Magic Revealed

Від KindredCoffee

592K 21.9K 9K

Starting at the beginning of Season 4, Lancelot and Merlin manage to close the rift without a sacrifice. With... Більше

Under Your Nose
At Your Mercy
Merlin's Tale
The Prince and The Warlock
Give Me Back My Wallet
The Future of Albion
Long Live The King
Magic Is Not Evil
Merlin You Idiot
My King
Stuff To Do
Returning Home
Thank You For Everything
Creating and Maintaining
King of Legend
Something Like That
A Bit Drunk
Author Message (Not a chapter)
Isn't That The Truth
Goodnight My Lord
King's Orders
Merlin Himself
Short and Sweet
Quite Alright
Gold Eyes
Authors Note (Not A Chapter)
Starting Out
No Answer
A Bit Quiet
For The Love of Camelot
Lyra Heldin
I Got Tagged
Returning To Camelot
Nor Would I

Shut Up Gwaine

14.7K 602 240
Від KindredCoffee

Arthur watched at Merlin talked to Mordred and Lancelot in the court yard. He was fully aware that Merlin could take care of himself, that didn't stop him from worrying. He stood on the steps of the castle waiting for some of the other knights to arrive from their homes in town. They were going to do some training.

"You're jealousy is showing through." A voice said beside Arthur. The king jumped and turned to find Gwaine standing next to him.

"What are you talking about?" Arthur said sulkily, he hated when Gwaine appeared out of nowhere like that.

"You're upset that Merlin is going to spend the day with Mordred and Lancelot and not you." Gwaine said with a smile. 

Arthur blinked, "Gwa-" bit the knight cut him off. "Come on Arthur. I see the way you act when it comes to him. Especially lately."

Arthur just gave the knight a blank stare hoping he'd shut up. But he continued, "The two of you have always been close but now you moved him into the chambers next door. He eats with you almost all the time to begin with and you've had him go out with you several times where it's just the two of you." Gwaine smiled, "And you look jealous when someone starts talking or flirting with him and you don't think anyone is watching."

"Shut up Gwaine." Arthur grumbled.

"Some I'm right aren't I!" The man broke into a huge grin.

"Gwaine!" Arthur hissed but the knight was far to happy with his confirmed discovery to listen. "I've been wanting to ask for so long but I didn't want to intrude or anything!"

Arthur groaned and took the knight by the shoulders, "Shhh."

Gwaine smirked. "You guys are so hopeless! You're going to walk circles around each other for ages if you keep this up."

Arthur blinked, "Walk circles?"

Gwaine laughed, "Good grief Arthur! You can't see what's right in front of you! The man obviously cares a hell of a lot for you. And the way he looks at you is completely adoration. He'd do anything for you." He patted the king's shoulder. "Don't let him get away." Then the knight walked off leaving the king bewildered.


Merlin, Mordred, and Lancelot walked through the streets of town. "So what exactly are we looking for?" Mordred asked.

Merlin shrugged, "Just whatever is creating the weird magical signature that is making my skin itch." Lance frowned, "It itches?"

"Like my skin is crawling." Merlin rubbed his hands, "Most magic does that to me but this is different."

Mordred closed his eyes, "I think we'd better go to the market." They set off in that direction and soon found themselves surrounded by the bustling throng of people.

Merlin stood for a moment before pointing to the right, "That way."

The other two followed him as he walked down the street before stopping in front of one stand that seemed to sell various trinkets. Merlin stepped forward and began to look through the wares. Before tapping on a box, "It's this." He said in surprise. The vendor who was standing behind the table looked surprised.

"Do you have magic young man?" He asked curiously.

Merlin raised an eyebrow, "I might. Why do you ask?"

The man looked excited, "Well, I've actually had several sorcerers comment on that box. But there seems to be a spell on it preventing it from being opened. I've tried looking for someone to open it but I just couldn't manage so I decided that I may just as well sell it."

Merlin frowned, "How much?"

"500 gold."

"250." Merlin immediately said.


"300 and I'll let you watch when I open it."

"Done." Merlin snapped his fingers and a small bag appeared in his hand. Lancelot's eyes widened, "Where'd you get all that?"

"Some theif that thought he could try to kill me." Merlin said. He counted out stacks of ten. The man took the money before nodding to Merlin, "Are you going to open it?"

Merlin gave him a look, "In the middle of Camelot?! No. I could sense this thing from the citadel. Whatever magic was he'd to seal it is strong. Im not going to just open it without making sure that there's nothing important around. I'll open it outside the city."

The man nodded and stared closing everything up. "Ill come along then."

Merlin nodded before pausing and closing his eyes. After a moment of concentration he felt what he'd been searching for, Arthur!

Merlin! Where are you?

In the market.

Why are you in my head?

We found the source of the magic. It's this weird box. Can't be opened and won't break open either. I'm going to go outside the city to open it just in case.

Wait for me!

Arthur. Don't you have work to do?

That's an order Merlin.

Agh! Meet us at the front gate.

Merlin groaned, "Arthur's coming now."

Mordred laughed, "of course he is."

The vendor looked stunned, "Arthur as in King Arthur?"

"Yes." Merlin smiled, "Allow me to introduce us. My name's Merlin, I work for the king and these fine fellows are Sir Lancelot and Sir Mordred two of the king's most trusted knights."

"I'm Iven. I wasn't aware that the king employed and sorcerers."

Merlin smiled, "I'm his manservant. He only found out a few months ago about my magic."

Iven looked confused, "But you call him by name and not title?"

Lancelot snorted, "I honestly don't get why Merlin hasn't been made Court Sorcerer or at least an Advisor. They're good friends, though they won't admit it."

"Shut up Lance." Merlin grumbled.


"Everyone ready?" Merlin asked as he set the box on the ground. Arthur, Mordred, Lancelot and Iven stood several feet away watching.

"Are you sure you can open it?" I've asked.

Mordred snorted, "Oh he can open it."

I've didn't look convinced, "Many people have tried and said that they simply didn't have the power to do it. Why will he have any better luck?"

"Cause he's the most powerful sorcerer to walk the Earth that's why." Mordred said. Merlin backed up so he was in front of them, "Here goes nothing." He lifted a hand and spoke a phrase under his breath. There was an audible click that could be heard and Merlin frowned, "Well that was anticlimactic." He strode forward and opened the box carefully. Before staring down in shock.

"Merlin?" Arthur asked concerned. He walked up to Arthur and looked in the box, "What are those? giant eggs?"

Merlin swallow, the box had a space spell on it. It allowed more things to fit in the box than was physically possible. And this box held 12 dragon eggs. At least. He couldn't see everything. There was a ladder leading down into the box opening but Merlin could make out anything other than the dragon eggs.

He looked to Iven. "Thank you, very much for selling this to me." He took a deep breath. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

I've looked into the box, "What are those?"

"Dragon eggs." Merlin said quietly.

I've looked surprised and then sad, "Dragon eggs need dragon Lord's to hatch them."

Lancelot smiled and put a hand on Merlin's shoulder, "Good thing we have one."

I've looked at Merlin. Then at Arthur. Then to the bag. "You're going to hatch them?"

Merlin nodded and I've smiled. "Good. Then I'll leave you be. I'm sure you want to look through Whatever else is in that box."

Merlin caught his elbow, "Iven. Is there anything I can do for you? At all?"

Iven thought, "I don't know. Im traveling so often that I don't get much that isn't for my family."

Merlin considered this before whispering something and held up a mirror and murmuring something again. "This will allow you to speak to someone through a mirror. So if your family had a mirror or anything reflective they will be able to speak with you."

Iven took the small handheld mirror gingerly. "Thank you." He smiled, "I'll be off."

The four watched him go before all looking at the box. Merlin smiled, "Killagarah is going to be so happy."

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