Where I Stood

By Lexzandriya

357K 7.3K 517

Klaus hadn't gotten Hayley pregnant, but Helena Potter. Now the Mikaelsons struggle to take care of the myste... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 5

20.1K 444 39
By Lexzandriya

Weeks passed and the Mikaelsons had noticed a distinctly introverted Helena. She only came out of her room or the library to eat and only spoke when she had to. She wrote the occasional letter in the privacy of her room to Teddy, but severed all contact to her other friends. She was punishing herself for what had happened.

Rebekah barged into the library. "Get up." She commanded.

Helena looked up tiredly. She hadn't been sleeping well, more nightmares flooding through. "What, Rebekah?" She sighed.

"We are going shopping for costumes. It's almost Halloween. Klaus even agreed."

"No thank you." She didn't want to leave the plantation again. This was her safety area. And the prospect of celebrating Halloween: the day her life was forever torn apart by Voldemort, sounded less than appealing.

"Enough wallowing. You're baby is fine. Time to get up."

"I don't want to leave, especially not for Halloween." Helena sighed.

Rebekah sat next to her on the floor. "Why not. You would have jumped at the opportunity weeks ago?"

"Because I almost got my child killed. I'm no better than Sirius." She cried out and stormed out of the library, passing two more surprised brothers.

Elijah went upstairs with Helena's lunch and knocked on her door.

"Come in." A soft voice called.

"Hungry, Helena?" He asked. He crossed the room and put the tray next to her on the made bed, before sitting stiffly down. "Is everything alright."

She smiled tightly. "Thank you for lunch, Elijah." She said dismissively.

Another day passed, and Helena grew more evasive. She was sitting against one of the coffins in a secret tunnel in the plantation house, hoping none of the Vampires would be able to find her. She supposed she should be a little more disturbed being surrounded by coffins, but it wasn't like she was looking at the dead bodies, and even then, she'd seen more than enough bodies to keep her from wigging out.

"Hey." Klaus approached her.

"Hey." She watched as Klaus sat down next to her.

"Rebekah said you turned down her offer to go shopping for Halloween costumes."

"What's the point? I won't be leaving here anyways."

Klaus hesitated a moment and sighed. "I'll take you out. If you stay close to me or my siblings, I don't see a problem that could arise."

"I don't want to lose it." She said so softly Klaus had to strain to here.

"I'll make sure you two are safe." He took her hand.

"Thank you." She squeezed his hand. "I'm in my second trimester." She kept her eyes on her hands.

Klaus smiled softly. "Yes." He brought their hands to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. "Eighteen weeks, if I remember correctly."

"You remember?" Helena was pleasantly surprised and looked up at him.

"Of course." He said fondly.

"Why do you want the quarter back?" She asked suddenly.

"Because it's the only place my family has ever felt whole." He admitted.

Klaus was surprised when Helena's lips suddenly crashed against his. He moved her to be sitting on top of him, his lips moving fervently to meet hers. Klaus stopped when Helena gasped.

"Are you alright?" He asked touching her stomach for the first time, concerned.

Helena smiled brightly. "It's kicking." She smiled. "Here." She moved his hand to where there was movement. "You may not feel it-"

"I do." He smiled and kissed her forehead. And for the first time, despite being surrounded by coffins, they felt like normal expecting parents.

For the first time, the Mikaelsons all joined Helena for dinner.

"Oh, Rebekah, just pick me out something." She finally caved. "I will go to the party but please don't make me shop."

The men laughed at their sister's petulant pout.

"The baby kicked today." Klaus told Rebekah and Elijah between bites of food, trying to hide his pride.

"That's wonderful, brother. Congratulations, Helena."

"Thank you." Helena smiled softly.

"So," Rebekah began conspiratorially. "What do you want, a boy or a girl?"

Helena laughed and looked toward Klaus. "Either would be a blessing, but I suppose a boy would be nice."

"Oh?" Klaus asked, intrigued. "Do explain."

Helena shrugged. "I think Teddy would like another boy to play with. He'd love being an older brother." She smiled thinking of her beloved Teddy.

"Teddy?" Elijah asked, seeing his brother matching his own confused face.

"Oh." Helena laughed. "I'm sorry. He's my godson. He's three." She said proudly. "He's incredibly smart but as troublesome as they come."

"Where does he live?" Rebekah questioned.

"In London, with his grandmother Andy." She answered quietly, suddenly thinking of Remus. "His dad was a pseudo-uncle. My dad was one of his best friends. We were quite close. And his wife, Tonks, was a good friend as well. Teddy looks just like her." She smiled thinking of Teddy's metamorphagus abilities.

"He must be excited." Rebekah noted.

"He would be, but I have yet to tell him. If he and Andy knew, everyone would immediately come to see me, make sure everything was suitable, and I don't want them in danger." She shrugged.

Klaus couldn't help but feel incredibly guilty, so he took Helena's hand, a gesture they were quickly becoming accustomed to. Rebekah and Elijah exchanged amused looks.

"Well, you would not believe who I saw yesterday." Rebekah changed the subject.

"Rebekah, I can't believe this is the costume you picked out." She said angrily. "The witches are going to have a field day." Rebekah had picked out a short, loose black dress with long sleeves and given her a hat that was reminiscent of the Sorting Hat's style.

"We've got to poke fun where we can, dear." Rebekah snorted. "A little revenge for binding you to Deveraux."

"So I'm a witch and you're a...?" She asked questionably.

"A cheerleader!" Rebekah responded, outraged. "I forget you never went to high school." She shook her head.

They descended the stairs and walked to the study. Rebekah knocked on the door. "Brothers, ready to go?" She asked.

Klaus stood and smiled as he saw Helena's costume. "Are you trying to stir trouble, sister?" He asked amused.

"She'll be with you all night, no harm will reach her." Rebekah rolled her eyes.

They walked towards the door, but as Elijah and Rebekah walked toward their car, Klaus waited for Helena who seemed to hover around the door.

"What happens if this is a bad idea?" Her hand hovered over her small swell.

"Everything will be fine, love." Klaus cajoled. He walked back to the door and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Let's go." He said comfortingly.

When they arrived, Rebekah and Elijah quickly disappeared, while Klaus slung his arm around Helena, ensuring her close quarter was filled with happy party goers, dancing to music that was blasting, many with drinks in hand.

Helena laughed when Klaus spun her around. "Klaus!" She laughed.

"Have a little fun!"

"I can't believe the hybrid is telling me to loosen up." She giggled.

"Come! Let's dance!" He was more than amused seeing the sparkle back in her eyes.

They'd been dancing for longer than Helena could remember, when Klaus pulled her close into his side. She turned to see the cause of his sudden change in temperament.

"Marcel." He greeted.

"Klaus. Lovely to see you again, Helena." Helena smiled tightly as Klaus pulled her closer into his side.

"What are you doing here?" Klaus demanded.

"Just making sure the fun goes uninterrupted." Marcel smiled.

"Well, there won't be any problems from us, tonight." Elijah came up from behind Klaus.

"Elijah, Rebekah." Marcel said, less amused.

"I'll keep Klaus in line." She smiled as she spoke up, surprising all in attendance.

Marcel laughed. "I like this one! Rebekah, care for a dance?"

Klaus scowled as he saw Marcel and Rebekah begin to dance. "Now who is telling whom to loosen up?" Helena joked, trying to lighten Klaus' mood. She reached up slowly and kissed his cheek. She look unsure until she saw the look in Klaus' eyes.

"You are something else." Klaus shook his head.

"You don't know the half of it." Helena teased.

Fireworks had begun to go off when the green light reflected off all those on the street level.

"Klaus, I want to go home." Helena said somberly.

"What? Why?" Klaus looked at her intently. "Helena, wait!" He cursed as he chased after her. He grabbed her arm and spun her around. "You were not to leave my side." He stopped in his tracks when he saw tears in her eyes. "Come on." He urged her to the car, trying to cover her body with his as best he could.

He sped to the plantation and she had her door open and was stumbling towards the house before he had even turned off the car.

"Helena!" He yelled after her. What had caused her good mood to dissipate so suddenly.

Helena ignored Klaus' calls as she ascended the stairs towards her room and she slammed the door. She kicked over one of the boxes she still hadn't unpacked from Kreacher.

"Hey!" Klaus stormed into the room. "What the he-" He was cut off by Helena who tossed her hat to the corner of the room and practically jumped on Klaus. She began kissing him, and he allowed her to take control. Klaus was surprised when she pushed him towards the bed. She pulled his henley off quickly and straddled his laps.


"No. I want you Klaus." She said and pulled her dress off.

Klaus groaned seeing her in her undergarments. He would be lying if he was to say he wasn't attracted to her, but they had history. "Are you sure?" He asked.

Helena answered by reinitiating the kiss.

"What happened?" Klaus asked softly as Helena's hand laid on his chest, his hand making circles on her slightly swollen abdomen.

Helena shifted so she was looking at him. "My parents died on Halloween." She started. Klaus didn't say anything. He was intrigued about Helena's mysterious past. "The only memory I have of my mother are the moments before her death as she begged the man to not kill me. I hear her 'Take me, kill me instead. Have mercy. Not my Helena.'" Helena recited. "And then there's a green light and that's it."

"And the fireworks..." Klaus connected the dots.

"Hit too close to home." Helena filled in. "I never had parents. I don't know how to be a mother. My relatives made me live in a cupboard for more than half my life." She admitted.

Klaus' hold tightened. He'd never suspected that his Helena had been abused. "Well, I feel the same way. My father hunted my siblings and I down for a millennium."

Helena giggled suddenly. "How is it that we got the 'miracle baby'?"

Klaus chuckled as Helena's giggling grew. He smoothed her unruly hair. Something about them felt so right. He kissed her head as her giggles subsided. "Sleep." He commanded, still smiling.

Helena awoke the next morning and was surprised to see Klaus was still next to her. He was looking at her, gently stroking her hair.

"Good morning." She smiled and moved closer to him.

He kissed the top of her head in response. They stayed like that in silence for a while, before Klaus sighed. "I have to go see Marcel."

"What do you do with Marcel all day?" She questioned.

"I'm working on breaking your connection to the witches." Klaus informed as he got up.

Helena frowned and pulled him back to bed. "Take a vacation."

"I wish I could. And you need to get up for breakfast."Helena rolled her eyes but allowed him to leave the bed, following him.

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