Under the Elms

By voxofp

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Prince decides to try to rekindle a romance he dropped years before when it was inconvenient. Sofia Brown is... More

The cost of winning
Author's Note
Once Upon A Time
January 18th, 2008, 11 p.m.
First Date Reboot
Act II
The Beautiful Experience
The Beautiful Experience, Part II
Where were you?
The only woman
New Normal?
Trying again
Second Date
Snow Magic
Third Date
What am I gonna do?
Where are we going?
Prince Airways
The Sun, Moon and Stars
Captain Crunch
Candid Camera
Morning glory
Love in a Garden
All Eye Want Is You
Happy Endings
Time to fly
What do you Believe?
Surprises, Good and Bad
Catching Up
Reality Bites
Wait, what?
Ready for inspection?
Tea Party
Cherish and deeply respect

Avoidance and Intimacy

895 46 50
By voxofp

What's going on? Sofia's good mood drained away as quickly as her smile. She voiced her thoughts.

'What's the matter? I thought things were going really well.'

Prince walked over, rubbing his hands up and down her arms in a soothing manner. 'Something's come up. Come in the studio with me, so I can explain it privately.'

Puzzled, she took his hand and let him lead her to the studio. Is it over, before we really got to know each other? If so, this is going to kill me.

Seating Sofia in a studio chair, he sat in one facing her. 'Why so formal?' she asked, as he still wasn't smiling.

'This is a serious conversation,' he replied. 'There's one part of my life that I didn't want to have to share with you so quickly, but it's become necessary.' If this ends it for us..I don't want the downside of my career to end my relationship with her. I want her in my life, dammit!

He reached for her hand, which she gratefully latched onto. His face became even more serious, sending a chill through Sofia. He's still married. He has a child no one knows about. He...Oh, stop it, Sofia, just listen to the man. He watched her square her shoulders. He hated that they had to have this conversation.'Okay, what is it?'

'Someone has blabbed to the press that we, well, I'm here,' he said, grimacing. 'The driver had to fight his way into the gate when he arrived, 'cause there are so many damn photographers camped outside. I hadn't been monitoring the outside camera, or I would have notified the local police. Unfortunately, they're on public property, so they have every legal right to be there.' He wrinkled his nose in distaste, then continued. 'I was hoping to avoid the freakin' circus they make of everything for this one week, while we spent some time together alone.'

'I'm a big girl, Prince, I think I'll be okay. I don't scare that easy.' Well except for the thought of losing you...

Prince stood, pulled Sofia up, and wrapped his arms around her waist. She put hers on his shoulders, toying with the hair at the back of his neck. The loving look on the face tilted up to his meant the world to him. 'I love that you feel that way. I've called for more security for us, based on the numbers the driver reported. This used to be something I could manage, but now shows and websites like TMZ have turned these folks rabid. They don't follow any of the rules of common decency; they'll do pretty much anything to get their footage. I just wanted to give you a heads up as to why we aren't leaving right away. I signed up for this-Well, not this, exactly, but I knew publicity would be part of what I would have to do. No one wants to be treated the way the press treats celebrities now.' He took a deep breath, then released it slowly through his nose. It didn't do anything to release the tension in his shoulders.

'I think I'll be okay,' Sofia repeated, stroking along his neck to his shoulder, trying to create some ease.

'It's just that you didn't ask for any of this, and you didn't come seeking me out after all our years apart; it was the other way around. I didn't think about how hard this could be for you, losing your private life so abruptly. They'll figure out who you are by tomorrow, and everyone you work with will know how you spent your week. You'll be on the newsstands in the grocery stores, because you're a new face, and every new face around me gets turned into a big deal. You'll get a lot of questions when you go back to work, from co-workers, parents, maybe even kids. We may need to contact the school administration and give them a heads up; you may need security at school, which I will gladly provide.'

'Woah. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's enjoy our day on our new timetable, and see what happens. You've thought so far ahead, if any of these scenarios happen, you'll get in control of things quickly; that's very clear. I'm not willing to give this up'-she motioned between them-'because of them. Are you?'

Prince placed a tender kiss on her forehead. Thank you for this strong woman, Jehovah. 'No, babe, I'm not. I'm sorry this is the way it is. Now I'm convinced I'll have to find a different place for us instead of this location, one with better security. I know how much you like this house.'

'You goof! It isn't this house or location I like so much; it's being here with you. Got it?' she replied, poking him lightly on the nose.

'Got it,' he replied, pulling her in for the kind of kiss that made her brain fog up. Ending the kiss, he finally smiled. 'Babe, you have no idea how thankful I am for your response right now. Not just that, how grateful I am for you.'

'Same here,' she said, pulling him in for another deep kiss. His body responded eagerly to her initiating the kiss. After toying with the idea of bending her over the soundboard, he decided to stick with his original plan. They'd have privacy later. He wanted unhurried time to gain an even more intimate knowledge of her body.

'The security team should be here by now,' he said, opening the studio door and waiting for her to exit, before walking beside her, hand once again in the small of her back. Touching her skin in any way had a grounding effect on him, which he needed. Nothing frustrated him more than the fact that he wasn't free to be himself anywhere except Chanhassen. He knew he couldn't change it, but the reality was something he could never escape. He hated others having any influence in how he lived his life.

Entering the main living area, three burly, tall, African-American men in matching polo shirts, dress pants, and thick soled shoes were standing in place, in a very military style.

'Prince, these are the extra security you ordered,' Hentley said, by way of an introduction.

'Sir, we pride ourselves on being the best in the Caribbean. I hope we can prove that to you today,' said the man standing at the apex of the triangle they had created with their bodies. 'When you are protected by us, you are protected.'

'Good to know. What should we call you?' Prince liked their professional demeanor, and wanted to keep it that way, even on vacation.

'I'm Curtis, and my colleagues are Bradley,' pointing to the gentleman on his right, 'and Tamir,' pointing to the gentleman on his left. The three of them looked comfortably in charge. Sofia could feel the extra testosterone in the room. Prince brings enough on his own...

'I appreciate your quick response, and your discretion. I'll have NDA's available for you to sign momentarily.'

'No need, sir, they're attached to our contract. It's definitely an important part of our job. Most of our employers find ours more comprehensive than the one they use.' Curtis, obviously the leader, handed him a black file folder that he'd been holding in his left hand.

Opening the folder, Prince read through it. 'If I didn't know better, I'd think you had copied mine. This covers everything I require of my employees. It will do.'

'If you'll tell us where we're headed, we'll leave just ahead of you and secure things for your arrival,' Curtis finished. There was an air of alertness among the three men, as if they were weighing possible scenarios already.

'The Phantasea Tropical Botanical Gardens,' Prince replied. 'I've rented it for the day. There is catering arriving in 25 minutes, or close to it.' Turning to Sofia, he twisted his mouth ruefully. 'Sorry to spoil the surprise.'

'It sounds wonderful. Thanks for planning today.' She went on her tiptoe to kiss him on the cheek, briefly. He gave her a tiny frown, then turned to the three men and the driver. 'I guess we're ready, then.'

'All right. Tamir and I will be in the forward car, and Bradley will ride up front with your driver. That should take care of things. All right with you?' He directed the last comment to the driver, who simply nodded his agreement. He turned back to Prince for final confirmation. 'Sir? Will that work for you?'

'Yes, that's fine.' Taking Sofia by the hand, they trooped out the door in formation; first the driver, then the three security men in their triangle formation around Prince and Sofia. Once they were safely in the town car that had been turned into a limo, Prince slid the dividing window up.

'First, I'm glad the driveway is long and winding. I don't think anyone got pictures of us leaving the house. Second,' he stroked her hand with his thumb, not quite meeting her eyes, 'I'd prefer it if we didn't indulge in public displays around new staff. Third,' he held up a finger to forestall her response, 'When we get out of the car, hat and sunglasses on. Makes you harder to place with facial recognition software. Trust me, they have it.'

'So much cloak and dagger sounding stuff! Is this really your life?'

'Sadly, yes. It amazes me there are people who actively seek this sort of thing out. One more thing,' he said, pulling her onto his lap. 'Thank you.'

'For what?' Sofia looked truly puzzled.

'Just, thank you.' A mind numbing, body melting kiss followed, more than making up for his warning about public displays of affection. Sofia settled in, ready for an extended make out session. She almost jumped out of Prince's lap when the banging on the limo windows began. Fortunately, he was able to hold her securely. He closed his eyes and took another deep breath to center himself.

'We must be out of the gate. This won't last once we get going. I'm sure they'll follow us, though. This is exactly why I ordered more security. It's a quick trip, so I should go over this with you now.' Seeing Sofia's quizzical look, he placed a quick peck on the end of her nose.

'You will always be first in the car, last out. That's my rule, not theirs. They may try to persuade us otherwise, but I'm firm on that. We will enter and leave every public place the way we left the house today.'

'Okay, I can do that,' she agreed.

'They'll yell-The press, I mean. Typically it isn't obscene these days; it would screw up video coverage. They all know I won't speak, and I'm not going to stop for a photo op. Do not, under any circumstances, let go of my hand or stop walking. Okay? Once we're inside it will be fine. We have the whole place to ourselves for today.'

'It still sounds ridiculous to me, but the way they pounded on the windows was pretty scary.'

'Never let fear rule, babe. They're just people. Being afraid gives them power. Keep looking at me. I'll feel your eyes, I promise.'

The car slowed down, and Sofia stiffened. Prince placed the hat on her head, and kissed her gently on her cheek. Meeting her eyes, he said, 'There's no one else I want to be with. You make me so happy...' Opening her sunglasses, he gave her an intense kiss, then slid the glasses on. 'Okay, your armor is on. Nothing can hurt you. If anything tries, I'll protect you. And those, big, tall, mean looking brothers, of course.' He smirked, she giggled.

Over the intercom, the lead security team member's voice rang out. 'We've arrived, Sir, and the advance team has your entry secure. We'll knock on the door twice before we open it. As you are the primary target of the photographers, we ask that you exit first, please.'

'No problem,' Prince replied. I'll be keeping Ms. Brown beside me at all times.

'Um, Mr. Nelson, if I may-'

'You may not. It's non-negotiable.'

'You're the boss...' the security leader sounded resigned.

Prince slid Sofia beside him on the seat, and took her hand. With his other hand, he caressed her cheek. 'So beautiful,' he murmured.

The knocks on the car door were felt and heard. 'Showtime,' he said.

The door opened, and the noise attacked. Multiple voices yelling at once. It wasn't the same as the roar of the crowd Sofia remembered from touring with him in the past. That had been filled with love. This felt aggressive and angry. Prince stepped out, turned back to her, and squeezed her hand. 'Come on, babe,' he coaxed.

She stepped out, and her breath caught in her throat. He felt her hesitation, and squeezed her next to him, forcing the triangle of security wider. The driver closed the door and brought up the rear. They hustled into the building. The security team was so tall and broad, Sofia never saw the photographers, but she heard their strident voices and felt their negative energy.

Once behind closed doors, Sofia let go of the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. Prince kissed the hand he was still securely holding. 'See, it wasn't so bad.'

'There's worse?' Sofia shuddered.

'There can be,' Prince replied, taking off her sunglasses. 'Join me in this moment, babe. Leave that,' he continued, motioning behind her, 'behind.' Taking off her hat, he grasped both items and turned toward the woman standing in front of the second set of doors.

'Welcome to the botanical gardens. We're happy you chose to come. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.'

'I'm sure we will,' he replied, taking her hand, he led Sofia through the other set of doors, and into a miniature paradise. Blooming flowers and plants were everywhere. Some Sofia recognized from florist shops, most she did not. A whirring sound occurred near her ear, and she realized tiny birds that looked like hummingbirds were streaking toward a feeder.

'We held off on their breakfast so you could watch their antics,' said a pleasant looking woman with a hot pink polo shirt, a ballcap to match, jeans and work boots. 'Hi, I'm Patsy,' she continued. 'Welcome to my garden. Let's take a look around, I'll show you the main paths, then I'll let you explore in peace. After the entrance you just had, I'd say you need some.'

'Hello, Patsy, I'm Prince and this is Sofia,' Prince said, continuing to hold Sofia's hand.

'I recognized you, sir. I've been a fan since 1981. Thanks for all the joy you've given me through the years. I hope today returns some of that to you.'

'Well now, must be why I picked this place.' Prince gave a professional smile. 'Patsy, thank you. Where to first?'

Patsy took them on a slow but steady walking tour, showing off her amazing collection of orchids and bromeliads, other flowering plants and the birds, bees, and butterflies that helped pollinate it all. Once she felt they knew their way around, she said,

'If you follow this path, there is an area set up and ready for you to enjoy tea. This is the US side, but we've borrowed some customs from our British neighbors. I hope you enjoy the rest of your visit. I'll be in the office doing paperwork and organizing should you need me. Otherwise, you're the only ones here, and my gardens are very secure. I was surprised to see the press, since this is private property. They aren't there anymore, and they've been warned...' her fierce facial expression made Prince and Sofia snicker. Patsy joined in.

'Thanks, Patsy. You have created a beautiful sanctuary here. I know we'll enjoy our time.' Prince reached out and shook hands, something he rarely did. Patsy gave off a gentle aura, and didn't try to crush his hand with a handshake. She smiled and nodded to Sofia, who also thanked her and shook her hand. Then Patsy headed back the way she'd come, leaving Prince and Sofia to explore on their own.

Prince wrapped an arm around Sofia, pulling her closer as they meandered down the path. She stopped in front of an incredible spray of orchids. 'God's handiwork is truly remarkable. Look at all the variety around us, in this small area. It's so different from Minnesota, and so beautiful in its own way.'

'We haven't spoken about our beliefs yet, but I'm happy to hear you talk about a creator,' Prince said. Walking around a bend, he continued, 'Ah, this looks like the place.'

It was not what Sofia was expecting.

An upholstered high backed settee was placed in a clearing with a rectangular table in front, heavy linen tablecloth and napkins making a lovely base for china painted in a riot of flowers. In addition to the china place settings, the teapot was also painted in the same joyful pattern. Crystal stemware was in place, ready for the champagne chilling in an ice bucket. Off to one side were all the treats you could imagine for an elegant, sophisticated tea party. The entire area was surrounded with orchids, bromeliads, and lush tropical foliage. A beautiful, elegant hideout.

'Oh, this is wonderful!' Sofia breathed, standing still, taking it all in.

'I'm glad you like it. This is how I described it to Patsy and the caterer. They followed my directions perfectly.' Prince looked pretty smug. 'Let's go have some tea before it gets cold.'

'And some champagne before it gets warm,' Sofia responded, giving Prince a little side eye. He chuckled in response. Together they walked to the settee. Prince moved the table back and seated Sofia, then walked over to the treat table. Taking several trips, he filled the table with various treats, butter, clotted cream, and jam.

Seating himself, he turned to Sofia. 'I am Pepe, your way-tair today, okay,' he said, in a terrible French accent exactly like the muppet character Pepe the King Prawn. 'What do you desire today, mademoiselle? I know what I desire,' he continued, picking up her arm, giving loudly smacking kisses from palm to elbow.

Sofia giggled. 'You nailed that awful accent!' Prince frowned. Sofia calmed down, realizing he wanted her to play along. 'Pepe, I'd love a tiny scone with some clotted cream. Would you like tea? I can pour.'

'Certainment, mademoiselle. Your weeesh ees moi command, okay?' Prince twirled an imaginary mustache, and Sofia fell out, laughing. Prince suddenly pulled her closer, giving her a slow, sweet kiss that was so tender it overwhelmed Sofia.

She pulled back a little. 'Wow, what was that for?' She giggled, slightly shaken by the rapid change of mood, from silly to sensual.

'Do you remember my note, the poem?' Sofia nodded yes with a secret smile, the smile of a woman who has been thoroughly loved. 'What do you think my body is telling you, Sofia?'

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