Loved Beyond A wall

By tahiramaahes

54 5 3

In another dimension, a world divided in half, Sahira is the heiress to the throne of the Warrior of Nature... More

Born a Queen Chapter 2
Born To Be A Conqueror Chapter 3
Peace Before war Chapter 4
The End Of The Beginning Chapter 5

The warrior of Nature Chapter 1

23 1 3
By tahiramaahes

Sahira woke up in her small wooden hut, still in her bed, enrolls in cotton sheets. She was very tired from yesterday's training. She was  the princess of the Warrior of Nature and future heiress of the throne: so she needed to be the strongest among them all, even much stronger than her mother. Only the strongest warrior could lead the others, and she had to develop her powers till it maximum, even if she had to die trying to do so. 

She raised from the bed and walked towards the bathroom. She looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her golden eyes, shone as always, and her dark red hair, with light streaks of  gold were ruffled. Her light brown skin looked smooth as always, no scars. Her peoples had the ability to heal rapidly. A gifted bestowed to them by Mother Nature for protecting her heritage, Sahira's people believed.  After taking a bath, she went in the throne room, to meet her mother, the Queen. The Queen wanted to meet all the Leaders to discuss an important issue.

The Queen residence was far away from the hut of sahira, even though they were related and she was  the Queen's daughter.  In fact, no one among the warriors had access to the principal residence of her majesty, only the mages were allowed beyond this, and no one among them had ever seen the mages. The reunion with the Leaders was held in a place build specifically for this. And whoever went beyond this place, was never seen again. No question was asked and no one needed to doubt the order, for this order was necessary to maintain peace among the warrior of Nature, and this peace was necessary to protect Nature. 

Walking outside her hut towards the throne, Sahira ravished her soul with the view and the fresh air. Her village with many little hut and wooden house, was bursting with trees, of all the kind. Nature not only feed the bodies of the warrior of nature, but it provided them with a home. That's why it was important for them to protect nature and prevent their enemies, The Ruiners, from devastating the world. The Ruiners were blinded by power and do not see nor believe that Nature is essential for surviving on this planet. But the warrior of Nature has long given up trying to persuade The Ruiners. Their only aim now, was to train to fight them so that Nature could still flourished.

She was now entering the throne room, made purely of creamy stones and covered in rich green vines with blooming flowers. Entering the throne, she observed that no one was there yet, only her mother the Queen. She was sitting on her throne, made of white marble stones. Her eyes were closed, and she seems to be smelling the powerful scent coming from the flowers surrounding her. Kneeling down, Sahira said "Good morning my Queen.I present myself before you for the meeting."

"Ah my wonderful child" she replied, her eyes still close, " always on time as usual. So how are you today?"

"I'm fine my queen" She replied. Eyeing her mother, she could only admire the differences between them while at the same time ravishing in their similarities. Her mother like her, had the same fierce red hair and their features were almost the same, however, her mother had pale skin completion and her eyes were dark blue. Those eyes could freeze you on spot when the Queen was in fury. However, she had seen the Queen angry only one time, when she was younger. She had try to go beyond the throne hall, in the back, and that was the only time she had face her angry mother. The white dress she always wear makes her looks even more stunning.

"Well, you are alive, so you should be fine." she answered back." The other warriors are coming. Come stand by my side while i talk to you all."

Sahira executed her Queen's order and walk towards the throne to stand by her side. She watched every warrior entered the throne room. All were wearing their usual attire when they are in the village: skirts or pants, sandals and a light fabric top. Beneath that they  wear bands make with a cotton cloth that stretched tight over their breast. Each and every warrior had weapons tied behind their back: axes, bows, daggers, shield, and swords. Warriors of nature had powers blessed upon them by nature, however, they all still learn to fight with weapons. Their powers were mighty but during a battle, using only powers could be a deadly move. The fact is that abusing on their powers made them weaker during a battle. And they needed to rest a lot of time to recover their energy. That's why learning to fight with a weapon was also necessary.

As soon as everyone was in the throne room, they all bowed down and said in unison : "Glory to the Queen" then they stood up and silence reign. The warrior were all highly discipline from birth. Respect for the Queen, for the orders of things is the first basis of their education system.

"Welcome to all of you, my sisters. Today we are here to speak of something of great importance." She started. "As you all know, our enemies are out there, trying to destroy nature" She raised her voice, and her annoyance at the Ruiners' action could be felt deep to the bones.

Sahira watched her mother, and she could see her dark blue eyes, shinning. Her irises disappear behind a blue veil as her eyes fill with dark blue. This was a sign of her powers, that erupted whenever she felt deep emotions. 

"As you all know" she continued " there is a parcel of land to the far east, that is covered in tiny pieces of powerful jewels and rocks that radiate energy. The enemy has discovered this land and they are trying to appropriate themselves with all this precious germs, to not only create weapons, but also to destroy nature. So i request from all of you, to unite your powers, and to go into another battle to protect nature. I know that it is hard to go into war, and to lose our sisters, but this is a necessary sacrifice. For our Children!" 


 " For the future!"

 Another silence.

" For all of us!We cannot exist or survive without nature and that is why i request you all to put your lives at risk again to fight the Ruiners.  And be sure that Nature will reward us for all of the  blood we shed that stain the earth, risking our lives and dying to protect her. "

The warrior all cried together, raising theirs various weapons "Hail to nature"

"My sisters," the Queen went on, as the crowd remained silent again," For this battle however, i won't be the one leading you this time." She paused." I have some responsibilities to attend to with the older mages, which is of great importance. As you know, this time of year, we have newly born warriors. I am responsible for looking after their health and of giving each of them a name, as all my predecessors have done. That is why for that particular mission, Sahira, your future Queen, will lead you all on the battlefield"

And that's when Sahira stopped breathing. Unbelievable! She was going to lead all the warriors on the battlefield. The Queen had not only surprised the audience, Sahira was greatly surprised herself. She would have never guess that the queen would take such decision without speaking with her first. Sahira's heart started beating erratically. Could she do it?


End of the first chapter

What do you think? Should i go on with the story or not?

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