Winter In My Heart | ROBB STA...

By gameofboners

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Fianna Bua, Lady of House Bua, never thought that she'd be riding off to war for the liege lord she hadn't ev... More

I. Rallying the Pack
II. Like Father, Like Daughter
III. The She Wolf
IV. First Blood
V. The Pack Leader
VI. Red Cheeks
VII. Marking Territories
VIII. Caution to the (Grey) Wind
IX. They Say
X. Nothing Ever Lasts Forever
XI. Broken
XII. A Girl Has a Name
XIII. Revelations
XV. Ready Reunions
XVI. Disgust and Mistrust
XVII. Acceptance
XVIII. Take This Man
XIX. Crown for a Queen
XX. Rickon's Refuge
XXI. Wolves at War
XXII. All Men Must Cry
XXIII. Wolf-Pup in the Forest
XXIV. Arry, Again Part 1
XXIV. Arry, Again Part 2
XXV. I Would Die For You, Part 1
XXV. I Would Die For You, Part 2
XXVI. Broken Crown
XXVII. Muddled Memory
XXVIII. I Stand Alone
XXIX. Family Reunions
XXX. Deteriorating Minds
XXXI. Queen in the North
XXXII. Line to Succession
XXXIII. To Save Someone
XXXIV. Vexing Visions
XXXV. Dreadfort Deliberations
XXXVI. Fire and Blood
XXXVII. Brother Bonding
XXXVIII. Impromptu Proposals
XXXIX. Blood of My Blood
XL. Wine Is Thicker Than Blood
XLI. Alive And Abiding
XLII. Shadow of Death
XLIII. White Wedding
XLIV. I Am Robb Stark
XLV. The Perfect Sister
XLVI. Battle of the North
XLVII. Reunification
XLVIII. Goodbye and Hello
XLIX. Turbulent Trauma
L. The Invitation
LI. Seasick
LII. Familiar Familials
LIII. Stubborn Northerners
LIV. The Second Dragonrider Part I
LIV. The Second Dragonrider Part II
LV. The King in the North Part I
LV. The King in the North Part II
LVI. The Mediator
LVII. A Renegade King
LVIII. Until Dawn
LIX. Firethrowers
LX. The Sacrifice
LXI. The Undefeated
LXII. Queen of the Six Kingdoms
LXIII. God of Death
LXIV. Inconspicuous Infiltration
LXV. The Three Queens
LXVI. A White Horse
LXVII. For Everything A Reason
LXVIII. It's Only Beginning

XIV. Brilliant Bonds and Bizarre Betrothals

12.8K 511 55
By gameofboners

Song: Heaven Knows by The Pretty Reckless (Another Arya and Fianna anthem)


This time around, her hands and feet were bound by shackles as she was held once again in her cell. Routinely, a guard would come every 30 minutes or so and peer through the door, making sure she was still there.

Every time he would look in, Fianna would be standing there in the dead centre of the room and smiling smugly. Calling out, a sarcastic "hello!"

This went on for hours, and Fianna still stood there. Her legs were aching from standing so long but her determination far outweighed her pain. And her need to pee.

The Lannister forces were due to depart at one in the morning, so they would have to be quick about it. This was their only chance to escape, because if Fianna was to be separated from Arya - there was no guarantee she'd ever have another friend again.

Arya had been the one to deliver her food to her that day. She slyly slipped a note into Fianna's lumpy gruel that she brought down to her cell. The only thing it said was "midnight". Fianna ate the paper whole to avoid it being found, and because she had no intentions of eating the food.

She didn't know if that meant Arya was coming to get her or if that meant she had to leave at midnight, but she took no chances, the next time the guard would come around - she'd be ready.

So when the light shone down the hall again, signifying his impending arrival, Fianna was already waiting quietly in the shadows. She had her back pressed tightly to the stone wall next to the cell door, there was no way she would be seen.

He peered through again, almost lazily as he expected her to be where she had been for hours.

"What the-" he stammered in confusion, peering around the cell and pushing the lantern closer  to the bars. When he was sure the cell was empty, he reached for his keys and opened it up to make sure.

That was a mistake.

The second he entered two steps into the room, Fianna jumped from the shadows and wrapped her shackles around his neck.

"Hello!" She grumbled this time as she brought her wrists back towards her, effectively squeezing his throat and cutting off his air supply.

It was brutal, the way he clawed at his throat and flailed his limbs about desperately. Fianna's wrists burned with the pressure of the shackles against her skin and it would surely leave behind marks.

After a few painfully long minutes, he finally fell limp in Fianna's arms, and she flung him towards the ground. She picked up the dropped lantern, thanking the gods it wasn't broken and began to rifle through his pockets for the keys to her shackles with her free hand.

Her breathing hitched when she finally found them, setting down the lantern and opening the shackles restricting her feet first, before then moving onto her wrists.

They fell to the ground with a clang, and Fianna kept the keys in case she should reach more locked doorways. Quick as she could, she tugged the belt and attached scabbard off of him that held his sword and tied it around her own. She had been stripped from her armour and now only wore a raggedy dress.

Picking up the lantern, she all but sprinted from her cell, barefoot.

Her feet scuffed against the cold ground but adrenaline prevented her from feeling anything. When she reached the staircase and seen the moonlight above, she set the lantern down and slowly made her way up.

Without making a sound, she gently pulled the sword from its scabbard.

Two guards were now positioned at the entrance, where there had only been one before, but Fianna was too fuelled by adrenaline and a need to escape that she didn't even falter at the challenge.

She lifted her sword as she neared closer and swung around, burying it into one guards neck and severing his head completely off his body. The other let out a shout of surprise and moved to get out his sword but she quickly reared around and dug the sword into his skull with a sickening crunch.

"Fianna?" A voice called out in confusion, and she whirled around to see Arya, Gendry and Hotpie - all standing there with clear looks of confusion.

"What? You said midnight?" She shrugged, moving to catch up with them. She shoved her new sword back into its sheath. She was absolutely freezing in the cold night air and it was only exacerbated by the fact she had nothing but a thin dress over her frame.

"I was going to get you, you could have saved yourself the trouble," she replied stubbornly, turning and leading them all.

"A little girl telling me that I should have let her kill people instead of myself, never thought I'd see the day," Fianna spoke sarcastically.

"I'm not a little girl!" She grumbled.

"Would you prefer little boy?" she reached out and roughly ruffled her hair, to which Arya reached up and batted her hand away. Although she couldn't deny, it reminded her a lot of when Jon used to do exactly that, which was slightly comforting.

"It's treason to hit a princess," Arya joked when she was sure Hot Pie was too far behind to hear her. Fianna's step faltered when she heard the young girl say something that Robb had spoke so many times to her. So she stayed silent thereafter, reeling from it.

They reached the main gate and Arya crouched down behind crates of wooden boxes, gesturing for them to follow.

Arya had a small bag over her shoulder, she dropped down and opened it up, tugging out some clothes and a large hooded cloak. She handed them over to Fianna.

"Gods, thank you!" Fianna replied and took them from her.

"Woah!" Gendry called out when Fianna lifted her dress over her head immediately and exposed her naked body for the three to see.

"Oh shut up," Fianna rolled her eyes, quickly pulling on the breeches and top, drawing their strings together. She then donned the dark cloak, thankful for the warmth it provided. She lifted the hood over her head to hide her face and hair from others. "No shoes in that bag by any chance?" She asked hopefully, but Arya only shook her head apologetically.

"The sour cherries are all crushed up and ready," Hot Pie sighed wistfully, they had been waiting for a short time.

Fianna had been sitting with her back against a crate, while Arya and Gendry stared directly towards the gate.

"Shut up," Gendry replied.

"Probably in the pie crust by now," he spoke again.

"Shut up," Fianna muttered and shot her foot out and hit it against his in warning.

"In the oven, a nice warm oven," he still went on, causing Arya to break out of her gaze with the gate to tell him to shut up as well.

"What did you bring?" She continued.

"The cheese could be better," causing them all to roll their eyes. Hot Pie's obsession with food while they were about to risk their lives escaping was getting frustrating, especially hearing the sound of horses whinnying signalling the men were prepping them for travel soon. "I do have some nice sausages."

"What's he gonna do about those guards?" Gendry ignored him and asked Arya.

"He didn't say, he just said walk through the gates."

"Who?" Fianna asked in confusion, but Arya didn't answer her.

"Yeah but what about the guards?" Gendry asked again.

"He didn't say anything about the guards."

"Oh what he left that bit out? That's a pretty important part don't you think?"

"We have to trust him."

"Trust him? You trusted him to fight with us and you set him free and he ran!"

"What in the gods name is going on?" Fianna asked again, impatiently.

"I wanna go back to the kitchens," Hot Pie whined.

"Shut up," Arya cut him off, "stay here if you're afraid."

They all looked up as Arya stood up and began to walk towards the gate.

"Arry don't!" Gendry whispered as Fianna reached out and desperately tried to grab her and pull her back. Fianna grunted frustratedly and got up to follow after her, tugging at her hood to make sure it concealed her and chased after her, prompting Gendry and Hot Pie to follow.

Their pace slowed as they walked closer to the gates, Fianna gripped the hilt of her new sword tighter and anxiously glanced up at the guards. However when they neared the gate it became clear how they were going to escape. Each of the guards had been speared by a sword, the sword angled through their body in such a fashion that it held their dead bodies upright to appear as if they were alive.

The gate had been opened already, and in a moment of vulnerability, Arya reached out and grabbed onto Fianna's forearm as they exited Harrenhal.

Fianna reached over with her other hand and tightly covered it over Arya's, the two girls leaning on each other as they exited.

None of them dared speak until they were out of sight of the stronghold and into the woods, just as they heard the sound of voices as Tywin's army was preparing to leave. Finally, Arya and Fianna let go of each other and Fianna looked down and smiled at her.

"Come on, we've got a brother of yours to find."



When she arrived at Riverrun with her party, her brother met her with a grave expression on his face.

Her eyebrows had furrowed in confusion, and immediately she worried for her father, Hoster. Had the gods cruelly taken him before she had a chance to say goodbye?

She dismounted her horse quickly and walked over to meet her brother.

"Edmure," she greeted with a nod, to which he responded to with a nod of his own.

"Catelyn." His voice was cool, before he turned and extended an arm towards her for her to follow after him. "Come, there's been news."

"Our father?" She asked desperately, moving to follow after him inside.

"He's... well. For now. He grows more ill by the day, I would say you are here in time for any talks you wish to have with him."

Catelyn sighed in relief, and followed after Edmure until they reached the solar. It had once belonged to her father, but with his recent illness, Edmure was now making use of it.

"There's been a raven," he began, crossing to go behind his desk and retrieve the small scroll, "from Winterfell."

"Winterfell?" She gasped, placing a hand on her stomach, "well hand it over, are my sons okay?"

She reached and snatched the scroll from Edmure's hands, preparing herself for the worst. When she read the contents, she realised it hadn't been the worst possible news to come from Winterfell - but it wasn't exactly good either.

Her face paled when she finished reading it, slowly lowering her arms and placing it down gently on the desk.

"Did you know of this?" Edmure asked. Catelyn took a whole minute to respond.

"Yes," she gritted out, her teeth grinding in frustration and shame, and partly fear for Robb's reaction.

"This has been sent to every half powerful house in Westeros. I've heard whispers of how there is now doubt of Robb's position as King, when he has broken a sacred vow."

Catelyn shook her head, "he knew nothing of it. I never told him of the betrothal, neither did Ned." She paused for a moment, looking down in shame. "The girl's father had wanted to delay telling them so she could deal with his death. When Ned departed for King's Landing, he never got the chance."

"Well, that's not what Walder Frey will believe," Edmure shook his head, judgement clear on his face, "why wouldn't you tell him, Cat?"

"How could I?" She snapped, her anger showing. "Arya and Sansa were held hostage, Ned was held for treason and Robb had never fought a battle in his life. Fianna Bua was contributing men to his cause out of fealty, Walder Frey held no oaths for House Stark. Am I a fool for encouraging a betrothal that would add thousands of men to his cause?!"

Edmure sighed, and walked around the table. He placed his hand on her shoulder and comfortingly squeezed, "you're no fool, Cat. But what you have done is absolutely foolish. And there will be consequences to this."



They stopped mid-ride on their journey to Harrenhal for a short break. Each of the men were bursting to make water and all ached from the length of the journey they just had.

Robb stalked off into the woods, the scroll in hand, to do some thinking before he would return to his men. He reached a small river stream and got down onto his knees, cupping water in his hands and splashing it onto his face.

He sat there by the rocks for a while after, reading the words over and over. A lump had formed in his throat and he was holding himself back from crying, trying to appear strong. Robb knew if Fianna had been there she would chastise him for it, but the simple fact was that she wasn't here.

He felt betrayed, in truth. His mother's deceit had shocked him to his core and truly wounded him. With the world in the state it was now, he thought his mother was the one he'd be able to trust the most. The two had always had a strong bond. Robb was close to both of his parents, but himself and his mother shared a bond like no other.

She stood there, lied to his face, made him feel humiliated for simply feeling something and then had the audacity to force her to leave.

Robb thought that perhaps the Gods had intended Fianna for Robb. Truly, what were the chances of him falling for his betrothed - not knowing that she was his betrothed?

"Your grace," Ser Mick called out, moving into the small clearing to join Robb. Robb stood up abruptly, annoyed that he was caught in a moment of weakness.

Robb cleared his throat, "Ser." He paused for a moment, looking down to his feet before looking up again, "did you know?"

"No, your grace. I had never heard word of it before now," Mick shook his head, crossing over and sitting down next to where Robb had been seated. He sat down again tentatively. "I would never have put Lady Fianna through the pain had I known."

"Was she? In pain?" Robb asked.

"I think the only time she wasn't in pain was when she was with you."

Robb dropped his head at this.

"The Frey forces have departed from us."

"I heard," Mick replied. "So you won't be honouring the oath to Lord Frey?"

"How can I?" Robb asked with a sharp intake of breath. "The truth is, I'd have given all of my army to marry that girl. And now I've been informed that my father and hers had intended for that this whole time."

"Walder Frey is a dangerous man to cross," Mick warned.

"I know that."

"So you mean to do it then? Honour your original betrothal?"

"I love her," Robb admitted quietly.

"If you weren't betrothed, I'd tell you it's a bad idea. I'd tell you that love isn't a factor you get the luxury of considering when it comes to marriage. But as it happens, I've come to care for the girl. I want her to be happy and I want her to feel the love her father and yours did. Fianna will make a good Lady, your grace."

"She would, wouldn't she?" Robb smiled softly, thinking of her. The idea of her ruling the North and Winterfell at his side made his heart thump.

"The Freys have left, its clear they see the oath as void. People are already doubting your honourability and whether you marry her or not will not change that. Fianna is knowledgeable beyond her years. We have a King, maybe what the North needs now is a Queen."

"A queen," Robb murmured, testing the word out. Fianna would make a great queen, he thought. She was strong, fierce and smart. But she was also beautiful, kind and just. Perhaps she'd even make a better King than him.

He couldn't wait to see the day she'd reign by his side, because he was sure she would.

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