Where I Stood

By Lexzandriya

347K 7.2K 514

Klaus hadn't gotten Hayley pregnant, but Helena Potter. Now the Mikaelsons struggle to take care of the myste... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 13

15.9K 419 38
By Lexzandriya

  Nearly six weeks had passed since Helena had threatened Marcel. Everyone at the compound was still walking on eggshells around her, no doubt frightened by the power she seemed to have. A normal human would not have been able to that to a newborn much less a two-hundred-year-old. They knew she was different, but no one asked, not even Klaus. And that had hurt her. It was as if Klaus wanted no knowledge of the mother of his child. He should know that whatever skill she had, her child would have it too. Helena refused to believe that Klaus hated her, but it was possible. Marcel was his 'son'. Speaking of Marcel, he had successfully found and persuaded a French quarter witch to reverse the curse.

The baby, who was still nameless, was fine. She would surely be more of a nightmare than Helena had been. As Ginny had said in one of her letters, "Considering who her parents are, it is to be expected."

Helena sighed. The Weasleys' had been telling her to bring her 'boyfriend' to England for the past three weeks and she had been putting it off.

Klaus had requested that she help Davina through whatever she was going through, Helena agreed, knowing that her experiences would help her understand what Davina had been going through. She had been spending a lot of time around Davina and had found out that both their circumstances had been rather similar. Both of them had been used for the so-called greater good, Helena by the Ministry, to act as a scapegoat, Davina by her coven's elders, to increase their power.

Helena's thoughts were interrupted by a timid knock on her door. "Come in,"

"Umm... hi." A newly resurrected Davina entered the room.

"Hello Davina, how can I help you," Helena asked smiling, no pity visible on her face or in her eyes.

"I heard about what you did to Marcel.-"

The smile vanished off Helena's face. "If you've come to tell me off-''

"Um... Actually, I was wondering if you could teach me how to fight. You know so that I can defend myself." Davina asked apprehensively.

"Oh," the smile returned. "I can teach you how to fight, but you are gonna have to learn to bear with how I teach. Just because you are a girl doesn't mean that I'll go easy on you, if anything I'll go tougher on you." Helena quoted what Remus had said to her when she had asked him to teach her how to fight. He had known that her parents would have wanted Helena to learn. He also knew that if she was anything like them, she'd be a force to be reckoned with. Both her parents had been fearsome warriors and it seemed that she had inherited their talents.

"Come on." She told Davina.

"Wait, you're gonna start teaching me now?"

"Ya, when else?"

"But you're pregnant."

"So what?" Helena retorted. "I ain't an invalid."

"I was thinking we'd start once you gave birth."

"No time like the present, Darlin'." Helena quipped.

"Okay." For the first time since she had been resurrected, Davina smiled.

As they reached the open area of the compound, Helena sighed, "It would be better if there was grass, but we'll make do."

Helena pulled Davina to the corner and told her, "The first thing when it comes to fighting well is good strength and stamina. When I was at school, I played our tribal sport, it was called Quidditch, it's a sort of combination of soccer and basketball, the size of the pitch was two times the size of a football field, while training, our captain would make us run two rounds but the man who trained me made me run ten. Alas, we do not have a pitch here, we are gonna run four rounds around the compound. But first, we are gonna change into sports shoes."
Helena felt a certain peace, helping Davina, a type of clarity she had not felt in a long long time. She saw herself in Davina. In truth, Davina was a lot like her, her devotion for those she loved, her determination for what she wanted...all this reflected Helena in Davina.

With the Mikaelson siblings

"How did she do that?" Was the question that Klaus, Rebekah, Marcel, and Elijah had been asking themselves, for the past six weeks. She could not be one of the five (as the five hunters could only be males.) She wasn't a werewolf that was for sure. A witch could not have that much strength. The only thing that she could be was a legend, a myth. None of the Mikaelsons had ever met one. Even the witches weren't sure of it. These... creatures were human, but they were immortal and they were known as wand wielders. The only thing that was able to kill them was a curse, 'Avada kedavra,' which means 'I destroy as I speak.' When translated from Aramaic. Wand wielders were known for their ruthlessness when it came to what they called purity of blood. They were also known for their skills as warriors, skills which rivalled those of the Vikings. In one of the books, written in more recent years, Elijah had read on wand welders, he came across a few paragraphs on the major wand wielding families:

The Wand Welding community, like any other community, has a certain hierarchy. In this community, there are seven families.

The Lord and Lady Diggory

The Lord and Lady Lovegood

The Lord and Lady Lestrange

The Lord and Lady Black

The Lord and Lady Longbottom

The Lord and Lady Malfoy

The Lord and Lady Potter

In our community it is not always the firstborn who inherits the legacy, it is the child that shows the most of what each family stands for.

House Diggory:

Words (Motto)- Loyalty is all there is to life

Values- Integrity

House Lovegood:

Words- Knowledge is power

Values- Curiosity

House Lestrange:

Words- the Strange One (devised from their surname)

Values- Uniqueness

House Black:

Words- Toujours Pur (always pure)

Values- Exclusiveness

House Longbottom:

Words- We might be small but we are not weak

Values- Courage

House Malfoy

Words- Money is time and time is money

Values- Ambition

House Potter:

Words- Now and Always, Family is Power.

Values- Love

In our community, these seven families form a council, a court of sorts. The council comes together every week, to discuss problems of the community.

Due to the passing of Lord James and Lady Lillyanne in 1981, the Potters have not been involved with the counsel for the past thirteen years.

Lady Helena, in the year of 1994 is now fourteen years, she will formally join the council on the 31st of July, in the year of 1997.


For the linages of houses Diggory, Lovegood, Lestrange, Black, Longbottom, Malfoy and Potter turn to pages 124, 185, 226, 256, 289, 309 and 372 respectively.

The lineage of House Potter:

The Potters are descended from the Peverells, who are descended from the Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, and Hufflpuffs.

The Ravenclaws and Hufflpuffs are not descended from any great families, in fact until the founding of Hogwarts, there are no notable achievements to their names.

The Gryffindors are another matter entirely. The Gryffindors are descended from the last fairy, Lyanne. As we know, the fairies were eradicated in the 'La Gran Guerra' (The Great War) Lyanne the Queen of fairies married into the Gryffindor family, which at that time, were the members of the council. Legend has it that any of Lyanne's descendant born on the thousand-year mark of her death would be born of extraordinary power.

There have been no known births until, 1980. On July 31st, 1980, Helena Potter was born. The fourteen-year-old we know as the 'girl who lived' is known to have extraordinary power. According to those close to her, The Girl Who Lived will be the greatest warrior our community had ever seen.

The name Potter had left the four of them shocked. Helena, a Wand Wielder? The four of them still had to pluck up the courage to ask Helena about this themselves. they knew that they would have to ask her eventually. Klaus decided that the time was now near.

Klaus was apprehensive about this as if this was true, Helena would be more powerful than him and he was not used to anyone being more powerful than him. If it was true and Helena did wield that much power, she would be able to take his child away from him and he would probably never be able to find either of them.

The thought of losing Helena or his unborn daughter was what scared him the most, he wanted to change and he knew that this child would be his chance to show the world that he was not a soulless monster. He was a person capable of love and warmth.

Elijah was having a hard time believing that such creatures did exist. In his thousand years, he had not even heard a myth about these creatures. They were witches, but couldn't control their magic? And needed wands? He was sceptical about it but knew that some amount of truth would be in those books. He had found those books in a fiction book store, recognizing the author's name he had purchased it. The author, Rita Skeeter, as far as he knew, was not a fiction writer, she was a journalist. A disgusting woman, who preyed on the weak, still he had bought the book and read it. Written like an informative biography he was surprised to see Helena Potter. Inferring that the Helena he knew and the Helena in the book could be one and the same, he read it. His assumption had been correct. There was a picture in the book that showed a younger, more playful image of her. He was apprehensive as he had no clue of these...people and hoped that they were agreeable.

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