Turn To You

By LilyAndThePotatoes

25.9K 374 81

Ariel Fielding and Zayn Malik were best friends as kids, but when X-factor ate him up and spit him out as a m... More

Damn it was Good to See You Again
I Wanna Save Your Heart Tonight
Witty Chapter Title
Concussions and Things
For The First Time
Drama Llama
Tickle fights and Cockblock Tomlinson
Hot and Steamy

Turn To You

6.1K 63 10
By LilyAndThePotatoes

I trotted down the street, already late for work as it is. You’d think after living in New York for a year now, I’d be good at navigating myself through the streets, but you’re sadly mistaken. I was worse then a lost puppy in the rain forest. I looked up at the sky, noticing a One Direction billboard, a scowl forming on my face. 

I didn’t have anything against One Direction really - only a certain member. I’d grown up with Zayn Malik, and he’d always been my best friend, but the moment X-Factor picked him up he lost all contact with me. I rolled my eyes, pushing open the doors to my office building. 

“How nice of you to show up,” Agnes, the receptionist said, a smug grin on her face. I looked up at her, brushing a few blonde strands out of my face.

“Very funny,” I quipped, walking over to her desk and grabbing a cup of coffee. I stepped away from the desk and made my way toward the hall that led to my office, determined to get a little extra work done, considering I’d been late quite a few times just this week.

“Boss man wants you,” Agnes said, drawing my attention away from the piping hot coffee in my hands. I looked over my shoulder at her, feeling said coffee slip out of my hand and down my chest.

“Son of a-” I started, stopping myself when my eyes caught my boss, Larry’s. 

“Ah, Ariel, how good of you to join us,” Larry said, his voice sounding a little less than thrilled. I gave him a sheepish grin, pulling the sweater that was now soaked in coffee away from my chest, the scorching hot liquid leaving my skin warm and sticky. I let out a sigh as Larry made his way toward his office, not even having to tell me to follow him. 

Working in Larry’s office, you learned a thing or two. One, Don’t make Larry mad, and two, if you do make Larry mad, if he wants to see you in his office, you might as well start packing up yours while you still have some dignity. 

“Look Larry, I’m really sorry I’ve been late recently, I don’t know what’s come over me. I’ll work late tonight and come in an hour early tomorrow, okay? I really need this job. I don’t what I’ll do if you-”

“Ariel,” Larry called out, cutting me off. He motioned for me to sit down in the small wooden chair adjacent to his large mahogany desk. I sucked in a deep breath, sitting down in the chair, my fingernails beginning to grind into the wood of the chair. 

“I’ve told you countless times to call me Mr. Henderson in my office,” He sighed. I nodded, spitting out an apology. 

“Please tell me I’m not fired,” I begged, my eyes pleading.

“Far from, actually,” Larry said, turning to his computer and typing something into google. I sat quietly, the only sounds I could hear were my heart-beat, the ticking of Larry’s large roman numeral clock, and his fingers ticking away at the keys of the keyboard.

He turned the monitor of the computer around to reveal a photo of One Direction, all of their faces alight with big smiles. I furrowed my eyebrows, turning to Larry with a confused expression.

“Do you know who this is?” He asked, motioning toward the band. I nodded - of course I know who they are, I thought. That band only houses my best friend since birth, but I didn’t expect Larry to know that. I didn’t exactly tell people about his and my past - because it was exactly that, the past. 

“Well, you’ll be their new stylist for their up and coming American tour,” Larry grinned. My eyes widen, and I could feel my jaw physically drop. I sat silently there, my mouth hanging open as Larry gained some sort of smug smile. I shook my head, trying to regain my composure. 

“I, I don’t know what to say,” I said, running a hand through my hair. 

“A suppose a thank you is in order,” Larry said, looking at his fingernails. I sighed - this is my boss, the biggest twelve year old girl on the planet. Literally, the man weighs like five hundred pounds. 

“Thank you sir,” I said, standing up and excusing myself from his office. 

I walked into my office and sunk into my black leather office chair, the familiar view of New York city coming into view from the window. I looked out at the city, feeling my body go cold. 


“Let me go!” Zayn yelled, trying to shake from my six year old grasp. I smiled evilly down at him, an eery satisfaction rolling over me.

“Say I’m the best ever!” I ordered, putting pressure down on my best friend’s hands as he lay on the grass of my backyard.

“You’re the best ever!” He responded, still struggling under my weight. 

“Promise we’ll be best friends forever!” I ordered. 

“Why would I have to promise that?” He asked, cocking his eyebrow. I looked down at him for a few seconds, before feeling anger boil up inside me and pushing off of him.

“You’re a jerk!” I yelled, moving toward the gate, intending on kicking him out of my house.

“No! What I mean is, why would I promise if you know already?” Zayn asked me. I turned to him, feeling the anger start to melt. A tear rolled down my cheek from the left over anger.

“Don’t cry Ariel, you’re too pretty for that,” He told me, walking over and hugging me.

~End flashback~ 

I shook my head at the memories flooding through my mind, my head beginning to spin. I stood up from my desk, deciding that a break was more than needed. I walked passed Agnes on my walk out, telling her that I was going to pick something up for work. She nodded, looking back to her computer. 

*A week later* 

I sat in the plane to California, my assistant and best friend Lauren sitting next to me. I turned to her and gave her a half excited smile. It had been years since I’d seen Zayn, and I honestly didn’t know what to expect. Lauren gave me a reassuring grin as I felt the plane descend toward the ground, the two of us literally only a short drive away from having to face my biggest nightmare. 


I sat on top of Zayn, my hands pressed down firm on his shoulders.

“Seriously Zayn?” I asked, amused at how much stronger I was than him, “We’re fourteen and I’m still way stronger than you!” I laughed, reaching my hand out and roughing up his hair. He rolled his eyes, pushing me off of him and sitting up.

“I’m just tired, is all,” He shrugged. I rolled my eyes. 

“I just got out of ballet and I’m exhausted, and I can still wrestle you like it’s nothing,” I grinned. 

“Maybe I just wanted to let the pretty girl win,” He shrugged, standing up and walking toward my back gate. I watched his back as he walked out the gate, sending me a quick smile before he closed it.

“YOU’RE SO GROSS!” I yelled over the fence, running over toward it and throwing it open.

“You shoulda seen your face!” He called back, before disappearing behind the corner of the street. I rolled my eyes, jeez. How did I end up calling this my best friend, again? 

~End flashback~ 

I looked out the window of the van that was taking us to the hotel we were meeting the boys in, as well as where we were staying. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach begin to flutter. Why had I agreed to do this? What if Zayn didn’t recognize me? 

Did I want him to recognize me? What if he didn’t? Would I be upset? I shook my head, feeling the car come to a hult. I looked over at Lauren, who was scooting out of her seat. I followed behind her, feeling my palms begin to sweat. 

“Do I look okay?” I whispered to Lauren, not too completely sure why I cared. She gave me a happy grin, nodding her head. I sucked in a quick breath of air, watching our driver carry my and Lauren’s bags into the large building. 

We walked in together, myself trying to hold my composure. 

“You must be Ariel and Lauren! Good to meet you!” A large man in a grey two piece suit said to us, extending his hand. I extended my own, shaking his. He shook my entire body, more than my actual hand. He moved over to Lauren, doing the same.

“Follow me ladies, the boys are in conference room B,” He said, walking away from us. I watched Lauren begin to follow him, and then began to scurry behind her. 

Behind the door, I could hear five boys arguing about something involving food, a table, and Zayn needing to break it. I bit back a laugh, wondering what the hell they could possibly be talking about. 

The man, who we’d found out was called Jim, pushed open the door, and after catching sight of him the boys quickly shut up. I covered my mouth, wanting to laugh at how whipped he had them. They all lined up as Jim grabbed my shoulder with one hand, and Lauren with the other. He pushed us forward, his hand moving to the small of my back.

“This is Ariel Fielding,” He said, patting my back, “And Lauran Shore,” He motioned to Lauren. My eyes moved over the boys, starting with Niall, and then Harry, and then Louis, then Liam, and ending with Zayn. Our eyes met, and I saw his widen slightly. I bit my lip - well, he definitely remembered me. 


Yay my new story :D

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