Guy And Marian Retold

By us32203

37.5K 510 37

Although I'm not a huge fan of the 2006 series Robin Hood, I love how Richard Armitage plays Guy of Gisborne... More

Guy And Marian Get Married
The Next Morning
Love And Jealousy
The Sheriff's Visit
The Castle
Snakes of the Human and Reptile Kind
Rash Decisions
Fortune Hunters
Night Activities
Daytime Games
Armor and Amour
Confrontations and Re-creations
Saving Graces
The Choices We Make
Clean Slates
Near Misses
Lucky Escape

Guy's First Time Away

2.1K 28 0
By us32203

Just when we were starting to settle into a routine of sorts, the Sheriff sent for Guy on some matter of business. We had been married about a week, and I must admit that most of that time had been spent in bed -- talking as much as other activities -- and I was becoming more comfortable with him. I didn't want him to go when we were just getting to a good place, and told him so.

"Marian, you know I have to go. I work for the Sheriff, and he wants me there right now. I'll be back as soon as I can. Besides --" he came up to me and caressed my jaw, "-- I cannot stay away from such a wife for long." I smiled at him, and he bent down for a kiss -- one that left me quite weak in the knees, and holding onto him for support, and left him smiling -- before walking out the door.

Sighing, I sat at the table. What would I do for however long he was gone? That was the part I liked least -- who knew how long the Sheriff would keep him there? Then I wondered why I, who had always been so independent, was pining away for Guy. Couldn't I survive a few days without him? Yes, but I found that I didn't want to. I thought about taking my horse for a ride, but decided to do that a bit later. First, I wanted to eat something. Just as I was getting up, two hands covered my eyes and a voice whispered in my ear.

"Guess who?" Grabbing the hands, I twirled around to find Robin standing behind me, a grim smile on his face.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in an irritated voice, my hands on my hips. "You shouldn't be here, Robin. Guy would kill you if he saw you!"

"I have come to see if you are ready to be taken away from this prison yet. You can live with us in the forest." He held out his hand.

"Robin, you know I can't do that. I'm not going to leave now that my father is protected. Guy knows I'm the Night Watchman after discovering where he stabbed me, and if I leave he could use that against me. It's done, and you have to understand that." I didn't actually think Guy would use that information against me, but if telling Robin that would make it easier for him to leave, I was willing to say it. Robin stared at me, realization and disgust on his face.

"Did you let him touch you, Marian?" His accusing eyes took in my flushed face and he groaned at the answer he saw there. "I don't know why I asked...neither one of you has left the house since you got here. What else would you be doing?" I rolled my eyes. Of course he had been spying on us. How else did he know when to come in?  He must have gone away the day we went to the glade in the forest, and I was glad he hadn't witnessed that interlude.

"Robin, he is my husband. Of course I let him touch me. It was...nice." I blushed as I thought about what an understatement that was. To say it was nice was like saying a monsoon was a light mist. Guy played my body like a finely tuned instrument every time we made love.  It was more than that, though -- he cared how I felt and whether I came to completion, and he always helped me to that end no matter what. Every time had been much more than nice. It had been amazing. Robin snorted his disbelief. He tried one more tactic.

"Did he tell you that the King isn't in England after all? That you didn't have to marry him?" He looked smug as he said it. I sighed, realizing again just how childish he was.

"Yes, Robin, he told me. He explained what happened, and I believe him. He also kept my father away, to protect him and so he could be at the wedding." He shook his head at my complaisance. I took a deep breath and continued. "And he told me he loves me. It's not so bad. You need to leave me alone. We can never be together now."

"He doesn't love you...all he loves is money and power! I love you, Marian! I can protect you...just come with me. I don't care that you're married to him." He held out his hand, but I ignored it.

"Robin, I can't. Please understand that." I folded my arms over my chest.

"Marian, you can't be happy with him. You can be happy with me. Come with me now." I shook my head.

"Robin, you don't understand. I am happy here, with Guy. He is my husband; I am his wife. I don't want to see you again. Please leave." He started to protest.

"You heard my wife -- she doesn't want to see you any more. It's best that you leave now, before I forget my manners." I twirled around (again) to see Guy standing in the doorway, a dark scowl on his face. Robin looked from me to him, then back to me.  I wondered how much he had heard -- if he'd heard about the Night Watchman part, I probably had some explaining to do.

"Very well, I will leave. But this isn't over."

"Yes it is, Robin," I responded firmly. "Please leave me alone." With one more furious look at Guy, Robin left. I looked cautiously over at Guy, whose expression had changed to one of concern.

"Are you ok, Marian?" he asked gently. I released the breath I had been holding, relieved that he wasn't angry at me.  He must have only been there for the last bit.

"Yes, Guy. I didn't know he was planning on coming here. I --" He walked over to where I was and took me in his arms.

"Are you really happy with me?" he asked softly. I pulled away to look up at him, and was surprised at the naked uncertainty I saw on his face.

"I never thought I'd say this but, yes, I am. I thought I loved Robin, but being with you has opened my eyes a little. When I married you it was to protect my father, but I am learning that there can be more than that to us." I felt him relax at my admission, and he pulled me to him for a kiss, which quickly turned heated. His hands roamed over my body, and I moaned into the kiss, my arms going up and around his neck. How quickly he could make me want him!

He pulled me flush against him, and I could feel his need for me, pushing against my stomach. I needed him too, with a sudden intensity that always surprised me. He picked me up, carried me to the table, and sat me on the edge, still kissing me all the while. My eyes widened when he started pulling my skirt up, bunching it at my thighs. Were we really doing this The apparent answer was yes, and I realized I didn't care. After the forest glade, the table was tame, honestly.  Plus, his kisses did things to me...made me forget everything but him.

My hands left his neck to unlace his pants, which surprised him, it seemed, because his hands momentarily stilled. Maybe he thought I was going to push him away. Once he realized what I was doing, however, his kisses took on a new urgency. When I finally succeeded in releasing him from his pants, he grabbed me and pulled me toward him, entering me at the same time. I gasped with delight and he growled low in my ear.  My hands went back up around his neck, caressing his nape as he took me on our dining room table.

It didn't take log for us to reach our peaks, and after we were done, he laid his head on my shoulder a few minutes, his breathing ragged. I continued caressing his neck as we calmed down. When he pulled his head away and looked at me, his expression was one of amazement. He laced his pants back up, and I pushed my skirts back down. He caressed my face tenderly.

"Ah, Marian, I wish I didn't have to go. I could stay here with you forever. But --" here he sighed, "-- duty calls. I shall hurry back to your arms as soon as I can." We smiled at each other.

"What made you come back?" I asked curiously.

"I forgot my sword like a besotted idiot, which I almost did again after this pleasant diversion." I blushed, and he smiled. Again with the crooked smile. I was really starting to like that smile. He picked up the sword from where he had left it, on a smaller table in the next room. I saw him to the door and stood on tip-toe to give him a kiss, and then he was gone. Robin didn't return -- he was probably off sulking in the woods.

After eating some leftover stew, I went out to saddle my horse, and decided to ride over to Knighton and see my father. He was probably still worried about me, and I wanted to make sure he knew I was ok. When I got there, he came out to greet me, and we hugged. I went in and we caught up on the week, me assuring him that being married to Guy wasn't all that bad.

"He told me he loves me, Father, and is always gentle with me. I am learning so much about him, and I'm hoping to influence him in a positive way, maybe even to stand up to the Sheriff." I also told him about the King, and how Guy had protected him, and he looked a little surprised.

"I'm glad he is treating you well, Marian. It does my old heart good to know. I will have to thank him for probably saving my life." I smiled and laid my hand on his arm. I stayed until dusk, enjoying going back to old habits and spending time with him. When it was time to leave, we hugged again, and he promised to visit me, and Guy if he was there, soon.

I spent a lonely night at home, amazed at how fast I had gotten used to Guy's presence, voice, smiles, touches...everything. After a quiet dinner I headed upstairs to the empty bedroom and sat at my vanity for some time before preparing for bed. I slipped my nightgown on, thinking wistfully that any other night it would be off within five minutes. I took a moment to wonder why I even wore it still -- at least when he was home. But I quickly realized that he seemed to quite enjoy taking it off of me, and smiled at the memories of him doing just that.  Sometimes he opened me slowly like a present; other times he was impatient, and had ripped more than one. Sighing, I fell into a fitful sleep, my dreams filled of the times we had spent in this bed.

I awoke in the middle of the night, the crickets chirping outside and the sky still dark. I had been dreaming of making love with Guy, and I was aching with want. My hands moved of their own volition, doing the things I wanted him to do to me. Over my breasts, my nipples growing hard, down my stomach, finding myself wet, I started stroking. Moaning, I pushed myself over the edge. It wasn't like being with Guy, but almost as good. Almost. I fell back into my fitful sleep.

The next day I toured the Locksley lands for the first time as Lady Gisborne. I had been on them so much growing up, while Robin was gone, and after he came back and was replaced by Guy, that I knew them well and was able to find my way. I hadn't been around since a week or so before the wedding. All the people who lived on the lands were happy to see me, and seemed happy to have me as the Lady of Locksley, even if was as Lady Gisborne. When I asked them how Guy treated them, they got nervous, and didn't really want to answer. Perhaps I could also be a positive influence on his treatment of the people in his care. Since he was their Lord and their Tax Collector, I imagined it must get confusing for them.

I had brought a lunch with me, and stopped to eat near a burnt down building on the far side of Locksley lands. When I had asked Robin and my father about it, they had always changed the subject. I wondered if Guy knew the story, and would be willing to tell me. I decided to ask him when he returned, but by the time he did I had forgotten about it again.

I also decided to start touring Guy's lands every week, and wondered whether I could get him to come along, or if he ever did on his own. I believed I could; that he would go simply because I asked him. I had known for quite some time that I had him wrapped around my finger, but in the past I had only used that knowledge to work against him. Imagine what I could do while working with him!

After finishing my lunch I continued on my way, visiting more of Guy's tenants. The Locksley lands were extensive, and I didn't get back home until after dusk, which I was glad for. The day's activity had kept my mind off the emptiness of the house, and I was so exhausted when I got back that I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.

On the third day Guy was gone, the weather turned hotter than usual, with no breeze whatsoever. The house was unbearable, so I went outside to sit in the shade, which wasn't much better. Looking across the yard, I saw the pond, and a few seconds later I was on my way over to it for a swim. Leaving on just my chemise, into the water I went. It was pretty cold, and I came up sputtering. It took me a few minutes to get used to, but once I did it was really nice.

Upon coming back up to the surface after another underwater dunk, I felt arms encircle me from behind. Panicking, I lashed out, managing to connect with something.

"Marian," he grunted, and I recognized Guy's voice. Gasping in relief, I turned in his arms and flung my arms around his neck.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't realize it was you!" I cried out.

"It's fine, Marian. I'm happy to know you would fight off any would-be attacker."

"You should know how good I am at that, Guy." I held my breath, hoping he took that the right way. He did.

"You're right...I do remember how well you fought that night." He smiled down at me, and I raised up for a toe-curling kiss. I quickly discovered that he was wearing even less clothing than I; a circumstance which we quickly used to our advantage. I was really starting to get the hang of this marriage business.

His gaze was heated as he slid it from my face to my chest, where my nipples poked out underneath the sheer fabric of the chemise, just above the water. He brought his hands to them, teasing them more, and I arched my back and moaned. His eyes came up to mine, and he inhaled sharply at what he saw there.

"Do you want me, Marian?" His voice was hoarse, like it had been on our wedding night, and he sounded incredulous, although I thought he was attempting to sound commanding. I liked that I had that effect on him, since he sure had that effect on me. I swallowed and nodded, not trusting myself to speak. He shook his head. "I want to hear you say it." I trembled and moaned again.

"Yes, Guy," I whispered, "I want you, right here, right now." He groaned, and I stepped closer, until I could feel his erection against my stomach. I reached down and took it in my hand, and whispered once more. "I want to feel you inside of me."

He groaned, and his hands slid down my sides, down until they found the bottom of the chemise. They skimmed back up my thighs, pushing my chemise up with them. His touch was light, and sensual, and my breathing grew ragged. I gazed up at him as his head bent toward mine, my lips parted as I waited for his kiss. He lifted me into his arms and my legs wrapped around his waist. I eased onto him, taking him fully inside me, and his hands on my hips urged me on.

He released my lips and brought his to my ear, and he started to whisper those words.

"Je t'aime." I love you. "Je vous chéris." I cherish you. "Je t'adore." I adore you. "Tu es ma vie." You are my life. "Vous êtes mon cœur." You are my heart. My heart swelled, and I thought it might burst. What was this feeling? Not love, not yet, but definitely a tenderness for this man. He was so completely unlike who I had thought he was. I brought his face to mine and kissed him. We took our time, feeling the sensations build until I moaned into the kiss and shuddered my release. His followed soon after.

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