I've Dreamed Of You, My Dear

By kjujeee

52.6K 1.3K 269

Allie James is a 23 year old girl who lives with her father and little brother Richie. Bizarre​ dreams have... More

An Apology

*Store Shenanigans*

1.4K 37 6
By kjujeee

“Tobi, I'm bored and tired.” I whine rolling off the couch and onto the floor with a thud.
“I wish there was something I could do to make you not be bored, but it's 3am, love.” Tobias replies picking me up off the floor bridal style then setting me back in the couch.
“Can we go to the store?” I ask grabbing onto Tobi's hand before he walks away to keep his attention.
“I don't know what for, but sure.” Tobias gives me one of his leather jackets before we walk out of the door. “Put that on, it's chilly out.”
“Ok mom.” I sarcastically, then pout. “I look weird now. I'm like a fluffy biker bunny.” I say referring to my pink bunny onesie I'm wearing and the jacket Tobias gave me.
“Well, you're a cute biker bunny.” Tobi says getting into the car.
We pull up and I quickly get out of the car, running to Tobias’ side and grabbing his hand dragging him along once he gets out and closes the door.
“Come on!” I yell.
He just laughs and follows me into the store.
“So, why did you want to come here?” He asks grabbing a cart.
“Ice cream.” I say flatly, jumping into the cart. “Can you push me?” I ask giving Tobias puppy eyes.
He smiles and nods before quickly running through the store with me in the cart. I can't help but grin, this is the most fun I've had since the last time me and Sophia hung out. I frown slightly at the thought, but regain my happiness as we stop in front of the ice cream.
My eyes scan over the various flavors of ice cream. There are so many. Of course there were the original flavors, but there also was caramel truffle, coffee, strawberry cheesecake, and other strange ones too.
“Let's get the coffee flavored one.” I say pointing to it.
Tobias sighs as he opens the freezer door, “You and your coffee”
I smile at his remark, “I know I have a problem, but don't hate on me and my coffee!”
He places the ice cream in the cart next to me and starts running through the store again.
“Weeee!” I yell holding my hands up as if I was on a rollercoaster.
I hear Tobi laugh at my childishness as we come to a stop at the clothing section of the store and I jump out of the cart. I speed walk over to where the beanies are and see one with cat whiskers on it.
“It’s so cute!” I squeal.
“Not as cute as you.” I hear Tobi say from somewhere behind me.
I casually shrug off what he said.
I feel a hand rest on my hip which causes me to jump. “What the fuck?” I say looking to see where the hand came from, only to see Tobias next to me with his arm around me. He starts moving his hand away, but I stop him.
“Sorry,” I say leaning into his side, “I wasn't expecting you to do that, and I thought you were someone else.”
“It's ok. I should have known better than to do that.” He says looking at me with sympathetic eyes.  
I stand on my tip-toes and kiss his cheek to show him I accept his apology. I turn my attention back to the beanie and take it off the things it's hanging on then place it on my head.
Tobias just shakes his head and chuckles, then starts looking through the rack of hats. I watch him do so for maybe two minutes until he pulls out a pokemon hat and starts singing the theme song.
‘And this is why we both shouldn’t be allowed to go to stores at three in the morning while being really tired.’ I think to myself as Tobi gestures for me to get back into the buggy as we go other places in the store.
As I got in the buggy Tobias starting running down the aisles once again, only this time both of us were yelling the pokemon theme song at the top of our lungs and getting judgemental looks from the other people here. We continue down the aisle until an employee comes over to us and makes us stop.
“You guys need to stop yelling and running through the store, we have gotten a few complaints already about you two.” The employee says standing in front of our cart.
“But it’s fun to run around and yell.” I say, then yawn.
“Well missy, this is a store, it’s not supposed to be ‘fun’.” Mrs Employee sassed.
“Who shitted in your-” I began only to an stopped by Tobias placing his hand over my mouth.
“Cool it Allie.” He shushed.
I take a deep breath to call myself and look at Tobias as he continues to speak. “Look, we simply came here because we were bored and we were trying to entertain ourself.”
The female employee’s eyes narrow towards us, “Listen here, this isn't a place to ease boredom, it's a store.”
“Oh fuck you lady.” I flip the girl off getting annoyed with her attitude.
“Ok, that's it, you guys need to leave.” The lady said walking closer to us.
I take off the beanie I took from the rack and throw it in the buggy as I jump out of it. Tobi follows suit and takes my hand in his as we walk out of the store. Once were outside I let out a frustrated grumble.
“I wanted my ice cream.” I whine while pouting.
“I know,” Tobi sympathises, “that lady wasn't very nice.”
“Don't remind me.” I groan letting go of his hand and getting into the passenger side of the car.

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