but  23 was the official story. "Honestly I have no idea what I'd like to do,  so Arithmancy's my best option."

"Would you never consider going back to curse breaking?" Molly hadn't  known her well back then, only meeting her through Arthur and her  brother's Fabian and Gideon, who were active members of the Order.  "Bill's considering it, though I'm not overly keen on the idea. Curse  breaking is rather dangerous."

"I was a curse breaker for less than a year," Lynn reminded her,  wringing her hands under the table. "Don't think it's for me. Bill would  be great at it though, and he's sensible enough not to take unnecessary  risks."

Molly hummed, her gaze drifting from Lynn to the family clock hanging  on the wall behind her. "Oh, Arthur's finally leaving the ministry."

Sure enough, the crack of apparation echoed through the property,  signalling Arthur's arrival. He pushed the back door open and came in  whistling merrily.

"Alright Arthur? How was work?" Lynn greeted him as he leaned down to place a kiss on Molly's cheek.

"I had to orchestrate five raids today. Five! Oh thank you,  Lynn," Mr. Weasley spoke as Lynn handed him a cup of tea. "And I had to  stop Mundungus Fletcher from smuggling flying carpets too. Bloody told  him ten times that carpets are considered a muggle artefact, not that  the law ever stopped him before."

"Smuggling carpets? You have to give him points for dedication. He  was at the match today selling Wasp merch- should've been a Hufflepuff  with all that hard work he puts in," Lynn joked. Molly wrinkled her nose  at the mention of Mundungus, not at all a fan of the thief, despite  only ever hearing stories of his double-dealing and had never seen it  for herself.

Not long after their father arrived, the army of ginger children,  whisking along a much scrawnier, black-haired kid, poured through the  door, stomping their feet clean on the doorstep. "Dad!" Ginny squealed,  rushing into her father's arms.

"Aunt Lynn!" Harry called her breathlessly, racing in along with Ron. "I got to ride a broom!"

"That's wonderful, Harry," Lynn smiled endearingly. "What'd you think?"

"I'm going to be a seeker!" he declared proudly. "Charlie's seeker for- um- Gryffindor, and he said I'd make a good one!"

"Harry!" George called from the base of the staircase. "Do you want to see the garden gnomes? They're really ugly!"

"Yeah!" he exclaimed, following the twins and Ron out into the garden.

"Oh, isn't he just precious," cooed Molly. "Were his aunt and uncle okay with you taking him?"

"Oh  Molly, you don't know the half of it," Lynn wrinkled her nose. "Well,  first of all, I trapped the uncle's head in a pumpkin..."


rewritten 18/08/21

I got a flat recently which is pretty nice. Have some Harry Potter fanfiction. Feast.

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