Get Them Back

By alicegradswe

62.4K 2.3K 298

[Sequel to 'Take Me Back'] Y/N and Jerome have been sent to Arkham Asylum for the murders of their paren... More

Ruby Red
Somewhat of A Heart
I Felt It
My Joker
Point Proven
Old Faces and Apologies
Friends Once Again
Zaardon the Horrible Actor
Theo Galavan
I Want You, Not Jerome
Yellen Shipyard
Perfect Teasing
Little Angel
Get Them Back
Breakfast at Theo's
Russian Roulette
What Does That Spell!? Murder!
Author's Note
One of Jerome's Moods
Massacre- Part 2
Our House
Dress Shopping
True Colors
Not Fair
New Plans
Daddy and Son Day
Detective Gordon
End of it All
Hiding Behind a Mask
Very Soon
Having A Little Fun
Turn of Events
Leaving It All Behind
Third Book!!!!

Jerome and Babs

1.4K 67 0
By alicegradswe

You walked back into the Common Room after your therapy session. You were pretty sure you got the point across to Miss. Q. You smiled remembering what just happened about 10 minutes ago.

When you stopped at the entrance to the room and looked around, you saw Barbara sitting down, still reading a magazine. You started to walk towards her when you heard whistling. You looked towards the sound and saw Jerome walking towards Barbara. You stopped and watched, not knowing if you should say something or leave him alone. You didn't want a repeat of what was going on only about a day ago.

You looked around her table and saw that your friends were at the table next to her's. You walked over and took the seat that was closest to Barbara's table. You were next to Aaron, who was currently looking around, doing nothing.

By the time you sat down, Jerome and Barbara were already talking. "Just being polite," he growled. You looked and Babs and saw she was just looking at her magazine. "So whatcha in for?" He asked. You had to admit, he was a better actor than you, but you'd never let him know that. At least he doesn't make it obvious that he knows shit about her. The voice said. Stalker! The other one said.

You rolled your eyes and focused back on the conversation. "Killing my parents," she answered, still uninterested. He turned towards her. "Oh! Me too!" He put his hand on his chest. "Well, mom anyhow. Liberating, right?" He put his hand on his face and pulled on his face. "Oh, what a rush!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands out in a jazz hand motion. He sat there waiting for a response, but all he got was her raising her eyebrows.

     "Yeah, alrighty then. Ya see the big handsome fella starin' at ya like you're fried chicken?" You saw Barbara look at your table. You quickly looked down at the table. "Richard Sionis," Jerome continued. "He's a millionaire. Got his own airplane. Got a boat with a hot tub on it," he said with a snobby accent. "And he killed twenty five people, just for fun!" She looked at him. "So what?" She whispered. "So, he likes you. He wants to be your friend!" He said, trying to contain his excitement.

"Hm. Let me think. No," she said, going back to her magazine. He quickly turned serious. "A girl needs a good friend in here. See the guards, they don't care. They figure bad things happen to bad people. And they happen all the time. All. The. Time." That seemed to get Barbara's attention. She turned back at the table.

"Hey you!" She called, causing you all to look at their table. "Hello!? Baldy! Here, here! Yes! Hi. Come here," she ordered to man across from you; Aaron Helzinger. "He looked at her confused, but then smiled at got up. Barbara got up and met him halfway. "Hi," she said. "Hi," Aaron replied cautiously. "My name is Barbara. Would you be my friend?" She asked. "Yes," he smiled. You looked at Jerome and saw him smiling. He rested his head on his hand. "If someone here tries to hurt me, would you protect me?" He looked at her with his eyebrows furrowed. "Yes." She smiled. "Thank you so much, you cutie," she said, touching his nose. She turned and sat back down.

Jerome turned to her and smiled darkly. "Now I have a friend," she said going back to her magazine. He rubbed his cheek with his hand. "You're bad," he growled. "Yeah, so why don't you go make me a sandwich?" She said sarcastically. "Your friend is a gorilla, my friend runs the joint. And he can get you things that others can't get you," Barbara looked at him. She finally caved in. "Things like what?" She asked. "Anything you need," he said. She put her magazine down and leaned in. "I need a telephone," she said, causing Jerome to smile.

"Well ain't that a coincidence?" He chuckled. She rolled her eyes. "So can he get me one or not?" She asked. He nodded. "He can, but it might cost ya," Jerome said. She raised an eyebrow. "What exactly would it cost me?" Jerome shrugged. "Depends, but you'll have to ask him. I don't run this place. Yet." She smirked. "A little ginger boy like you, running a place like this? You are one big dreamer, kid," she laughed. You got up and sat next to Jerome. "That's no way to speak to a friend, now is it, Babs?" You asked. Jerome looked at you weirdly.

"You two know each other?" Barbara asked. You both nodded. "He's my boyfriend," you said at the same time Jerome said, "She's my girlfriend." She nodded. "Cute. Anyway, I need that phone." Jerome grinned again. "Then go and speak to Sionis." She looked at Jerome, then you, then Sionis, then back and Jerome. She stood up. "Fine," she said as she walked away. You and Jerome looked at each other and smiled.

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