Mulan has a Sister

By BiancaEvans2

204K 4.5K 1.2K

Luna is Mulan's younger sister, but only by a year. When word came from the emperor of China asking for old w... More

Bring Honour to us All
Match and Call to War
Off to War
Camp and Names
Bath with the Captain
Becoming Warriors
Call to War
Huns Attack
Secret Exposed
Saving the Emperor
Rewards and Going Home
Epilogue: Wedding

Mushu and the Cricket

14.2K 305 74
By BiancaEvans2

Grandmother Fa woke to realize Mulan and Luna gone. She woke Fa Zhou and Fa Li, Fa Zhou went to where he kept his old war gear. To see it all gone while Fa Li read the letter from Luna. "It says Mulan decided to take your place in the army and Luna went to protect her" she states when he asked. He ran out into the rain calling his daughters names, but they were already gone. "You should go after them, they could be killed" Fa Li tells him.

"If I reveal them, they will be" he tells here and they go back inside. No one slept the rest of the night worrying about the two young women. Praying for their safety while Luna and Mulan continued their journey to the training camp.

The next morning the leader of the ancestors woke up and woke Mushu to wake the others. After Mushu awoke the ancestors and was sent to wake the great dragon. Where he meet a cricket called Cri-kee after destroying the dragon statue. They had a conversation and decided to go after Mulan and Luna by themselves.

Luna's POV

I sat leaning against a rock watching Mulan with our horses behind me laying on the ground. "Okay, how about this? Where do I sign in? I see you have a sword, I have one too. They're very manly and tough..." she says trying to take out her sword. But she drops it  making our horses and me laugh. She throws her shoe at her horse and we stop laughing.

"I'm working on it, unlike you" she grumbles.

"Oh but my dear sister, I need no practice" I say in my manly voice which  was better then hers and the horses laugh again while she puts her shoe back on.

"Who am I fooling? It's going to take a miracle to get us into the army" Mulan says.

"Does that mean we can return home?" I ask her, but was cut off by an other voice.

"Did I hear someone ask for a miracle?!" a loud male voice says. We turn to see a giant dragon shadow surrounded by fire and smoke. We scream moving away and Mulan trips over her own feet.

"It's a ghost" she says hiding behind the rock with her horse while I roll my eyes.

"I have been sent by your ancestors to guide you" the shadow states. "So hear my words if anyone finds out your girls. The penalty is death" he explains.

"Who are you?" I ask the shadow as I lean against my horse.

"Who am I? Who am I?" he says pointing to himself. "I am the guardian of lost souls! I am the powerful, the pleasurable, the indestructible Mushu!" he says revealing himself as a tiny lizard. I lost it laughing my head off as Mulan's horse stomped on him.

"Our ancestors sent a little lizard to protect us!" I sequeal.

"Hey dragon, *Dra-gon*, not lizard. I don't do that tongue thing" he states and does it anyway while hissing.

"You're uh" Mulan starts to say.

" Intimidating? Awe-inspiring?" he asks while climbing a tree to eye level with us.

"Tiny" I suggest and she nods her head.

" Of course, I'm travel-size for your convenience. If I was my real size, your cows here would die of fright" patting the horses noses. But they go to bite him and he pulls his hands away. "Down Bessies" he scolds them. "My powers are beyond your mortal imagination. For instance, my eyes can see straight through your armor" he says looking at my chest. And I slap him to the ground.

"Oooh! All right, that's it! Dishonor! Dishonor on your whole family" he says before turning to a cricket. "Make a note of this Cri-kee: dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow, dis..." he goes to continue but Mulan stops him.

"Stop. I'm sorry, we're sorry. We're just nervous" Mulan assures him.

"Speak for yourself, the dragon was being a perv" I tell her crossing my arms. "Besides we've never done this before" I add looking at the dragon.

"Then you're gonna have to trust me. And don't you slap me no more. We clear on that? All right. Okey-dokey, let's get this show on the road! Cri-Kee, get the bags" he tells the cricket. Mulan and I look at each other shrugging our shoulders. She grabs Khan's reins while I grab Zeus'. We head into camp Mushu hiding with Mulan as I was still mad at him.


Picture above of Mushu's and Cri-kee's shadows.

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