Immortal Mortals

By moosesforgooses

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She is the Immortal worlds most powerful High Goddess. He is the Immortal worlds most powerful War God, and... More

An Unfortunate Meeting
Early days
A Mouthful of Wine
Mortal love
Tai and Meili
Family of Four
Growing Awareness
The Unveiling
The Unveiling 2
The Break
Blue Belt Vine
Days of Ease.
Days of Ease 2.
Playtime 2
The consequences
The Grand Kowtow
Days of Grovelling.
Wedded Bliss
The Potion
Revenge 1
Revenge 2
The Count Down Begins
The Past Returns
Love Hurts
A Shattered Calm
Facing the Truth
The Preparations
Tai and Zhou Ru
And then there was one.
The Pearl
Meili and Chiang Gui
Past Futures
Last Days
A New Beginning
Mount Cang Wu


1.1K 29 9
By moosesforgooses

It was another 3 days before Ai finally awoke from her drunken stupor.  Jie had remained by her side the entire time.  The first morning he could barely rouse her, she had drunk so much in the past five days her Mortal body was not used to the finer high quality wine and he worried that she may have actually caused some damage to it.  Immediately he had returned to his true form and gently fed her healing energy to give her Mortal body the strength it would need to release the toxins and to counter any harmful effects.  Though angry that she had not considered what Immortal Realm wine could do to a Mortal body, he couldn't help but marvel at her recklessness, he had never thought it would be possible for his sweet Ai to do something so against her Mortal nature that he was beginning to wonder if Bai Qian herself was finally beginning to emerge.

And it was while he was in his true form, that he stripped back the blanket and allowed his energy to fully read her body. Starting at her feet, he slowly scanned upwards, stopping briefly to hone in on her more private areas as he searched her body for any evidence of another mans essence, then breathing a sigh of relief and falling heavily to sit beside her, he released a long rasping breath, one he hadn't realized he was holding as the realization that she had not been with another began to sink in.

Silently he had allowed his tears to fall as he gazed down at the woman he loved more than his own life, thankful and overwhelmed with gratitude that she had not broken her vows, because he knew, that had he found the essence of another man on her, he would have walked away forever without a look back, he would have also cancelled his marriage arrangement.  Because their life together and what she meant to him was all he thought about from the moment she had returned.

But that did not ease his anger at what she had done.  He still wanted to know where she had been, because even though he knew she had initially returned for the wine, she had not remained in the Immortal World, she had arrived home far too drunk to have managed a cloud jump that immense in the state she was in, she had barely made it back to the house. 

 Too much of her energy would have been needed for the transition not to mention the coherent mental processes that are needed to  navigate the two worlds which requires a vast amount of strength and level headedness.  She just wasn't in the right frame of mind to be able to manage it, so that brought him back to the same question.  Where had she been?

And that had him wondering why she was wearing 'that' dress.  A dress he had bought for her to wear, for his eyes only.  That she had chosen to wear it away from him, had initially had him believing she had been with another, but now knowing for certain that she had not, that had him thinking that perhaps she was trying to make him jealous.  If that was her intention, then she had succeeded, but there was still doubts, because he didn't feel she would actually go this far just to make a point.  It just wasn't in her nature to be that petty or so damn reckless with her body.

And that had him thinking about the amount of alcohol she had consumed, because having scanned her body thoroughly, she had taken in enough wine for 6 adult men, and that was what he was able to read from her body that morning alone, goodness knows how much she had taken in over the past 5 days, and for a woman who never drank and considering how small she was, he was surprised she hadn't died from alcohol poisoning.

Never had he been so angry as he was then.  That she would dare to put him through the hell he had just emerged from had him rising immediately to prepare a sobering soup.  He wanted her awake and fully lucid before he faced her with his questions and punishment that he would definitely be meting out when he was done.

By the second day, and after yet another bowl of sobering soup, her fifth, he was beginning to panic.  She should have roused by now, but she had barely managed to open her eyes for more than a few seconds at a time, her small hands reaching up once to stroke his face before she fell back into her state of drunken slumber.  Though knowing she was a fox who liked to sleep, to have slept this long, just wasn't normal though she had made a small amount of progress.  She had began to mumble in her sleep, at first it was illegible and incoherent, but as her system began to work the toxins out of her body, the mumbling became a little more coherent.

Having just finished washing her body and hair, he dressed her lightly in a night robe and as he was pulling the blanket up to cover her, she suddenly began to cry in her sleep.  Snatching at his hand, she brought it up to her face and held it tightly against her cheek  "Jie doesn't love me anymore." she whimpered against him.  

Hoping to gain some kind of understanding, Jie quickly jumped on her exclamation before he lost her again.  "Why would you think that Ai?" he asked her gently as he sat down beside her and gathered her up into his arms to hold her against him.

Still whimpering softly, she mumbled low, before sighing deeply.  "He loves someone else." she said low as she tried to push him away, but he held onto her even tighter as she she once again lost herself to slumber.

For a long time he sat there with her in his arms, just looking down at her beautiful restful face thinking of their life together, what he had put her through for her to come to that conclusion and the realization that he too had hurt her, but to have gone to such extremes to make a point seemed so outrageous, he couldn't comprehend it. Why on earth would she think he was seeing someone else, he thought to himself, it made absolutely no sense to him, did she not know that he loved her?

Then sighing deeply, he lowered his head and kissed her lips very softly, when she suddenly rose up and tried to hit him. "I"m married, don't you dare touch me." she screamed out, before falling back down to whimper lightly against his chest, her small hands still clenched and weakly fighting the thin air in front of her as she yet again fell heavily back to sleep, but not before taking his hand once again and holding hand against her cheek and sighing his name softly to herself.  

"I love you Ai." he told her softly as she once again whispered his name while opening his hand so she could lay her soft cheeks against him, his name once again escaping her lips as she smiled softly to herself.

Smiling for the first time in months, Jie looked down at his wife with so much love and ready to forgive her for everything, he held her tightly, lay his head back against the bed post behind him, and finally fell into the deepest of sleep he had ever had with her firmly in his grasp.


Ai slowly opened her eyes to the bright glare of the morning sun that was streaming through the window.  Closing them again, she allowed her mind to fully waken and acclimatize itself to being sober once more.  Her head was pounding and her throat was so dry, she could barely swallow, but the memory of the past 5 days slowly began to come back to her.  Opening her eyes again, she looked up to allow the sunlit room to fully bring her mind into the present, when she suddenly her heart sank when she realized she was back home in her own bed.  Had Jie found her? she wondered to herself.  

Moving her head lightly to sit up, she instantly realized she was being held.  "You're finally awake." Jies voice drifted down from above her, though the tone was one she had never heard before, but he did sound relieved.  "You've slept for 3 days Ai." he gently chided her, but continued to hold onto her tightly.

Having only the faintest of memory of returning home, she could barely comprehend that she had even managed it, considering how much she had drunk, and going by the headache and dry throat, it must have been a lot.  Turning her head slightly, then upwards, she saw him looking down at her.  Searching his face, she tried to read the expressions flitting though his eyes, across his brow and the almost smile on his lips.  

"Water." she croaked out, shocking herself at how rasping her voice sounded, while lowering her eyes from his sudden intense glare.  

Lifting her forward, Jie rose before turning to look down at her.  "I will fetch you a glass of water, but then we are going to talk." he said ignoring the sullen look she was now giving him. 

No sooner had Jie left the room, than Ai rose quickly off the bed, completely ignoring the pounding in her head and her sore muscles, before dressing herself and getting ready to flee at a moments notice if their "talk' did not end her favor.  She was fully prepared to leave again if she had to. And by the time Jie returned, she was already passing through the bedroom door to head for the main room.  The bedroom was the last place she wanted to talk to him, because he too had a lot of explaining to do.

Snatching the glass of water on her way out, she breezed past him causing him to swing around quickly, his whole demeanor changing to match her own as he followed her into the main room.

Stopping in the kitchen to drink the water with one hand and to hold her head with the other, she spluttered and coughed as the water hit her dry throat that felt as if a thousand razor blades were burning into her.  It wasn't enough, turning she refilled her glass and downed another before refilling her glass.  If anything, she was trying to gain a little time to gather her thoughts not really wanting the confrontation that was coming, but knowing he would not allow it, she finally turned to face him.

"Where were you Ai." Jie asked,softly but the tightness in his voice was obvious, he was not prepared to waste anymore time, knowing she was stalling.

It took a long time for Ai to answer him, as her mind went through the sheer hell he had put her through, and the conviction that he was seeing another woman behind her back.  And as she allowed her mind to fully take flight, her anger at his question began to rise considerably.

But she held his gaze as she took two steps forward.  "Out.  Having.  Fun." she said emphasizing each word slowly and clearly, with narrowed eyes, and her mouth thinned and ready to let rip into him. 

No sooner was the last word out of her mouth, than Jie also took two steps forward and as she watched his eyes darken with anger, she too felt the slow burn of her own anger rise even more.

"I'm only going to ask this one more time, and I want an answer.  Where were you." his voice cut deeply into the already frayed air that immediately raised her hackles as she glared back at him with contempt.

Never had she been so angry in her life, how dare he, she thought to herself as the past months replayed in her mind over and over again.  "I have answered your question Jie." She fumed up at him as he came closer to her.  "Now you answer me! Where the hell were you for the past 3 months?" she screamed, her temper now fully out of control.

"I was working Ai, I came home every night, I did not leave you............" it was all he got out before she tore into him.

"Out working?  Is that why you ignored me for three months, refused to look at me, touch me, hold me, speak to me, even be in the same room as me?" she screamed  her voice screeched shrilly.  "Don't you dare look at me like that, you bastard.  Who is she Jie?  I know you're seeing someone else." 

"AI!" he roared over the top of her screaming, which was louder than her voice.

"Go to hell." she suddenly shrieked throwing the glass of water she was still holding onto into his face as she stormed towards the door to leave.

Spinning around, Jie grabbed her around the waist and spun her body about before lifting her up in the air to look into her eyes.  In an instant, Jie saw the pain he had caused her as his own, he had done this to her he thought, disgusted in himself as he tried to make amends for the 3 months of heartbreak he had put her through.

  "I love you Ai." he said softly, his face dripping with water, but his eyes had immediately lost the anger, all he felt was sadness at his own actions and the desperate desire to make it right.  Suddenly she felt herself drowning in the most tender look he had ever given her.  "I have never been unfaithful to you Ai." he whispered as he lowered his head into her shoulder.  "Don't go." he whispered again as he began to kiss her neck gently, his lips slowly nibbling the tender skin below her ear, knowing she could never resist it.

Slowly she felt herself falling under his magical tormenting spell, as he kissed down her neck, pulling her light robe to the side to continue down to her shoulder as his large strong hands lifted her fully up to his his waist and pulling her legs firmly to wrap around him so the full effect of his long months of celibacy could be felt achingly against her own now dripping wet sex.

Fast losing the battle, Ai's mind had not fully let go of her anger, but the harder he became and the lower his lips caressed her sensitive needy skin, the harder it became to hold in her soft moans, but when his hands moved up her skirt and lightly began to stroke up her thighs, moving slowly upwards, she could not hold it in.  Sighing heavily she let out a deep rasping moan from the very depths of her throat as his fingers very softly fondled and stroked her now thrusting hot drenched folds.

"Jie, please .... " she cried out, as he moved her panties to the side and his thick deft fingers entered her quickly.

"Ooooh Jie," she sighed squirming against him, knowing she was not going to be able to last, it had been far too long, so she didn't bother fighting it, allowing herself to fully indulge in the beautiful sensations that completely devoured her.  Feeling the rise of a fast consuming climax begin to take hold her as her internal walls suddenly clenched and quivered all over his fingers, Jie thrust up deeper into her as his thumb pressed hard into her pink hot cherry and rubbed her sensuously and vigorously. 

Screaming against him, her whole body suddenly spasmed in his arms as she came all over him, her hot juices driped out between his fingers and down his palm as wave after wave of pure ecstasy ripped through her.

  "JIE!" she screamed as the pinnacle sent her body fully over the edge in his tight grip, and his lips continued to rake her sweet spot under her ear.  

Bucking against him, his fingers relentlessly caressed, stroked and thrust into her hot throbbing walls taking everything she had to give, 3 months of pent up sexual frustration erupted from her whole body until finally she collapsed from the sweet pleasure of his desire to give her the most amazing and unbelievable orgasm she had ever experienced.

Resting her head lightly against his shoulder, Ai allowed her body a few minutes to catch her breath before lowering herself to the floor and taking a few shaky steps back to look up at him.  Shaking her head at him, she took another step back.

"Is that what you did to her Jie?" she rasped up softly and still angry, her tears began to rise and her mind once again returned to the long months of pain he had put her through.

"Ai, there is no one else, I told you." Jie sighed, moving to take her back into his arms, his own need still visible beneath his thin robe.

Rushing past him to avoid his arms, Ai ran to the door.  "Then why did you turn your back on me Jie." she screamed as her anger returned.  Leaving him no chance to answer, she bolted through the door and ran straight to the stable for her horse.  In no time, she was mounted and fleeing once again, leaving him standing at the house roaring after her.

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