The Advantage

By UltimateGir

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By UltimateGir

Short Story #1 - Catch

The lecture was simply unbearable. Nothing but useless information repeating with little change to it every time the record skipped. As soon as the misery was over, she gathered her belongings and headed out the door. The herd of people was too much to wait for, so she went through the other exit. Daydreaming on the way there, she lost her balance and rammed into the door nearly tripping as soon as she set foot outside. She hoped no one was there to notice but unfortunately there was. The one she could simply drool over but dare not to.

She kept walking, faster and straighter with every step. The sun was brutal and beat down on her. Her skin burned and soon enough would sizzle. She stopped to organize herself and noticed the one she could stare at all day moving along. She hurried up and followed behind. When she turned to look less suspicious, she saw something flying in the air and surging at his head. Without second thought, she yelled.

"Catch!' and the blade cut through her skin. Before she could comprehend what had happened, a second blade was thrown but to her foot and it pierced through her skin. Her murderous scream was glass-breaking and earned a lot of attention, especially his. The blood dripped through her left hand and right foot as she fell on her knees to the floor. He tried getting help but then the third knife fell on the back of her head like chandelier crashing to the floor. 

The sound of the perfect slice was gushing through his ears when he had his back turned for a split second. Three knives planted into her body and he had no idea it was intentionally for him.

Yet he had no clue.

Her secret died with her and just a week later, no one remembered.

"Catch," she said.


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