Dark Sky

By ShaneAbbott

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The blinding flash came first, so intense that it blinded even through closed eyes. The deafening thunder fol... More

01 - Trapped
02 - The Coming Storm
03 - Rising Water
04 - A New World
05 - Supplies
06 - Survivor
07 - Signs of Life
08 - Distant Thunder
09 - Opportunity
10 - Power
11 - AM
12 - Taken
13 - If He Comes
14 - Unseen
15 - What Lies Above
16 - Staring Down a Barrel
17 - A Town Divided
19 - Into The Shadows
20 - A Place in the Woods
21 - The Cover of Darkness
22 - Reluctant Saviors
23 - Ghost Town
24 - Tend the Devil
25 - Seize the Moment
26 - Siege
27 - Escape Plan
28 - Abandoned
29 - Confession
30 - Gone Camping
31 - Tracked
32 - One Last Mission
33 - Deadly Refreshment
34 - Showdown
35 - Showdown pt2
36 - Together
Authors Note

18 - Animus

413 13 0
By ShaneAbbott

Chapter Eighteen

Day 4

Leila had been tired, hungry and scared when she arrived in Thrayston.

It had only been a few mile trek from Dinford but she had been in a hurry to escape and was paranoid she was being followed the whole way.

It had been getting late when she had run into Floyd and she was instinctively cautious of him. The events of the last few days had taught her not to trust anyone and Floyd had to talk her into accepting his help.

Taking her back to his crumbling ruin of a home they had sat by candle light whilst Leila told him her story.

Floyd had been horrified by the way she had been treated but not at all surprised. People did evil things in times of crisis and he knew it would only get worse the longer the world had no law and order.

She seemed completely distraught by the loss of her only friend to the villains that had held her captive and Floyd sensed she was close to giving up. He couldn't say that he blamed her, there wasn't much left for anyone to live for, but he also believed things would eventually get better.

He did his best to convince her but feared as they settled for the night that it would take more than a few kind words to lift her spirits.

It was a new day now and Floyd was heading back to the town hall as he had promised and he had convinced Leila to accompany him. One mention of radiation and she was as keen as him to leave.

However she was sure that if this town was contaminated everywhere she had been probably was too, but hoped that was not the case.

Floyd had told her of his plans to leave this town and move on to anywhere he believed to be safe. Leila had at this point told him of her desire to return to the farm house she had been abducted from. Floyd was a little confused as to why she would want to do that until she explained.

For the last day or so she had been unable to get the image of Joe lying lifeless on the kitchen floor out of her mind. She couldn't move on until she returned and laid him to rest. He didn't deserve to be left like that and she felt she owed him that much.

Floyd could understand that and agreed to help her with the task. But first he had to meet the others that wanted to join them at the town hall.

The town hall looked decayed, like it had fallen into disrepair years ago. Tiles were missing from the roof, even bricks and mortar had been blown away on large parts of the structure. It remained standing, but how long for was anybody's guess.

Floyd and Leila entered and made their way straight to the main meeting room. They were a bit early and no one had arrived yet, no one except Carlton who sat quietly at the far end of the table.

"Good morning mayor." Carlton greeted them unconvincingly.

Floyd eyed him with distrust. This young man was only here to ensure he left, obviously desperate to take his place as leader of the town.

"Carlton." He replied cautiously.

"Who's your lady friend?" Carlton enquired staring Leila up and down.

"This is Leila." Floyd introduced her not really interested in engaging this boy in conversation.

"Never seen her around before," Carlton continued prying.

Floyd offered Leila a seat then sat him self at the table.

"Probably not." Floyd flatly answered.

Carlton stood from the table and began to pace the room in an annoying nature.

"So, you still intent on leaving?" Carlton quizzed with a smirk.

Floyd rolled his eyes, "just as soon as the others arrive."

Carlton's smile widened.

"Is there a reason why your here?" Floyd's patients had run thin at the boys arrogance.

"Just wanted to say goodbye to my mayor before he ventures out into the world." Carlton lied.

"Oh cut the crap Carlton!" Floyd spat, "you didn't even know me before all of this."

Before Carlton had the chance to respond more people began to file into the room.

The four that Floyd had instructed to meet him here had arrived with half their belongings in tow and Floyd was a little dumbfounded. He wasn't sure how they thought they were going to carry all of it around indefinitely.

"No cars work after the bombs." He told them. "There's no way we can take all of that."

He continued to tell the group that the only luggage that was acceptable would be essential supplies. Personal belongings would only hinder their chances of survival.

"There's a car that works on market street." One of the arrivals told Floyd. "It's an older car with no onboard computers."

Floyd frowned but with interest. "How do you know it works? is it your car Ryan?"

"No it's not mine," he replied, "I had a wander to other day trying to find anything that still works. That was one that I found."

This was good news if it was true, Floyd thought. It would make their chances better.

"I think it only survived because it's old," Ryan told the group. "Made of basic tech that wasn't effected by any EMP."

"That's great." Floyd smiled, "Ryan go fetch it for us."

It didn't change the fact people couldn't take personal belongings along. With the five of them that were leaving plus the new recruit, Leila, it was going to be a very tight fit in any car. Not much room for extras.

There were a few grumbles at the idea of leaving their stuff but everyone knew Floyd was right and began to separate out the essential supplies.

"By the way everyone, this is Leila." Floyd introduced to the room. "She arrived from Dinford last night and will be joining us."

Mrs Williams, through a coughing fit was less than impressed at the addition of someone else. It was not an instant dislike, but she noticed quickly that Leila had no possessions at all. That meant no food or water.

"Do we have to give up our rations for her?" She asked abruptly before breaking into another coughing spasm.

Floyd noticed spots of discolouration that resembled bruising on mrs William's arm as she raised her hand to cover her mouth. He was no expert but he had seen enough cases over the last few days to know she was suffering from radiation poisoning. The dose she had received was not as strong as other victims as she was still alive, but Floyd feared it wouldn't be long.

"No Carol, I'm sure we can find some spare around town for Leila too." Floyd responded to her concern.

Carol felt a little better about the new arrival now. After all she did believe in safety in numbers, as long as they didn't consume her supplies.

"If she came from Dinford," Carlton interrupted, "why did she leave there?"

Leila gave a false smile as she realised people were a little sceptical about her presence and decided to explain herself instead of letting Floyd do all the talking.

"I was taken prisoner to Dinford," she told the group, "I'm here now because I managed to escape."

Carlton looked at her with an expression of doubt. "Prisoner? By whom? Why would they do that?"

"I don't know," Leila replied although deep down she knew. "They killed my friend and kidnapped me."

"Sounds a bit far fetched to me." Carlton dismissed her story.

"The world will show people for who they really are now," Floyd interjected getting more irritated by Carlton as time passed, "from what I have been told these people of Dinford fancy themselves as dictators. Leading their towns and people on a dangerous path that will eventually result in civil wars."

"Huh! That's a bit extreme isn't it," Carlton spat, the whole idea sounded absurd.

"Trust me, there is going to be lots of people fighting for control, and when they meet all hell is going to break loose." Floyd snapped back. "And I for one don't want to be around when that happens."

Carlton did not respond, but was actually thinking about what he had just been told, and as the group began to talk amongst themselves he exited unseen out of the room.

A plan of his own had developed from nowhere as he had listened to Leila's story and he wanted to slip away unnoticed.

He turned right out of the front door and began to head straight towards Market Street.

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