
By typeyarchives

76.9K 2.1K 2.4K

For a fren. Yeet. Btw you guys don't need your hearts right? Good. There's angst, fluff, and possibly smut. I... More

Never letting go..
Movie Night
author's note yoooo
Slay, queen.
Please don't leave me..
Simply Meant to Be..
Snuggles ❤
ignore this please XD
something gay about someone I'm gay for
random shitpost.
The Gay Bus™
sorry but eh--
Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Her Story..
Help me. (update)
You're beautiful..
It's too cold..
Merry Everything!! (A/N)
Paranoia.. (Part 1)
More Of Evan Becoming A Badass
Is it so wrong?
Partners in Crime
H i (A/N)
R E Q U E S T S!!
Pleeeeaaaassseeeee? (A/N)
okey. (another A/N)
Short random shit
*dramatic sighing*
Saving a life
Don't.. read this.
Falling in love
Hey. (A/N)
Mother's Day
C h a l l e n g e
Merry Fucking Christmas
JARED STORE (I'm sorry please ignore this)
Regarding the challenge from June
apology thingy+promise of a new chapter
Empty AU

Jealousy.. (And Evan Becoming A Badass)

1.7K 57 199
By typeyarchives

Shit is about to go down. Connor is a homocidal dick. Thought you oughta know. Also SHIT THIS IS LONG.

Connor had had a thing for Evan for years. He went through so many loveless relationships, gay and straight, trying to forget abou Evan.

He thought he was getting better.. but.. he was slowly going ballistic.

And his hatred for Jared was growing.

Jared took what Connor loved.

And he decided he's gonna kill him for that.

A male was in bed with Connor when he loaded his gun.

"Connie-pie? What are you doing?" The male said.

Connor couldn't even remember the male's name. Like, was it.... Kurt.. something..

He didn't care.

"No witnesses." He muttered. He then shot the man in the head.

He left the house.

When he was at Evan and Jared's he knocked on the door.

"Kleinman!!" He screamed.

Jared was still at the police department, about to clock out.

So Evan heard.


Evan started freaking out. He ran and hid in a closet upstairs.

"You won't come out?" Evan heard. He then heard a gun cocking and someone kick the door open. "Then I'm coming in."

Evan called the police.

"Hello?" He said, his voice shaking. He was happy to hear his lover's voice on the other line.

"Ev? Something wrong? Do you need me to come home?"

"Yes. And come in police cars, bring back-up, please!! It's Connor, he-- he broke in.. he says he's gonna kill you.. he's got a gun.. "

Jared could hear him start to sob.

"Evvy!! You wouldn't call the cops on me, would you?" Connor yelled.


"I'll be right there, babe." He hung up.

A member of the squad walked by.

"Talking to your boyfriend on the job again?" They said.

"Yes. And his ex broke in. Looking for me.. and with a gun."

"Oh shit." They replied.

Later, three cop cars were full, Jared driving one of them.

They got to the house and the door was locked.

How convenient Jared had a key.

They heard sobs and insane chuckles from upstairs.


"Oh, good!! Your boyfriend is here. I don't have to make any more cuts then."

Jared's eyes widened, starting to fill with tears.


"I think you should let me have him.. or I might shoot." Connor yelled back.

They started to run up the stairs. Then they heard two gunshots.

They also heard a scream.

But also, something snapping.

Someone being punched multiple times. And slapped.

Someone falling to the ground.

They got into the room.

And Jared was horrified yet proud of the scene before him.

Evan. Multiple bloody cuts and bruises around his wrists. His right wrist was worse: deeper cuts all over it along with a gunshot wound.

To top it all of, his left eye was hardly visible.

Holding down Connor.

Connor had a black eye and multiple bruises on his arms.

"Shoot him." Evan said.

Connor pushed Evan off him and held up his gun.

But he didn't get a chance.

Because Jared shot him in the head.

Once Connor was down and declared dead by Jake, Jared's friend and member of the squad, Jared dropped his gun and ran over to Evan.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked immediately, looking at all of the bruises.

"Who cares?" Evan replied, tears filling his eyes yet again.

"I do." Jared told him, kissing his boyfriend quickly multiple times on his face. Evan giggled.

I know that was a "no shit, Sherlock" moment, but I really wanted to make that Steven Universe reference.

"Hey, Gay-red Kleingay." Jake interrupted.

"We should get your boyfriend into an ambulance.

Evan was losing blood. That was smart.

~1 week later~

"So can I see him?" Jared pleaded.

"He's in better condition today.. so, alright."

"Thank you!!" He then dashed to Evan's hospital room. Which was, ironically, room 911.

He ran in.

"Evan." He said. 

He kissed his boyfriend and hugged him. Then saw what he lost.

Left eye. Gone. Eyepatch where it was.


Jared gasped.

"Kinda cool, right?" He said.

"I'm gonna get a robotic arm.. thanks to a deal I made with a special company." He said, showing Jared a paper.

"That should be, like, thousands of dollars!!"

"It should, but.. they haven't had anyone use it before.. so I get to be the first one to have one, and it's only $50."

"Oh.. well.. sure." He and Evan signed some shit, then Jared was told to leave.

~1 month later~

Jared was sitting at home, terrified.

He hadn't seen Evan in a month and he had gotten no news from the hospital.

Then the door opened for him to see Rich and Jake with someone behind them.

"Hi, uh, Evan exploded." Rich said immediately. They both seemed super drunk.

"Yeah, he, uhhhhh.. he stuck his dick inside a bomb and his dick and everything else exploded." Jake agreed.

"He really dead."

Jared was laughing his ass off, as was Evan, who was behind them.

He stepped past them and hugged his boyfriend.

"That's the, uhhhh, air. That's the air, and your imagination. He's an illusion." Jake quickly tried to defend himself.

"Yes. Babe, I'm an illusion, do you still love me?"

"You can't talk. Cuthz you're an illuthsion. Illuthsions can't thzspeak." Rich said. 

Then something Jared didn't expect happened: a blue laser was shot at Rich's arm for less then half a second.

It apparently still hurt.

"OW! MOTHERFUCKER!!" Rich yelled.

Evan smiled and pressed a little blue button on his robotic blue arm, turning the laser off.

Jared stared. "YOU HAVE.A LASER?! THAT'S SO COOOOOOOL!!" He said in awe.

"Yup. No more crazy ex-boyfriends making me get my arms amputated. Another one of these would be cool though. I'd be, like, Terminator or something."

Jared smiled. "Can you get a laser eye too?"

"In a few months, they're releasing one." He adjusted his jacket.

Wait.. Evan doesn't own a red jacket.

"Oh, Jake, here's this back," He took it off, seeing Jared notice his jacket.

Jared gasped at what was pinned to Evan's shirt: a police badge.

"YOU'RE JOINING THE SQUADD!!" Jared cheered.

He kissed his boyfriend on the cheek.

Evan smiled.

"We thought a dude with a lazer that can kill someone in 3 seconds or less would be a badass addition." JD said, stepping onto the porch.

"Niceeee." Jared replied.

"I'm a badass now." Evan said, putting on a pair of shades.

Jared smiled. "Yes you are, babe."

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