This New Life

Af Stef1981

74.5K 2.3K 233

Stef Foster and her twelve year old daughter, Callie, must deal with a painful loss in their life. Can they p... Mere

The Present
What Once Was
Her Job
The Meeting
You Should Come
An Unexpected Guest
A Revelation
Under The Stars
Thanksgiving Morning
Thanksgiving Dinner
Thanksgiving Dinner II
What Are These Feelings
The Second Time
Think About It
Just Friends
Your Choice
The Christmas Concert
The Kiss
I Like You
Take It Slow
Christmas Eve
The First Time
A Gift
I Have You
The Morning After Part 1
Are You In Love?
Yes I Knew
Where Is He?
One Year Later
Only You
Times Change
A Christmas Wish
Christmas Past and Present
This New Life

A Letter

1.2K 46 6
Af Stef1981

As the family made their way to the store so little Michael could visit Santa for the first time Callie felt like a kid herself as she held the letter in her hand. Maybe she was a teenagner and had stopped believing in Santa but apart of her still believed in him partly and the magic he could instill. Or maybe she believed in wishes and how it was possible for them to come true for it was just last year she had made a wish, made a secret wish for her mom and Lena to fall in love and get married. Ironically that was exactly what happened even if the two women had kept their relationship quiet in the beginning not realizing how much Callie knew.  Yes their lives had changed so much in the last year, everything had and the young girl never knew she would be happy again without her father being alive.  But was happy in a different way and still very much spoke to him most nights knowing he was listening to her. There were even a few occasions that she had seen him in random places smiling at her especially on the days that she felt her worst or on even good days.  That made her feel as if her father was always around and most certainly listening to her each night. Lena had also mentioned the power of angels something she believed in herself even if Stef could be somewhat skeptical. She was a tad more logical but supported her wife's beliefs and her little girls even if she had from time to time seen Mike as well.

Holding Lena's hand as the four stood on line Callie's letter was short and simple. Maybe she did feel a little foolish seeing that most of the kids were toddlers, and infants but as she glanced to Lena the slim woman could only smile softly at her knowing fully well what Callie was doing.

"Age doesn't matter sweetheart. Remember that." she whispered soon squeezing her daughters hand as Callie returned it holding her letter even tighter. Glancing back at Michael who was yapping the blonde's head off as he usually did and waiting patiently in line she remembered the feeling Michael felt. Many times she went with both her parents to visit Santa on Christmas Eve as they would rush home from work without even changing out of uniform just to take her. A few times they even had Santa at the precinct for the families which made it easier for them. The first time Stef and Mike took Callie was a few months after she had been born as they were so proud to show her off to their friends at work. Anyone would have been for she was such a sweet little baby and adored both her parents even at a young age. However, Callie had always been attached to her father and Stef encouraged their close bond knowing how important it was.

Maybe she had been a tad lost since his passing but Lena in someway had helped her find her path back. The road had not been easy for the teen but her little brother had helped as well allowing her to remember how to laugh and have fun again. Sure he could be handful at times  big handful but having him permanently she wanted more than anything.

Growing closer to the front and seeing that her little brother was next  Michael turned around and grabbed his sisters hand as the two made their way to Santa. It was safe to say he adored his big sister and as she grabbed his hand back the old man smiled at the two as Michael happily sat on his lap while Stef and Lena snapped photos. Before Callie could get a word in edgewise the jolly old man smiled at both kids asking the young boy what he wanted as Callie held the letter in her hand. 

"So Micheal have you been good this year?"

"I have! I have been really good. That's my mama and mommy over there and this is my sister Callie."

"Well how nice!And how lucky you are! Now tell me what would you like for Christmas?"

"I want to stay with them forever." Michael blurted out surprising Callie as well as the two women who stood close by. Most little boys would ask for toys but clearly Michael was not interested.

"Forever huh? Well that's one great present."

"It is. They are the best family ever. Can I get that instead of toys? I really don't need any. I just want them to adopt me and be my forever family."

"Well you let me see what Santa can do for you. How about that?"

"Ok! Merry Christmas Santa." He said happily and jumping off his lap.

"Merry Christmas Michael." As Callie watched her little brother jump into Stef's arms both women smiled at the young teen as she hesitantly handed the letter to Santa.

"I know I'm too old to believe in Santa and I don't really want anything either except for one thing and it's well written in the letter. I guess it's more of wish." Taking the letter from the young girl he smiled softly at her wondering if it was the same wish the little boy had.

"You are never to old to believe in Santa kid. You just keep wishing and believing and amazing things will happen."

"They already have. Merry Christmas Santa."

"Merry Christmas Callie." Smiling at the old man in red who she knew was just some stranger dressed in a suit she walked back over to her family and grab Stef's hand walking closely beside her.

"You ok sweets? Do you do what you needed love?"

"Yeah. Thanks mama."

"Anytime sweetheart. Anytime."



"Captain really?!" Callie said with more excitement in her voice as we all stopped for hot chocolate and Michael rested his head in my lap falling asleep. It had been a bit of a long day and we still needed to prepare for the party but decided to squeeze in a little more time for the four of us. Telling Callie about Stef's job offer was pretty exciting especially after seeing her reaction. I knew she would be happy for her mother for most of the time she really was.

"Yeah babe. I mean I didn't accept yet but I wanted to see how you felt about it honey. It's much more responsibility and I might have to work funny hours sometimes again." she said taking a sip of coco.

"That's ok. Mom is with us and I think it's awesome! You have to do it mama. Doesn't she mom?"

"Yes. You know you would be amazing at it. You know that right? Like it was something you were born to do."

"Ha you sound like my mother." She chuckled.

"Well she is right honey. You are a good cop but you would be an amazing Captain and then a lieutenant. I can't picture anyone else better for the job honey."

"That's sweet of you to say. I just want to make sure I'm home for you and our babies."

"Ma I'm not a baby." Callie said rolling her eyes as the both of us busted out laughing.

"In my eyes you always will be pretty girl whether you like it or not." Seeing her wink at Callie she poked her little nose as my hand slid inside of hers gently squeezing it as my other hand rubbed Micheal's little back.

"Sure, sure.  But I think you should go for it. No matter what happens mama. Dad would want you too. He really would."

"She's right honey he would." I said seeing her face grow sensitive and cracking a small smile.

"Yeah." Looking to me with the smile remaining on her face she looked down to Michael and gently rubbed his head and softly kissing my cheek.

"We all support whatever you decide to do my love. We are there for you. Even this little guy."


Either one or two chapters left!

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