By run-bts-ineedu

203K 6.5K 3.2K

Book ONE: Taehyung and you were childhood friends/neighbors, but things happened to Taehyung that changed... More

Chapter 1 - [ Kids ]
Chapter 2 - [ Unexpected ]
Chapter 3 - [Jerk]
Chapter 3.5 - [JimJams]
Chapter 4 - [Gang Gang]
Chapter 5 - [ In, not out ]
Chapter 6 - [ Confusion ]
Chapter 6.5 - [Her]
Chapter 7 - [ Hiraeth ]
Chapter 7.5 - [Lost]
Chapter 8 - [Catching feelings]
Chapter 9 - [Guilt]
Chapter 10 - [Reconcile]
Chapter 11 - [Is it Worth it?]
Chapter 11.5 - [Somin?]
Chapter 12 - [With or without]
Chapter 13 - [Push & Pull]
Chapter 14 - [A caged Butterfly]
Chapter 15 - [Un-expected]
Chapter 16 - [Silver Lining]
Chapter 17 - [Jelly or Puddin']
Chapter 18 - [ Autumn Leaves]
Chapter 19 - [I know, You know]
Chapter 20 - [Metanoia]
Chapter 21 - [ Lies ]
Chapter 22 - [ Without You]
Chapter 23 - [ Rose ]18+
Chapter 24 - [ Intertwined ]
Chapter 26 - [Stay]18+
Chapter 27 - [(In)Constant]
Chapter 28 - [The pain of Fate]
Chapter 29 - [Heaven] (End)
Announcement time my babies~
• Book 2 •

Chapter 25 - [Us]

4.2K 169 57
By run-bts-ineedu




A week has passed since Taehyung left for America. I waited and waited the next day to finally receive a phone call from him or at least a text, but it never came. My hopes were crushed and I end up breaking down right in front of the guys. They told me that they'll try to reach Taehyung too, but it's just hopeless when he is 5620 miles away from where we all are. I left him a text, but he never read them. Maybe he's tired? but isn't a day or two enough for him to rest?

Every day the days have been very quiet without Taehyung around, which made me miss him even more. 

Where is he?

My mind kept wondering.

"Y/n... You are not listening to me." Sojin waves her hand in front of me, with a pout and I snap back into reality. "Sorry Sojin." I say and she sighs."It's Taehyung again is it?"

Yes, but I shook my head no. "Come on y/n, you have been looking very gray these few days and it's have been really depressing to be around you lately. It's going to be your birthday soon, so can you please be a little bit excited about it?" Sojin smiles and I smile back, I don't really care for birthdays. It has always been a series of birthday cakes and presents every year. Here I thought that this year was going to be different with Taehyung around, but I guess not. 

"You are coming to Jimin's party tonight right?" Sojin asks. "I don't really feel like going." I answer, eyeing my food.

Sojin throws he hand up "Please y/n. There is no point in staying home and moping around about Taehyung" I frown at her. "That's not true. I'm just going to catch up with the dramas I haven't watched." 

Sojin sighs, dropping her shoulders. "Y/n, we both know that you have not been yourself these past days. It would be fun, you haven't seen the boys for awhile too and they told me the other day that missed you." 

"I don't know Sojin..." 

"Pleaseee for me?" Sojin shot me her wide googly eyes and I couldn't help but give up. I roll my eyes with a slight smile, "Fine." 

"Yay, let us go shopping for a dress after we eat then!" Sojin says with a wide smile.


Sojin picks up a white dress for me. The length is pretty short for my liking but it fits so well on the curves of my body. So I decide to take it. "Let me pay for you."

"You don't have to do that." I say grabbing Sojin's wrist to prevent her from taking her wallet out her bag. "It's fine, it's my birthday gift for you baby." She winks at me, as she slyly takes her card out with her other hand. I just can't win with Sojin. What did I ever do to deserve her? I am very thankful for her for being there for me. "Thank you Sojin-ah." I tell her and she gave me a pretty smile. "Let's go then." 


We arrive at Jimin's house and it's huge, like a mansion with a huge fountain decorating the front and everything you could imagine a mansion would look like. I can already hear the loud music booming coming from inside and the lights that change colors. Are we at a house party or a club? I ask myself before the both of us enters the place and right away, someone hands us a red cup filled with an unknown alcohol. "Sojin! Y/n!" Jimin exclaimed. "Jimin!" Sojin eyes light up at the sight of Him. "The guys are already here waiting for you both."

"There are so many people here." I yell to Jimin since the music is blasting loudly to be talking normally. "Yeah, to be honest, I don't know half of the people here." Jimin chuckles. "So why did you invite them in?" Sojin asks. "Because the more the merrier right?" Jimin replies with a shrug and Sojin rolls her eyes. Jimin leads the both of us to the living room where the rest of the guys are, their heads perk up at our arrival. Jimin already disappeared somewhere with Sojin. "Y/n! you decided to come?" Jin Oppa asks patting the empty seat beside him for me to sit and I did just that. "Yeah, I think I make the right decision." As much as I hate going to parties. I would feel horrible to be staying at home and maybe end up spamming Taehyung with a bunch of text he won't read. 

I miss him.

I look around the seat and I could only spot Namjoon conversing with some random girl, and Jungkook sitting beside Jin. "Where are Jhope and Yoongi?" I ask and Jin points at Jhope on the dance floor. "And Yoongi hates parties so he decides to just stay home to do his work." Jin chuckles and I imitate him, taking a sip of the drink I have in my hand. "You should go dance and have fun tonight, you deserve it," Jin whispers to my ears and I tip my head back to finish the last drop in the cup. That is exactly what I want to do tonight, have fun and hopefully forget about Taehyung, that asshole. I stand to my feet, heading to the kitchen to find a row of shots, ready to be dunked. I take one and another, inhaling it as I hiss from the burn that fills my throat. Hoping that 2 shots of whatever toxic I just devoured would make me tipsy enough to not care. I head to the dance floor, closing my eyes, feeling the bass coming from the loud music and starts to dance to the flow, flopping my hands around the air. 

I could feel a hand suddenly snaking around my waist. My vision blurry and I turn around, Taehyung?

My heart aches to see him right in front of me here. I am so mad at him for leaving me, but my drunken self-seems to think otherwise. I miss you. I pull him by his collar so his lips would meet mine, finally. I let myself melt into him, but his lips are rough and unfamiliar, I pull away, squirming my eyes to see better. Shit, of course, it's not Taehyung, I took a step away from the random dude as I mentally curse at myself for being an idiot. "Sorry." I mumble, my head spinning. I shove away the sweaty bodies trying to walk away from the dance floor to find where Jin Oppa is, but he is nowhere to be found and he is not in the living room anymore. Jungkook or Namjoon is not there either. I decide to find the bathroom and lock myself inside, I slide down with my back facing the door. I pull my phone out and press Taehyung's name on my phone, placing it to my ears. 

This time, the phone connects to a beep and not the robotic lady that I have been so accustomed to. parks a bit of hope that is still holding on for Taehyung. "Hello?" the sound of his voice on the other line brings me to tears, it sounded so foreign and distant. My voice unable to come out. "Y/n? Hello?" It's Taehyung, it's really him. "Y/n, answer me." but I stay silent as I sob through the phone. "I'm almost there, where are you in the house?" Taehyung says desperately and I could hear him cursing the driver for him to go faster. "No, I hate you Kim Taehyung. How could you? How could you leave and not even call or text me? Do you know how miserable I've felt this past week? How could you forget about me?" I frown and the bathroom starts to spin. Taehyung sighs on the phone, "Y/n... I didn't forget about you I never forgot about you, ever." at this point, I thought I was just drunk and hallucinating until someone started banging on the bathroom door. 

"Open the door y/n!" I hear from both the phone and outside the door.

No way. I force myself to my feet to turn the lock. The door burst open and Taehyung is standing there, my eyes must be playing tricks on me again. He steps closer and I step back, our eyes met and my heart drops. It's him, it's really Kim Taehyung. The pair of warm browns I fell in love with and the pair of browns that I used to get lost in. This time too. 

"It's me, I'm here." His hair covered in sweat as his chest rise and fall, studying my face. 

Tears start forming in my eyes, I miss him. I took a step forward. My mind racing, not sure if I should let him hold me or be angry at him for ignoring my texts. My finger brushing his cheeks and Taehyung fixes his soft gaze on my features as he clutches my wondering hand. "I miss you." He let out a whisper, enough for me to hear. 

Me too. 



"What do you mean the flight's delayed?" I glare at the lady in charge of the tickets. Just as I thought, America isn't as enjoyable as I predicted. Being near my father is the worst and his house it way too big for the both of us, it's ridiculous. I knew I should have booked a ticket for the next flight right away, but somehow I couldn't, the words from y/n keep on rewinding in my head. She wants me to leave and I'll make her proud of me. But I exploded after hearing my father deciding to get married again, as much as I don't care about my father, still, it's shocking and bothersome. What about mom? I know it has been such a long time, but the thought of my own father fucking another woman is so aggravating. It was already the 4th day in the US and I spent the whole day searching for a plane ticket back to Seoul. To y/n. God, I miss her. I have been trying so hard to reach her, but she didn't read my texts neither did she answer my calls. I had to replace my phone, thinking that I broke it. But it turns out she just hates me. I was going crazy without her. It felt like my temper was just all over the place. I couldn't find any other flight. My only option was one that leaves for another 2 days. 

And so here I am.

Waiting for the flight for another hour, which honestly felt like 5 hours. The plane takes 24 hours and I couldn't sleep the whole flight, thinking of a way to apologize to y/n. How could she ignore me for a fucking week, when I couldn't even stand not seeing her for a day. When I arrive at Seoul, it's in the evening. I pull out my phone and dial Jimin's number as I get into a taxi. "Hello."

"Jimin, it's me." I say, "Tae? Taehyung?"


"Holy shit! Bro, where the heck have you been?" I could hear the booming music from the background.

"Uh... America?"

"That's not it, you haven't been picking our phone calls and y/n have been worried sick about you."


"I'm not answering your calls? You guys are the one not answering my calls! Anyways how is y/n doing?" 

"Yeah, we called you a thousand of times. Y/n looks terrible, she just lost it Tae. Are you still in America?"

My chest clenches, "I'm in Seoul, I just arrived."

"You left America?"


 "Shit Tae. Okay, come to my house right now, I am having a party and y/n's here, you two can talk. It's her birthday tomorrow, I'm pretty sure you already know that."

"Fuck Jimin, of course I know. I'll be there in 20." I say and hung up. I press in y/n's number, but my phone lit up before I could press the green button. Someone's calling me. I pick it up. "Hello?" all I could hear is sniffs and weeping sound. Y/n? "Y/n? Hello?" It must be her.

"Y/n, answer me." my chest throbs at the sound of her sobbing through the phone.

"I'm almost there, where are you in the house?" I say to her. "Fucking hurry the fuck up!" I yell at the driver, he nods and speeds up. I finally reach the house, I tip the driver and open the car door, heading to wherever she is, I can find her, I know where she is.

"No, I hate you Kim Taehyung. How could you? How could you leave and not even call or text me? Do you know how miserable I've felt this past week? How could you forget about me?" I sigh, she is drunk. "Y/n... I didn't forget about you I never forget about you, ever." I pass through a bathroom with the door closed. I know right away she is inside there, curling up like a ball thinking she doesn't belong here. I bang on the door, "Open the door y/n!" I hear the lock slowly clicks and I open up the door. Finding y/n in front of me, her eyes red with the visible dark circles under her eyes. My eyes went to her dress that is way too short for her and back to meet her eyes. I took a step forward and she steps back, her eyes still studying my face. "It's me, I'm here."

She came closer, feathering her fingers on my cheek as I stare into her beautiful eyes, slowly grabbing her hand. It's as if the rest of the world had just gone silent and it's just us. Lost in each other. 

"I miss you." I tell her as I see the tears forming in her eyes. She didn't reply. 

"Only A week without me and look at you y/n." I tease, but in reality, I couldn't even stand a day without her. She slides her hand away with an annoyed pout. "How could you not reply to my texts?" 

"What do you mean? You are the one not replying to my texts y/n."

Her head perks up, "What?" and sniffs. "I did send you texts, every day when I'm there, but you didn't reply or read any of them," I say

"I didn't receive any of it." she shook her head. I'm here now and that is what matters. I just want to drag her out of here so I could sleep with her small hands around me. 



Waking up with heavy eyelids and a throbbing head. Shouldn't have drink that much. I froze when I could feel hands around my waist and feel heavy breathing just right below my neck. I wiggle out from whoever this guy is and he groans. I knew right away that I am in Taehyung's place. I wreck my brain to remember what exactly happened yesterday. I glance over at the person sleeping and I am in utter shock to see Taehyung laying there in bed with me. Am I still drunk? I ask myself not believing my own eyes. No way Taehyung's here.

My heart still aches at the sight. So is the person I kissed yesterday really Taehyung?

Taehyung's eyes flicker open, noticing my shocked expression. "That's the best sleep I have since I arrive in Seoul." he yawns and stretches. I furrow my eyebrows. "Why are you here?" my question comes out mean, but I need to know. Taehyung frowns, "Well, it's my place."

"No, why are you in Seoul?" I ask him. 

"I came back here yesterday."

I sigh and stand on my two feet. "Where are you going?" Taehyung asks.

"Back home."

"But your home is with me." he says, his voice strained.

"You can't do this Taehyung, you can't just suddenly appear one day and expect things to be the way that it used to be." I tell him and my head throbs. "Sit down, you are going to fall." Taehyung says with worry as he sits up.

"Stop it!" I snap. "Stop being like this Taehyung. How could you? How could you just leave me at the airport without saying goodbye? Why didn't you text me or maybe call me?" my voice cracks at the end and tears are already forming in my eyes. "I miss you like crazy every single day and it's driving me nuts!" I pull the roots of my hair.

"Y/n... I can explain and I did text you, every single day, but you didn't reply back." Taehyung explains.

"So you are blaming me?"

"No, fuck, it's not like that, maybe it's just that our texts are not delivered to each other."

I open his door and sit on the sofa, bringing my knees to my chest. I let it all out, the aches and the missing. I hear Taehyung's feet padding towards me. "We won't work Taehyung."

"What are you talking about?" panic is visible in his voice.

"We keep on hurting each other and it's not fair for the both of us." I say, trying to calm my sobs. Taehyung sits down beside me. "You can't end this y/n, we have been through so much you can't, fuck y/n, I need you, I fucking need you, you don't understand, you must think I am having fun myself in America, but it has been nothing but hell for me there without you. Fuck having a good relationship with my father, I can't even think straight. I miss you, y/n." Taehyung's eyes turn red and glossy. "Taehyung..." my voice calm but concerned with him shedding a tear in front of me. "You can't live without me either y/n, I know you need me too."

"I do." I admit, reaching my fingers out to wipe his tears. I wrap my arms around his neck and I could feel him relax at my touch. He buries his face in my shoulder and we stay like this for a little while. 

"Taehyung." I pull away from the hug and our eyes met. "Are you there at the party when I was dancing?"

"You were dancing?" his eyes widen in interest.

"Uh... yeah you're not there?"

"No... I came and you are in the bathroom."

"So who did I kiss yesterday then?"

"Kiss?" Taehyung's eyes darken. Oh no, I should've just shut up, now I'm digging my own grave. "Y/n, who did you kiss?"

"No, one! I don't know the guy." I defend and Taehyung stands up, pacing the ground with his hand on his hair. "What? So you are now going around kissing some stranger when I am not around? What else did you do? Fuck him?"

"Taehyung! You know I am not that kind of person! I was too drunk to realize anything yesterday and I miss you, so I thought it was you I was kissing, I really didn't mean to!"

"Still you kissed him! You shouldn't have gone to that party in the first place, you don't belong there."

Ouch, "So what am I suppose to do? Weep in my room for hours because I fucking miss you? Stare at my wall for hours until my eye feel tired because I can't fucking sleep a wink worrying about you? You are seriously so selfish Taehyung."

"Y/n." Taehyung frowns

"This is why we won't work, the minute we made up, we just fight again and hurt each other, we keep on doing this."

"It's not my fault that you kiss another guy."

I groan at his response. "Fine, it's my fault, it's my fault for letting you leave for America, it's my fault for giving you the chance that you obviously don't deserve."


Why is talking to him so tiring? I just can't get into his head. I stomp away angry and he grips my wrist, turning me to him. His lips slammed into mine and his tongue fighting for an entrance. "Kiss me y/n."

"Fucking kiss me!" he demands and I let him in, he knew so well that I wouldn't last long from his touch. I could feel his hands slither around my neck as he pulls away from the kiss. Feeling a cold tingle around my collarbone as I look down in reflex to see it. To my surprise, it's a silver necklace with two tiny rings around each other. My eyes widen while my fingers graze over the shiny piece of accessory. "Happy birthday, Baby." Taehyung kisses my forehead. "What is this?" confused and dumbfounded after yelling at each other.  

"A necklace, if you see it closely, there are our initials engraved on each of the rings." he grins, showing me his usual boxed smile. 

"Did you intentionally make me angry?" I raise an eyebrow. "Hmm, well the plan is to surprise you in a sweeter way, but that's way too boring." Taehyung shrugs and I smile. "I'm am seriously angry at you kissing other guys, though." he pouts and I give him a peck on the lips. "Thank you for the present, I really love it."

"Now can I give you the main present?" Taehyung says licking his lower lip. "There are more?" I ask him oblivious of his intention.

"You'll love it better." he takes my hand and leads me to his room. 





To be Continued

A/N: Another SMut next chapter ;) 

As always, don't forget to leave a vote if you like this chapter. (Or not lel)  

If y'all are wondering. This is how the necklace looks like. I LOVE IT OMGAH. 

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