By misshiraethsworld

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"What do you mean I should be dead?" "You are cursed lass and there's nothing you can do about it." She was a... More

Curse of the Ruby
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4; Captain Jack Sparrow

1.8K 83 25
By misshiraethsworld

4; Captain Jack Sparrow

The fear of losing Elizabeth to a watery grave hit Felicity full force as she followed her guardian and the rest of the navy to the docks, near the Dauntless. She tried to steady herself when they arrived at the scene, but the rapid beating of her heart betrayed her. She had hoped the only despair she would feel was the announcement of James' betrothal to Elizabeth, but this was far worse. Felicity didn't know what she would do if she lost Elizabeth.

She recognized the two navy privates instantly from all her time around James, but the third man puzzled her. He was dressed in tatters, with the only thing of value on him being his gun, sword, and a hat, although the hat was a nice touch. The man in question was leaning over a nearly naked Elizabeth with something in his hand as the young woman tried to catch her breath.

The pirate medallion.

"Where did you get that?" The man asked.

Elizabeth didn't have time to reply as James quickly brandished his new sword and placed it on the side of the man's neck, "On your feet."

The man was quick to comply with the Commodore's orders and stood to his feet with his hands raised in defeat. As soon as she was free, Elizabeth raced over to where her father and companion were waiting. Felicity pulled her into a tight hug as Governor Swann proceeded to cover his daughter with his jacket. The redhead helped Elizabeth hide the medallion all the while her eyes never leaving the strange man. It seemed he was just as curious about her as he stared her down. Felicity watched as one of the privates discarded Elizabeth's corset and pointed towards her rescuer as if to blame him for having a good idea.

"Elizabeth! Are you all right?" Governor Swann asked as he checked his daughter for injury.

"Yes, father." Elizabeth responded, although Felicity could already see her lips turning a pale blue.

Felicity wrapped Elizabeth in her arms and used her body heat to warm her. The young girl's teeth chatter, but it seemed that was the last thing on her mind as she protested having her rescuer killed. Felicity was quite shocked at how determined Elizabeth was to set her savior free. If it were up to her he looked like a homeless beggar, or worse a pirate.

His dark hair was in long dreads and pulled back by a red bandanna with small beads laying over the top. He had a grime covered shirt on with a blazer all buckled together with loose fitting pants and boots. He had an array of different covered sashes which no doubt held some of his personal effects. It was obvious that he was new to port, but Felicity dreaded to think of where he could have originated from.

Her thoughts were interrupted by James' declaration, "I believe thanks are in order."

The man looked hesitant at James' outstretched hand before clasping it forward. It was only then that James pulled back the man's sleeve and revealed a 'P' branded on his arm. The mark of a dead man. The mark of a pirate. Felicity moved to place Elizabeth slightly behind her in a protective stance as the Governor pulled his daughter closer to his chest.

"Had a brush-up with the East India Trading Company, did you pirate? Keep your guns on him, men. Gillette, fetch some irons." James stated, before pulling the sleeve back more to reveal a tattoo of a sparrow flying away from a setting sun. "Well, well... Jack Sparrow, isn't it?"

"Captain Jack Sparrow, if you please." 'Jack' started with an annoyed look.

James surveyed the bay before turning back to the said Captain, "I don't see your ship, Captain."

"I'm in the market." Jack explained as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"He said he'd come to commandeer one." Murtogg pointed out.

His partner, Mullroy, shot Murtogg a look, "I told you he was telling the truth. These are his, sir."

Mullery held out the man's possessions and Felicity was not surprised at the state they were in. The pistol was worn down from what she could tell, but it didn't escape her notice of the extra gunpowder hidden away slightly from view. James also seems to notice this as examines it, noting the powder horn on Jack's belt, "Extra powder, but no additional shot."

Jack looked unfazed as he simply shrugged his shoulders as James unhooked the compass from the belt. When he opens it he frowns at the reading and begins to move the compass back and forth, "A compass that doesn't point north."

This seemed to make the pirate embarrassed as he looked away. As James continues to search through the pirate's belongings he comes upon the sword and draws the sword half from the scabbard, "And I half-expected it to be made of wood."

Felicity watched with bated breath as the Commodore hands the stuff back to Mullroy and begins to recount the items in Jack's possessions in a seemingly unimpressed manner, "Taking stock: you've got a pistol with only one shot, a compass that doesn't point north and no ship. You are without a doubt the worst pirate I have ever heard of."

Jack seemed almost touched at James' report, "Ah, but you have heard of me."

As Gillette returned with the shackles Felicity watched as Jack was clapped in irons. She turned toward Elizabeth and began guiding her off the docks in hopes of getting her far away, but her plan failed. Instead Elizabeth ripped away from her companion's grip and ran off after the pirate and commodore.

"Commodore, I must protest. Pirate or not, this man saved my life."

"Elizabeth that is enough. Let James do his job."

James sent Felicity a look asking if Elizabeth was serious in her request. Felicity could only wordlessly nod her head, knowing how Elizabeth was. She was fond of rewarding good deeds and it seemed that this act was enough to redeem this man. Felicity agreed with the idea of second chances, but in some instances the bad deeds could outweigh the good. It did strike Felicity as odd however that she felt so quick to condemn this Jack Sparrow.

"One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness." James stated with a firm look.

"But it seems to be enough to condemn him." Jack replied


Once Gillette had stepped away from Jack, the man seemed to take this as his opportunity to raise more alarms, "Finally!"

Before Felicity could react fast enough and tug Elizabeth out of the way, Jack had weaved the manacle chain around Elizabeth's throat and held her hostage. Fear gripped at Felicity's heart as she tried to reach her but was pulled back by a pair of strong arms. When she looked up, the redhead was not surprised to see James' determined face as he put the woman behind his back, using his body as a shield. James would be damned if he let anything happen to his beloved Felicity.

"Commodore Norrington, my pistol and belt, please." Jack demanded, making James ball his fists in frustration. "Commodore!"

"You won't make it out of here alive." Felicity stated.

"Perhaps you would like to dress me?"

Felicity could feel the anger radiating off of James as he stood protectively in front of her, "She will not."

"I think the lady will can speak for herself."

Felicity looked at him, "If I do it your grave will say death by a woman."

"Then the lovely lady in front of me shall do it then." Jack said as he let out a laugh.

Felicity flushed in anger as Jack smiled wickedly at her as he forced Elizabeth to dress him in his atrocious attire. It was unseeingly and Felicity found herself balling her fists into the back of James Navy coat. She sent the man a glare to which he sent back a cocky wink back. The redhead felt powerless and she hated it.

"The next time we meet you'll have a pistol in your face and will be begging on your knees."

"Is that a threat, Miss?"

"Smith." Felicity said. "And it's a promise."

"Well aren't you a lively one." Jack replied with a smirk before spinning Elizabeth around so she was facing the group once more, "Gentleman, m' ladies... you will always remember this as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow."

One moment Elizabeth was being held at gunpoint and the next she was being shoved into the waiting arms of James and her father. While Felicity was trying to recover from the sudden shift in body weight she found herself in the arms of Theodore. The two of them looked up to see the pirate proceeding to escape using a rope and an unknown technique of pulling the belaying pin free.

"My god." Felicity said.

She watched in awe and annoyance as the counterweight dropped and lifted Jack up into the middle of the gantry, where he grabbed a second rope. As he slid down the rope, Felicity heard the sound of James' pistol go off as it sliced the rope Jack had been sliding on. She watched in awe and irritation as he disappeared from sight.

Felicity looked away from the scene and noticed Elizabeth was now shaking violently from the adrenaline of having been held hostage to a pirate. Felicity pulled her close and attempted to warm her up once more. She rocked back and forth in a soothing motion in hopes of calming her nerves a bit. Eventually Elizabeth's breath evened out as Felicity pulled Governor Swann's jacket tighter around her.

Felicity noticed James had turned to the two of them and was looking at them full of concern. She could tell he was wrestling with whether to say and help them or to catch Jack Sparrow. Every part of Felicity wanted James to stay, but she knew he was duty and honor bound to go after him and thus with a nod she set him free.

"Go do what you've trained for." Felicity said while sending him a determined look. "And make it hurt."


"Yes, I'm all right, I'm fine! Go capture him!"

That was all the motivation he needed to hear before hiring off after sparrow. However, he couldn't help the guilt that was eating away inside him. All he wanted to do was turn and run back and bring Felicity into his embrace and keep her safe, but he couldn't. He had made an offer of marriage to Elizabeth and he intended to see it through. No matter his feelings for the girl he had come to love from that voyage across the sea so long ago.

"I'm off to check the other side of town Red." Theodore said pulling her gaze to him.

Felicity looked at her friend and sent him a small smile, "Give him hell."

Theodore laughed, "I wouldn't deprive you of the pleasure."

Felicity watched as he disappeared around a tavern with a set of guards in tow. She knew he was more than capable of handling himself. This wasn't his first pirate chase, and it certainly wouldn't be his last. She had hoped that today would end in festivities for her companion, but it seemed nightmares were in large supply that day. She, along with Governor Swann and Elizabeth were left alone at the dock in silence. It wasn't until five minutes had passed that Governor Swann broke the tension.

"I think we have had quite enough excitement for one day."

Elizabeth shivered, finding suddenly that she was unbearably cold, and snuggled closer to Felicity, "I would like to retire back to the house. I have a feeling it will be an early night."

"Of course, dearest."

Felicity released Elizabeth and watched as the father daughter duo walked away from her. It was in these small moments that she remembered that she shared no blood. She was an outsider to their way of life. They may treat her like part of the family, but she will never be family. No matter how much she may want too.

"Governor Swann," Felicity called out. The governor turned around with his arm still tightly wound around his daughter. "I think we should let this be the last of your fashion advice, please."

The three of them shared a knowing look before Felicity sent them on their way. She watched as her guardian and adopted sister left to go get the carriage, leaving her to stare out at the sea. It was a cerulean blue with a mystery swirling beneath it's depth. There was a part of her that wanted to leap into the unknown and never return, but she had a duty to Elizabeth.

A deep fog had begun to settle in the bay area as Felicity walked alone toward the remaining carriage. She had a gut feeling that this meeting between Captain Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth and herself was predestined. The waves seemed to grow more turbulent as Felicity watched them grow in size. The temperature dropped and Felicity felt herself shiver. She tore her gaze away from the horizon once more and entered letting it shut tightly behind her.

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